>K-Pop Singer who went to perform at a Stark Industries Grand Opening and got super-powers through some accident and shit
>supposed to be Stark’s protege now
So Stark is rawdawging that sweet Korean puss every other day now, right?
Luna Snow
No because he's with Janet now.
I would have prefer Sharon Rogers
>what autism is this?
>marvel future fight
Oh.Someone at Marvel though this was a good idea. Must be the same guy who keeps greenlighting marvel anime and manga.
So Marvel just up and said "Fuck, Iceman isn't panning out. We might as well rip off Killer Frost and make her a hero."
>DCfag doesn't even know the backstory of their characters
Absolutely embarrassing.
You people are geniuses.
Like “dating” the Avengers Bicycle would stop him from tasting that sweet and tight Korean pussy.
She’s hot too, but isn’t canon to the 616 whereas Luna is.
>Chick with ice powers
>Last name is fucking Snow
It's not rocket science. Or did you think I was referring to Crystal and not Caitlin?
So do you think Elsa was made because of Killer Frost? What about MK's Frost? Fucking idiot.
Her last name isn’t Snow. She’s South Korean. Her real name is Seol Hee. Luna Snow is her stage name turned super-hero codename.
No? Maybe it's because, I don't know, it's two competing comic publishers that have a LONG history of ripping each other off for years? Why the fuck are you so defensive about this? Is it because I insulted your new waifu, or because you're a Marvel shill? Take your pick.
It's still relevant
Nigger, she’s Asian Dazzler. She’s a Singer turned Super-Hero. Ice Powers are just that, powers. She was created to be the Dazzler of this era with how big K-Pop is.
You must be trolling, there is no way you are that much of an idiot.
>Create new superhero
>make their origin heavily dependent on another established super heroes existence
Why Stark Industries? they couldn't come up with a new billionaire?
Killer Frost
>she’s Asian Dazzler.
Lol thats what everyone is going to end up calling her
Why not? Why keep creating pastiches and overcrowd the setting? I’d much rather Tony get to work with some Asian hotties like Luna and Toni rather than nogs like Ree-Ree.
That's fair. A shame that Dazzler isn't more popular. Still conceptually, not really a winner, especially when factoring in the Stark tie-in.
That's not an argument, sir
Yikes, don't insult Luna Snow with that fugly shit.
Eh, I already prefer her to Dazzler. Her look’s better. And I don’t even listen to K-Pop.
It's not even that she has ice powers it's the whole "dark and light" ice thing that makes her significantly Killer Frost like.
Whos the 'Tony Stark' of Korea or China in the Marvel Universe?
>Why Stark Industries?
Because it would be like in the movie except you have a literally who instead of spider-man
What winner you headstrong asshole? She’s a singer with powers. Snow isn’t even her surname. You’re just a normalfag that went “hurdur ice powers hurdur”.
I want (you) to leave.
or Japan? Does Marvel already have one?
>That's not an argument, sir
See let me explain to you, when someone's argouments are idiotic, such as the ones you stated yourself, there is no point in indulging in any sort of discussion because what kind of response can you get from someone who says "if she has the same power, she is the same character" ? Absolutely nothing.
Tony Stark. He has a conglomerate you know, there are branches. Suzi Endo was heading the Chinese or Asian in general Branch/es back in the 90s.
those people live in a world filled with superheroes, it is most likely that weird shit would happens next to them rather to another random dude.
>marvel anime
But the madhouse stuff was great. I want more.
You know it's incredibly hard to talk to you and take you seriously when you're dumping your Luna folder with every post. And you're trying to discredit me as a shitposter? Then you have this asshole full of himself trying to defend his fucking waifu.
I'm beginning to believe shills are adapting at this point. Because excuse me for not giving a single fuck about Seol Hee at this time. And I say that as someone who was a big fan of Kong Kenan, who's Super-Man book was unjustly canceled
Nigger, who gives a fuck? She doesn’t even have a character beyond a cute design. It’s nobody’s fault however that you’re a braindead nigger. She’s clearly an Asian Dazzler, but before you knew about her name and background you just saw the Ice Powers and went “hurdur Killer Frost”. When corrected you didn’t go back in it but actually doubled down, and are now behaving like a retard.
for real. i could not give less of a fuck about this gimmick character no matter how much these thirsty idiots in here want to fuck her. even her creation story is basic and boring. more tony shit? check. "accident" so the writers dont have to think at all? check. blatant pastiche meant to capitalize on a trend so the writers dont even have try? check. you can already tell nearly all her fans are gonna be there just for the waifufaggotry.
> i could not give less of a fuck about this gimmick character
Sounds like you cared enough to post that you don't.
not that guy but shes clearly killer frost w some dazzler added due to the thirst for kpop fans. theres no reason for this "new character" other than potential waifu dollars from the thirsty kpop asian fetishist fans.
>his only weapon is buzzwords
Yes, we are all teaming up on you for how much of a maronic idiot you are. It is a conspiracy, totally not you being a retard and shoving your company war bullshit onto everyone.
Is just Asian Dazzler with acid Powers. Jesus, is Sub Zero a R63 Killer Frost?!
>or real. i could not give less of a fuck about this gimmick character
and yet, here you are.
it took about 30 secs of throwaway time. but what i do care about are the idiots in here thinking theres anything happening here other than their thirst. their the exact marks marvel is slapping this shallow shit up for. but waifufags are always the last ones to realize
The kimchi went sour.
Fucking really? This is part of the reason why this board is so shit; fucking waifufags. Newsflash; it's not that hard of a comparison to make between the two characters. I want Summerfags to leave
>immadiatly showing how much of a company faggot he is
still mad that "new age of superheroes" didn't catched on, uh?
Is the West finally starting to discover the immense power of idols in mecha franchises?
you realize you're conflating two different people you clown? and no one has said anything about company wars but you w buzzwords on the brain. and if you're a waifufag ill call you one. not my fault people call you out so often you pivot to "buzzwords" to feel better
> I want Summerfags to leave
Me too, starting with you retard.
Oh poor faggot is starting to get all hurt :C
Keep sperging, this is fun. Keep sayin "waifufag" and "shill", slave.
>ITT two salty anons get pissy when their shit character gets called out
i literally have no clue what you're on about. is that the new deflection for people who cant think beyond "wahh he doesnt like what i like"?. someone says this new character is marketing bullshit and you go "GASP company wars!!!"
dc and marvel can both suck a dick
>ITT: One single faggot replying to everyone who don't agree with his literally who comparision with Killer Frost
You are absossed. Another win for Luna Snow over Killer who
more buzzwords bc you cant think beyond trolling and emoting. not everyone is in middle school you donkey. everything you've said since i said this character is shit is from "baby's first co/ - how to look edgy". what is there about your new love interest that makes her in any way unique or interesting? find me sonething
>I'm beginning to believe shills are adapting at this point.
Unfortunately, they using tactics that doesnt engage you with the character, just ends up pissing people off.
Hey shills, why are you having such hard time getting people interested in your superheroes?
I'm actually enjoying the fit you're throwing. So might as well continue. Alright, fine, maybe you don't see the comparison, that's fine. But let's not pretend "chick with ice powers" is a new concept. Like you said, it's been done to death in different fiction. But don't you find it funny how Marvel can't seem to remember the toys it has at their disposal and frequently just make no ones which gentlemen like yourself will fawn over and forget instantly? Dazzler, Firestar, Tigra, Spider-Woman, fuck them I guess. Can't wait for Luna to join them.
They had a better chance with Aero
Agitators shilling for a fun hobby like superheroes wasnt the brightest idea
not just one dude. and we can all see you fan girling and trying to pretend its legit interest in a cool character. its a blatant gimmick character. you might think its worthwhile bc you fap to your folder of images of her you've somehow already compiled but thats just you being thirsty. "another win for Luna Snow" youre an embarrassment for being this easy a mark for a gimmick
Why do you care so much about telling other people "I'm not interested"? It's just a random Z-lister made for a phone game you probably never played.
>They had a better chance with Aero
Shes one of the few Asian characters that are original and her origin doesn't tie-in to another marvel character. I hope she ends up being the breakout character.
subzero has a character and story. this is just made for kpop dollars and tony wank. one is a unique character, one is a blatant combo of two existing characters one has substance, the other is empty bait for the thirstiest fanbase in existence. kpop idol fags.
bc theyre here trying to push this nonsense as if its worthwhile. if they want to try to involve the real world in their shallow shit, we can also take the time to tell them how we feel about the character. the rest is bc they got hurt and started w insults and "nuh uh" so now its an argument. waifufags always overreach
>t. KF waifufag
Every. Single. Time.
Did you sperged out this thread too, idiot? There aren't threads talking about ice powers without you and your waifu faggotry. She is not real.
>Waifufag tries to discredit user by calling him a waifufag
Pot, meet kettle
They've at least discovered the power of idols fighting mechas.
i thought it was a new League Of Legends character for a sec
You could've said Ice.
I'm thinking Killer Frost is the one you're familiar with because you're a Yea Forums immigrant.
Hey guys, how about we go full DEUS VULT?
Also praise the moon, fuck steampunk and FUCK PLAYDOM.
Anyone hype for Electro, Hydroman and Molten Man being added soon?
We've already got an Asian Dazzler
>user continues to push the narrative anyone who makes the KF comparison is a casual
But perhaps, yes, Ice might have been a better comparison. However she's more of a duo with Fire so....
>future fight will die before adam gets a uni
also didnt luna appear in some comic recently wouldn´t that mean she is canon?
I remember when this shit was announced.
>Right after Killer Frost showed up in the TV shows and joined the Justice League
>Name is "Snow"
>has "dark and light ice" powers to show how tortured she is
killer frost for kpop psychos. Embarassing but then again it is Marvel
Did you just find out about this bitch? Look on the fucking archives. We've known about her for ages and her being a Frost ripoff was known from the beginning.
She looks like she fucks white guys.
She appeared in that War Of The Realms Agents of Atlas mini.
>We've already got an Asian Dazzler
She's still stuck in comic limbo. so theyll just call her Korean Dazzler
Yes, yes she did along with the other future fight OC.
>has "dark and light ice" powers to show how tortured she is
But she isn’t tortured in the slightest.
I didn't realize her and Aero were different characters until just now.
I don't get it, with all of the characters that marvel and dc have ripped off of each other, why is the one made for a mobile game the one that broke the camel's back?
They should have made her based on a korean mythological figure
That'll be what the next future fight OC will be based on, and they'll be a universal character to finish up the set.
White Fox is a Kumiho
It's weird how they used a character from one of the anime anime shows in war of the realms, instead of one of Japanese marvel characters like her or sunfire.
Sunfire is in Age of X-Man
No one remembers Radiance
phone games are super popular in the east
makes sense they would want to pander
I'm not talking about that shirty x-event, I'm talking about the other shirty event with the all asian agents of atlas, they contacted hero representatives of china, japan, and the philippines, with the jap rep being one of the kids from the future avengers anime.
I know that. But War of the Realms is taking place while most of the X-Men, including Sunfire, are trapped in Nate Grey's shitty Age of X-Man event
They couldn't use Sunfire
>No one remembers Radiance
Not even the writers of Agents of Atlus
There are no japs in the book, even the japanese rep isn't japanese.
I kind of want an Aero and Turbo team up, maximum wind power.
avengers bicycle? who did she date besides hank?
On the avengers, no one really.
This board hasn't yet realized that flirting and fucking are two different things, and that one doesn't necessarily lead too the other.
How can Luna Snow be Asian Dazzler when she is actually successful and ain't tied down by the X-men?
>her being a Frost ripoff
How is she a Killer Frost ripoff?
There's literally a female superhero with ice powers you could've used instead. Wouldn't it make more sense for her to be a ripoff of that?
I am 100% down with all the asian waifu heroes marvel is creating
>Seol Hee was an aspiring singer hoping to become a K-Pop star to earn enough money to take care of her grandmother. When A.I.M. ambushed a Stark Industries event where Seol was performing, she tried to defend the innocent people attending her show. However she was easily overpowered and the A.I.M soldiers locked her in a hi-tech freezer. Attempting to escape the freezer, Seol was exposed to the elements of a cold-fusion energy reactor and the combination of strange radiation and intense cold gave Seol the power to control cold and darkness. Using her powers to defeat A.I.M., Seol became the superhero "Luna Snow"!
>A young scientist, Dr Caitlin Snow was sent byS.T.A.R. Labsto one of theirArcticoutposts, working on their Self-sustaining Thermodynamic Ultraconductor engine following the death of its creator, Louise Lincoln. After finishing the engine she was attacked by her fellow scientists, revealed to beHIVEagents, and trapped inside the engine. Attempting to escape she became doused in coolant and electrocuted by the overloading ultraconductor, which radically altered her body and gave her the ability to control cold. She discovered that she had to feed on the warmth of others to survive. Searching for the cure to her constant, gnawing hunger, she found that onlyFirestorm'sheat could return her to her human state.
>Girl is present at a central scientific institution in their universe
>their universe's respective science goons attack
>are locked in a cold fusion freezer
>get ice powers with a dark side
>both wear blue and black with white hair and half jackets, short collars, and identical snowflake icons
wow I thought people were just being retards but that's pretty egregious
Now all her fans will call her a whore, break all their merchandise of her, send her death threats, and force her to shave her head an apologize. Or is that just jap idols?
Same here
Its Pop music in general. Every fandom have their share of crazy obsessive fans. Even Taylor Swift got them.
Okay yeah when you lay it out like that I do see your point. You win.
Again, out of all of the ripoff that dc and marvel have made, why is this one the one that blisters people's anuses?
Dumb waifufag. Let's spell it out for you; just because it's happened before with past characters, doesn't mean it's okay to keep fucking doing it.
is this cuckqueaning
Then where the fuck were you when dc had there line of marvel ripoffs a while back? I don't remember some fag having an autistic for back then.
Well for one it's the one this fucking thread is about. If the topic of the thread were another character then you'd get people complaining about that character.
The second reason is that she was created only a couple months into Killer Frost's post-JL vs SS Justice League push, which made the ripoff exponentially more noticeable.
>Then where the fuck were you when dc had there line of marvel ripoff
Hey numbnuts, nearly everyone called those out too. This still doesn't validate your dumb waifu you moron. Damage? Brimstone? Immortal Men? All gone and in the past. The only ones worth a damn were Sideways and Silencer and both officially are done.
Then you didn't go in those threads because some Marvelfags went completely ballistic. You're right though that a lot of them didn't care, but that was because people wanted somebody to save them from Marvel's terrible writing
I can't believe that Pele turned out to be a robot, I really wanted her to be their Thor
>doesn't mean it's okay to keep fucking doing it
That ship sailed away a long time ago, and then they both copied the shit of it multiple times over the decades and parked them right next to eachother.
Not really, Silk is just a 'fangirl'.
How is that different from any other asian woman?
Isn't Cho a teen?
Contest of Champions has a better oc in Guillotine
He was like 19 the last time I heard
Which makes him hanging out with the Champions pretty weird
Nice. But IMO Marvel Strike Force is better than Future Fight.
But shit game.
Guillotine is just an edgier Black Knight.
Strike force is garbage.
Your point?
Yeah because dimensionnal shenanigans never happened
>Luna Snow
Even for a stage name, that's terrible.
>im just going to create a strawman to justify why i'm sperging in this thread non stop
No one cared for new age of heroes, no one cares for DC, my dear piggy. Now fuck off and oh, thanks for the constant bump.
>samefagging this hard
This is just sad.
What about that black girl?