Why does he hate Kyle and Wally?

Why does he hate Kyle and Wally?

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His intro to the DCU was Superfriends and he has a bad case of not-muh for anything that wasn't on the show. He doesn't like drawing Dick in the Nightwing costume either.

He's chilled out in the past decade and a half though and been willing to draw more or less whatever DC asks him to put on a cover whereas he used to just refuse.

He has good taste

A few weeks ago Liefeld complained Ross would never draw Deadpool then a couple people sent him examples of Ross drawing Deadpool.

Who wouldn’t? Kyle is boring and Wally is worst Flash
Did Liefeld ever say how he felt about Kingdom Come?

I've read that he and Mark Waid almost came to blows about putting J'onn in Kingdom Come

DC in general hates wally. Hes "died" in one form or another 3 times in the last 15 years and now they've made him a mass murderer.

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>Liefeld being ignorant
What a surprise.

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Oh this is kinda sad

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what an idiot

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Has he ever done them?

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Yeah, Kyle's mask looks pretty bad. Maybe that's the point.