CAPTAIN MARVEL: 12 Biggest Reveals From The Directors' Audio Commentary

>Carol is never called “Captain Marvel” in the movie. The idea is that Fury’s misspelling in the end is what inspires Carol to adopt Mar-Vell’s name as a moniker and symbol.

>Fury originally discovered that Agent Keller was Talos in disguise by pointing out Keller’s shoelaces were untied and realizing Talos had no idea how to tie them because the Skrulls don’t have shoelaces.

>One of the items Carol gets from Radio Shack early is the movie is what she uses to jazz up Fury’s pager in the end.

>The Skrulls were wearing stun guns during their fight with Carol. At no point they actively tried to kill her.

>Samuel L. Jackson improvised Fury checking out the Skrulls’ genitals.

>There’s a deleted scene showing that the real Agent Keller was tied up in his office the whole time Talos was impersonating him.

>Talos drinking milkshake is a homage to RESERVOIR DOGS, not PULP FICTION as people guessed.

>They considered a lot of girl power songs from the 70's/80's/90's before landing on No Doubt's "Just a Girl".

>There was an alternative version of the post-credits scene showing that Yon-Rogg got lost on his way back to Hela and ended up in Sakaar, with the implication he'd be caught and forced to become one of the Grandmaster's gladiators.

>They considered having Fury lose his eye fighting a Kree or Skrull for the longest time, but eventually decided that would be boring since everyone already expected it, and went with a more comedic direction with Goose scratching it out.

>Carol would originally 1v1 Yon-Rogg and defeat him in combat without her powers, but the directors eventually realized she had no reason to play by his rules and changed it.

>Stan Lee's cameo was slightly tweaked after his death to have Carol smile back at him. In the original version she remains serious and focused on the Skrull.

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>They considered having Fury lose his eye fighting a Kree or Skrull for the longest time, but eventually decided that would be boring since everyone already expected it, and went with a more comedic direction with Goose scratching it out.

Why does that not surprise me?

it was a good idea

It's stupid, desu.

I actually enjoyed the movie quite a bit. "Just a Girl" was too on-the-nose.

>Stan Lee's cameo was slightly tweaked after his death to have Carol smile back at him. In the original version she remains serious and focused on the Skrull.
This was a good change. Captain Marvel/Brie Larson should smile more often!

>Fury originally discovered that Agent Keller was Talos in disguise by pointing out Keller’s shoelaces were untied and realizing Talos had no idea how to tie them because the Skrulls don’t have shoelaces.
>Samuel L. Jackson improvised Fury checking out the Skrulls’ genitals.

>Carol would originally 1v1 Yon-Rogg and defeat him in combat without her powers, but the directors eventually realized she had no reason to play by his rules and changed it.
ok that makes sense.

>>There was an alternative version of the post-credits scene showing that Yon-Rogg got lost on his way back to Hela and ended up in Sakaar, with the implication he'd be caught and forced to become one of the Grandmaster's gladiators.
I feel that Yon-Rogg got shortchanged. he should come back as Carol's Loki.

>Captain Marvel/Brie Larson should smile more often!
this but unironically because while I enjoy Carol's bad bitch persona, I want her to be layered and have more than one personality trait

Nice try patriarchy, but strong independent women don't smile

>he should come back as Carol's Loki.

He most likely will.

>Smiling at privileged white men in the current year.

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haram, she must remain forever tsundere

what everyone expected was for him to lose his eye in the movie period, and if they really wanted to sniff their own farts about subverting expectations they would've just left it the fuck alone

>>There was an alternative version of the post-credits scene showing that Yon-Rogg got lost on his way back to Hela and ended up in Sakaar, with the implication he'd be caught and forced to become one of the Grandmaster's gladiators.
Why would he go to Hela? Wouldn't she be in hell or whatever?

Don't quote me, but this movie was apparently in development for a while so most likely they had different plans for Hela back then.

You mean, you want her to have a personality?

user prob meant Hala

user is rude to expect people to show happiness through their faces in 2019.

she has a personality
I want her to have a more dimensional personality


>They considered having Fury lose his eye fighting a Kree or Skrull for the longest time, but eventually decided that would be boring since everyone already expected it, and went with a more comedic direction with Goose scratching it out.

>Carol would originally 1v1 Yon-Rogg and defeat him in combat without her powers, but the directors eventually realized she had no reason to play by his rules and changed it.

Okay. Where can I buy a gun?

A bird shitting in his eye while he looked up because Yon-Rogg or Talos went "Wait, what's that??" would have been better than this.

I bet she smiles a lot behind closed doors.

>and went with a more comedic direction with Goose scratching it out.

I expected the Cat ever since he was shown. They needed something for the memes and Reddit

Yikes. Have sex incel


>>They considered having Fury lose his eye fighting a Kree or Skrull for the longest time, but eventually decided that would be boring since everyone already expected it, and went with a more comedic direction with Goose scratching it out.

His line in Winter Soldier about "Trust" now makes no sense because "Hurr Durr Quips"

Fuck this stupid movie

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What's wrong with the Yon-Rogg bit?
Had it happened, people would probably be complaining that, "She could make lasers! Why would she need to play by his rules?"

Retard tranny

He trusted Goose.

>There was an alternative version of the post-credits scene showing that Yon-Rogg got lost on his way back to Hela and ended up in Sakaar, with the implication he'd be caught and forced to become one of the Grandmaster's gladiators.
This I'd have liked to see, but if Yon-Rogg ends in Sakaar, that means he never delivered her message to the Supreme Intelligence at Hala, so they never stopped their expansionist efforts. This is sort of ripe for a sequel, and likely would put him in a sort of ambiguous role in the future.
You could argue that Ronan turning around after getting his fleet destroyed by Carol would've been a good warning, but he already was acting alone, so he wouldn't have listened.

They would, but her triumph would have been much sweeter. Because it would have shown that, even while she indulged him by fighting according to his rules - contrasting with their first fight - and maintaining control, she could defeat him. It would have been much sweeter than just her rejecting him. Duh! She had realized he was never her commanding officer, but her enemy... so it was a meaningless gesture.

I hate that movie so much. It is so stupid - so thoughtless and artless, so loveless and clumsy, even spiteful.

Bitch, I will cut you.

Time passes more quickly on Sakaar - or more slowly - so he could be fighting for two or three years before escaping and still be back in time to warn the Intelligence.

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>They would, but her triumph would have been much sweeter.
Hard disagree. After that "fireworks display" where she destroyed a whole fleet in high orbit, beating her mentor who was heavily outclassed was gonna be superfluous and many would've questioned why she didn't just blow him away.
It's dumb, really. What they went for me way more sense and quite frankly, that conclusion resonated a lot with me. You may mock me if you want, but to me that's the real colophon of the movie.