how would (you) inforced this act?
Superhero registration act
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I wouldn't.
If superheroes were real, they would be dictators. Even if they were hands-off dictators, no policy could exist without their consent. That's actually a fascinating idea, to have a person who has power rivalling the entirely police/military force concentrated in his own person.
I wouldn't "inforce" anything because I don't work for the government or any legal department.
if I'm regular joe, it's not my job.
if i have powers fuck you I'll do what i want or just move.
if im in the government i have bigger things to worry about
Why bother? This entire plot point is absolutely retarded and made by people that don't understand the concept and importance of anonymity in various facets of law enforcement or military service and why a vigilante operating outside of government sanction would have it in their best interest to do the same.
There's a reason why SWAT cover their faces when storming buildings.
There's a reason why agents undercover or in the field use fake IDs and personas and if they get made or shit gets leaked, it's immediate witness protection, moving away and different identities for their families.
Superheroes should be allowed to hide their real identity, or else they'll be at a disadvantage when everyone, EVERYONE knows who they are and where they live.
If the government were to expect people to register then they should also be expected to give them and their families the Presidential or Papal treatment when off duty and out in public. Because most of them aren't robots who's sole purpose in life is to fight crime day and night.
Only criminals caught by registered superheroes will be recognized by law enforcement. People brought to the police by non-registered heroes cannot be prosecuted.
You essentially take away the ability to function as a hero unless they play ball, unless they are just straight-up killing people rather than turning them in, which is manslaughter/murder and the courts get involved.
Make the whole process voluntary, but offer pretty good financial incentives for heroes to sign on.
The 50-state Initiative for instance was a great idea, and I'm mad that Marvel abandoned it after Dark Reign.
Depends on what kind of world you're living in. If it's a world where people have minor powers and mutations and can be effectively contained if they start doing illegal shit, you probably won't need more than a special task force... if you're in a situation where there are Superman/Marvel-level people out there who are basically demi-gods... there's really not much you can do.
>Only criminals caught by registered superheroes will be recognized by law enforcement. People brought to the police by non-registered heroes cannot be prosecuted.
user, no offense, but that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. In the real world it doesn't fucking matter who catches a criminal, all that matters is if there is enough evidence to prosecute and convict.
By your logic, if a hero caught a serial killer who is on the run from the police after evidence and witnesses implicating him in multiple murders were revealed, he'd have to be let go solely because Spider-Man caught him and webbed him up for the police.
Now, if the only evidence that the guy is a criminal comes from the words of the hero, that's a completely different story, but that is not the case most of the time.
In my /tg/ supers setting. The Heroes that are mega rich lobbied for Superhuman privacy laws so you can't unmask and reveal identities unless they are 100% convicted of a crime. The I.M.P (International Metahuman Police) do have a database of available information on metahumans and powers weaknesses and ideneties and area of operation on what's called a S.I.N ( Superhuman Identification Network) so when a crime happens that involves powers the I.M.P can use the S.I.N to help them investigate
If you want to fight crime, you register, and you’ll be protected from arrests for vigilante justice and damages, receive training and access to resources and backup. Your data is protected, but there will be immediate contingencies for leaks.
Not registering doesn’t mean anything will happen to you, but you’ll be operating outside the law and won’t have protection from that or legal action.
Leaking hero data is a life or even death sentence and reoccurrent supervillainy that causes loss of life is also punishable by death, carried out on the spot by a registered Judge—uh, hero.
Send out firemen and paramedics to beat the shit out of anyone who doesn't register.
Capes keep saying those guys are the real heroes, they must all secretly be afraid of them like how everyone older than 10 is afraid of clowns
Increase technology and military power to match supers. Syndrome was right. Then you can make laws and punish supers acting out of bounds.
And inb4 "everybody is ironman". The future is cyberpunk or CRISPR mutants. It's only fair.
The SRA never really worked in the long run. No hero should deal with red tape especially if an alien invasion is happening or a soul-sucking extraplanar is wreaking havoc in several towns.
>if you break the skin of a fireman you get assaulted by fire demons from hell
You cannot have SRA without clearly defining consent
>Civil War Cap got taken down by a bunch of angry firefighters and paramedics
It’s true, they’re the most powerful heroes.
Use pic related to keep rogue supers in check.
Instead of just the government handling this, have it enforced by a coalition of government, the heroes themselves and a major organization like SHIELD. And then organize heroes into classes depending on the threats (Avengers are obviously A-Class, guys like the Heroes for Hire are C-Class) Oh and this "Superhero Association" also trains and vetted new heroes. Established heroes will have like an annual vetting process (call it a performance review as in to see if all the gears are running well, the hero ain't going nuts or is currently having heart problems)
how do floating teenagers keep superheros in check?
I think he's talking about the FUCK HUGE robot that causes property damage just to get ONE mutant. Oh and they're usually incompetent.
gift baskets
I think floating teenagers could cause more damage, albeit emotional damage
>user, no offense, but that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. In the real world it doesn't fucking matter who catches a criminal, all that matters is if there is enough evidence to prosecute and convict.
Not him, but you really shouldn't comment on legal matters if you don't have a clue yourself. There are plenty of cases where criminals get off specifically because of the methods of which they were apprehended made the previous evidence against them tainted and unusable in court.
There's an entire section of our law devoted to that:
Supers wouldn't sign unless they got all kinds of stuff in return :
>families get protected from the mob
>not liable for some amount of property damage
>some quota of how much criminals they get to kill every year
>probably a 5 figure salary in exchange for shilling for the police department
>tax returns on Spider-man's dune buggy as it's now investment in his LLC
That'd cost billions and triple real estate costs in NYC once the building/insurance guys realise the government will cover any damage done by capes, kinda like how federal backing of student loans made college tuition increase.
I'd increase police budget by two thirds of what the enforcment would cost and let them go around human rights every now and then instead like the supers do. Most of those guys have a powerset amounting to "jumping really high and punching ninjas", once regular crime is down enough and the cops are able to deal with the other weirdos in pimp outfits they'll most likely give up and get jobs.
The other third goes to outreach to space wizards who deal with stuff nobody else can.
Depends on the floating teenager...if you position yourself just might get an upskirt shot.
(Dat Lucky 7)
Oh and every 4 years, you could have the heroes compete in some kind of Super Hero Olympics, use the proceeds from the event to fund the Association. Oh and the finals of the Super Hero Olympics must be a wrestling match.
Days of Future's Past had better, smaller, and adaptable sentinels. And they are competent nearly genociding mutants so bad, they have to resort to time fuckery just to prevent that nightmare.
And then just equip one with kryptonite and it's free real estate.
just send him after the ones who won't register
You mean the Mk VI's or the Prime Sentinels?
>Capes keep saying those guys are the real heroes
I fucking hate when they do it.
"Oh yeah, we just stopped this giant mech from laying waste to the entire city, saving millions in the process, but YOU'RE the real heroes! Good Job!"
It's not that they're all heroes carrying out duties fit for their abilities, it's that they're the "real" ones.
It sounds like empty lip service, it's such patronizing shit man.
If your penis was a superhero. Would you be forced to unmask it?
Mk VIs will do more than enough to capture/kill supers. Timeline erasing was the only option they had to beat them.
I never understood these kinds of stories in comics. I always felt that Incredibles ironically did it better than anything I've read.
>supers both register AND can't use their powers
>go into special programs where they are assigned new names and have to take up human jobs
>government controls how it protects its citizens, and having supers running around complicating shit sucks
Granted I don't read a lot of comics. :^)
Bolivar Trask and Syndrome team up to create the OmniSentinel.
I know that's a reference to something but I couldn't put my finger on it.
they tell you to kill yourself.
Or peek at you while you masturbate.
oh fuck me!
>supervillains power is to fly and be intangible, but he glows like a flashlight
>he always knows when a superhero is going to masturbate or have sex
>he always show up
>doesnt do anything, just floats there and watches
So you have a choice now. Go ahead and get down to it while some creep watches, or let him win and blueball you
Depends on the villain...guy or gal?
They have a perception altering aura. They always look like a creepy, gross human- whatever that would look like to that person.
>Powers of arrest and other rights cease to exist because of how you were born/an accident/etc.
Congratulations you just set yourself up for a massive law suit and proved how this is unconstitutional.
Fuck..there goes the chance to invite the villain for a threesome then.
That's different from stripping the power of citizen arrest or making someone's evidence utterly inadmissible based solely on a characteristic.
OP here I can see this law can't be enforced, what was ironman thinking?
>superhero 1%
>biblical acronyms
big no
Being a superhero is a choice user, you aren't forced to fight crime the second you get powers
>what was ironman thinking?
More like "What were the writers thinking."
You'd think a super genius like Tony Stark would know this was retarded
Find someone with the power to see other people's powers.
From there it'll be easy to find the undocumented.
Hell, Reed Richards agreed to this too..and this is the guy who said to the government that the Super Hero Registration Act was dumb way back when.
So, Steelheart?
Imp and Sin are independent of the bible. Don't tip your fedora so hard.
I guess.
shut the fuck up, when you go around doing acronyms like H.E.L.L. and D.E.M.O.N. you sound like a dumbass writing a damn RPG Maker game.
By upgrading humanity. Commercialize everything and make surer to drop the price enough so that even a middle income family can afford to buy an ironman suit. Sell what the superheroes have. Doing so I would just then force anyone that are in possession of that stuff to register and thus make anybody not doing so illegal. Continuing that I would run smear campaigns towards any individual not registering making them look like a bad guy. The best court to force them to do anything is the court of public opinion.
/pol/ would just dox every superhero anyways
In that universe, /pol/ is really a front for like HYDRA or something.
Which one? Superhero wrestling or the Hero Association?
You're also not stripped of your rights to make a citizen's arrest, to inform the police, to stand as a witness or help give evidence at a trial because of some physical characteristic of your body.
I mean it's for a tabletop game, don't get so angry over others campgains ya loser
It’s probably a meta joke. Firemen and the police are real heroes because they exist in real life.
Canadians have SINs too
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, unless your a fedorafag in which case it's a christian conspiracy
>/pol/ would dox the people beating up criminals(minorities)
I somehow doubt it. Antifa would dox them, /pol/ would be pissed that Heroes aren't enacting a final solution of some sort