Do you guys agree with Max Landis on the differences between Gotham and Metropolis?
Max Landis on Superman and Batman
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Max is an edgelord who cant write anything good.
What video shows him talking about the differences between Gotham and Metropolis
Here it's:
>Sort of a long wordy one here from 'Superman: Agent of Batman'. This is the conversation that starts book 3, the final book. After a terrible falling out with Batman, Clark find himself living with Dick Grayson in Metropolis. Grayson has quit as Robin but feels his life is directionless, and Clark himself is frustrated at his inability to connect with other superheroes, who are all psychos.
>This leads him into a conversation with his friend and protégé Jimmy Olsen, who is doing a huge expose about the psychological ramifications of the superhero phenomenon in the last decade, which offers Clark some very surprising insights about his alter ego’s effect on the world.
A rapist
I don't really care what Landis says about anything.
Nepotist Californian who makes shitty movies and gets upset when you criticize them.
also a rapist
Who cares what a known Rapist/Sexual Abuser has to say?
His video on DAROS was pretty good, and I like some of his ideas for redoing DAROS in Earth One.
That one page deal about Mxy was on point, though I didn't care for American Alien.
I agree with his opinion on Harley Quinn.
>Can't write anything good
Dirk Gently was kino though
He's right. Though Poison Ivy isn't just misguided she is also crazy.
The man's not wrong, and Injustice only makes him him even more right. Harley deliberately committed mass murder and only got away with it because Bats is self-righteous jackass
Plus Ivy has even more of a reason to be a good guy, out of all the villains she has the most to gain from mental therapy and can actually do some good, and although this has been said before, Harley is just a discount 'lol so randumb' Deadpool
Thing I don't like about Landis is that he's incapable of giving characters unique voices that seem true to the characters. Every character just talks like Max Landis.
It goes beyond just their vernacular. His characters are his mouthpieces.
If Max Landis isn't fond of a character, instead of offering a different interpretation of the character that he feels addresses those issues and makes the character more interesting, he will just have another character he does like talk in Landis' voice and list all of Landis' criticisms of the character he doesn't like, as the character he doesn't like gets totally p0wned by his lengthy speech.
That's what I don't get about Injustice. Harley goes along with Jokers plan to nuke metropolis but she's horrified that they killed Lois while she was pregnant? How many babies and pregnant women were vaporized in Metropolis? There's literally no defense for her actions
I want to like him, and he has some really neat ideas and takes on storytelling in general. But in execution he's just a really fucking bad writer honestly. Also didn't the MeToo shit on him turn out to be bullshit?
Her romance with Harley also ruins her. If she's going to be a complete psychopath who only cares for plant life then she shouldn't have affection for a human. She should be seeking to throw her humanity away. Sort of like an anti-Swamp Thing
Hell, just take into account the amount of: children, comatose people, disabled, poor, homeless, toddlers, animals, heroes, villains and etc., she helped murder. At no point should she even be seeing the light of day, so many people should want her dead. The only Harley that could even consider being a hero is BTAS Harley.
Son of a disgraced hack director who got away with getting three people killed on a movie set via gross negligence.
american alien was kino
Holy fuck
the guy might be a mentally deranged, #MeToo manchild with a "get-out-of-jail-free" card dad and an absolute inability to take criticism, but he fucking gets comic books and writing.
>he fucking gets comic books and writing.
Imagine actually thinking this.
Max we don't read your fanfic
Would you read MAX LANDIS take on Wonder Woman?
>What Landis says he is interested in is creating a fundamentally awful version of the character than will piss off everyone, which is “SO MUCH FUN!” While he feels that his Superman’s only flaw is the limits of what he knows and that he makes impulsive choices, his Batman is essentially a monstrous sociopath, but who won’t kill because killing is wrong, his Wonder Woman would be really terrible, as she’d come from a society that hates men, she can kill anyone who argues with her and will, and while there’s a lot of interesting places to take this interpretation of the character, she’s from a society of warriors who “CUT THEIR BOOBS OFF” and who killed all the men, except the cute ones, bred with them and THEN killed them. How she is even on the Justice League amazes him, as he considers Wonder Woman to be the “sickest most bad ass punisher.” He then described a fight sequence where Superman and Batman have to team up to stop her, and after she brutally attacks them, leaving Superman almost missing an eye, Superman is finally able to defeat her by kissing her and sucking all the air out of her lungs.
I agree that Max Landis is a rapist and his father murdered Vic Morrow and two asian kids.
>She should be seeking to throw her humanity away. Sort of like an anti-Swamp Thing
That was literally Swamp Thing's daughter Tefe. Abducted and raised by the Green to hate humanity when she was a toddler
>his Wonder Woman would be really terrible
Sounds like it.
See, this is why Max Landis sucks.
He sees a character whose flaws he feels are never sufficiently analyzed in terms of their consequences, so he decides to do a take that shows how bad it would actually be for somebody to behave in this way.
Which would be great… if the particular flaws he pointed out had anything to do with how the character has actually been characterized. They don't. It's clear that he has never read a Wonder Woman character. He tries to deconstruct aspects of her personality that aren't actually part of her personality to begin with. He's setting up a strawman, and then goes "haha, why has nobody noticed how shitty and evil this person is?"
When Alan Moore wanted to deconstruct the inflexible character of The Question, he started with The Question's black-and-white outlook and tough-nosed law-and-order mentality, and then took it to its conclusion to demonstrate how maladaptive and unhealthy and unheroic somebody with those traits would actually be. He exaggerated, but he was still making a commentary on the character as he actually was written.
When Grant Morrison wanted to deconstruct the Amazons of Themyscira, he took Marston's actual depiction of them having this ideology of "loving submission," and showed how unloving it actually is to just take people and brainwash them and rob them of all agency, even if the intention is to rid them of evil and make them "good."
Max Landis is trying to "deconstruct" Wonder Woman here not by showing how the core aspects of her character would or wouldn't work, but by introducing a version of the character that acts and thinks nothing like her, and then acting like he's done something clever.
Max Landis is a bad fucking writer and I'm glad he'll never actually realize this Wonder Woman story pitch, or most of his other fan-fiction.
>he thinks Harley is homicidal by choice
You know that makes a lot of sense coming from Landis, himself narcissistic manipulator.
>haha, why has nobody noticed how shitty and evil this person is?
Which accurately sums Max Landis.
They tried to do this with Duela Dent and it's the worst thing ever.
Landis is better than both Morrison and Moore.
It's fake, he got metoo'd.
Anyone who thinks Ivy should try to extermiate human for the plants is a dumbass. There is a much more nuanced complex character if you recognize how human she is. She's not Gaia's vengeance but a toxic bitch.
You're not only wrong, you're so wrong you must be trolling.
Check who was made more movies, what's harder to make movies or comics? I rest my case.
Look at his face.
>and after she brutally attacks them, leaving Superman almost missing an eye, Superman is finally able to defeat her by kissing her and sucking all the air out of her lungs.
How does one read a sentence like that and think "Nah, this guy's not a rapist, all those women are just lying"?
Have you seen his Batman take? It's just as bad.
Go ask Bobcat Goldthwait.
I'm trying to find the snippets of the script that he posted on Twitter, specially of the fight between Superman and Wonder Woman, but i'm having a hard time. The searches bring me to the CBR forums - where Superman fans, specially SM/WW shippers rejoice at the script - but i can't seem to find any links and files in the users' posts.
This is what i could find thus far.
>Surrender now, Mortal men or die at my hand.
>no human can withstand the might of a goddess
Nailed it.
So Superman just sucking up her boogers?
>'Superman: Agent of Batman'.
Im already completely uninterested
Wow ! This is some ASSBAR level trash!
Hope Black Lable pushes it out sometime.
Wtf I love the #metoo movement now.
not saying his movies are good but his statement is completely right. RT has a completely shitty rating system that, despite having a regular score, only promotes people giving rotten scores to good movies and good scores to bad movies due to the 2-way system. Make it the regular 10 point system and be done with it. Also, the critics are a fucking joke since they only seem to care about movies with political agendas and the newest Disney bullshit
Go away, Max