Welcome to Batburger, home of the Batburger. Every second Robin toy comes with a crowbar conversion tool

Welcome to Batburger, home of the Batburger. Every second Robin toy comes with a crowbar conversion tool.

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Please tell me you have the Kite Man toy. This is the third place I've stopped at.

I'm sorry, xir, but we don't sell'em since before i was born.

Am I still in time for Bat Breakfast with Batcakes, Hush Browns, Scrambled Eggheads and a side of Pyg Strips?

Hell Yeah

Sir, it's 10PM right now so i'm pretty sure it's... how do i put it? LATE.

But Batburger is only open at night!

and that's why we don't serve breakfasts anymore. Too much confusion.

Okay. I tried being reasonable. It looks like alternate measures are called for...

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Planet Krypton is better you plebs

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Sir, i would highly suggest to put your penis back inside the confines of your pants. Your order Joker Holes will be done in 5.

Ho, brave mortals! Odinburger provides thee with refreshments fit for a god! Mighty food for a worthy price!

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If you have any complains about the quality of service you can talk with the manager or leave a complaint on www.bburgers.com

Have you honestly ever seen the sun in Gotham, seriously.

SECURITY! We have an advertisement of a rival brand right here!

NAY! This cannot be! 'tis a free country!!

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It might be a free country, but you're on private property

they just have to stick their noses into everything don't they?

Yeah, fucking russian commie scum

I want a Batburger ongoing series and I want it now.

This seems unsanitary

I fucking love Batburger. Feels like something out of Batman Incorporated