Now that the quips have settled, what did we think of zack snyder's DCEU? Would it have been kino had snyder got his way?
Zack snyder's dceu
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BvS is unironically among my favorite capeshit movies, and i believe that his plans would have been good. Maybe they wouldn't be a big box office success, but they'd be interesting.
Either way, that's in the past now.
I find Zack Snyder pathetic because even after all this time he's STILL fucking talking about this movie/his vision on twitter and refuses to move on.
What's the problem with a guy talking about a past project, specially when people ask him about it?
Back to Yea Forums with you.
Dceu is Yea Forums too retard.
>Would it have been kino had snyder got his way?
He did get his way for 2.5 films and they were all completely terrible so no.
The #ReleasetheSnyderCut fanboys are the fucking worst. Make me even more embarrassed to be a DC fan with them spamming their shit everywhere and at anyone.
I liked it a lot though I prefer Man of Steel. Batman rescuing Martha Kent is still one of the fucking greatest things ever.
My issue with BvS was that they rushed things. They rushed the characters meeting and a whole bunch of situations in order to adapt dialogue and scenes from comics. The one movie has Batman being introduced, Superman and Batman meeting, a second Superman movie crammed in there, introducing Diana, Diana meeting everyone, Superman and Batman fighting using the Dark Knight Returns dialogue, Lex Luthor, Doomsday, The goddamn Death of Superman...these are things that should have been stretched out for a few movies so that they could have impact. It felt like they were trying to catch up with Marvel but they didn't want to invest the time, and not going to say put in the work because it was an ambitious movie. But the pace and timing weren't right.
It was a garbage fire for edgelords who think they're smarter than anyone because they like to subvert shit.
That Snyder goes on and on about his plans still shows he's some teenage girl who still isn't over Warner Brothers dumping him. Pathetic.
He backed out when his daughter killed herself. Thats why Whedon finished.
Superman spewing one liners and using freeze breath just screams Whedon and it's awesome. that's muh Superman.
Snyder wanted us to feel bad when Superman died, but also wanted to tease Superman going evil and taking over the world with Darkseid. The fucking retard tried to pretend Superman “showed us the best parts of himself” while planning to go full Injustice with him. Snyder you stupid son of a bitch, you can either make Superman Jesus or you can make him a weak-willed faggot who is one dead Lois away from taking over, but you can’t do both you goddamn fucking moron. His Superman was a fucking mess of a character, he couldn’t even do a Superman turns evil story correctly. I’m only thankful that he ruined the big Batman vs Superman story for normies because I am fucking tired of that shit. Pissed as hell theyre benching Superman because of Zack the Hack’s incompetence, I want to fucking see Brainiac on the big screen.
Oh well, least I won’t have to see that shrill faggot Eisenberg pretending to be Lex Luthor. What a fucking embarrassment that choice turned out to be.
Shit on Whedon all you want, but he had that scene where Bruce admits Clark was more human than Bruce was. That was a legitimate great scene, better than all of Snyder’s pretentious Jesus faggotry. If Whedon has been in charge of JL from the start it would’ve been a better film. Not a great film but a decent one.
The only thing i remember watching his movies was that i couldnt see shit
Didn't it turn out his daughter had died like a year before he left the movie?
>but he had that scene where Bruce admits Clark was more human than Bruce was
That has always been a stupid line, that only serves to character wank Superman.
>Would it have been kino had snyder got his way?
no it wouldn't've have been snyder only makes cool looking scenes then makes a half pass plot around it and then rushes through the plot to land at his cool scenes. None of his movies have any coherent plot and even when they have one premade and all he has to do is move it to the big screen he still fucks it up watchman sucks, 300 is incomprehensible, sucker punch literally has no plot and owls of ga'hoole, a children's movie has no plot as well. He's one of those dude bros who saw one other dude bro try directing and thought "hey I can do that too" and used nepotism to get his way
How can anyone be so wrong? I'm talking about you, by the way, before you get my post wrong too.
But i liked 300 His DCEU movies are shit though
You don't need to stretch events all so you can milk movies. There's nothing wrong with the Trinity members meeting one another in a single movie where one of them dies.
better him than batfaggot.
Of course it had to be a dumb Superman fanboy that only cares about character wanking the character as the best of the very best.
Snyder has literally always been a hack and DC destroyed their brand for a generation of fans because they were money-hungry.
Zack Snyder was a mistake.
you might want to check the reviews for his movies bud it's general consensus and fact that he makes shitty movies and only got so high in warner bros due to nepotism
It's also general consensus by reviewers that the female version of Ghostbusters was a great movie too.
no it isnt it got a 5.2 on imdb and a 50 percent audience rating on rotten tomatoes which is worse than snyder movies so your point falls apart stop trying to act like the masses have no idea what's good because it's shown time and time again that they do
The masses is one thing, critics are another.
I never based my arguments off of what critics thought and nothing in my post implied that I did stop arguing in bad faith if you don't have a rebuttal dont reply
>you might want to check the reviews for his movies bud it's general consensus
Come on.
How is it a stupid line dumbass? Clark grew up on a farm, went to college, and got a 9-5 job. That’s more “relatable” then “fucking mastered EVERY field of science ever, traveled the world and mastered EVERY martial art ever, went home to billion dollar mansion and had the CEO of my billion dollar company help me build a fuckton of tech”. Clark is the hero of the working class while Bruce is the blue blood aristocrat. You might not like it, but I’ll take that over Snyder’s shitty Jesus imagery any day of the week.
>Batfag whining about character wanking
Ok kiddo why don’t you go jerk off to Injustice or the DKR again?
I like a lot of the Man of Steel movie but when he has Sups break Zod's neck, that was a bridge too far for me. After that all I could see was the edginess that Snyder had made with BvS. Snyder so desperately wanted a dark and edgy tail but DC is not dark and edgy. He completely missed the boat about what these characters are and his version dersives to die. His version of JL should never see the light of day IMO.
Because Bruce also went to a school, to a college, did some travels, have a job, and so on. Not to mention that Bruce also is a very compassionate and noble person despite his tragic past and distant demeanor.
And if you're going to complain about the bullshit-y things associated with Batman as a hero, you might as well do it about Superman too, who's not only the most powerful being in the galaxy despite being just a random alien, but also the most respected and beloved hero in all of the universe who's existence is literally the centerpiece of everything.
>Clark is the hero of working class
Sorry, but he can't be that when he's the MOST RESPECT AND BELOVED IN ALL EXISTENCE! Either he is the face of everything, or the working class hero. For him to represent the working class there has to be a margin of marginalization to him.
>but DC is not dark and edgy
DC is the king of edge. Ever since the 70's they've been trying to be the hip and cool publisher, and not your daddy's publisher like they feel people see them as.
>what did we think of zack snyder's DCEU?
killed DC movies for another generation
I just can't see DC that way. DC should inspire hope. No matter how many comics I read when I think of Superman I think of the Christopher Reeve movies. DC should be wholesome and the small part that ventures into the dark should belong only to Batman and Justice League Dark (and surrounding characters).
>you might as well do it about Superman too, who's not only the most powerful being in the galaxy despite being just a random alien, but also the most respected and beloved hero in all of the universe who's existence is literally the centerpiece of everything.
DCEU Superman sure as hell wants either of those, dude was a massive fuck up.
>>Clark is the hero of working class
>Sorry, but he can't be that when he's the MOST RESPECT AND BELOVED IN ALL EXISTENCE! Either he is the face of everything, or the working class hero. For him to represent the working class there has to be a margin of marginalization to him.
Are you fucking retarded? Being well-loved has NOTHING to do with which social class you represent you dumbass. Clark chooses to identify with the common people unlike aristocrats like Bruce and Ollie.
I dunno I feel some superwank is needed especially since the two most recent Superman movies were made by a man who not only fundamentally misunderstands the character and what made him so popular for 8 decades but seemed to have genuine disdain for him
reviews doesnt mean critic ones there's audience based reviews and in a previous post I referred to them. Putting words in the mouths of people then disproving them is called arguing in bad faith stop doing it
>DC should inspire hope.
Oh shut up you fucking retard. What does that even mean? Every story should just be a feel-good sage space where there are no stakes? Then that means no DCAU or animated movies. No comic book storylines that actually matter because user here wants his story full of buzzwords to compensate for his worthless life in reality.
You can be the working class hero when you're the king G of the whole setting, user. Even King Arthur stopped being a peasant when he pulled that sword out of the stone.
MoS and BvS was all about Superman being just a guy. Maybe that's why Superman fanboys hate it so much.
Basically how I feel. After two movies of Snyder showing how much contempt he has for the very idea of Superman and planning to have him go off the deep end and join Darkseid, Whedon needed to remind the audience that hey Supes isn’t some retarded Jesus allegory, but someone who feels and thinks the same way humans do because he was raised as one of us.
But if they were about “Superman just being a guy” then why did he give Clark Kent no character moments? That’s the biggest shame of those movies, it’s not the paper thin plots or the pseudo intellectual script or terrible camerawork odd casting choices and messy cgi. It’s that Clark was never a factor in any of it. It’s always him “struggling to be a god”
No, now fuck off.
Comics should be fun, should not inject any politics, be fun like when we were kids and most of all needs to understand their audience and stop catering to SJW's They don't read comics and never will.
>You can be the working class hero when you're the king G of the whole setting, user.
Good thing Supes isn’t a king then. He’s a reporter who has lived in places like pic related.
> Even King Arthur stopped being a peasant when he pulled that sword out of the stone.
Whereas Clark chose to continue his life amongst the masses of humanity. Do you even get how Superman works? He’s not someone who puts himself above us but someone who works to help humanity wherever he can. He’s more like a firefighter than ruler.
>Whedon needed to remind the audience that hey Supes isn’t some retarded Jesus allegory, but someone who feels and thinks the same way humans do because he was raised as one of us.
Whedon's Superman was nothing but a card-board cutout of what people think the ideal Superman should be like. He almost felt like a parody.
My biggest disappointment when I first saw MoS was how he skipped over all the Smallville and most of Clark growing up parts.
But they gave? Superman had several moments. It's just that came from both internal and external struggle.
When I was a kid Lex Luthor was President.
t. autistic manchild who can't handle how different things are and completely forgot how political comics like Captain America have always been
He's talking about Clark, not Superman.
You do realize that Clark is who Superman really sees himself as right? That schlubby guy who wants to move out of the farm and into the big city. All we saw in those movies was Superman hating having to be superman
Snyder is an edgelord faggot who somehow scammed DC and WB into believing people like his dumb shit
>Good thing Supes isn’t a king then.
Superman is the king of the DC Universe. He's the most popular, respected, and beloved hero of them all, not to mention the most important one both in-universe and in a meta sense. He's also the most powerful. He's pretty much Zeus.
Superman is the protector of the status quo. He's a maintainer. Like a king is.
>Superman is the king of the DC Universe.
You can't even name the universe without referencing Batman though. He's the D in DC.
Which is why I've never read Marvel and never will.
He's the D in the DC, yes, but he's also gets tons of flake. There's very little pompous and awe when it comes to him. He's the creepy and weird one that everyone in universe shits on. There's very little adulation when it comes to him. He's the guy that's hated, but gets the results.
He doesnt use Twitter.
>tfw no proper superman movie based off the animated series
Waste of Warner’s money and everyone’s time. The fact that Warner is working overtime to undo his overly edgy ‘Dragonball Z-but-with-Kryptonians’ shit and that audiences love Aquaman,Wonder Woman And Shazam shows how fucking stupid his shit was. And the fact that even Warner hates BvS and makes fun of it non-stop shows how little they hold to it.
I look forward to the time we get a Supes movie that washes the taste of Snyder’s shit. And I believe Robert Patterson’s Batman will be a huge improvement over Batfleck.
Doesn't matter. Only Yea Forums uses the phrase kino especially when regarding shitty movies.
Fuck zach snyder
Better than Joss Whedon? Sure. Good? Absolutely not.
Superman fanboys would hate it. They already hate DCAU because that Superman isn't as powerful and wholesome as they'd like. You've no idea how many times i've seen Superman fans say how much DCAU Supes suck because Dini and Timm were all Batman fanboys who didn't understood Superman and what he represent.
>Superman fanboys would hate it. They already hate DCAU because that Superman isn't as powerful and wholesome as they'd like.
I like the DCAU and I'm a Superman fanboy.
Hell, the DCAU is WHY I'm a Superman fanboy.
And they’re right.
He's Hades to Clark's Zeus. Pretty sure literally at one point.
Also I think you meant "flack"
The duality of man.
They are 100% to hate what Timm did to Superman. He had to make him weaker so Batfag could be the hero in every single encounter.
but that's correct, Dini and Timm hate superman
I told you. The majority of Superman fanboys are only ever happy with the canon they created inside their head.
Yes, i meant flack. Thank you. Still... Hades was the most unappreciated god in the pantheon.
It's TImm not us. He doesn't understand the character or even his superpowers. He should be banned from using him.
Same thing we thought the last 100 times, over the past 40 weeks, you have posted this question, especially on those days when you used the same picture.
He doesn't want to admit to the low number of followers he would have on twitter but that doesn't keep him from a fake account so he can read and follow the zackheads
You have to admit your defense against people who are mad that a movie sacrificed the development of Superman to build Batman is to point out how they are also pissed by how the dcau sacrificed Superman to build Batman is pretty weak. Though at least Timm understood what weight in a plot meant and gave us the best lex we could ever ask for, a voice actor who I might add would’ve been perfect to play alive action lex as well
>You have to admit your defense against people who are mad that a movie sacrificed the development of Superman to build Batman
They'd be stupid. Specially when Batman is the antagonist.
Batman has every right to want to take Snyder’s Superman our considering his first time as Superman was to fight against his own kind and it destroyed all of metropolise. Snyder dropped the ball hard doing everything to early, Zod was a movie to early, doomsday was a phase to early, darkseid and apocalypse was easily a franchise to early, hell as smart as it was to introduce Batman as an antagonist in a movie he should’ve been the antagonist in justice league, that way you Batman fags get your bat wank but it comes as a building block to the characters connections not as a half made Batman movie shoved into a poor mans recreation of death of Superman
This whole "done too early" is so fucking stupid. What is this? A movie or a TV series? And Batman was wrong the whole way through. That's the entire point.
How was he wrong? Superman always seemed so out upon by all those pesky mortals throughout his movies (Snyder made it a point by comparing us to fucking dogs in MoS) and proceeded to show that he could wipe us out on a whim if he so chose. The only way Snyder knew how to show Bruce was “wrong” was to show that Luther lead them both around by the nose for fucking years which also could’ve been interesting if he ever had a motivation that made sense (the ultimate cut showed he never had any real motivation)
>There's nothing wrong with the Trinity members meeting one another in a single movie where one of them dies
Yes there is. That's an inherently flawed premise of a JL prelude. You shouldn't cram DKR, DoS, and a half assed "Trinity War" story with hardly any Wonder Woman into one movie. All serving as the sequel to Man of Steel the ONLY movie they had out.
I'm saying that as someone who has fun watching BvS.
The whole point of DCEU Superman is that he's completely human. He's conflicted and fallible. He's trying his best but nothing is ever easy. That his responsibilities are bigger than his powers. HE BLEEDS!
Forget the comic arcs, because while the movie took some inspiration from the them it is a whole another beast. And what "Trinity War"? Are you crazy?
I didn't like the theatrical cut of BvS but the Ultimate Edition is one of my favourite capekino films of all time.
A Snyder-lead DCEU probably would've been better but I am not that much into his brown and grey style.
>The only way Snyder knew how to show Bruce was “wrong” was to show that Luther lead them both around by the nose for fucking years which also could’ve been interesting if he ever had a motivation that made sense (the ultimate cut showed he never had any real motivation)
Oh, you're one of those special types of dumb people that watched the movie without ever paying attention or thinking about what you just saw.
Yes user the imagery of constantly show lex with a fucking halo over his head was so genius and subversive it made up for the fact that the movie was complete dog shit. How does lex summoning darkseid to earth gel with his paper thin, never spoken, motivation that man doesn’t need gods?
Literally him bleeding was the closest Snyder ever came to making him a character. The movie ditched Clark Kent and if you don’t see why that’s the biggest problem with Snyder’s vision of Superman, than you have no real interest in the character.
This picture literally proves how great a movie BvS is. Change my mind. Pro tip you can't.
Okay, here. Take a look at pic related. Before the movie released Snyderfags and Snyder himself were all gushing about
And then Snyder talked about how Batman kills in TDKR... Except he fucking doesn't. Then after it came out all you heard was
Fucking pathetic. Someone post the image where it compared the interview and exactly what Snyder said, vs the comic that completely shows him to be wrong, and proves that he either was lazy and didn't actually read it and instead just looked at the pretty images. OR, he lied which in turn makes him a massive cunt.
What's the problem with Snyder getting a part of Dark Knight Returns wrong? This is pure pettiness.
Grant Morrison misremembered Batman: Son of the Demon thinking that Talia raped Batman, when in fact Talia married Batman, and this when he was trying to make that run canon to the mainline comics and you don't see people judging Morrison for it.
Zack Snyder is fine at recreating visuals but his absolute failure to comprehend the meaning underneath them makes him unqualified to make DC movies.
It's not about milking movies.
Its about not killing Superman in his second movie before anybody even cares. You have develop not just the story but the relationship with the audience. You have to give it time before you jump to events that need to have emotional impact, you cant rush that.
He didn't take responsibility for his wrongness, instead he decided to start saying that comics are shit and people who like them live in dream worlds and need to grow up. The man is a crotchety cunt.
It's literally the Trinity fucking with eachother and then two of them fighting until they all get together to get their ass kicked and one of them dies. It's a "Trinity War" and not the one from the comics.
Except that third image was drawn for a comic that came out AFTER BvS. And DKR should never have been the basis for your first Batman appearance in your cinematic universe.
>Yes user the imagery of constantly show lex with a fucking halo over his head was so genius and subversive
It's just a neat visual reference that highlights what the character is all about in the movie. Since you're so stupid to get something that was pretty much spelled in the movie i'll explain it to you.
Lex Luthor in the movie presented himself as a socially conscious entrepreneur that cared for the world and its plights, when in fact that was all a farce and the only thing he really cared about what gathering power. He believed that power couldn't be innocent, because for you to acquire and maintain power you had to fuck people over and that only fools believed in the PR bullshit that he sold. He learned this with his father who was a terrible dad both sold himself as a family man to investors and the media. So for him Superman was another phony who was fooling everyone with his good Samaritan act.
Morrison also didn't take responsibility with his wrongness, he blamed it on Superboy Prime punching the reality.
Trinity War is about Superman and Wonder Woman being a couple, something that freaked out the US government to the point of creating a parallel Justice League of their control to counter the original one and outside forces pitting both teams against each other by framing Superman as a killer. It has literally nothing to do with BvS.
Johns wrote Infinite Crisis
Oh Jesus Christ you actually liked this movie didn’t you? You’re not just shit posting, you actually believe that there was real weight to this movie. That’s super adorable, if all of that is true then why did Snyder have him summon darkseid?
Not really, no.
And Morrison used it to cover his mistake while making fun of the fans angry with what he had done.
Yes, i liked that movie. What gave it away, you fucking ass? And i for one paid attention to what was being shown instead of checking my phone or seething about things being different from my head canon.
>This is pure pettiness
No it's calling out someone for a complete lack of reading comprehension. It's a picture book for children and it's still too difficult for Zack Snyder.
>if all of that is true then why did Snyder have him summon darkseid?
Lex wanted more power. What drove him mad about Superman was that he felt that Superman was pulling an act, same as him, to win the support and adulation of the people, and the fact that Superman had the kind of power that he could simple steal or replicate. Not that he tried by tampering with Zod or making a bargain with Steppenwolf.
>WB tweets thing completely unrelated to capeshit
>all but one reply is about the fucking Snyder cut
Snyder fans are the Bronies of capeshit.
MoS- mediocre
BvS- kind of bad with some good ideas
Justice League- a genuine -/10
Grant Morrison did the same mistake. That's my point. Morrison wanted to make a certain comic canon, a comic that he was taking several things from to implement in his big run, but he misremembered most of the comic plot-beats and ended up fucking the whole point of said comic.
Why are you talking about Grant Morrison? I don't even like him. Grant Morrison is not an argument.
Because people treat what Snyder did as a great sin, when these type of things always happen in comic books and nobody says anything. That's why i called it pettiness.
It wasn't an origin story though. Batman had already been around for 10 and came to the correct understanding that they only true way to get rid of the bad guys is by killing them.
If you haven't read a comic you shouldn't use it as an excuse for why you did something, you will be called out on it.
The third image is from a comic that came out AFTER the movie you fucking casual
>but they'd be interesting
Zack Snyder in 2013:
>They say ‘Hey, do you wanna make a Superman movie?’ It’s like ‘I’m about to tear him down. I’m gonna kill him. I’m not interested in fixing him or making him interesting. He’s the enemy right now.'”
>I’m not interested in fixing him or making him interesting
BvS was great, though.
Your favorite movie killed the franchise
Franchises are a cancer on cinema. The only true merit in art comes from a single, complete movie. BvS toed the line between cinematic universe turds and an auteur's labor of love. In reaching completion it killed the franchise, thus showing the power of one man's vision.
Honestly, the movies main problem is that it is done with capeshit characters recognized as children's entertaining in a time where most capeshit movies are made to be fun and pure spectacle. BvS was an introspective movie where the big fights happen all in the third act and uses comic book characters in very different ways that people are used to seeing them. It was never going to please the majority of people.
>in very different ways that people are used to seeing them
What the fuck are you even talking about? What exactly did Snyder do that hasn't been done a hundred times before by better writers?
Isn't what the detractors say? That Snyder committed a sin against these characters by portraying them the way that he did? That his takes betray everything these characters stand for?
Name the things he did and I guarantee you there was a writer in the comics who did it first. Snyder doesn't have a single original idea in his head.
Do we know how Zack Snyder feels about Mr. Mind as a character?
It would have been shit.
MoS was a remake of Superman 2 and BvS was an odd adaptation of death of Superman. Hell his best movie, dawn of the dead, wasn’t written by him and his worst sucker punch was the weirdest piece of fetish bait anyone ever paid millions of dollars for
>sucker punch
God that was a great movie. Truly visionary. MoS was Snyders best movie. The cinematography alone was oscar worthy.
This. Remember when he floated in space and held his arms out like Jesus on the cross?
No. He's only good at adapting comics that already have his gritty deconstruction aesthetic baked into their original comic incarnation. When he slaps it onto something after the fact, it's really bad. Also.... good god, no fight scene needs to be as long as his fight scenes: they were like Peter v Chicken fights, but not (intentionally) funny. I mean, it IS possible to have extended action scenes without becoming boring as balls, but Snyder clearly doesn't know how.
MoS and BvS are not secret masterpieces, they are genuinely bad enough that even shit-eating normies expecting nothing more than the equivalent of a mindless Michael Bay flick can recognize it as bad. HOWEVER, I will give you that the original teaser-trailers for Man of Steel had heart and potential. Hadn't been that disappointing by a trailer bait-and-switch in a long time.
>in a time where most capeshit movies are made to be fun and pure spectacle.
It wouldn't have been better received even if it was released when superheroes were at maximum edginess like in the 90s/Early 2000s, because it's an objectively terrible movie. Hell, if it did release at those times, you can bet your ass it would've killed off that "edgy" phase single-handedly.
In all fairness, the Black-Edgy-Adaptation-Fever hadn't fully died down in 2013, and Marvel was frequently still getting called courageous for portraying their capeshit as unironically colorful, bright, and hopeful. The three Batman movies were still the biggest things to have come out of Capeshit, and the idea of copying the nolanverse model was still popular among at-least as many hollywood suits as copying the MCU-model.
It sort of DID kill the trend... it just should have happened earlier.
Fucking trash. Snyder is a barely literate director who failed to understand the basic tone and characteristics of superheroes that have been icons for decades.
Superman is constantly creating collateral damage with his big fights in comics, specially comic events filled with lots of death. Come on, user. This is a guy that debuted by wrecking a fucking vehicle.
He was making a Superman movie, not a Miracleman one. Who the fuck wanted a deconstructionist Superman film full of post-modernist crap? They're still making a movie to sell toys to kids. Snyder and all his pretentiousness is a fucking joke. An unfunny one. It's just sad.
Zack really ought to make a Miracleman movie. He'd be happy, the fans would be happy, Alan Moore would seethe and refuse to take money from it, everybody wins.
It's pathetic, especially considering his "holier-than-thou" attitude, as if he's ever cracked open a comic book in his life.
It’s all just unfitting and bad. Would still be.
It would be ironically too deep for him, he'd fumble themes left and right with little changes like he did with Watchmen while casuals call it faithful just because it's edgy and gritty.
Superman movies weren't cutting it anymore, that's why they decided to try a different approach by deconstructing the character for this post-9/11 landscape.
Sometimes... I wonder.
>deconstructing the character for this post-9/11 landscape
And in so doing creating an objectivist fable that hearkens back to Arthurian legend for existential geas.
>And in so doing creating an objectivist fable
Not really, no. There's nothing objectivist about it.
Uhh, Jonathan Kent is trying to protect his son, an exceptional individual, from government intervention? Questioning altruism as a virtue? Any of this ring any bells?
I was reading the Batman Golden Age Omnibus all of Saturday. Dude ended up killing the bad guy at the end of almost every early issue. And sometimes he'd make a comment about how the guy deserved it. And people complain about Ben Affleck's Batman killing people.
>The fucking retard tried to pretend Superman “showed us the best parts of himself” while planning to go full Injustice with him
You call him a retard while completely failing to understand Superman turning evil was a bad end potential future that was to be prevented by everyone coming together and overcoming their flaws and biases.
>you can either make Superman Jesus or you can make him a weak-willed faggot who is one dead Lois away from taking over, but you can’t do both
But that's literally how comics and cartoons treat it. Every time Lois dies, Superman either quits entirely, or turns dictator.
No. Sometimes i wonder what movies you guys watched to get such weird ideas. MoS ends telling us that Jonathan Kent always had faith that Clark would do the right thing and be something beneficent for the world. He just wanted to protect his son, so Clark could have the freedom to mature a bit before shouldering the enormous responsibilities he had ahead of him for who he is and represent. That's all. Something the movie portray as a bad move done by an overprotective father that was ill prepared to handle such an enormous situation, because it ultimately ended up scarring Clark and having the unintended effect of making Clark avoid everything.
>what did we think of zack snyder's DCEU?
Bland and uninteresting. Probably would have played better 2005-2009. Before anyone calls me a disney shill MCU is also bland and uninteresting just in a different way that is more accessible.
The problem isn't Batman killing people, which he did in the Tim Burton movies as well, but with the fact that Zack Snyder claims he got the idea from The Dark Knight Returns.
>but with the fact that Zack Snyder claims he got the idea from The Dark Knight Returns.
So? The guy couldn't remember a comic he read ages ago properly. Is that so bad?
user I don't think you understand. Saying Batman in The Dark Knight Returns killed people is like saying To Kill a Mockingbird was about a guy trying to kill mockingbirds. There comes a point where you just oust yourself as not having understood what you read if you ever read it at all, memory doesn't factor into it.
>You shouldn't cram DKR, DoS, and a half assed "Trinity War" story with hardly any Wonder Woman into one movie.
Then stop thinking them as direct adaptations of specific storylines, you autistic moron. Because they aren't. They take influences from the stories, they aren't directly adapting them.
If anything, Jonathan was always thinking about the bigger picture. He felt that Clark was being reckless for risking his life to help those in Smallville, because ultimately that was just a small rural town in America and thus of less importance, specially when Clark had the chance to eventually helping the entire world once he was an adult. Because if Clark kept exposing himself to help the people around as teen he could run the danger of being found by the goverment, and while that may be beneficial to the government and even the world in some context, it wouldn't be on Clark's own terms, but that of the government. It would be an unequal relationship that would be based more on control and not trust. So Jonathan did what he did so Clark could grow up, learn and mature, so once he was ready to help the world it'd be on his terms, establishing a relationship with the government and the rest of the world based on mutual trust.
Something that is the crux of the movie. Clark and the government working together by trusting one another and opposing a villain that wanted to conquer and subjugate the world. Even in the end Clark bringing the government satellite down is about that fact. Clark stressing to the general that their relationship has to be one of mutual trust and not control.
But you see him as a child in Smallville. You see Clark growing up to certain extent. Your issue seems to be that it didn't give you comfy feelings of him growing up in a specific, cliche rustic way.
Like the example used above, Grant Morrison completely missed the point of Batman: Son of a Demon, despite that run being the inspiration for much of his run. He did a joke about it and that was it. Everybody forgave and forgot. You didn't had autists complaining about Morrison being a terrible person for that mistake, other than the odd Talia fans.
Not to mention that BvS isn't a direct adaptation of DKR.
Trouble is he already did too much of it with his shitty version of Superman.
I really wonder how literate Snyder is. Is he just another John Peters, an illiterate asshole who fumbled his way into power in Hollywood by knowing who knows who and God knows what?
Grant Morrison is still not an argument.
He doesn't read the words, he just like it when Batman punches people.
Pretty sure Atticus shoots a mockingbird that's rabid with a shotgun. That's how I remember. Now watch me film this scene where the mockingbird has a flame thrower and Atticus shoots him in slow motion.
>Atticus is getting chewed out by his father on the top of Mt. Everest in a dream sequence
>What was I supposed to do? Just let the nigger hang?
>Not to mention that BvS isn't a direct adaptation of DKR.
Of course it isn't. It's a pale facsimile where the kid drew a bunch of other shit all over it because he thought it looked cool.
Well, at least John Peters got Superman fighting his giant spider thanks to Zack. I assume the giant flying dildos was also a request from Peters.
He already got his spider in Wild Wild West. All he now needs is Brainiac fighting polar bears. I'd love to see someone put that into the next Justice League movie.
>killed the franchise
Aquaman made a billion. WW was a smashing success. There's new movies down the pipeline being made. The franchise isn't dead, it's just forcing DC/WB to put out movies that aren't about Batman/Superman.
WHICH IS GOOD. This is what Yea Forums regularly moans about, how everything is just about Batman and Superman. Well guess what, now the rest of DCU is getting a chance to shine.
No, if anything is an opposite take.
Yes, he is. Because it shows the hypocrisy of the complaint.
Let's try to make this simple for you. Grant Morrison, the scottish drug-addict, forgot a minute detail nobody cares about from a story nobody remembers.
Zack Snyder didn't forget a detail. He failed to comprehend a major theme that was reiterated multiple times in a book everybody and their mother has read. How Damien was conceived is unimportant. Batman's no-kill policy in The Dark Knight Returns was something you couldn't not have hammered home if you read the words in the book.
Do you begin to see the difference yet? Please stop trying to defend someone's mistakes by saying some other unrelated person has also made a mistake. Morrison's mistake is not related to Zack Snyder.
>Would it have been kino had snyder got his way?
Absolutely. People have to differentiate one medium from another.
Morrison didn't forget a minute detail, you moron. Batman: Son of the Demon is about Batman falling in love with Talia, them getting together and being ready to marry, and Talia realizing that Batman was losing his edge and getting soft because he didn't feel like risking his life anymore as hard as before because of the life he was building with her now. So she ends it all, despite being pregnant, for his and his life mission sake.
Morrison in his attempt to make this comic canon to the mainline had Talia rape Batman for his seed, because he remembered the comic to be this way for some reason. This was Morrison completely forgetting the theme of the comic he based so much of his run on.
But all of this is unimportant because BVS ISN'T AN ADAPTATION OF DRK. It doesn't matter if Batman didn't kill in that comic, because in BvS it is pivotal that he's willing to kill. The same way Batman in BvS is in the wrong and is in fact the antagonist of the movie, when in DKR the case was the opposite. So this whole dumb criticism of yours is stupid and just you being petty and pedantic as fuck.
Do you get it now?
Look how MAD this guy is, Jesus Christ it's just a movie bro
Tell that to the other guy, not me.
Not who you're arguing with, but, at the end of the day what makes BvS bad isn't getting a (admitedly major) point from one of the inspiration comics wrong. Plenty of films have outright ignored the source material and still been good movies: being true to, or even understanding the source material, is neither mutually exclusive nor mutually inclusive with quality. BvS is a terrible movie, because everything about it, independent of any source material, from the script, to the direction, to the editing, to the acting, were all either ill conceived in the first place, executed poorly, killed by the hollywood focus group machine, or all of the above. It's a bad movie because it's bad.
You're not wrong that Grant Morrison's mental foible is of a significantly lower tier than Snyder and much easier to forgive as a spergy comic book guy... but that's material to the issue at hand, which is BvS being a flaming dog turd of a film.
>had snyder got his way?
He did get his way, and it sucked hard+.
his daughter should have taken him with her
>but that's material to the issue at hand, which is BvS being a flaming dog turd of a film.
but that's [immaterial] to the issue at hand, which is BvS being a flaming dog turd of a film.
BvS being a turd is just your subjective opinion, brah.
It's an opinion plenty of folks hold. Enough that they decide to shift away from 'Snyder's vision'.
That's just WB trying to follow the MCU style because of money, as always.
>kiling Jimmy Olsen for no other reason than shock value is a "labour of love and respect"
get fucked
And that style gave us Aquaman and Shazam, both of which are better than anything Snyder ever made (except Dawn of the Dead, which was great)
There's no space for Jimmy Olsen in what would be a series of movies with a definitive ending.
Do we have any statements from him about this decision?
This. Jimmy Olsen would've ruined the franchise because they would've had to keep the series going with his stupid Superboy adventures.
He wanted to show the audiences that the movie was going to go to unexpected places and not just be a safe adaption. That nothing was too sacred.
I agree with that notion.
>let kids die to save my own skin
Superman would never fucking do that, It's like Snyder didn't get or care about the character.
It was still mostly to shock the audiences, to be fair, but that was the purpose behind. To already situate people that it wouldn't going to be a safe movie where the familiar characters all have plot-armors because they're a mainstay and have to come back for sequences, because at that stage their plans was for the whole thing to be more like the Harry Potter movies and less the MCU. There was a sort of ending in sight. For example Batman was supposed to die in Justice League.
In other words:
>I think comics are lame and despise the people who like them. I will rub shit in your face and get paid for it because I'm smarter than you and I have a wife who gets me jobs I'm not qualified for and a lovely, living daughter...
Do you have some kind of cognitive impairment?
Superman didn't let the kids die, did he? If anything, the movie showed that he constantly helped people out, most of the times doing despite knowing it'd wreck his social life and that he'd have to move on from that place to not draw too much attention to himself. Even then he kept helping people. And this before the costume.
No, nothing of the sort. Just that he wanted to show audiences that there wouldn't be any sacred cow. To expect the unexpected. That there was no intention to milk said cow or anything. Anyone could die.
Yeah, because killing off a CIA agent we met 10 seconds earlier is such daring writing.
But audiences know Jimmy Olsen, though.
>there's no place for the embodiment of the idea of Superman being an inspirational icon AKA Jimmy Olsen
did you forget how Jor-El wouldn't shut up about Clark giving people "an ideal to aspire to" and "joining him in the sun"? because Snyder sure forgot about that part.
No they didn't. The character's death carried no meaning to most people because he was introduced 10 seconds before getting killed.
>nobody liked hearing John Kent telling young Clark that maybe he should've let those kids die
I have to spell this out for you?
nobody wanted that. nobody wanted to see Superman being conflicted about why people like Superman.
That's because they were stupid.
His wife is his producer. He's basically a trophy husband.
Of his own studio, stupid.
To be honest I can't trust you're not samefagging. These threads bring out the worst in people.
and you honestly think they would be ok with shooting him in the head to make an statement? the DCEU is hated for very valid and obvious reasons.
Yeah? And?
Snyder's wife giving him a studio doesn't suddenly make him a great director.
If my dad gave me a sports car that wouldn't make me a formula one racer, either.
They created together.
This is kind of the problem with Snyder, or maybe just with his fans. We say he doesn't get the spirit of the source material and then you insist he does, then we show examples of how he doesn't and it's not an adaptation anymore, then we say that's what we were saying and that pulling imagery without context is, at best, sloppy as hell, and then you say totally gets the characters,and we're back to square one.
Kinda makes it hard to believe any of this arguing is being done in good faith and not as a troll.
With whose money?
It never was an adaption, user. Even if Batman didn't killed anyone in BvS, everything else already points out that it isn't an adaption to DKR. Batman is in the wrong, is the villain, is the one that attacks Superman, and is proven wrong during the fight.
You're just too fucking stupid for these movies. Zack Snyder is the only auteur and visionary left in Hollywood.
Nobody called it an adaptation.
Batman was right. Superman's arrival heralded an apocalyptic event, and like says, he's conflicted, and fallible, and CORRUPTIBLE. He's a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and destroy the planet, which he almost did purely on accident once already.
Saying "DCEU Superman is human" isn't a good thing in a setting without humanism, where humanity is defined primarily by its flaws rather than its virtues.
>Pa Kent has to be an infallible father or it's wrong
Clearly you understand nothing about being a parent.
Everyone is corruption and prone to errors. Batman should first and foremost kill himself for breaking his own code.
You or the one i just quoted implied it.
Where's the lack of humanism in the setting? You had the government helping Superman save the day and be as much as the heroes of the movie as the titular character. They were normal humans. You had Lois putting herself in danger and rescuing Superman or helping save the day, You had Perry White risking his life to save an employee. Even Pa Kent was thinking about the fate of the world, for the stupid fucks that didn't get it.
>implied it
No user, you misunderstood that post so bad it's embarrassing.
Batman was wrong about everything, because ultimately he wasn't judging Superman, he was judging himself. That's the biggest theme of the movie. That people instead of facing their own inner demons, externalize their issues unto an imaginary enemy, because it's easier. In the end they're just finding ways to defend their own ego and escape their culpability. Superman did it, Batman did it, Wonder Woman did it, Lex Luthor did it. So that's what Batman's doing it in the movie.
>We say he doesn't get the spirit of the SOURCE MATERIAL and then you insist he does, then we show examples of how he doesn't and it's not an ADAPTATION anymore
Yes, you quoted the post you misunderstood. Specifically this part
>and it's not an adaptation anymore, then we say that's what we were saying
Nobody was calling it an adaptation, yet you keep arguing as if someone was. You think it isn't an adaptation. We think it isn't an adaptation. Nobody has been calling it an adaptation. But you keep arguing against it being an adaptation. Even thought nobody called it one. But you keep arguing against it being an adaptation.
Am I getting through to you at all?
If we all agree it's not an adaptation, why Batman killing matter at all?
Because Zack Snyder claims the idea comes from The Dark Knight Returns, when it cannot come from there as has been proven many times over. The man is a charlatan and a liar and should admit his mistakes and you should stop defending him.
And I don't want to hear about Grant Morrison, I don't give a rat's ass about Grant Morrison, I don't like his stuff.
Maybe the idea that Batman was willing to kill for him did come from there, because he misrembered the comic. That mistake is on him. But still is a meaningless complaint. BvS goes in a total different way, in more significant ways than just Batman killing, from DKR. It's a moot point.
>because he misremembered the comic
No. He didn't read it at all. He just looked at pictures and aped them on screen. Like he did with Watchmen and 300. Snyder has no understanding of substance, only of images. Snyder doesn't know how to make stories, only collages. And making collages is perfectly valid as art, someone like David Mack or Max Ernst can achieve wonderful results with such methods.
Snyder would be better off doing something completely experimental rather than trying to make a superhero movie. He doesn't get superheroes. He only understands visuals, but to be fair he understands visuals to an savant degree.
I wish the best for him, but you I only feel pity for.
He did alright by Watchmen and 300, though. It's just that BvS wasn't an adaption of any other comic.
He lucked out with 300 since that was also a book carried by visuals alone so there was no substance for him to misunderstand.
Snyder might be well suited for Spawn.
>kill Superman off only just one other movie
>where he acts incredibly uncharacteristic and depressed the whole time
>just to bring him back immediately for the next one
The absolute dumbest shit.
>Maybe the idea that Batman was willing to kill for him did come from there, because he misrembered the comic.
He "misremembers" a hell of a lot. Did the same for Star Trek too.
Agreed. This Batman should. Yes.
>Star Trek
What did he say? That Khan was Kirk's father?
Reminder that Snyder originally wanted Eisenberg as Jimmy Olsen, who was still going to be shot in the head.
He compares Superman having to kill to the Kobayashi Maru, in that it's an unwinnable scenario. His exact words are "no way out" iirc.
Which misses the point that tons of people beat it, because the purpose of the KM is to showcase their characters and unwillingness to give into despair.
Bruce was a normal kid that became a godlike man.
Clark was a godlike man that became an honest person.
How do Snyderfags still exist? Are they just posting ironically?
Because MoS and BvS were great, and you've to just deal with it.
No, only the original ones were. The rest are newfags who tried to fit in.
Keep telling yourself that, buddy.
He's not wrong actually. The whole "capekino" thing started off as one big Yea Forums meme. Then idiots started taking it seriously and started acting as if Snyder really was some misunderstood genius.
Ignoring the abyss in quality between both men's work, maybe if Snyder showed any iotta of respect for these characters like Morrison usually does, people would be willing to pass on his mistakes. But while Morrison is trying to make sense out of literally everything ever published with Batman in it because he likes the concept of the character so much, Snyder is quite literally refusing to accept the character as he's been established for the past 50 years because he thinks he's above comic books as a whole.
>He only understands visuals, but to be fair he understands visuals to an savant degree.
Nah his cinematography is grandiose shit for grandiosity's sake, he's a step above quick-cut editing but he knows this which ends up dragging him down said step.
It didn't started as a meme. Some people tell themselves that to dismiss it. Some people made fun of it, some took it seriously, others got angry about it. It was always like that. Since from the beginning.
It's just a new take, nigga. Have you been crying about the new Joker movie as well?
You can do new takes without completely shitting on the character and the medium they belong to, which is something Snyderfags seem unable to comprehend.
Nobody was shitting on the characters and the media they came from. Stop being overly sensitive about some movies.
Snyder goes out of his way to complain about comics not being realistic or whatever. You're the one defending a universally panned movie because you can't conceive some people don't like shlock whose only appeal is le kewl fight scenes (which are mostly CGI vomit and awful editing).
Snyder said that his movies didn't do anything that the comics hand't already done and that he wanted to tackle some of underlying issues of the setting. That doesn't mean he was shitting on the characters or the media. Superman is shown as an incorruptible hero, Batman and Wonder Woman are redeemed, and Lex Luthor remain a cunt.
Not liking a movie is fine, creating a strawman out of imaginary bullshit is another.
This. Listen to Snyder's con interviews and it's plain he works on these characters from a stance of derision and disbelief, assuming he's "fixing" them with his movies. It's pretentious as hell and doomed to failure, as we all saw.
>thread full of donkeys
What would you have liked? 6 movies per character until you reach Darkseid? or you wanted "Stark 1 2 3 4 5 Stark vs the Bad Guy 1 Stark bs the Bad guy 2 Stark jr fighting with the former Stark employees 1 Stark jr vs other former employees
Disney melted your fucking Brain, all of you
He also doesn't understand what fucking ELSEWORLDS are, and deliberately modeled Batman and Superman after their Injustice counterparts. That should tell you how hard he fucked up.
I've listened to them. He never said anything of the sort, at most he made fun of some of his detractors. He have talked about the comics having tons of collateral damage and exploring such things, about the characters having their morality tested and exploring such morality, how shady Batman really can be, among other things.
He didn't. Are you retarded?
What imaginary bullshit, he has time and again laid the blame on fans for not liking his over-indulgent babbys first symbolism shit.
Everything you said was imaginary bullshit.
Then why the fuck have all of these things been treated at one point or the other in one comic or another and they usually don't become such a shit show? Maybe because Snyder is a dumb individual peddling overly grandiose cinematography (which he also fails to completely grasp, always resorting to the same old common places he feels more comfortable at) to mask the complete lack of understanding he has of these works.
He quite literally calls anyone who complains about his lack of understanding ot TDKR virgins you fucking nonce
>What would you have liked? 6 movies per character until you reach Darkseid?
Yes. Considering WB is now forced to focus on stand-alone movies, they should have done that to begin with.
What I would have wanted is for them to not have someone who wasn't Berlanti alter Berlanti's original script for Green Lantern, and then have the next movie be The Flash, and so on and so on.
I bet you that if i asked what BvS was about, for example, you wouldn't be able to answer.
It's about Batman and Superman punching each other.
>He didn't. Are you retarded?
He explicitly confirmed it when a fan tweeted him about the similarities between Knightmare and Injustice that the similarities were intentional
Granted, scripts should be a collaborative process, but what I mean is he shouldn't have been kicked out of the project after he wrote the script.
You mean the potential future that is averted?
That it's a potential future at all in the very movie that's supposed to be trying to make us believe Superman is a paragon and a hero so that we care when he dies is tantamount to Snyder sabotaging his own narrative.
The existing films are already pretty damn kino, so I'd imagine so.
No, it fits to the narrative that had been built of Superman using Lois to escape from his problems.
Which was ANOTHER plot point packed into a single fucking movie and didn't have any build-up because Superman is barely present in the fucking film beyond as a menacing statue. It didn't work because it was important enough to be the B-plot but got buried under so much other shit it became the Q-plot
was pretty kino
but we've had two kino films post-Snyder and from the sounds of things two more on the way so I can't really complain
I agree with you that the movie had to much going on, but that plot point was built since the beginning of the movie and links back to MoS. Superman in the movie felt guilty for what happened in Metropolis, but didn't want to acknowledge his culpability in it. Everything else Luthor pulled to discredit him in BvS only compounded on the same sentiment, but Superman kept on ignoring his part in it. Instead he just kept using Lois as a security blanket, to the point where Lois was worried if their relationship was getting in the way of his role as Superman. Despite what he thought and said, he couldn't stop following the news about what they were saying about him and feeling guilty about it.
I only like how he handles special effects and action scenes beside that story and writing is horrible
You misrepresent arguments to attack them. You are shit.
Obvious imagery trying to be deep doesn't fix awful writing or shitty acting Snydercuck
Obvious imagery that you guys never understand, only after much later when it is pointed out.
Considering he already shat the bed with Watchmen Snyder is the absolute last director I would want to adapt anything by Moore. Moore is a pretty accessible writer but even he is too much for Snyder to understand.
To quote some hack frauds, subverting expectations in and of itself isn't an accomplishment.
>see that pose Superman makes?
>he's supposed to be like Jesus, geddit?
>most people don't get that until it's pointed out
Snydercucks everyone
This. Watchmen at its core is a "whodunit" mystery that snowballs into uncovering a diabolical plot to save the world.
Snyder manages to render the "whodunit" part of the story completely nonsensical. It leaves the audience with a "Crazy hero turned supervillain thinks he can make the world better by blowing up a hundred cities, heroes are cool with it."
Hence why it is poorly regarded and unprofitable.
Same things we thought the last few weeks and the months before that that you've been running this same "poll" and with the same or a comparable (suited Zack, smug sack at SDCC,etc.)
STOP MY INVINCIBLE SON will always be one of the funniest things I've seen. That entire tornado scene was pure shit.
They did the same shit in Superman Returns.
Goyer just stumbles from one plot point to the next, never allowing anything like characterization or plain common sense get in the way of story progression.
Snyder is too caught up in his own (((visual brilliance))) to realize that the movie he's filming no longer makes any real sense.
This is how we get to the "all the cops charge the sewers" scene in TDKR, except in this case it's because Nolan has completely run out of any fucks to give about the movie.
I hate it when retards actually think changing the conspiracy to make people think Manhattan was destroying cities was an improvement. Ozymandias only destroyed a single major city in the comics to prevent nuclear Armageddon, it defeats the purpose if he has to destroy most of the world's major cities to achieve that.
Superman Returns wasn't a particularly good movie but it was filled with less stupid shit than Man of Steel or BvS.
Truth. But from a narrative perspective, turning the Squid Island Project into a "Ozy and Manhattan working with US scientists to make clean energy" thing leaves nothing for the Comedian to discover.
Are we expected to believe that he wandered into a project in the Antarctic? That he thought a project Ozy was working with the US government was worthy of suspicion? That he was able to discern it was a doomsday project when even brilliant psychic god Manhattan was unable to figure this out?
It turns the key element of the plot into gibberish.
I mean, Nite Owl and Rorschach sneak to the Antarctic with a super-advanced stealth ship, and they still don't manage to get near Ozy's base without being monitored.
How in the fuck is the Comedian supposed to, and why would he even try?
No, it fucking wasn't. It pushed the Jesus narrative harder than any of them and it even made Superman out to be a rapist and deadbet father.
>and it even made Superman out to be a rapist
Technically Superman II beat them to that.
Superman Returns is a follow-up to Superman II.
I have desperately wanted a Mr. Plinkett analysis on what an absolute shitshow Snyder's DCEU was.
You're fucking retarded dude. You shouldn't be shoving all three of those stories into one story in the first place. What do you not understand about that?
Learn to fucking read dude and stop being so autisticly literal.
>Not the one from the comics
Was literally the last words of my last post
It's a "Trinity War" but NOT the one from the comics. It's a "Trinity War" because the TRINITY is FUCKING with eachother and 2/3 of them are actively FIGHTING.
The problem isn't that they're not direct adaptions, the problem is Snyder tried cramming 3 movies worth of plot into one bloated mess. You can't just pick and choose a bunch of different elements from disparate stories that have no relation whatsoever and expect them to have any sort of cohesion.
He uses and even shittier app, thats mostly him and his asian/hispanic fanboys that would gladly eat his shit because "muh kino".
There's nothing from Trinity War in it. Trinity War isn't even about the trinity fighting one another, you dumb fuck. It about Superman and Wonder Woman being a couple. I don't even know why you picked that name. Probably because you're a casual.
But the story had cohesion, though.
That changes literally nothing and is still a flawed premise. Batman shouldn't kill, and he especially shouldn't be almost 50 and bloodthirsty in his first cinematic universe appearance. And your statement doesn't change the fact that your pic is fucking stupid for trying to claim that BvS is comic accurate by using a comic panel that was drawn to reference to the movie after it had been released.
>you don't see people judging Morrison for it.
Morrison fans are possibly more insane than the basic Snyder bros.
I enjoy Morrison, but he's far from the goose that lays golden eggs when he disappears up his own ass every now and then.
No. Snyder is a fuckin hack
>Batman shouldn't kill, and he especially shouldn't be almost 50 and bloodthirsty in his first cinematic universe appearance
Batman has killed in every movie, but Batman and Robin.
"NOT.... FROM... THE.... COMICS"
Because that's literally not the Batman character that has a world renowned following and franchise.
Why do you want a totally different character just named "Batman"? Go watch the fucking Punisher you mongoloid.
Dude, but why Trinity War? Trinity War isn't about the trinity fucking with each other. That's like saying that the new Joker movie is about Joker Emperor or something.
I'm not saying Batman shouldn't kill since you have examples like Tim Burton's Batman where it could be argued he did kill and it still fit the character. The problem is BvS has Batman literally mow down random goons with a fucking machine gun yet he lets villains like the Joker live no problem despite keeping a shrine for his dead Robin. It's inconsistent with the character and probably the only reason he kills in the movie is because Snyder is a 12 year old that thinks Batman killing looks cool.
Mistakes easily overlooked in previously made and (here's an important part) STILL OTHERWISE ENJOYABLE movies doesn't mean we can't still want actual comic accuracy to the themes of Bruce's character in present day adaptations.
Did you pay fucking attention to the movie, user? He started to kill very recently, after trying everything but killing.
BvS is literally about Batman losing his way after 20 years of crusade and being in the wrong about everything. It's if anything a criticism of all the previous movies were he killed.
Dude... Are you legitimately autistic?
It's the Trinity fucking with eachother... You want me to call it a "Trinity tussle" ? "Trinity Romp" ? The " 3 heroes who are usually friend but are being antagonistic to one another here" Subplot?????
I've literally said it like 4-5 times that I'm NOT talking about the actual comic event "Trinity War"
It's fucking retarded that Joker killing someone who is essentially a family member among all the other murders he does doesn't push him over the edge but Superman doing absolutely nothing remotely evil convinces him it's ok to just start dropping bodies left and right just because of the chance he might be evil.
It didn't do it well. It did it horribly and was directly against the character of Batman most fans truly desire.
Fuck man it sucks when the most comic accurate live action Batman we've ever gotten is Batman '66, and THEN Burton but that's when we lost the comic suit and the no kill rule.
It's not just about Superman.
That's your opinion. I liked.
Ok Snydercuck, explain to me how Superman maybe being evil convinced Batman to just start murdering random goons, most of which hadn't even done anything worth killing for. Explain to me how Batman just as easily as deciding to just murder everyone went back on that impulse just because Superman said Martha isn't incredibly stupid.
So why did Superman punch a giant spider like device in Man Of Steel?
Polar bears are the most deadly animal in the animal kingdom. As someone from the streets, I would know this.
No. It's not. Stop believing Snyder's pseudo-intellectual nonsense. These asshole directors think they're so smart and elevating funny books into masterful strokes of cinema. Stop believing Hollywood lies and pretense. They're movies are more immature than comics written for children. Having a jar of piss or snapping someone's neck on screen for shock value doesn't make it more mature. If anything it showed Snyder has all the maturity of a 14 year old. I don't care how well he can frame a shot or manage cinematography. He's horrible when it comes to story and character. His symbolism is paper thin and idiots praise him for it.
Not to mention the whole Jesus thing was studio mandated stupidity that they actively marketed to pastors and church groups. They sent out flyers telling pastors to compare Superman to Jesus. That's how fucking awful Warners is. Man Of Steel war garbage. Everything that came after was even worse.
That's why BvS is better than MoS, and you're wrong about BvS,
>That's why BvS is better than MoS
BvS is a clusterfuck of a movie that spends more time setting up future movies than telling it's own story, which itself is also pretty garbage. Man of Steel sucks but at least it's fairly straightforward outside of the flashbacks being awkwardly edited in.
Different user here but,
nah, you're just a low IQ, likely South American, Snyder FanBoi.
BvS was even further down Snyder's rabbit hole of pseudo-intellectual nonsense. It's like you're in a cult. You need to get out of Snyderology while you can. Stop demanding a director's cut of a movie that never existed and realize his films were just not as good as the studio hyped them up to be. Warners finally realized how bad Snyder was, two and a half movies too late. It's time for his rabid fans to wake up and smell the shit too.
Fuck you I liked MoS, and enjoyed watching BvS. The former has flaws and the latter is full of holes and terrible ideas, and literally only gets by on solid visuals.
>Imagine thinking you're a more intelligent person than someone else because you like Snyderfilms more than other people.
Its own story was a piece of garbage anyway. I wouldn't have minded a ton of set up for future films if the smaller story in there was good or if the set up for future stuff was decent. None of it was good.
Hell. A movie with Batman and Superman first meeting with hints of Darkseid coming? LEading to a Justice League film? That sounds like a dream movie. Too bad it was a muddled mess.
Because it wasn't so much about Superman, but himself. Batman was starting to lose faith in his crusade because the only thing he could ever see where his failures. So he started to compromise his morality thinking that'd get him results. That's what the amped brutality and branding were about. His attempt to making a lasting impact and thus regain some sense of purpose, but even that was cutting it anymore. Not him did changed how he felt.
That is until Superman shows up fighting Zod and bringing buildings down on the people around them. Batman saw in Superman himself. Someone who was trying to play hero to sorta feel like his life matter when in truth all he's really achieving is ruining the lives of everyone around him. That's when Batman had the idea that maybe he could give his life a purpose by sparing people not only Superman, but himself as well. Taking both of them out because all they do is make a mess of things. And since now Batman's willing to kill someone, ie: Superman, to achieve a last goal, he might as well mow down everyone else in his path.
That's why Batman started to murder and that's why Batman was wrong about Superman, because Superman isn't like Batman at all.
Do you get it now?
I feel that BvS is a much better movie. It's a much tighter and cohesive movie, despite being overwritten in places.
>Too bad it was a muddled mess.
Just because it wasn't a simple film, with plenty of expository dialogue telling everything the movie is about.
>It's a much tighter and cohesive movie
>Snydercucks actually believe this
It's my opinion, though. I just feel that people here didn't engage the movie or didn't get what the movie was going for. The themes and such made much more sense than in MoS, where the movie almost goes back on everything it was building up in the third act. This doesn't happen in BvS.
I already got what the movie wants you to believe but it makes no logical or narrative sense whatsoever
It makes plenty of logic, though, and it fits with the narrative. Superman and even Wonder Woman goes through somewhat the same troubles. Even Lex do.
>it's my opinion
You just keep embarrassing yourself man
First i showed my opinion, then i gave my conclusions as to maybe why people are so purposely obtuse about certain parts of the movie.
So if the DCEU is dead and buried as a movie franchise, why doesn't Zack bring it back in comic form? He'd basically have the ability to do whatever he wants and I bet DC would even lend him some help. Instead of releasing a movie every few years, he could put one out every month.
Because comic writers don't make shit for money compared to directors and I doubt Snyder is stupid enough to take a hefty paycut just to write shitty superheroes.
There are dozens of scripts for DC movies that never got made lying around, including one that served as a basis for Snyder and Terrio on take on the JL. Just turn that into a comic.
To be fair, Yea Forums is filled with dumb anons.
>Would it have been kino had snyder got his way?
He had his way for two movies and it left the audience exhausted and uninterested.
They went to see Wonder Woman and Aquaman despite Snyder, not because of it.
His 'vision' was shit.
Snyder had a trilogy of solo Superman movies planned. And he just kept doing that even when the higher-ups demanded he stop doing that and make a team series instead.
Because he doesn't like comic books. He looks down on them. Do you even know anything about the guy?
he's literally that drunk guy at a bar who every day yammers on about how he could've been to the big leagues if he hadn't injured his knee in highschool
>that drunk guy at a bar who every day yammers on about how he could've been to the big leagues if he hadn't injured his knee in highschool
Fuck off.
Damn, I missed these Snyder hate threads.
Snyder is garbage, and so is anyone who likes him. Only the literally mentally ill are in that camp at this point, luckily. Kill yourselves you worthless pieces of shit.
>It's my opinion, though.
Your opinion is wrong. Fuck Snyder and fuck you.
Nah, fuck you. I'm awesome.
You are human garbage if you like Snyder.
I don't say this out of hate, user, but out of love. Snyder is a moral wrong. But I truly believe that it's never too late for anyone. If you recognize your error you can turn your life around. You just have to take the first step.
Leave the Snyder cult.
BvS is one of my favorite movies, user. It's too late. I'm not even mad about him not doing any more DC movies, i'm just glad BvS got made.
No. It was a simple film. Snyder's messages were simple yet still stupidly muddled. Why do you people keep pretending Snyder is some complex thinker? He sounds barely literate and can barely comprehend a Frank Miller Batman comic.
Tell me one message from that movie.
It's hard to decide which is funnier:
>watch the few remaining Snyderfags throw an eternal tantrum about "the Snyder cut"
>WB actually releasing whatever extra Snyder Justice League material exists, it being inevitably terrible, Snyderfags throw themselves into fits trying to defend it as 2DEEP4U TRUE KINO
It's never too late to admit you're wrong.
Superman is a Jesus figure sacrificing himself for mankind to save them from literal doomsday.
And then he rose again.
*cut to credits*
Lazy as fuck symbolism.
And the message really ain't saying anything.
See, you got it wrong. I knew it.
Doomsday was Superman's shadow. An external reflection of his inner conflict.
Superman also wasn't a Christ or a godly figure, he was precisely the opposite: just a random guy trying to make his father proud. People were just lead by the surface reading regarding him. Same way Batman is shown as a monster or a devil, despite being a mere guy too.
Superman doesn't rise too. The sand on the coffin moving is meant to symbolize another thing. It's more about the idea behind Superman becoming important. It's a callback to the bats bringing Bruce to the light. It's literally about enlightenment.
>No, it fits to the narrative that had been built of Superman using Lois to escape from his problems.
Does he ever actually stop doing that?
Holy fuck I can't express how pretentious you sound over a high-school level expression of symbolism. You know how most Superman stories present Clark as being a man beneath his godlike persona as Superman? By letting him ACT LIKE A FUCKING PERSON.
Just admit you were wrong despite playing it smart.
The movie says he was wrong about everything.
It shows, repeatedly, that he was right.
And if Snyder got his way, he would've been right *even more* because Clark would've come back from the dead as an agent of Darkseid.
And that last bit is why I just don't understand you Snyderfags. You keep claiming that Snyder gets it and Clark's a true hero and just trying to be a good boy dindu nuffin but then Snyder himself says "Yeah Knightmare was a sequel hook not a what if"
He wasn't right about anything, and Knightmare was a what if and a sequel hook, but that's not important.
The "Snyder Cut" you faggots are crying for is literally to make Knightmare canon.
There's a lot of context you're missing.
Go ahead and give me more of your headcanon.
>None of his movies have any coherent plot
There is nothing incoherent about Mos.
>Hell, the DCAU is WHY I'm a Superman fanboy.
Interesting, I am basically the same but then I also love Mos.
>Superman was to fight against his own kind
>and it destroyed all of metropolise
Their 1 on 1 hand to hand fight only destroyed Wayne Tower and the parking garage and Clark did zero direct damage to either of them.
The rest was from the World Engine, the Scout Ship crashing or the satellite falling (which Zod threw)
>Except he fucking doesn't
When he shoots the mutant with the m60 their is blood spattered all over the wall and he slides to the ground looking dead as fuck and they never address it.
The "rubber bullets" line comes below a panel we see of tank shots causing massive explosions throwing mutants into the air. Rubber fucking bullets don't explode.
We probably like different parts.
I like that Superman in the DCAU had an origin where we saw his powers develop during his adolescence, so we were discovering them alongside him.
I like that he invites his fellow superheros in the Justice League out for burgers and shakes after they save the world.
I like that he still believes in Santa Claus.
I like that he works the system both as Superman and as Clark; getting innocent men cleared from their murder convictions with his research skills.
I like that he explicitly NEEDS to be Clark Kent, and that he'll go crazy if he wasn't.
Snyder didn't give me any of that Clark.
Your meme is fucking retarded. He saved 8 BILLION people 3 separate times in Mos.
>shlock whose only appeal is le kewl fight scenes (which are mostly CGI vomit and awful editing).
Except I find plenty of other aspects of it appealing unrelated to the fighting.
Loved the slow build up in both films with Lois tracking down Clark and Clark investigating Batman. I loved the Krypton world building, I loved Clark meeting Jor for the first time and subtle sense of wonder and discover in that scene.
I loved Ben's performance and mannerisms, his interactions with Irons.
And plenty more.
I am absolutely not one of those people who think they are flawless masterpieces but saying they have zero appealing aspects besides the battles is asinine.
>why doesn't Zack bring it back in comic form?
>There are dozens of scripts for DC movies that never got made lying around
Seriously, they really should do Earth One style graphic novel adaptions of unmade Superhero films + Sequels to dead movie continuities.
Pic related was pitched a few years back and Dc said no like cunts.
IDW just did a series adapting one of the early really different drafts for Alien 3.
>It's hard to decide which is funnier:
>>watch the few remaining Snyderfags throw an eternal tantrum about "the Snyder cut"
>>WB actually releasing whatever extra Snyder Justice League material exists, it being inevitably terrible, Snyderfags throw themselves into fits trying to defend it as 2DEEP4U TRUE KINO
I am a "snyderfag" in that I love Mos and love the idea of a serious toned Ultimates 1 & 2 style Dc universe without anything as shock valuey as MurderPym or Cannibal Hulk but I don't give a fuck about the Snyder Cut nor do I think the films are "deep", at least not in related to the religious symbolism. I think the gritty-ish realistic earth with a flawed humanity is immersive and well done but I don't think it's deep.
Before Zack Snyder at DCEU, Hollywood movies had beautiful and talented women
Now with Justice League came the era of anorexic talentless actress
All major productions can no longer have THICC or muscular actresses
Zack Snyder is literally the cancer of American cinema
Big Dceu fan but here are some things I would do to make them better within reason...
> Remove the "maybe" line, instead have Pa say "your missing the point" and then go into further detail about his concerns about humanity throwing a fit if godly powerful aliens are revealed to exist so viewers wouldn't dismiss his motives as being selfish.
> Added 1 or 2 fully positive memories Clark has with his dad.
> Remove the smashing of the trucker's truck.
> Tornado Scene - Have Pa say out loud to Clark, stay with your mom keep them safe when he goes to get the dog, have Pa get to his feet outside the truck at the exact same time as Clark gets Martha & the girl to the underpass so it doesn't seem like Clark is just standing around doing nothing. Have Pa wave Clark off and Clark hesitate only for a second and Pa is immediately swept away so it's clear he would absolutely had to have used his speed to save him.
> Have Clark look up right before he crashes into Smallville and try and turn away but it's too late, making clear that it was accidental them going into town.
> Remove kiss, just have them hug after surviving the black hole, or at the least I would have removed the joke about relationships going down hill.
> Remove Clark jumping over the oil truck and instead just have Zod throw it at him and it explodes around him & destroys the parking garage.
> After killing Zod & hugging Lois's belly, Clark gets to his feet and states that he has to go help people and we get a long montage of him saving people from the rubble, using his hearing to find people.
> Remove Lois & Jenny degrading Lombard for asking for a date after he was willing to stay and die if he couldn't get Jenny free.
This is a good new variation on "2DEEP4U". Congratulations, user, it's rare to see something original these days.
> Shown Clark to having wrapped his arm around the dictator before blowing him through the wall so we know he didn't kill him.
> Batman doesn't kill anyone during the car chase.
> It's revealed he wasn't aware of the Bat Brand directly getting people killed in prison.
> Clark gets some happy scenes before the senate hearing. Him, Lois & Martha eating diner would be nice and would add to the ladies interactions at the end.
> Keep the savior montage footage we got but add 1 or 2 more savings were he is shown being friendly with the person he saved.
> Lex is bald from the beginning. Tone down his fidgeting & odd tics, remove life saver moment, have him be more openly charismatic in the Galla & not have that spazing out moment.
> Remove Flash's portion of the Knightmare sequence.
> Have the JL cameo footage play over the credits instead of interrupting the film.
> When Clark gives Bruce his ultimatum have him states "Mr Wayne, I am sorry for what happened to Wayne tower, it is for that reason alone that I am not dragging you to the police this night, consider this mercy".
> Have Clark try to reason with Bruce after the 1st dose of Kryptonite wears off but Bruce goes for another grenade and Clark is forced to tackle him down.
> Better rendering on Doomsday during the final battle, he looked solid when he 1st emerged from the birthing chamber but the CGI quality degrades once Wonder Woman enters the fight.
> Doomsday grows spikes to the level he has in the comics.
Shame, would legit like to see more from the Burton batverse, and the Catwoman spin-off with the parody superhero team with Captain God. The batman 66 stuff is a tired joke at this point
>I am absolutely not one of those people who think they are flawless masterpieces but saying they have zero appealing aspects besides the battles is asinine.
How can the truth be asinine?
The movie isn't deep. I'm pretty fucking dumb and got pretty much what the movie did on my first viewing. It's just that for some reason i see anons talking about the movie and looking like they didn't even see it at all. It's rather baffling. Like most still insist that the movie was trying to sell Superman as a Jesus Chrsti figure and that's all there is to it.
Here's a better idea, remove the tornado scene completely and don't have Pa Kent die over a fucking dog.
>Superman also wasn't a Christ or a godly figure
Tell that to Snyder, then. He directly depicted Superman as exactly that multiple times. Try a little harder than this, Snyderfag. It's not subtext, it's text in these films.
See Because that's pretty much all there is to it. Snyder can't do depth, but boy does he try.
>> Added 1 or 2 fully positive memories Clark has with his dad.
While this is good he needs more positive interaction with non family members in order to justify his greater ties to humanity rather than having his only reason for sticking around on the planet be his parents and his eventual girlfriend.
Can you imagine what the KINO MASTER SNYDER could do with other franchises?
>Superman and Lois Lane making out as the ashes of Metropolis rain down on them
What is Snyder's problem?
I genuinely wonder if some Snyder cultist isn't going to shoot up WB's offices one day in a mad rampage over the Snyder Cut.
Did you guys watch both movies with your asses? Lex in the beginning pretty much explain all the visual stuffs when he talks about his meta-human thesis, in that he believed our myths to be nothing but the tall tales of these meta-humans that have always been around us. So throughout both movies instead of people seeing the man in Superman, they only project their ideas of what Superman is, which is all based on age old myths or even religion. So that's why Superman is always shown looking like Jesus Christ, God, Apollo, Zeus, and so on when seen from someone else's view. Same with the opening sequence that introduce us to Batman where the cops see him as a monster.
Fuck, BvS is all about people projection tons of shit on Superman, specially Batman that in the end view that Superman is just a guy.
>So that's why Superman is always shown looking like Jesus Christ, God, Apollo, Zeus, and so on when seen from someone else's view.
Like when he's in space, alone, seen only by the audience? You're going to hurt yourself contorting so much, user.
>there's no Christ symbolism in these films!!!111
>here's a bunch of shots of Christ symbolism from the films
>uh...well...that doesn't count because ::bullshit grasping at straws::
>your bullshit doesn't even hold up on its own terms
Every time it happened he was being viewed by someone, user.
As was just pointed out, not in space, moron.
But don't take my word for it. Here's the man himself:
>"When we started to examine the Superman mythology, in the most classic sense, I really wanted to press upon the film the 'why' of him, which has been 75 years in the making," Snyder told CNN. "The Christ-like parallels, I didn't make that stuff up. We weren't like, 'Hey, let's add this!' That stuff is there, in the mythology. That is the tried-and-true Superman metaphor. So rather than be snarky and say that doesn't exist, we thought it would be fun to allow that mythology to be woven through."
>“Why with all the technology at his disposal would Batman build a spear?,” Snyder asked. “Here’s why,” he said along with an image of Jesus hanging on the cross and a man about to pierce him with a spear.
Now, how will you be killing yourself? Gun? Hanging?
But the thing is WE as the audience never see Clark, we never see him get nervous about moving to metropolise, we never see him stumble his way through every encounter with Lois lane, we never see him try to pal around with his neighbors. He’s not a person in these movies he’s a poorly thought out allegory. Hell the fact that you keep saying that “Superman is never seen by the people as a normal guy” and not Clark shows how much the point was missed. Of course Superman isn’t seen as normal that’s the point of him, and Clark is never seen as special because that’s the point of him. It’s almost as if there’s supposed to be a metaphor there
That's just him saying he made use of the mythology, and he did, but not in the way you're imagining. And Batman using a spear is just more projecting from Batman.
We see him being a person plenty enough, specially in these movies where Superman is just as a costume. He doesn't change his behavior in or outside of it.
>So that's why Superman is always shown looking like Jesus Christ, God, Apollo, Zeus, and so on
Then why do we only have Christ iconography throughout Man of Steel and BvS? I wouldn't mind some Greek god imagery but that only comes up when Lex talks about it, the actual movie is just a bunch of hackneyed Jesus symbolism. Is it really necessary to have like 10 scenes portraying Superman as a messianic figure?
Because Jesus is more prevalent in today's modern world.
user, you're beyond help if you can be shown multiple instances of Snyder himself saying Superman is a Christ figure in the movies he himself made and still refuse to accept it.
>never changes in or out of it
And therein lies the problem, Clark is who he wants to be and Superman is who he has to be. These movies sacrificed that as much as they sacrificed pa Kent or Lois’s personality
He talked about the mythology, user. The one that leaned hard on the Christ stuff was Goyer with MoS, which is why i don't like MoS that much, but BvS is different. There's a why for it.
Sounds like a bunch of excuses for hackneyed symbolism for me.
One of the quotes has him directly explaining that the use of the spear is because Superman is a Christ figure. This is going beyond you being dense, you're denying reality at this point,
Best ever.
The movie followed more John Byrne take, with little difference between Clark and Superman. There's no acting between the roles.
Batman, user. Batman.
No one said BvS didn't have a why, just that the why is incredibly fucking stupid. Hell, I bet the why was put in after the fact to justify the Jesus shit.
>Batman, user. Batman.
Can you...can you really not read?
>“Why with all the technology at his disposal would Batman build a spear?,” Snyder asked. “Here’s why,” he said along with an image of Jesus hanging on the cross and a man about to pierce him with a spear.
He directly says that Batman uses a spear because a spear was famously used on...who, user? Who is being referenced as Christ here, user?
Don't be this dense.
Who made the spear, user? Answer me this.
>“Here’s why,” he said along with an image of Jesus hanging on the cross and a man about to pierce him with a spear.
God, he sounds like an honest to God idiot sometimes.
You really are this dense. I thought you were just pretending for a while. You're shown a direct quote from the director where he explains that Batman uses a spear on Superman because Longinus used a spear on Jesus and you literally can't comprehend it.
No, i get it. But Batman made the spear. That's my point. It wasn't Superman. It was Batman. Sure, the point is because of Longinus, but it was Batman who made it with that in mind.
You're so, so close to a breakthrough here. Just one final step:
>but it was Batman who made it with that in mind.
This is a fictional work. What the characters do is the choice of the creators because this isn't real. As Snyder explained, Batman made the spear because Snyder, as the creator, was making a Christ allegory in his work.
Take this final step user, and be free.
Why would Batman make a killing implement based purely on it's symbolism? That's not an explanation, that's excusing heavy-handed imagery.
Batman also made a spear in Morrison's Asylum to fight Croc, and that too was for symbolic purposes.
The spear in that makes sense in context. Batman didn't make the spear, he took it from a statue and used it as an improvised weapon. That's symbolism that works logically. Batman making a high-tech Kryptonium spear purely because of symbolism is something a 12 year old would write.
I'm actually kind of insulted you would try to bring down Arkham Asylum to try and defend Snyder's shitty imagery.
You're such a fucking retard, holy shit. Don't mention Arkham Asylum like you actually read it Snydercuck.
It's the times. Captain America by Chris Evans was a HUUUUUUGE mystery but it worked out. Ruth's Superman went nearly nowhere. Think about what the media does to Presidents from George Bush to Donald Trump how are you going to have a big blue boy scout champion Truth, Justice and The American Way when there isn't an American Way?
I am legitimately asking.
>this thread
Narrative comes before artwork, user. See
Zack would have known Batman didn't kill if he actually read the comic instead of looking at the pictures.
why wasnt jla as successful as the avengers? endgame is on the way to be the highest grossing movie of all time wtf happened.
Watch the scene again.
They float down after nearly getting torn apart in the Phantom Zone tear and immediately embrace. They had no moment to take in the destruction around them.
They were in shock and needed comfort. The kiss wasn't meant to be romantic. They were literally shaking.
I love Man of Steel and I like Batman v Superman a lot but at this point I wonder if it's in spite of Snyder rather than because of him. I do know I really want Cavill and Affleck back.
do Yea Forums opinions like these matter? not saying that im talking shit about this site but lets say that im a guy from warner bros and i want to make DCEU as succesful as the MCU do i have to follow what this guy said or doing it will fuck up the franchise even more and get me fired?
Looks like a giant enemy crab.
It's almost like one of these franchises spent 10 years intricately planning, and the other spent 10 weeks desperately trying to catch up.
i still cant fucking believe this shit is a real thing. how the fuck is this meme tier shit real i thought kevin smith was screwing around when he told that story.
Reality is stranger than fiction. Have you read what John Boorman's Lord of the Rings was going to be like?
>entire backstory up to Rivendell told as a kabuki play
>Aragorn and Boromir cutting their lips with the shards of Narsil and kissing
I thought I liked Man of Steel and BvS before I took a step back and actually looked at the films critically on a second rewatch.
The entire point of Knightmare is that it's a bad end future where everything has gone wrong and all the JLA characters (including Superman) has to band together to stop in the sequels, you fucking idiot. Batman isn't right, he's a hypocrite who just wants to use Superman to either die as a martyr or murder a man in cold blood who he's simply afraid of, not because it's right or justified.
>The entire point of Knightmare is that it's a bad end future where everything has gone wrong and all the JLA characters (including Superman) has to band together to stop in the sequels, you fucking idiot.
Then why was Snyder's original plan to make Superman evil?
>The movie followed more John Byrne take, with little difference between Clark and Superman.
It lacked the juxtaposition between Earth and Krypton, and the exploration of Clark as a person. Byrne had both those things.
Knightmare Superman works on multiple levels, such as hint at the overarching, now cancelled storyline and visually establish Batman's fear and paranoia in BvS to the viewers.
Except it wasn't cancelled at the time.
if you pay attention to how "olsen" introduces himself, it's pretty obvious that he's someone else posing as the guy.
in my headcanon, the cia approached olsen about using his identity, and he agreed in order to get a tour of the pentagon or something. it's a very jimmy olsen thing to do.
also, i still want to see snyder's justice league, even without the post processing.
>>I like a lot of the Man of Steel movie but when he has Sups break Zod's neck, that was a bridge too far for me.
even though zod was better trained and getting stronger faster than supes, and clearly had a death wish after he lost the birthing ship?
zod was a mad dog masquerading as a general. we saw his innate character and the choices that he makes, and had superman tried something more risky, the family zod was targetting would surely have died. supes had no choice, zod had to be taken out.
it's a fairly realistic scenario that happens often with law enforcement. there are pricks who cannot function within the normal paradigm who then put other people's lives at risk. when there is the risk of direct immediate lethal harm, you take that guy out.
what bothered me about mos was the tonally abberant moments, like the _completely unrestrained_ cry of rage after the kill, or how flippantly he introduced himself to lois when she was bleeding out ("i can do what other people can't, HURR HURR HURR").
this is clearly an elseworld where pa kent discouraged clark from becoming superman, but i still expect superman to act like superman where it counts. i left mos without a full grasp of this superman's real character, and that is a failure. i like the idea of mos and the imagery and cool music far better than the actual complete result.
bvsu was a better film but made a similar mistake with batman. after they rewrote suicide squad, i think they cut out any direct reference to how damaged joker is robin and then failed to give batman a reason for why he has such a mad on for supes. with that small piece of knowledge, or even just the knowledge that batman feels like he failed himself, the movie then makes sense. my issue is that its not apparent within the film itself that this batman is a changed batman rather than one who is just mopey and retarded.
>even though zod was better trained and getting stronger faster than supes, and clearly had a death wish after he lost the birthing ship?
That's kind of a big problem with Snyder's Zod. He's built up as an unstoppable badass but he gets stopped by Jor-el. He's built up as a mad dog that has to be put down immediately, but not before we get forced to sit through a big dragged out DBZ fight that goes on too long. Snyder wants his cake, but he wants to eat it too.
Honestly though I think the easiest fix to Superman vs Zod would've been for Clark to take some visual battle damage. The fact that his hair doesn't even get messed up culminating in an instant kill move makes it seem like the fight isn't challenging him at all and he's just letting Zod throw a tantrum.
And then BvS happens and Batman gets to bloody the previously invincible god when another invincible god couldn't and we're supposed to act like Snyder doesn't engage in Bat-wank.
Snyder was what the problem was
Looking over this thread, Jesus.
DC will never escape the grimdark grimderp that Snyder more than anyone else represents, huh? They finally reaped what they sowed with their eternal Watchmen, Batwank, and “maturity” obsessions. To think Marvel was once seen as the edgier company a long time ago.
>Massive machinegun he got off the bad guys
>Le rubber bullets dude
Aquaman was fucking awful.
Shazam was an ok kids movie like most mcu.
It was even more contrived in the comic, user.
There's a lot of Morrison's Asylum in the movie, and i bet you i understand more about Asylum than you.
>he gets stopped by Jor-el
i don't remember this but to be fair, it is thematically consistent that a man of logic and reason can stop a facist (putatively... it's a pretty giant leap to think that krypton can survive through a single kryptonian born by chaotic means and raised upon an alien world ... i think the film would have been better if we got to see a little more of jor and lara's character, as jor seems pretty self important and inhuman, and it's not very clear how different lara is from most kryptonians. she doesn't wear the bodysuit, but it's not clear that she's the only one who refuses this piece of technology that essentially isolates each kryptonian from the world)
>The fact that his hair doesn't even get messed up culminating in an instant kill move makes it seem like the fight isn't challenging him
that's an interesting perspective. i thought it was pretty obvious with how the two seemed evenly matched
>Honestly though I think the easiest fix to Superman vs Zod would've been for Clark to take some visual battle damage.
that would have been a good idea. also, any blood clark loses could be the key element that then lets lex create bizzaro. also, having lex isolate supe's blood from all the other carnage is a thing that's so improbable that it emphasizes his latent genius.
>Yes user the imagery of constantly show lex with a fucking halo over his head was so genius and subversive it made up for the fact that the movie was complete dog shit. How does lex summoning darkseid to earth gel with his paper thin, never spoken, motivation that man doesn’t need gods?
lex's motivation is that he wants to be the superman. his egotistical behavior and the fact that he tries to ingratiate himself to others solely for his own interests makes this clear.
lex's argument isn't that man doesn't need gods, it's that he hates having anyone be superior to himself. this is clear in his dialogue and his actions. his intention in bvs is to utterly destroy and replace the superman.
you destroy superman's image by having him engage in political, state level actions, you destroy his soul by having him kill batman for his own gain, you destroy his body by unleashing onslaught, and then you supplant him by being the only living human who knows how to kill the kryptonian that killed superman. what lex didn't anticipate was for both batman and superman to survive, hence why he tried to summon another demon to at least upturn the chessboard if he cannot win.
an easy way to make this more apparent is for lex to open a secret door to a room full of kryptonite while surveying the damage from batman's break in at lexcorp. it's pretty easy for me to connect the dots but i guess if there's just one small piece of kryptonite, it's hard to see lex's next step after doomsday kills superman.
It got rejected because it was fucking Kate Leth that pitched it.