Be lesbian

>be lesbian
>make cartoon where the two main characters are obvious lesbians
>make 90% of the other ship teasing straight ships
Why is Noelle so based? Also, are you hyped for Hordakfags to get BTFO when Bowtrapta is endgame?

Attached: she ra best ship.jpg (640x353, 32K)

why is that women wearing a mustache?

What's it like to be so delusional.

>make cartoon where the two main characters are obvious lesbians
It's like you guys have never had siblings

Why would siblings have a romantic dance scene at prom?

Attached: really activates the almonds.png (680x680, 59K)

>never gone to prom with your siblings
lol look at this loser

Attached: LaughingZeusDaughters.jpg (648x670, 91K)

>never fucked your sister after prom
Fucking incels

I just wish Ariel (negro) was nicer to her man. He's a good guy who genuinely wants to make her happy.

Only behind closed doors. She has an image to maintain

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Of course she likes him, just in a typical tsundere way. It's just that he keeps burning every ship he's on, even hers.
Of course, burning ships is awesome, and using burning ships to defeat the enemy is doubleawesome, and using burning ships to defeat landbased enemies makes Seahawk seriously badass awesome.
But it's still losing lotsa ships.

Bow can't be tied down, he's the only free dick in Etheria

Pick one and only one

Fuck netflix and fuck shills

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>he's the only free dick in Etheria

yeah right, we all know he's in an agreement with Perfuma to corner the Etherian dick economy

Attached: yes.jpg (400x400, 43K)

I'm more of a Bow Glimmer shipper. I want their friendship to last forever

Attached: a55.png (107x127, 12K)

>Frosta's short
>Frosta barely even appears
It's not fair bros.

Attached: Swift Wind Adventures - A Princess Birthday Party! _ SHE-RA AND THE PRINCESSES OF POWER (NEW SHORTS) (1280x720, 145K)

>Frosta Short
What!? Already!?

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she's also 11

Pic related describes my entire feelings towards this show and its transsexual cast of characters

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