Is there anything Bart and Lisa can't accomplish together?

Is there anything Bart and Lisa can't accomplish together?

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They can't fix Lisa

They will never have healthy children.

They can never have children anyway because they will be prepubescent for eternity, being stuck in purgatory and all

Was there ever an episode where Bart masterbated or was inferred to have masterbated? There's so many episodes it has to have happened once.

He was reading adult magazines, but I don't think it was ever implied he was masturbating.

Long as it's a one off thing and there arent any rare recessive diseases that will be expressed the chances of mutant babies are around the same as having kids after 35ish.

does rule 34 count?

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>The Fear

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Drawing Bart's mouth

what is that creature?


As stated in a previous thread, it's fucking stupid how many sexy women (and men) have been featured on The Simpsons over the years yet the idiots here focus on the non-sexy underage incest between the family. You have the strippers, the sexy Brazilian kids show host, Duff-Man, the t-shirt launcher girls who killed Maude, the Superbowl commercial girls... So much potential.

restore the quality of the show

They can't draw Bart's mouth properly.

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The newer seasons

Reminder that he stopped drawing because his girlfriend threatened to leave him otherwise.

Or yeesh, even just-aged up versions of Lisa et al.

Go back to your containment board, tripfag

guys, I'm gonna say it, I'm gonna say the meme, are you ready?

>Western cartoon porn before 2010
That's going to be a big yikes from me senpai


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A non-incestuous baby.

Save Itchy & Scratchy Studios from bankruptcy before Lester and Eliza did.

If I were her I would let him have the outlet because without it she's probably gonna end up dead in heavy bondage gear in his basement

Did he actually confirm this or is this one of those Yea Forums stories like "Shadman was arrested by the FBI for the third time"

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Save their show.

It's more about personality than looks when it comes to cartoon characters. Yes, you can have a sexy picture, but mostly rule34 is about fantasy about characters having intercourse, based on their personalities, not looks.

It has been at least a decade since Lisa would need Bart for literally anything. She overshadows him in every respect.

Make healthy babies?



You have to go back.

there's nothing sexy about adults

If you say so, pedo.

And, let's be honest, even with the hot characters. The Simpsons is an ugly show and Matt's art style does not translate well to porn. It's all on the personality.

How about some (adult) lesbian stuff of them, no?

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They used to have both positives and negatives for the situations they were trying to solve together.

Modern Simpsons now makes Bart a complete liability and Lisa Ms. Perfect.

You should see the furry porn from the 80s, that shit was weird.

Lisa and Jessica Lovejoy are better.

was The Fear the guy who drew everyone as weirdly muscular?

i don't know why I know that. I really can't imagine finding Simpsons stuff sexy but I know for a fact I had a directory full of 34 when I was in college. was I actually fapping to it or just obsessively collecting?

>he actually has sex with a 3D human being
That's a lot more than most of Yea Forums can say.

Look what they did to Ruth powers.

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I remember this, it was really dumb. She was a carefree, liberated woman... None of that translates into bodybuilder. Though anyway, I never considered Ruth to be hot.
Nah man, the hot characters look great. But it's still not something I'd like to see as porn, so the whole r34 shit with the family is twice as off-putting to me.

what's the difference between furry porn from the 80s and what's out there today? apart from there probably being a lot less because no internet

The can't feed and seed.

But they can FUCK and SUCK

Love, no matter how hard you ship them as a redneck.


Good old The Fear.

In Season 30, homer made a joke about it
It was in the e-gamers episode.

Their I time show characters Incels faggots. Any we have Marge Simpson you know!

Where could find a place to fap in college