What am i in for Yea Forums?

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Comedy with archetypal characters in a sort of monster of the week format. Also cute cat.
Pretty gud.

The premise of every webcomic except actually funny

a jerk

goofy show that doesn't feel too goofy even thought it pretty fucking goofy. Even though they're adults and they act goofy, they still are believable adults. Loved it.

a solid 6/10 show

a few good lines, but overall forgettable, still more entertaining than most shows made in the last 10 years

Pretty great anti-hero protagonist with a monster-of-the-week type format.
Only rarely does he fight actual monsters, it's usually anything from specific people to intangible concepts.

In the first episode he tries to get revenge on the entire state of Arizona, because he slipped on a taco wrapper that had the name written on it. He goes to library and asks the librarian for secret knowledge on "how to hurt Arizona". The librarian says he'll only let Dan read the book if he kills the man who slept with his wife.

A show that doesn't know if its for adults or kids

And I mean that in the best way possible

A show that should've been on Adult Swim.

Rick and Morty done right.

Rick and Morty done properly

Rick and Morty done in a superior way.


what's Canada got to do with anything?

You'll understand after you watch.

>Dan: Here is my plan: We go to Canada, and make them pay for what they did!
>Chris: That is not a plan, Dan. That is more like a goal.
>Dan: Ugh! Fine! You want a plan? Here is my plan... Phase One: Go to Canada. Phase Two: MAKE THEM PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID!
>Chris: Now it is more like a checklist.


Fun is a myth.


I forgot how good the writing in this show was.

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Pic related the TV show.

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For what?

I loved that episode.

It also has the best girls.

That’s...a surprisingly accurate way to describe it...and i don’t know how I feel about that.

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>idiot manchild
>his doormat normie best friend
>Hypercompetent girlfriend

The show gets away with it in a way webcomics don't because of the way the characters are treated.

Dan is a selfish goblin manchild but he's portrayed as an objectively bad person whose life is awful because of it. Chris isn't just a straight man, he's a cowardly dunce whose life is made worse through his association with Dan. Elise isn't Dan's perfect girlfriend, she's Chris's overbearing shrewish girlfriend who hates Dan (while simultaneously being just as bad as him.)

It’s definitely fitting. It’s just that without elaboration, saying something is “like a typical webcomic but X” probably the least flattering way to describe it.

Taking Chris's wife.