Why are writers so obsessed with making him edgier and more morally ambiguous? Do they honestly side with Magneto over him?
Why are writers so obsessed with making him edgier and more morally ambiguous...
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It's because his power is mind control. It's real fuckin' hard to imagine a way making people do things without their consent won't look bad.
>Do they honestly side with Magneto over him?
Frequently, yes.
Xavier is supposed to be a Martin Luther King figure for mutants, but he's also a white dude.
You can't have a white MLK, too problematic.
It's easier to corrupt a paragon than to maintain one. They've turned every Marvel hero into such a villain that it's hard to tell who's the good guy or bad guy anymore...except for Thor.
He's always a good boy.
Xavier was always a piece of shit. Claremont tried to make him less shitty early in his run but got tired of him and sent to space to fuck his bird wife
Moral greyness is low hanging fruit. Its not *Bad*, but its the current equivilent to how the 90s tried to make its comics more appealing by making things dark and edgy.
Most comic writers are only mediocre and are under alot of pressure by their bosses to produce results, so they jump to the thing that they think is most likely to produce a positive effect on sales with the lowest chance of a negative reaction--- Hence writers are trying to ride the moral grey area train to keep sales from going negative despite it being played out (Not unlike how mangas have a tendency to devolve into battle mangas for this same reason)
Deconstruction. Also he's done shady shit all the way back even when Lee wrote him. Finally he's a guy with mind control powers who recruits teenagers into his private school/paramilitary, he's grey at best.
Jean does it quite frequently and the X-Men can't stop sucking her off and going on about how good of a person she is. Shit, when was the last time Emma or the Cuckoos got called out for this?
it's like the writers are running out of ideas.
Its not unlike how they made Cyclops an insane egomaniac to shill wolverine.
But Wolverine was at his most popular when Slim was a boy scout, in fact being the rebel to Scott's yes sir is what made him so popular with edgy kids. I think you got your dynamics wrong.
Jean didn't do nothin
Easy drama points.
Big reason the X-Men've been a mess for a decade plus is they need Chuck to keep some sense of organization into the group, but everyone wants that easy "hard man making hard choices." shit.
So you have never read X-Men Legacy?
Of course AvsX really rehabilitates him imo since he comes off as sane compared to Cyclops.
The X-men have been a mess for as long as they have because editorial wants them to be a mess
Xavier's dream was for the acceptance or mutants, for their peaceful integration into human society. The middle-aged white men that write the books look at the real world, notice that real minorities don't seem to want integration and assimilation, so the X-Men now side with Magneto, for segregation and a mutant ethnostate, with the evil humans' hatred constantly dialled up to justify it.
typical mutie
I didn't say it WORKED, its just what they're doing for the same reasons.
>Why are writers so obsessed with making him edgier and more morally ambiguous?
Back in the sixties, he was originally going to be the twist bad guy.
Optimism, positivity and heroism are for queers. Moral ambiguity and mindless pessimism is for cool and smart adults like myself.
Is Emma checking out Logan's ass?
He's always been awful, Magneto was at least honest about his methods
How does that make sense when at this point Logan is the guy who most often sides with Xavier?
Him being an asshole also underlines ideas about making the next generation better than the past one
Don't assume malice where incompetence is enough of an explanation.
> Wolverine getting top billing again.
What a surprise!
Magneto is honest about what he does, Xavier says pretty thing upfront but do all kinda shady behind your back like lobotomizing dangerous muggas, go back in time to turn their parent gay to erase someone from existence, brainwash people so he can get his way...etc
How many cute teenage girls has Logan mentored now?
But why do writers think that Magneto is this brave noble hero when he's actually tried to commit genocide multiple times?
Because the writers don't understand that Magneto is an asshole with a persecution complex.
I mean, there's a reason that the Brotherhood/Acolytes never really work as a team like the X-Men do. Despite his charisma, he's a shit leader who burdens himself with most of the weight so he can go "A-bloo-bloo-bloo, no one has suffered as I have" later.
>Why are writers so obsessed with making him edgier and more morally ambiguous?
Reminder that in X-Statix he was really invested in the sexual life of mutants.
Because Jewneto has his free get out of jail victim card. In the old time, his origin creates some intresting contrast to his motivation and action but nowadays you cant be a bad person with that card or niggas will start crying
You mean SOME minorities don't want to assimilate because they have a misguided view that this means "betraying" their race.
Others, like asians or italians, have zero issues with this.
>Shit, when was the last time Emma or the Cuckoos got called out for this?
Current UXM
Jewn never gets called out though. Cause she is the secred cow
You want me to mentor them? I'd really enjoy to have such an army.
Because Minorities nowadays admire and love Malcom X while seeing Dr. King more as a naive fool.
Xavier can never be right. His dream is just a fantasy that will never happen. Mutants and baseline humanity are destined to fight each other until one race overall prevails and either succeeds humanity or prevents the next evolutionary mutation from flourishing. You can laugh about how Magneto or Steven Lang are crazy fanatical extremists that borderlines on championing Racial Supremacism. However, they are really just two sides of a Darwinian struggle that has continued on in humanity's evolutionary path towards survival since history has written sources recording such events.
Lang, in particular, is a fairly believable and realistic character that personally affirms mutants are a superior species to humanity, at least in the purely biological sense, akin to the Neanderthal, physically superior to Sapiens in every measure. And this is precisely why the conspiring mutant is a threat to human existence, as were the other Hominids the Sapiens managed to outlive. Yet, he still takes humanity's side in the evolutionary struggle, standing by the "weaker" race. Species loyalty will always be an admirable quality, regardless of the circumstances.
Its a fallacy to view the dissapearance of neanderthals due to home sapiens, it was environmental issues that caused them to dissapear, not competition from sapiens.
Hell, red hair is most probably from cross breeding between the two.
because people believe in redemption
It's as much a fallacy to say Mutants and Humans will eventually wipe each other out, being that most mutants have Human parents. Fucker wants people to fight a war against their own kids or grandkids.
The only times Xavier wasn't morally grey were in the 90s cartoon and the Fox films
>integrating and not just ghettoizing neighborhoods/shopping districts
So basically the writers are shit people who would use this power for evil so they think he should, too.
while the sketchy vietnamese corner store owner is a meme, a good amount of the upperclass in america is asians now due to them assimilating and trying to "Blend" into the US by working hard at education and business.
Its because its hard to use this power in a non-morally evil way.
Even using the power against villains is still stealing someone's free will. Most people would accept it because the situation called for it and the villains forfeited their rights to not have it used against them, but people still will obsess over mind controlling someone for a good reason as morally grey.
That's very dim view you hold of humanity, friend.
A big problem with superhero settings is that powers are quite unequal. For every Magneto there is 10 guys with a third leg. There needs to be standardization for any real mutant society to form, a baseline to work on
Or they can go full Senator armstrong
Probably his personal army of child soldiers.
The man can easily use his powers to avoid conflict by altering other people's thoughts, but he believes that its more ethical to send under-18s to put their lives at risk instead. That is morally ambiguous.
Dumb wop, go wear your guinea tee somewhere else with your greasy dago mustache
He always was?
god i wish i had mind control powers so i could just get one hot girl to fuck me.
Actually one of his least evil things there.
they retconned the danger room from being just a cool training room to literally being an enslaved and sentient alien robot intelligence that he was knowingly keeping enslaved to train his child soldiers rather than freeing it.
Professer Chuck X could easily be like
>M I N D Q U A D
She had sex with two of his students, I'd say she got even.
Or maybe because the humans flip the switch so much on mutant rights that it feels like the humans are just waiting for “Mutant incident #9999” to happen so they can get rid of the constitution and start making giant death droids to kill more people than 1 evil mutant can in 5 minutes.
Because Magneto is not a fool. Humans will never like mutants. And civil actions and political process don’t work either. We’ve seen this in tons of comics.
Magneto is right.
I still gotta wonder how the fuck they do that shit.
The government can't even get enough money to build a wall with mexico, how the FUCK are they managing to get enough senators to vote for the billions to make giant collateral damage sentient death machines? Someone has to PAY for these things, they're like 100 tanks piled together in cost.
I side with Magneto, why wouldn't writers?
Also his power is literally deception and manipulation.
>Its not unlike how they made Cyclops an insane egomaniac
This literally never happened outside of bad characters claiming it had.
He is an old rich white man. He is only evil
The people making the movies literally said they thought he was a "limousine liberal" and basically hated him because he had the audacity to be rich and white.
Weird how even though Xavier runs a school and wears good clothing, we don't see him express the riches from his old money family. He's also so out of place compared to the hellfire club
Dude his Silver Age comics boiled down to "believe Professor X even if it sounds dumb because he always knows what's right". He was always working behind the X-Men and is resposible for bringing back to life some of the X-Men's worst villains.
Malcom X has always been loved. Fucking idiot kid. DO they not teach you anything in school anymore?
But he is bald, isn't it the same?
Is he really in that great of shape or is mentally manipulating everyoen to believe he's in that great of shape? But then again he did fall in love with a hot alien chick. Can't be a doughy bald nerd and pull that one off.
This, Xavier has literally always been an asshole. Cyclops probably has twenty different inferiority complexes from the way Xavier shat on and undermined him in the early days.
>morally ambiguous
You mean writers want Prof. X to be The Chief?
You can't have an adult mentor for teenage heroes anymore without them being evil and manipulative assholes.
Just look at what's happening to Batman.
He mentored a teenager who's parents were murdered and let him take his high tech ninja suit out to fight crime in the future?
>Do they honestly side with Magneto over him?
leftist ideolize violent revolutions usually ....
Since Prof. X is known for doing evil shady shit while pretending to be a good guy do you think Magneto does heroic shit out of the view of the rest of the Brotherhood
>Rescues cats from trees
>Diverts a river so a drought ridden village could have water
>Disarms and entire minefield so kids wont get blown up
>Does this with no regard for mutations, helps everyone equally
Fuck Batman!
Probably, but he'd likely rationalize it to himself as saving potential future mutants, do remember he has an obsession with that kinda thing.
Mags is all about the betterment of mutantkind, he'd do as much good for them as he would bad against normies
>it was environmental issues that caused them to dissapear, not competition from sapiens.
>Hell, red hair is most probably from cross breeding between the two.
Magneto changes his tactics and tries to fuck us to death when. If he offered human a cute waifu/husbando we'd roll over and die in a few decades
>just one
Try all of them. And then you'd make them desire it strongly as a hook-up/one off thing so that you aren't being an asshole.
Well Malcom X was more of realist and he had good points.
>Why are writers so obsessed with making him edgier and more morally ambiguous?
>Xavier is supposed to be a Martin Luther King figure
Lel, maybe they have to make Xavier more of a cunt as more and more about MLK Jr. becomes public kowledge.
Yes lets all believe a headline with no author or publication source
user, the writers choose to make it this way, to try and justify writing stories that are pro-racial segregation, and support killing everyone that doesn't like you, because that will make people start liking you.
Are you literally retarded? All you have to do is google "martin luther king laugh rape" and you'll get news articles across the world from this story coming out. You should be ashamed that you didn't hear about this already.
And even if you dismiss this one as being true there's stacks on this guy from before this story.
Basically he was a bisexual commie grifter adulterer that loved his orgies.
Oh, and a plagiarist.
x-men had an anime?
Two of them, it had a Wolverine solo series as well
>he was a bisexual commie grifter adulterer that loved his orgies.
And you definitely sound like a trust worth source with no bias, agenda or slant
Hilariously, the source is the FBI.
It was fine at first. Looking back, his actions and attitude are super suspect. In addition to his powers, as others have mentioned. However, much like Magneto being a good guy and Cyclops being a shit, bad authors took a concept and ran it into the ground.
That’s marvel comics thing obviously
This was never really true for the OG X-Men, though. We forget that fucking Angel was considered the freak of the team before Beast got the blues (grey) and Kurt showed up. Even then, these furry guys got tons of pussy. It was only years and years later the concept of horribly disfigured or boring mutants showed up, particularly in Morrison’s work. The best we had before that were the Morlocks, who actually disfigured themselves via Masque.
While it may be an interesting concept for their to be useless mutants and kinda maybe realistic, it completely undermines our super attractive and cool powered heroes
How many times do we have to tell you? THERE ARE NO GOOD MUTIES!!!
If I were writing the X-Men, I'd have Xavier being controlling as the result of losing his brother and being powerless over the situation. However he'd be aware of that and addressing it by taking "control" of the lives of others as a teacher and father figure in order to help them better their lives.
Magneto on the other hand would have his genociding supremacist mindset as a result of his childhood in nazi Germany. He'd consider himself not human (in a good way) and a hero until someone would point out at the climax of the series that he is acting like a nazi, that he is a bitch for substituting his mindset for that of his tormentors (ubermench ideology) and that he is generally acting too human. Also the government would send bioengineered creatures after him instead of Sentinels. They'd call them biominations but he'd call them counterfeit mutants.
>The good Xavier tries to change the situation with subtle and indirect methods
>The evil Magneto tries to change the situation with public and direct methods
There's a certain irony here as both mutants loathe eachother's approach even though they would better serve their agendas. The good mutant could win the public over by being visible while the bad mutant could work on his schemes unopposed. He'd be disturbed because he would regard them as humanity trying to sidestep and combat evolution.
>do jews really side with the obvious Jew Revenger character?
Yeah, they do
There literally are no popular superheroes who weren’t made by Jews.
no need to get uppity
I won't pretend I know what the fuck is going on with post 2005-X-Men but I've been rereading the Claremont era and she does get called out on it on the one instance I remember her doing it.
Another source without bias, agenda or slant, (at the time run by a very non-degenerate WASP individual who truly valued american life and values btw)
in the first run he's literally a villain
That doesn’t make that post any less valid. Mags is a genocidal terrorist who is directly responsible for all the bad press the X-Men get
the fuck
is professor X ripped
Why wouldn't he be ripped?
What’s hilarious is that in the 60s people thought so little of women that no one cared at the time.
I liked the Logan movie's change where it was the professor who destroyed the mutants, not a mind controlled Logan
Logan was such a good sendoff to the X-Men series, fuck Apocalypse and Phoenix
It's actually "telepathy".
This, pretty much.
>Is he really in that great of shape
He is. He's been shown exercising himself pretty hard to stay in shape.
Why is he taking such high doses of steroids, and if he's just willing his body to be that fit with his mind powers why doesn't he just will his legs to work?
>believing CIA's lies
Writers are too retarded to write a white dude with a power set like his without making him seem like an asshole. As if a benevolent mind controller is somehow impossible.
She turned ice man gay, and not even the cool kind (ironically)
A bunch of wealthy out of touch jew parasites hating on a noble white dude. Nothing new.
Alternate reality Jean, though.