Why are we allowing mega-corporations like Time Warner push unhealthy dietary habits and fat acceptance on...

Why are we allowing mega-corporations like Time Warner push unhealthy dietary habits and fat acceptance on impressionable viewers?

What happened to the 00's when companies were ashamed to market fat and sugar laden garbage and started crossbranding to actual fruits and vegetables?

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You sound like a nerd

i too get mad at the mc's friend is a fatass trope and try and label it as a conspiracy while gripping my totally real children and demanding they be removed from broadcast as a concept, retard.

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Why did someone edit Amethyst's(?) lower half onto Steven's. That's the real question here.

If you wanted a fat girls thread you could've just said so, user.

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Because gullible millennial retards are the only demographic that companies can manipulate anymore. Boomers already know that media is just designed to scam you out of money while zoomers don't know any better.
>hey these dumb kids are obsessed about social politics
>let's pander to them with cartoons about fat acceptance and lesbian tranny dominance
>now watch them fall in love with the show and buy all the merch

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Which is particularly funny because su had nearly zero merch for the first 3 years.

>Boomers already know that media is just designed to scam you out of money
So you're saying boomers pour all their money to the media on PURPOSE?

>outrage culture

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>only retards care about things
>unlike me

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Steven is going to be trans

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I love how Steven is used in fat acceptance propaganda despite clearly becoming thinner as the show went on (for wrong reason but still).

They should be more worried at Stevens acceptance of genocidal dictators than him being 50 pounds overweight.

*ex genocidal dictators

Nah even when's drawn regularly and not for cute chibi stuff (which was mostly S3+S4 to be fair) he's more stout than fat now. Kid's getting swole.

Companies realised healthy kids played outside with their friends while fatties did fuck all and watched TV all day.

So by pushing fat acceptance, they're making sure the audience keeps watching.

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I don't believe Steven's current body shape is intentional. They stopped drawing him like they used to since it's arguably a more difficult bodytype to animate.
Now he is just a tube.

By god, tubes. The internet was right.

Well I guess it’s nice he’s getting in shape

Somebody quickly get that boy a male role model so he can grow up to be a proper man and murder the xeno whores.

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Fuck the kids, i want to see smoking in cartoons again, i dont care how many tikes get lung cancer theyre retarded for being influenced by TV anywayd

I nominate Hal

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Get him John so his black father skills beats the queer out of him.

I mean, Steven will still be A queer, but he wouldn't be such a fag about it.

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His old man fucked an alien to death.

Eh he's got plenty.
>Sour Cream
>Kevin (Obviously gonna happen)
>Every day in Beach City
>Mister Dewey
>Ronaldo (...ok this one's a stretch).

>if you don't care about ...how fat a cartoon character is than you clearly don't care about anything
makes sense

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Nah, get Guy. Anybody but Kyle.

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>Every day
Every *dad, but every day is funnier.

Seeing these fat hate threads here and on/v/ motivates me to keep working hard to become skinny, perfect and superior to all
>tfw I lost 15 pounds and now 214, cheekbones coming through
>aiming to lose more to reveal my handsome face under the fat
I'll prove you virgins wrong


Good luck user. 290lbs fatass over here but any and all discipline and dedication should be rewarded. Keep going!

But kids don't watch SU, only tumblrinas do and they all aren't fat.