Name a single comic thats better

name a single comic thats better
i feel like this is the single best graphic novel ive ever read and it pains me that its so underrated.

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not going to argue that Fury isn't great, but The Ring of the Nibelungs is better

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hm, i might have to give it a read

do it, it's the best storytelling I have ever seen in comics

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>posting two completely different art styles

what? covers and interiors are frequently different but in this case it's the same artist and colourist, just different effect

Wasn't it released as single issues? I thought a GN was just released all together as one book and didn't have floppies.

Les Miserables was serialized initially and yet we consider it a novel today. The "floppies = never a graphic novel" argument is needlessly pedantic.

It's great, but I wouldn't call it Ennis' best work. Dear Billy is a better war comic.

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haven't read this yet. His Sara at TKO is pretty great too

You need to read all of Ennis' War Comics and Battlefields. It's his best work.

there is a guy at a bar I go to that like war history, and he has a collection of old 60s war comics. So I recently lent him Fury My War Gone By. really interested to hear his take on it.

holy fuck, thats actually an amazing idea.
one thing I love about it is its pretty deep dive into the political situation surrounding each war fury was in, please update us if youre back when the threads still here.

Not even the best comic by Ennis

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>barracuda and that baby

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>*a fucking cat

>and all the stars in the sky...

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Ennis war imprint at DC when?

It’s not an argument it’s a fact, and Les Mis has nothing to do with it . The pedant is you

I doubt it unless they allow him to do stuff (and I assume that in that deal they want him to write something for them in the mainline).

Can someone post that nick fury splash page? You know, where he breaks into the room on his motorcycle

Just read this thanks to your post.
Christ, Ennis can break my heart like no other writer.

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Cerebus the Aardvark

Punisher MAX exists.

>tfw it went from wacky adventures of two buddies to a dark shit

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>Dude a tpb collecting 6 spider-man issues is a graphic novel!

Not even the best Fury comic. Read some comics.

It has Spider-Man, it can’t be a graphic novel!

What is the best Fury comic?

Ehhh, I don't know about that. I was thinking about it a few weeks ago though. I do wonder if you have to have a thicker skin than most to actually enjoy work like this. Not to drag out the retard /pol/tards, but it's hard to think the stereotypical view of a leftie could really enjoy this.

>Craig Russel on Wagner
Well, I'll be reading that tonight. I wonder why I've never heard of this.

Well not the last two volumes of War Stories. those were pretty shit. But the Vertigo issues and Battlefields are fantastic.

Fury: My War Gone By


I personally like the Kirby stuff but like OP and said this is a solid choice.

Steranko is the most influential one out of the bunch. I also recommend Nick Fury vs. SHIELD by Bob Harras and Archie Goodwin's The Scorpio Connection with Chaikin on art duties. To go further read Larry Hama run on G.I. Joe supposedly G.I. Joe was made from a Nick Fury pitch to Hasbro and The Filth was also converted from a intended Fury story to want Morrison ended up with.

I’ve never heard the GI Joe thing before, but it totally makes sense. Early GI joe is straight up Shield stuff.
I really like the Kirby stuff as well.
Steranko is on his own level, tho.

Daredevil: Born Again is better. The Dark Knight Returns is better. Batman Year One might be better. Hitman is probably better.

>its so underrated

It's probably the most popular comic of this decade on Yea Forums.


I liked it alright. Start reading non-American made though.

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The current Bendis run on Action is pretty good

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MAX is great and I read it before this but this just tops it in my book. Ive also read (some) of crossed, Ive read all of boys, preacher, etc. but this tops them all.
I havent read battlefields and i actually havent read hitman either (which is a priority)

yeah, sure, on Yea Forums
i disagree with all of those except maybe TDKR and hitman, TDKR was pretty sick and i actually have not read hitman yet, ive read preacher, boys, and punisher MAX but not hitman.

Bought a copy of this a few months ago for $70, was worth every dollar. There's a crease on the front though which drives my autism crazy sadly but I love my copy.

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Look man, I like it too, but the more you oversell it, the less likely people are to give it a fare shake.
Shilling this hard almost always leaves a bad taste in people's mouths.

Is this actually good?


Yes, it is really damn good. My favourite police procedural so far

garth ennis is shit, and your taste in comics is complete shit

>Bought a copy of this a few months ago for $70
shit man, someone robbed you, it just got a reprint around the same time. Still, good on you picking it up. there is a secret clan of Yea Forums that loves this book but it isn't talked about much

You need to be 18+ to post on Yea Forums

>I also recommend Nick Fury vs. SHIELD by Bob Harras

Really? No offense but I wouldn't exactly call it good unlike Chaykin's Fury/Wolverine story.

As far as I'm concerned, the best comic the west has produced was Robinson's Starman, with the associated spin-offs included.

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>the west

uhhh, Superior Foes of Spider-Man


America is part of the western world, isn't it?

They are a lot of better comics than dead baby fury, don't feel specifically insulted if my choice of Superior Foes offended you, I could have chose many others.

If I liked Superior Foes, would I enjoy Spencer's Ant-Man run?

Not sure, it's on my reading list though. Currently the only Spencer I've read is Superior Foes and his current run of Amazing Spider-Man.

Superior Foes isn't better than anything.

Robinson is British. Also, why not just say comic? Are you implying the east has anything comparable?

>Robinson is British
Are you implying Starman was a British comic? Still part of the west anyway.
>Are you implying the east has anything comparable?
Yes but I have no intention of talking about it because this is Yea Forums and not Yea Forums

Hey now. I wouldn't put it up against Fury MWGB either, but Superior Foes is solid and definitely better than quite a few things.

Alright so I didn't knew marvel published adult comics too. Is this from a 3rd party? A different line like Vertigo? How did they publish this?

well they sent it to a printers and then Diamond distributed it to comic shops
"MAX" is the gritty big boy comic line, if that's what you were wondering.

Every time I see Superior Foes mentioned, it's someone commenting that it's better than some other comic, and it hasn't been true yet.

>he hasn't read Punisher MAX
>he doesn't know who Barracuda is
Drop whatever you're doing and go read both Nick Fury: My War Gone By and all of Garth Ennis' Punisher MAX run.

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The word you're looking for is imprint. MAX was Marvel's adult imprint.

I hope you're exaggerating for effect, because there are some seriously shitty comics out there.

None of them are as a shitty as Superior Foes. It was Reddit: the comic.

>Superior Foes is Reddit: The Comic
>not, Captain America: Why Haven't You Made Guns Illegal Yet

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All of them but the disgusting sionist arc that killed Ennis as a human being for me, wich was even more grotesque than that scene in fables

hang yourself faggot

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Very edgy, and very controversial.
Good job user, you made me offended :^)

I'm exaggerating of course. Superior Foes just pops up in threads about much better comics too often.

God I did not expect to feel as horrible as I did when Shirley killed herself. I had trepidation about the series when she was introduced and her relationship with Fury but her paralleling storyline with Hatherly was so fucking brutal that I like a bitch legitimately fucking had to close the book for a while.
I could have been a good man's wife is so fucking unnecessarily brutal.

Non-American comics have a lot of shit comics too. Asterix, Duckshit, Spirou, Tin tin are seen as classics outside of America.

>confirmed for never having read Ducks

Is it a good idea to read all the previous runs before this?

I was first going to read Kirby's "Agents of Shield" then Steranko's "S.H.I.E.L.D" to get a better grasp on Fury since I know next to nothing about him

I know its probably not necessary but I want to absorb the character

The MAX series works in a completely different continuity and has nothing at all to do with any other story, but you should the Steranko stuff anyway to see some cool shit.

No. These stories aren't set in the normal Marvel Universe, with superheroes and helicarriers. Its a much more "real" settings. As such, Fury is simply an unaging WWII veteran that was involved in America's dirty work through the Cold War. My only gripe about it is short the series was. Vietnam, Cuba, back to Vietnam, and Central America. Could have had Iran Hostage Crisis and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and possibly even the Gulf War and into the American invasion of Afghanistan.

I heard a rumor Ennis might be planning to explore Fury and Frank's hi-jinks in Vietnam a little more.

Ennis really is an amazing writer, he has his flaws but when he's in his groove he's fucking amazing.

>fucking amazing
Would you go so far as to say his writing is... bueno excellente?


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I've read life and times of scrooge McDuck, which was yet another action adventure comic, which is like the capeshit of Europe.

>it's bad because it's part of a genre!
I see, so it's like that.


shut up

I recommend you dont even read this.
As another user said, read punisher MAX, issues 1-60 then the jason aaron run, its good aside from the ending which many argue is kinda shit, but thats optional, but you HAVE to read 1-60 of MAX, after that dont read the other 12 issues, ennis left the punisher run after that and it turned to shit.
This is in the same universe as punisher max, so it'll give you some background on fury who appears in this book as well.
Then read fury MAX and have the time of your life.

That scene killed me like no other when I read it.
"I always thought you were lovely."
Then the look on her face in the next panel, holy shit.

very much yes, it even has Ant-Man trying to gather reformed villains to have legitimate jobs. Like they did in Ant-Man and the Wasp

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I really do wonder why Spencer fucked up Secret Empire & Captain America so hard. His talent really lies in comedy & there wasn't anything funny about Cap/SE.

what I read of SE he still some good stuff. Events are usually messy and I think SE gets over blown in how bad it was. I also think marvel editorial fucked up his actual plan. His Pymtron issue was really really good though

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Tommy was here

Hitman is about as popular as Fury in the mainstream, i.e. not very. As far as "best of all time" capeshit goes it's pretty underrated.

I never wanted him dead so badly before

You mean American Ducks?

why do the lines look so mushy?