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Except they didn't make their own place, they took over existing ones using white guilt

This. Look at Yea Forums even. Criticise a current comic for being shit due to reasons that certain people agree with and you get screamed at for being a casual who doesn't read comics.

>they took over existing ones
This isn't a secret club, flag.

No one said it was, but that's a revealing post.

>they took over OUR hobby
>it's not yours only
>wow never said that??

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>Leave the blue place
>Make a new place within the yellow place (that is empty)
>But they didn't make their own place
Are you dull?

this comic is talking co/ and nerd culture in general, not the race whatever you have going on

>being shit due to reasons that certain people agree with
This is the most vague shit, I'm afraid you're retarded.

>comic and nerd culture becomes popular
you hade to know this was coming.

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Thus is the nature of normies. Normies have no genuine interests, they just flock to whatever a group of people does. And if someone does something alone, that's lame. So that's why, when comic book fags gather in groups, normies suddenly want in too, despite wanting nothing to do with them when the members of said groups were alone.

You are special,cool, unique,counterculture and ahead of the curve because you browe a mongolian shadow puppetry imageboard

you applied this meaning to the comic, not the artist

The feminist movement vs men
You can read it both ways but only one is true

If it anger Yea Forums,you know whch one is the true one

>we will make our own place and if you try to even participate with us, we'll accuse you of being a nazi or incel unless you pass our very thorough gatekeeping and political purity tests

FTFY, fucking retard

>You are special,cool, unique,
Thank you user. Nothing like a little kindness now and again.


>no u

You are one unique snowflake.You are intrisically better than other people based on the choice you make on the comic shop or the theater

>Your feminism does not fit into our male superhero comics
>OK we will make our own comics and cartoons like Lumberjanes and She-Ra
>Why do these comics only feature women, do you hate men?!?!?

This comic would make more sense if the colored people made their box outside in the white.


Nobody gives a shit about mgtow though.

Mgtow is this comic but the mgtows are at the window with binoculars, obsessively taking notes then yelling constantly out the window that they are free from women. And the women aren’t trying to get into the exclusive room, actually trying to steer clear of it

Yeah, there's only 4394583450235234234 articles about why MGTOW is sexist.

you will never be a real woman

>That certain people
The only reason you’d specify “certain” is if they’re a minority of people with shit opinions but big followings among the ignorant, and you’re just parroting their shit taste


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No, it’s very visibly one that doesn’t want you here, in the same way that a “No trespassing” sign isn’t secret.


You aren't a girl, tranny.

What a retarded post. This is literally what happens whenever someone tries to start a project like this:

>every other project is made by and for white dudes
>Someone decides to change things up by themselves and says: "I'm looking for women, preferably POC (as being a POC themselves) to do this comic/cartoon/etc. Send me your portfolio!"
>White dude: "Whoa this is so racist and exclusive! Imagine if I did this with white dudes only! Such a big double standard!"

Good mgtow: men living their own life to the fullest, dropping the useless expectations culture has for them to get married
Bad mgtow: become more obsessed with women than they were before going mgtow with they constantly screech about why women are evil, privileged and worthless

>I am so obsessed with acting to generate this cherry picked, idealized self image through what activities I “participate” in, that I genuinely can’t understand people holding interest in things other than how they appear to others, and honestly believe that people would be as afraid of being and insulted at being called unnotable as I am
You are a sad little husk of a man.

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"white dude"

Yeah, there's a 100% chance you're from reddit or resetera. Go back, retard.

Wikipedia: 90% build by white males.
SJW: The list of female porn stars is longer than the one for female poets. We need a transition of power!

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I'm from neither. I'm spelling out what the comic clearly is referring to but I know you're more concerned about seething and trying to feel persecuted.

I don't get it. How it's about race segregation or nerd "culture"? When some geek shit becomes mainstream normal people don't complain about nerd gatekeepers, they simply don't notice them.
But they are sexist, geez.

The problem is that you don't realize how much power women have in western society until you "go your own way"

You suddenly realize that your entire social status hinges on marrying a woman and having kids with her by age 40. You start putting the dots together and you realize the only reason people around you want you on earth is to have sex with a woman, marry her, and provide for her. That's it. As a man, you are worthless.

It's not so much that women are evil, it's more that they're the real important people in western society and you don't realize that until you get older and start getting negative attention for not marrying a woman.

>But they are sexist, geez.

This is 100% genuine, in case you think Yea Forumsmblr isn't real.

You know yourself very well

>If something doesn’t specifically have ham fisted pandering and propaganda it’s only for white dudes and can’t be enjoyed by anyone else
If you can’t put aside your narcissism when reading a story, then you should probably go find another hobby, like talking to a mirror.

Stop crying about le evil white dudes if you don't want people to tell you to fuck off back to resetera, dumb fuck.

You'll never have sex,incel

I do, and i know that i will never be as low as you,


It’s “No retards allowed”. I didn’t realize you were illiterate in addition to retarded. Would pictograms help?

Stop being a huge bitch

Hipster trash, kill yourself

What? How are you remotely deriving this conclusion from my post?
The comic is talking about creating their own nerd spaces after being told you don't fit, and then other folks taking offense to that. This is happening A LOT with the whole comicsgate shit, who funnily enough, instead of simply focusing on creating their own niche, they attack others for having theirs.
Nobody's crying over them, it's pointing out the irony of making your own things after getting told you don't belong, then having retards like you saying "hurrr go back to resetera, trannie", as if I even knew what the fuck that place was.

But if you’re going your own way, why does it matter? How much of a man’s career, hobbies and social life actually depends on having a gf or wife? Very little unless he truly can’t be independent. Hell, a lot of partnered men seem to be fed up with how much their woman is involved with their own life. You have to get used to living like the male version of an old maid from a couple centuries ago. Women did it, and now you can too.


Nibba, they literally build thier group identity around their sex and by exclusion and demeaning of the opposite sex.

It strikes me that the author of this comic could've just posted a scene from Boy's Club, but that idiot has probably never heard of it.

Yea Forums is the only boar don Yea Forums where i see people complaining about "white dudes"

Seriously, I've only seen it here. Explain this shit.

You're not on Yea Forums enough.

>USSR's reaction to NATO.


Have sex, you waste of oxygen

Because comicbooks comprise a way more diverse crowd than most other boards on Yea Forums, so it's bound to have some overlaps with people who do not like getting told they shouldn't be here.
I can only speak about Yea Forums though, I stopped going to Yea Forums a long time ago and /g/ is full of Yea Forums lolicon nerds, so I dropped it too.

Thanks for agreeing Yea Forumsmblr is real.

>muh Yea Forumsmblr
Sounds like you want an echo chamber. Yea Forums isn't one person.

I go on like 10 different boards every day since 2009. This is probably the first time I've seen someone unironically complain about "white dudes" in such a redditor fashion.

based post

Women have enjoyed media marketed towards males for centuries. Some aspects of that media, like the portrayal of female characters, women just put up with because they still liked the media. Then they create versions of that media that fit more into what they want and men get mad about it for some reason.

wow user you're really brave standing up to that imaginary scenario that never happened to you

I don't want anything. Yea Forums is resetera-lite and that's fine, that just means this board will get worse and worse every year.

Wallow in your own tumblrness, I guess.

>We'll go make our own space
>-And then come back later and demand that you're accepting of our space.
No, fuck off. This is why you weren't welcome in the first place. No one was stopping you from enjoying it, they despised you because you tried to make it about you.

Yea Forums and /fa/ did it a lot iirc.