If Parker is supposed to be a genius, why is he a broke, lonely man living in a shitty apartment?
If Parker is supposed to be a genius, why is he a broke, lonely man living in a shitty apartment?
He's a genius, not a business man.
Because he's not an asshole.
because he's white.
He invested in a Spiderman themed restaurant.
That and he's a sad sack who couldn't make it work with his wife and wallows in his misery.
Spider-man's burden
That burden being stopping supervillains because he'd feel guilty if anyone was hurt by a villain he could've stopped.
So he's basically sleeping 8 hours, being Spider-man 12 hours, and has 4 hours to be a civilian
Being smart doesn't mean being successful
welcome to Yea Forums.
Even Spider-Man can't web swing away from depression.
because he isn't allowed to be succesfull as peter parker.
the writers are too afraid to allow him to grow up or to mature.
thats why assholes like quesada come up with shit stories of peter selling his marriage to mephisto so they can revert peter back to a loser 16 year old that still lives with his skeleton of an aunt. (and in quesda's case have peter then drawn to resemble himself and have him date a oc of his own daughter)
Did you play the PS4 game? It makes everything pretty clear. Hard to hold a steady job or make something of yourself when every time you go outside you have to save some random person from being ass-raped.
it's hard to have a stable job if you're a fucking superhero and that's just NYC baby
How is this even a question? Have you ever had a job in your life? Jobs aren't generally compatible with randomly dropping everything you're doing to fight mutants for hours at a time.
>welcome to Yea Forums
He still human, had you ever learn about the live of some real life prodigies?
he's an incel
I like the idea that his morals make him a bad businessman. He's not as ruthless as Norman or even a rich hero like Bruce Wayne. But Bruce has Lucius to maintain his business so maybe Peter needed someone like that to rely on. A good man capable of being a great businessman.
honestly, I like him like this, he's more down to earth.
If Ditko was supposed to be a genius, why was he a broke, lonely man living in a shitty apartment?
Because he's white and therefore not allowed to be comfortable or happy because it would oppress niggers somehow.
MJ gets blacked.
Peter fucks a chocolate cutie
reminder that only based Marvel cared to show Pete making web fluid and idolizing him as the genius he is.
none of that organic web or youtube tutorial shit.
Nothing would make me happier than Harry and Pete going into business together and living successful lives, one free of his father's influence and the other finally able to balance his life with a great support network to help him juggle his great power and great responsibility.
Guess Mephisto took her self respect along with the marriage
That and the artists couldn't decide what the fireman looked like
Muh rep uh ray shuns
Fuck whitey
But they did that at the detriment of the original point of the character. He’s not a sidekick or the “next generation of hero’s” he was a first gen hero trying to do his best while going it alone. Now every single asshole knows his identity and at best he’s a fucking replacement for iron man until they kill him off for miles
You actually had that with Parker Industries but... you know... Slott...
Yeah, and it's a shame. I'd be happy with Pete being a science teacher, a high-profile photographer, or being the head of a start-up company that struggling to stay afloat like Pete usually is, but what Slott did... It's like he forgot that Spider-Man deals with "realistic problems" Not "The world actively shits on me"
I don't want to ramble, I just wanted to get that off my chest.
>Peter spent his free time shitposting on /pol/ about mutants taking jobs away from good working humans.
Ya seethe bitch lmfaoooo
>I got stuck with the hobo spiderman
Why dont the other spidermen/spiderwomen have to deal with this burden
Except it does.
You're telling me he can't invent and patent anything. Isn't he supposed to be smarter than Stark and as smart as Reed?
Why does Jesus have blonde hair and not brown
They all have spider-powers, but they're their own people so they have their own problems. I mean, Spider-Gwen has to deal with having her secret identity made public and dealing with her dad hunting her down.
Why did Tesla die penniless and alone? Despite changing the modern world.
They really wrote a strong Mary Jane in this story.
That's what brainlets who think they're smart think. Real smart people do become rich.
>still peddling "Iron Boy" memes
Stark came to him. not the other way around. also Peter is known to having been a fan of Captain America before he spider bite, why then is it so taboo for him to idolize other heroes?
>he was a first gen hero trying to do his best while going it alone.
the Fantastic Four and Hulk all came before Spider-Man, even Doctor Strange started before them, let's not forget the Invaders in WW2.
again, he went to fight the Vulture without the Stark suit. no parachute, no AI, no instant kill mode, only him.
just stop trying.
Some are off the grid (clones), others are kids, some are employed to be supers.. I think, I forget if Jess works for SHIELD or not, and Miles has affirmative action to fall back on for his grades
That's because he broke off partnerships and stop patenting invetions. After he acquired a good sum of money from said partnerships and retired, He thought he can spend money like no tomorrow.
Gwen x Peter OTP
a) Being a scientific genius doesn't make you a business genius
b) The whole thing of Spider-man was "what if someone from a pretty ordinary background like the reader, became a superhero". The answer was "It'd be really hard without the support network that being rich, working for the military, or any mystic network could give you".
c)His whole responsibility thing means that he will always try to place his duties as Spider-man over the conveniences and opportunities of Peter Parker.
If stories where allowed to come to an end in Marvel, a good overall arc could be him learning to balance his responsibilities with his personal life, maybe by building his own support network reflective of his values in contrast to the loner he started off as.
However as it stands anytime, he'll get close it'll inevitably fall apart and start again so that the story may never end.
Whenever I hear people make the old, "Marvel characters are so much more realistic!!!" argument, I always use Spider-Man as an example of why that's completely wrong. Peter Parker was a broke teenager with girl problems and shitty luck when he was first created. That may have been identifiable when he was first created, but 40 years of stories later, he's now a broke adult with girl problems and shitty luck. We never see any of these so-called "relatable" characters ever experience lasting growth and development. Peter Parker was born a loser, has always been a loser, and will die a loser.
>why then is it so taboo for him to idolize other heroes?
Why is it only Tony he particularly mourns mourns then?
>he went to fight the Vulture without the Stark suit. no parachute, no AI, no instant kill mode, only him.
And in Infinity War we're back to Tony toys. And then in FFH we'r all about living up to his legacy.
And I'm sure it ends with Peter learning to be his own sort of hero untill the next movie wants ti sell us more Iron Man merch.
That's very bold telling Yea Forums users that being a lifelong loser is unrealistic
>, he's now a broke adult with girl problems and shitty luck
>Peter Parker was born a loser, has always been a loser, and will die a loser.
That's relatable to his audience.
1. He was bad with money.
2. He was fucking crazy.
Ditko isn't broke, he's still paid Spider-man royalties IIRC. He just wants nothing to do with Marvel anymore.
He's not getting much of anything, chief, unless they have banks in hell.
When Peter DID become successful for a while during Slott's Big Time, losers here bitched.
>I'm right and everyone's wrong
There's a level above 'abject failure' that's also below 'globe-travellin' Tony Stark with spider-car'
Parker as a teacher was pretty good.
With Slott, most people knew it wasn't going to last. And damn, everyone was right.
>Why is it only Tony he particularly mourns mourns then?
Tony's the only big hero to die.
Cpt was fine until after the funeral.
Only a few people know Widow and tony's big damn hero moment overshadowed her death
Jesus couldn't eat bacon, he was a jew
He does fucking predate him, and because Peter's smart, he idolizes a guy who used his smarts to help people. But he only started doing Spider-Man stuff when Ben died.
>why is it only tony he particularly mourns.
A) Tony died and B) Within the continuity of the MCU Stark took a special interest in Peter, it only makes sense that he would mourn him.
There's literally nothing wrong with alternate interpretations of these characters. There are hundreds of variations on these characters within the comics alone, why do you autists only flip your wigs when it's the movies that try to zig a little?
That's where the identity problem comes in. He can't patent anything as "Spiderman" and patenting something blatantly Spidermanish as Peter Parker might have people connect the dots.
Whats that from?
Tony's the only other hero he really interacted with. He barely spoke to Vision or Widow.
He also spent time with Strange Quill Mantis and Drax but they're all ok.
had to make another thread.
Osborn's smarter and more ruthless than Spider-Man, which is why he's more successful
>Terry Davis
He's fucking dead. It took them like a week to figure out he had died.
poor Financial skills tons of stress lack of sleep just like says he's too guilt ridden to look out for his own personal happiness
Alternate dimension Jesus. This one lived.
Jesus could eat bacon, part of why he was sent down was too bring humanity a new law to live by which meant the law of Moses wouldn't apply any more meaning that bacon's back on the menu boys.
>he was a jew
He was raised to be Jewish, but I think he disagreed with them about a number of things.