ITT: Ugly character designs

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Hating Bradley Uppercrust the 3rd

>Hating any character in an Extremely Goofy Movie

What's it like being devoid of all things I appreciate in life user it must be depressing

Your favorite character


"Ugly" can be an objective trait, not an opinion or a criticism.


Literally me

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I don’t understand this fucking show
Some characters look human, some look like animals, some are inhuman, some are niggers
It’s like no one in the studio understood what they were trying to do

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I don't really have much Yea Forums related uggos. But I think the two peeps to the little goth's right fit the bracket.

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I also have this.

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Whatever I like is good.

Whatever you like is bad.

that's daffy's best look though

I don't really care for the designs in Star VS. It's mostly the eyes bugging out of their heads.

dude dont make fun of me

Color doesnt matter = race doesnt matter

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>Starts looking and dressing like she was 10-years old again
Damn, that's one early midlife crisis

I like the implication of how despite creating a world of multicolored people of yellow, purple, green, etc, the artists still felt the need to give the main character a black best friend for diversity reasons.
Like, they could've just made him be any rainbow color to have him fit in the world and have him be black-coded, like Skeeter from Doug or Garnet from SU. But no, they seriously decided to make him straight up black

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I think the character designers just didn't know how to keep her signature traits and still adapt her. So, they didn't even try.

He was a pretty underrated Disney villain. Kinda like the 80s high school antagonist route they with him. Plus he had a lot of good reaction pics.

don't be jelly of me

She's the 2nd most attractive character in that show tho (right after Hekapoo)

They couldve but may as well just straight up make him black so theres no room for argument. Black-coded stuff tends to spark a bunch of discussions I think.

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What is this, amateur hour? And this isn't even the ugliest thing Nick did at the time. Back then gross was an aesthetic.

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Ugly as fuck even by Nick standards

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Ginger is cute... CUTE

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If only her mouth had been like that. Never got why that studio always made the characters so weird in their shows.


That and the weird eyelashes on the botto

Eh, some people do that shit in real life with makeup. I think it probably wouldn't look as weird if their eyes were actual set into sockets rather than those flat faces

always hated the designs in both goofy movies. most of them dont even look like dogs

Her eyes are weird

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>Never got why that studio always made the characters so weird in their shows.

Their people rejected Jesus Christ, the Logos. Part of being at war with Logos is a hatred of beauty.

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Klasky-Czupo makes everything better/disgusting

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Came into this thread expecting stupid bait but I'm surprised.

>hatred of beauty
Not quite. They wanted their shows to be that way because they felt that beauty was overrated and they wanted to show everyone that not everyone has to be beautiful.

I mean, look at the Simpsons

You expect them to directly tell you that they hate beauty? They probably don't even realize it themselves. They just instinctively gravitate towards ugliness. It's why all post-modern art is shit.

Dude have you SEEN her hips

How long have you been at this?

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Are characters like this considered ugly. Pic-relared has half of her eye off her face but she's still cute.

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They look better in 2D art.

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>you're the eyelash in my eye

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Yes, that's the joke.

is this thread for actual bad design or just an excuse to dump characters your dick doesn't appreciate? Looking ugly sometimes is the whole point of the show. especially all the ren&stimpy knock-offs

>whole point
Doesn't change the fact that the design is ugly.

they can look cute at times

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Every single character in this godforsaken show.

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at least in Doug the made the black coded friend greenish blue.

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Oh shit, people had already pointed that out on this thread. I have apported nothing to this conversation. Or society in general.

Literally me.

it could have been cool in a ghost world kind of way

Memes aside this is a pretty dapper look, fits daffy perfectly

That's hardly a butterface.

Well according to it is.

People can be wrong.

Stop being rude to me