Toonami General #2

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Attack on Titan Season 3 Eyecatches (Part 2)

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Best girl

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Best girl

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user i...

Best girl

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Alright, so what the fuck is Food Wars about and is worth losing my extra hour of sleep

Best girl.

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So we start at 11 again next week?


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>ywn get to see Momo's quirk in action

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These descriptive gags make me hurt.

Alright My Zero Lackademia fans. Usually I would take this time to indicate that you are a virgin and Clover fans are Chads. But that new schedule is total bullshit, and I think we can all stand together this week in solidarity under the banner that Demarco is a massive faggit

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Look at this fagit!

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>Alright, so what the fuck is Food Wars
it's a cooking/romance anime with tits
>and is worth losing my extra hour of sleep
that depends on how much you like tits

i did peyote once

it was like having food poisoning but tripping balls at the same time

Best girl.

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eat shit

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Iron Chef.

Pitou isn't a male.

Food themed battle shonen with lots of boobs.

Shitty fanservice and no.

It's like MMA but they cook food instead of throwing jabs at each other.

would you fuck a high in the desert meg? I have not had a chance to have a satisfying orgasm at all this week and right now the hottest thing i can think of is grabbing onto megs sweaty sand filled fat folds and just ramming her ass from behind as all that cellulite pushing my dick back just enough to go in slamming again but not far enough to get my sticky ballsack off those probably dark stained taint

What do you think Jirou thought about all that titty meat?

It's a bug.

Your thoughts on HER show gettin on Toonami?

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Fuck off faggot. BC is still not moving up and took less time to be moved down.

555 Standing By

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Finally Faggot Man does something right!

Did I miss this last week?

/vg/ here

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Yea Forums here, fully equipped and ready for battle!

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Best girl, ready to start the night right!

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breasts > ass

i wish

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I've heard the new /Toonami General/,
I've failed you as both a Teacher and a Hero.
I couldn't keep you smiling nor go beyond plus ultra for you guys.
While we might be at the tail end I hope you all enjoy whatever we have left and watch.
I even hope the Black Clover fans get a rise on the schedule.
No hard feelings right?
Well as I always say

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he's right

boys boys boys

favorite carbonated beverage
>vanilla coke reporting in

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Does anyone know how you stream/simulcast toonami?

Is the Basement tonight?

*black cells activate*
Target acquired!

>you bitch but you don’t watch
BASED Demarco with the callout

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Please overdose on that peyote


Another week, another round of inferior English animu

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I feel like your words would have more weight if you weren't using that picture

leik if you cry everytime

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>shounen shit
>worth staying up for
nah chief

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Yea Forums here

Just letting you all know that dubs are shit and Toonami's existence is redundant in the age of streaming.

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Then why isn't Lupin in the back?

>People weren't watching it where it was
>second highest ratings of the night

And yet it moved Lupin up despite it being a ratings black hole that got beaten by series that come after it.

would be a better Sentai pick than Food Club

Attached: season 2.jpg (1200x800, 995K)

How do I get a Mamimi gf?

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The most based response I've ever seen from the Faggit. Finally grew some balls.

Do we like this?

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cherry coke with an extreme amount of ice because an unwatered down flavored soda has the worst aftertaste

holy shit what a bad move, lmao

I bet he's doing this because he can't afford the movie and doesn't want people to complain.

Yea Forums present

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mix this with crystal light. massive improvement.

/tg/ /pol/ and /vg/ here.

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Redman standing by

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Yea Forums here

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Because of the sponsors those captions just went fucking crazy for like 10 seconds.

Heard you the first time.

Make a high school girl fuck your older brother then send him to the states.

Check the river by your nearest local Highschool.

>we go back to Supers god awful full OP next week

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I don't get it though. MHA's rating weren't really any worse/better than other shows on the block near its time slot. Nobody watches anything on Toonami anymore because there are so many cord cutters and folks getting rid of cable.
>The ability to create explosives made up of radiation. Sub-power of Radiation Attacks. Combination of Volatile Constructs and Radiation Generation.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, er, mostly gentlemen, of the Japanese cartoon binge-watching brigade. Inspector Zenigata here, back once again to meticulously stake out your threads in the hopes of catching the notorious master thief Lupin the Third. He is still rumored to be in the area, still rumored to be armed, and still rumored to be incredibly comically dangerous! I recommend everyone reading this post be on the lookout, as I most certainly will. I'll start by getting an eyewitness account of everyone present in this thread. Quick! Tell me what you're eating and drinking!

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/m/echagodzilla, locked and loaded!

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Yea Forums here

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Are they even going to air the filler episode of MHA that is a lead in to the movie?


>Supers god awful full OP

You shut your whore mouth!

why the heck is MHA being pushed all the way to the end of the block this doesn't make sense


It was done much better with bread. It peters out pretty fast once the main cats is introduced. They even nearly stop doing the orgasm gag.

Both true, but it's still fun
And besides only the truly cultured torrent.

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What do you mean? It's the most hype OP in Super.

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>People weren't watching it where it was at
Is that why you kept moving it for an entire year because nobody was watching it? And if MHA was doing that badly to be moved to the deathslot what does that mean for the rest of the block?

Because the rest of this season after the exam is boring shit

I'm also Yea Forums and we do it really for the community experience more than the shows.

At least he didn't steal my dubs.

Yea Forums standing by

2 mini quesadillas
A Princess Peach
I'm cancelling the drop decision on the schedule for you All Might.
You didn't fail us. We failed you

I love the OP. Not a big fan of the English version however.

/trash/ reporting in to remind everyone that One Piece is the greatest selling comic book of all time, WORLDIWDE!

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Not getting S4 so why have it up front?

How's your first day here? I know it's hard to wrap your head around the whole anonymous thing but sometimes different people just happen to make similar posts around the same time. I recommend just not replying to posts for a while until you really understand that concept. You don't want to make yourself look like a schizo now. :)

the gyaru alone is enough to catch my attention.

But I might be slightly biased. But in hindsight I sat through all of IBOs first and reruns, and that other gundam with you all. Even if the show itself is crap there will always be this thread and/or titties

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fire all the weapons!

I like to imagine they instantly turned her lesbian.

Squirt desu

Intimidated, but awed

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It's alright. The actual cooking is interesting up until the last season

That image is so outdated it's hilarious.

>survived SAO

Going full Oddjob on the villains

I know she is grabbing the ball but at the same time I do not understand the writing in the backround and there might be some sorta.. rule I do not know about. So,

I dont get this webm.

I'm going to eat a DiGiorno during TItan and despite their retarded ads I usually drink Sprite.

/tg/, standing by!

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the absolute state of MHA

>A Princess Peach

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Pink chest meat

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Pretzels with sour cream dip
Root Beer and Rum

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That MnM's commercial will never seem right to me.

/tg/v/co/ on deck.

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Roor Bear master race.

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i think its peach schnappes with more alcohol added

Oh cool, Food Wars, something decent I suppose.

Yea Forums/co/Yea Forums/v/ roger doger.

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>Not getting S4
Keep telling yourself that

>Implying she wasn't a lesbian already.

Why does he assume the people complaining don't watch it?


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is Deku supposed to be some kind of green haired ginger?

/vg/ in the house

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You've got it!

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Tacquitos and Orange Crush

This is Red Leader! All boards, pay your respects to the last Hero Academia at a reasonable hour and report in!

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It's peach vodka mixed with ginger beer and a lime

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Yea Forums and Yea Forums standing by

I've got my eyes on you.

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Demarco is being a little bitch about not getting S4
and blaming the fans for not exciting Super's ratings with MHA like that's somehow possible

What is stopping me from buying a gun and just wasting villains left and right?

How would you find the hole?

It's annoying. The CGI makes it less quirky than the Pop Tarts ones where they eat each other.

I can't believe this show is going to get shafted so fucking hard.

>acid pussy

What did rngesus mean by this?

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All the marketing in the world can't make a lukewarm avengers cashin a hit.

They're not.

Vanilla cream soda

>Your favorite superhero gets sexually assaulted by a super hero girl secretly Toga covered with mud and nothing else
How does it go down?

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>mha on
wait what

Thats a plus really

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You're not Red Leader, and you're not me.

How the fuck do TV ratings work anymore? Do you still need a nielsen box? Does me watching every week not even count?

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Law frog


Correction: we are getting S4

in 2021.

i hit my daily allowance of calories 7 hours ago at a greek festival


The same thing stopping you from doing the same irl.

did any student actually put the target on their head?

We left off and the chap with the Cronenberg quote right?

I wonder what Kirishima is thinking when hes looking at invisible girl at the end of that OP.


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Stop, Toonami time.

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Yo folks, Deep Space Radio here. Well, technically. Sort of. It's been a long month, and not a good one for having free time and thinking about much of anything let alone music, so as a consequence the playlist currently stands empty. Working on that now - if it's not in a satisfactory place by showtime, we'll just run through ELO's Time album or something. Best case scenario otherwise right now seems to be finding some really weird out-there shit digging through Youtube.

So either way look forward to it. Yay.

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its another training arc

Keep telling yourself that.

>Does me watching every week not even count?
apparently not

Urahara has hit rock bottom ever since Bleach ended.

Absolutely nothing. It's been shown that guns are effective in MHA universe as long as you don't stumble upon someone who happens to be impervious to bullets for some reason.

I want to drink her bathwater


Funny guy

nobody cares you dumb nigger


I would prefer to spit on its grave.

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>earthquake kid

Honestly it's probably because MHA is now in winding down for the season. 7 episodes left.

/f/co/ standing by!

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The entirety of MHA is a training arc

God dammit kittytoe fuck off. I forgot you were in this show.

until she accidentally melts your dick in the heat of the moment

S4 airs in October, and as far as I now, we're going to be winding down on S3 before then.

Plus, they gotta fight against Hulu for the rights to air it.

Good taste user.

>the arena is in chaos
>it's a warzone
>as they sit there in total peace and calm, discussing strategy

I am going to destroy DeMarco and put Hero in the slot it deserves!

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>kirito is the villain
Does he get his shit pushed in?

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check out that ass

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Really puts me in the mood for frog legs.
And pussy.

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Hearing yo in general is cringe inducing but hearing a girl say it makes me want to vomit.

So? They are heroes-in-TRAINING.

What a prick this kid is

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imagine living in a world where homelessness still exists but the government can afford to build massive empty cities for baby hero target practice

Watching on your phone counts. A Neilson box counts. Nothing else does.

His hero name is the Black Swordsman too, what a coincidence

Is the screen-tearing intentional

goddam my auto spell is acting up


I'll take that chance

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name of shark tooth girl? she cute


>we've entirely focused on UA, they escaped and we haven't taken out anyone
>this is working out great!

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>How the fuck do TV ratings work anymore?

They don't. Which makes all the ruckus about them even dumber.

This fucking quirk Jesus fucking Christ

Can Kittytoe's VA only do one voice?

That's his name

Is Meat Man voiced by Johnny? Has based Johnny done any voice on this show?

What? I waste villains all the time. In fact, yesterday I got some pedo to meet up with me thinking I was a 12 year old girl looking for sex. But, instead having sex with him, I shot him in the head lol.

Listen, we need to live in a society of heroes to sell merch

Once gross boy gets beat his victims turn back to normal?

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What the fug. So actually watching on TV does nothing.


full version?

I guess I also get shapeshifting by default. Well, I know what I shapeshifting into.

funimation doesn't exactly pay for top-tier talent

Tags: Mindbreak

ew, he Cronenberged himself



Finally, a world without NTR

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I just want to breed a Heroine from the Academy, marry her, and be a Hero for easy cash to raise my family. Who actually cares about saving people or doing it for the moral good.

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What is this Quirk? Mutation?

So is it confirmed that Toonami is not getting S4, or are folks just assuming?

I want to work up a big foamy nest with her.

>Eraser accidentally nukes her quirk while going full stealth mode

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Well, keep up the work

Probably, but he's hired for THAT voice.

Is that akira bread?


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Yea Forums here

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Guys what happens in Super tonight, I'm gonna miss it.

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10:30 My Hero Academia 56 (of 64)
11:00 Dragon Ball Super 116 (of 131)
11:30 Attack On Titan 6 (of 12)
12:00 The Promised Neverland 12 (of 13)
12:30 Sword Art Online: Alicization 21 (of --)
1:00 Lupin the Third Part 5 3 (of 24)
1:30 Black Clover 76 (of --)
2:00 Boruto 38 (of -)
2:30 Naruto Shitpuden 256 (of 500)(Finaly Halfway)
3:00 Hunter X Hunter
Week 370 of Toonami

>Ratings for 6/15
10:30 MHA 424,000
11:00 DB:Super: 581,000
11:30 Attack on Titan: 349,000
12:00 Promised Neverland: 274,000
12:30 Sword Art Online: 286,000
1:00 JoJo: 234,000
1:30 Black Clover: 256,000
2:00 Boruto: 225,000
2:30 Naruto: 210,000
3:00 Hunter: 189,000

Every american VA only has one voice


They probably have condoms that can withstand acid in this world. Yknow just incase theres any pussy killer quirks out there.

Who let a tzimisce into a hero academy?

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fee fi foo fum begone ye secondary scum.

Billy West has some range

android 18 gets serious

based chad clover bounce


Basically this.

Always assume anything Yea Forums says is full of shit.

Toonami will definitely get it, but it might not be right away.

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this was filler right? I don't remember this dude from the manga

I heard enough of that dude's voice in Tales of Graces.
He needs to stop.

>Still feel pain in this form

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can this dude give himself a pussy and tits

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He did an Italian accent for Caesar. I hope Part 5 doesn't do accents.

Did meatball just offer to make kaminari a new costume? Send like an of thing to say in the middle of a fight.

Also this stain wannabe is a retard for not doing the test.

More like the dub companies typecast on primarily known voice and effort into distinguishing between different shows dubs don't matter to them.

funimation and the other dub shitters don't really ask for their people to use different voices either

Sorry, every american anime VA

No it's canon

American *dub VAs, you mean.


Come on man Vic Lasagna has two, Edward Elric and Broly

man, fuck these stain wannabes
I am literally a god

>You've activated my trap card

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Ribrianne goes down tonight

Love doesn't win.

Attached: Meatwad.jpg (480x360, 12K)

>im missing android 18
god damn it

>Social Dawinism sure is a heroic concept huh!?
What are the other school teaching these kids?

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Yea Forumsm/rade here! First things first: I honestly can't wait for MHA to get chucked to the end of the line where it belongs.

Well, he's not entirely wrong.

>Quick! Tell me what you're eating and drinking!

An instant chimichanga and Wild Cherry Pepsi!

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So what happens to the targets after he does this?
Doesn't this mean he's hindering himsel-
>This guy is a freak who doeesn't care about the test.

Attached: Scusi.jpg (512x384, 27K)

They're seemingly done with accents. Part 3 took place around the globe and everyone sounded American, even DIO.

Stay wrong, retard

God I'm only just now noticing how cool Kaminari's hero design is. He looks pretty baller.

I like how in the MHA fighting game, Kaminari has this ability despite not having the equipment for it.

Does he ever learn how to do this without needing equipment to direct his electricity?

I have no mouth and I must scream

goku's VA also does king kai

Lmao no

If I'm missing Ribrianne then I feel less bad. I mean jesus we just had the Kale shit.

Is Kaminari wearing his glasses upside-down?

Bakugo may seem like a jerk on the surface...
But he's actually a total asshole.

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>you degenerate

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Wow, Bakugou thought that far ahead again!? Bakugou's amazing!

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No, love wins, that pretentious poser is the one who loses.

He looks like a fag with upside-down glasses

It's a "Bakugo does something and a side character has to interpret his action in a way that makes him seem smart or benevolent" episode.

why not give lightning guy a power pole or something?

Not yet

Whatever, newfag

Are there any better bros than Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari.

he looks more like the protag than deku

momos boobs

>Bakugo and Kirishima's faces

Attached: 011.jpg (623x998, 182K)

>mfw this episode

Attached: tenor.gif (340x340, 688K)

Varying degrees of incoming assrape.

Just watch this episode on youtube later

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I want to momo Momo's momos

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>me and the boys bout to pass the exam

>duct tape trumps all

well atleast it's realistic

what is Todoroki even wearing? He has the straps for a backpack, but it's just a plate on his back

Do you want him to be a dumbass or something

>I have no argument
>calling him a newfag will surely throw him off
What a sad faggot you are

That must be some strong tape.



>seem smart
He's has the third best grades

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>casually kills his dream

>Please! We wanna pass too!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 56 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.44_[2019.06.29_21.42.44].jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

Her name is actually a boob pun.

>Other kids get freed from their meat prisons
>We've got targets
Oh Bakugou, once an asshole always an asshole

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I thought they weren't going to air Made in Abyss

I can literally self-insert myself into people's heads as their lover, best friend, father, mother, and etc. Its literally GG no Re.

remember all that firing off tape he did innawoods?

fuckyeah bro

>they stuck us all to boulders
>not me

Do NOT announce yourself to the enemy


Who wouldn't

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>I'm sorry, but so do I
But... he doesn't?
Doesn't he have like three more years or something to attempt the exam?

Newfag, you didn't even have an argument yourself.

Ian Sinclair is Brook, Dandy, and Weiss


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>Bakugo Breathes
>"Oh I get it! He was converting the oxygen to carbon dioxide because he was thinking of the plant life in the area. What a cool guy!"

Thoughts on Momo?

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if they are gonna get tricked by such a simple trap, it's better for everyone that they aren't heroes yet

Friend frog!

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I was so sure Deku would fall for the ruse

Why isn’t Denki black? It’s a rule that if you have electric powers you’re black.

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Fuck off you lame boss fight

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good for anal

Ochako is best girl

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Just stop embarrassing yourself, it's really sad

Midoriya not giving a fuck about others. True hero.

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A lot of people can't grasp that it's possible to do something selfless for selfish reasons.
Bakugo helped his team because his team not being taken out increases Bakugo's odds of passing, since he'll have their help.

Built for babies

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Like that one Bleach fucker!

Literally who, ok, and literally who

Prime breeding material

Oh, you’re right. I guess when you say it like that, Deku should have just not done anything and let the other guy win


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I feel like this looked WAY less flimsy in the manga. This mildly inconvenient at worst.


Yes please

fuck his dreams, hero work is a borderline public service, the best of the best are ideal rather than some losers who can't play dodgeball


Why can’t she make actually useful things like guns and chainsaws?

great tits

>that green touhou.jpg
dont have an image, sorry

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We have two this-cant-be-real movie commercials airing right now, one is for Taco Bell and one is for "Yesterday" except that one is real.

>Papa John's Spiderman ad

Speak for yourself, dipshit.

Was it really him, or did I just think it sounded like him?

what even happens to it all? I've wondered the same with Spider-Man, though I think they say every now and then that the webs he leaves all over the city eventually disintegrate, but that would be weirder and likely take longer for those big strips of tape

Japs don't know this.

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Yeah but the villains ain't going to wait. He has a target on his back. He needs to get more field experience.

Also best mommy material.

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Pink Doggo

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she's dead, jim

>The user can induce emotions, including happiness, sadness, rage, fear, etc., causing short-term change in emotions, exact length of the effect depends on both the users skill and power and the targets mental state

my enemies will fear me
women will want to jump my bones

She reminds me of Sheena Fujibayashi for some reason

breasts are bests

>Literally who
>not knowing two of the best characters to ever grace the block

go, and take your shit taste with you


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Your guys salt is always part of the fun

It's okay bb, middle school will end soon enough.

He's never told to do a different voice. He gets hired because his usual voice has the right feel for a shonen character. The concept of directing voice actors barely exists in the west, it's basically all on the actor to come up with stuff and they aren't paid enough to make that worth the effort.

this is why I hate Boruto
everyone else has to go out of their way to explain why he's such a cool guy, despite him not being a cool guy at all

That was Cam Clarke


I have a confession to make, /tg/... I've been vaping.

Don't watch commercials.

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>Be in your last year of Hero School
>A costume that simple, with no equipment at all to compliment your quirk
You don't deserve to pass.

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Redshirt has just demonstrated Rule One of How Not to Being Seen.

The Skeleton from One Piece and Beerus’s Carer


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no she isn't

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That one bleach fucker can self-insert himself into someone memory and the things that happened in the memory effects reality in the future. UNIRONICALLY

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I'm not saying he should've done anything differently, but his reason for doing so isn't really that he has to pass.
The other guy has to pass because apparently if he doesn't, he doesn't have any more years to attempt it and is just shit out of luck.

wow Navel Laser, fuck right off, why do you even want to be a hero?

welp theres the smoking ad

Keep being wrong, newfag. You got proven wrong about VAs and now you have to cope with it.

Is this a different VA for bellybutton lasers?

I'm more curious of the lost gatchaman member

Are you saying he was in the thing that was on, or are you just reminding me that he's the one who plays Liquid?

How the fuck is this coward still in the top UA class?

Shhhh, let him dream

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>oh you know it
this line seemed out of place

>wan piss

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>looking at the stupid mutt
>not this cutie

Attached: athletic babe.png (97x209, 41K)

Who does Ochako? Her voice hurts to hear.


>Curative Countenance
>The user can heal multiple beings by just having them look upon their true form, healing any afflictions and ailments, including insanity just by a mere glance at the true form.
Bruhs. IMAGINE. I can make women virgins just by them looking at me.

>proven wrong


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Oh boy I s-s-s-ure hope k-k-kachan compliments my abilities.

thats not really him, is it

>momo eating those little boobie things
oh my

cute :)

Thank you anime for that flashback to explain it to us stupid retards

Can Momo use her quirk to create food?

Nice pork buns

>h-h-h-hi k-k-kachan

>Gets given evidence
>It doesn’t count! I HATE ONE PIECE!

Okay pal. Keep being a dumbass

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>it's a "deku acts like a cuck around bakugo" episode

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>no argument
Keep coping, kiddo

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I thought it was a word that sounded like 1 A.

Who's stupider, the non Class 1A students or the non Universe 7 fighters in the Tournament of Power?

I suppose it depends on your definition of "ailment."
Do you also un-pierce their ears and restore their umbilical cords?

>tfw victory sex with Ochaku

I do Ochako every night, anally. She really enjoys it.

That pre-festival arc really made me start to love Aoyama.

>Tugging on the cape.
Not cool man.

I can usually tolerate dubs, but goddamn this is just nauseating.

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You haven't been in MHA threads on Yea Forums

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I just realized that's not how the quirk works, so I get an additional quirk, do to the nature of the first quirk.

I think this is a good quirk to counter Meatball.

There is no argument. Every american dub VA is literal shit


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Something about needing to know the exactly eay things work, so she reads up a lot but if she doesnt fully understand then it will not work.

>when your test turns into WW1 trench warfare

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I miss QT

>holding his hand
Iida is gaaaaaaaaaay

I want to cum in that joke girl, eraser is a faggot

Does laser boy ever stop being useless?




He was pure the whole time

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>Black Lagoon
>Space Dandy

how can one man be so wrong?

Except you're wrong.

Hero we need but don't deserve

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Would you let her shove her face down your throat?


Did Hori deliberately draw his girls to be so lewdable?

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You think those fucking characters dont all sound the same so who's the real dumbass here

So no one fails? This doesn't matter?


Does this nigga even want to be a hero? Why is he in UA?

Frenchie is probably the traitor.

He's still smiling too.

He has terminal case of high test.

HOLY SHIT, that was a Kamen Rider!

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>no u




I mean tail, not face

He likes them thicc

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oh boy it's time to get GRAPED.

>It's a Mineta remembers his quirk is retardedly powerful episode

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>When your sacrifice saves not only yourselves but your friends as well

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Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed.

Yea he's Japanese.

>invisigirl LITERALLY flashing people

>he weeps, when all he could do was "lmao" and "lol, no" all the time
Whatever, newfag

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>Class 1-A has each other's backs
This is adorable

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I wanna put a half baby in her.

>invisigirl has a power other than just being invisible

wew lad


Most of them, sure. But when you say everyone, it only invites naysayers. Maybe you wanted that?

>The nudist used flash
... I'll allow it.

Isn't that a dropped plot point

>Invisigirl will never grab your balls

You're watching aren't you?


Oh my power of friendship.
I want these faggots to get wrecked beyond by repair.

this is phase 1 of the exam

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What were those small bra cup things?


Nah, he just accidentally created female characters that have 40ft long tongues, walk around naked, shoot white liquids from their bodies, and create phallic objects in between their breasts. I don't know why anyone would find those things lewd, the author was probably just as surprised.


Honestly a team up we need more of.
These two work well together

Keep twinkling

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 56 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.57_[2019.06.29_21.54.15].jpg (1920x1080, 267K)


deus ex avium

Because he wanted horny weebs to buy his shit.
Also he's a westaboo faggot so he's just following the example of western comics.

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>says the faggot crying that he got proven wrong with numerous examples

>Keep twinkling... whatever that means

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shine on you frenchie fuck

Keep Twinkling /TG/

Man I almost forgot it was summer

Her targets


God, I think Aoyama is becoming my favorite minor class 1-A character.

>twinkling twink
Oh I get it now.

Koda's quirk is cool as fuck, I wish they'd use him more.

I love Eraser.

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>nobody fails



oh let me guess, at least one of these niggas didn't make it

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>40ft long tongues
Is that a canon figure? That length seems unreasonable even for a human-sized frog.

he should team with the invisible girl
both can blind people with flashing lights and sparkles, or he can hold all their attention while she sneaks around

WELP THATS THE LAST EPISODE OF MHA(cause you aint staying up till 3)

Are you faggots ready for love to be obliterated?

Pure coincidence just like Murata

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>The one greeting Deku at the end if the Pink Alien while Och just stands there
What in the fuck do they mean by this?

Those two are

This was part 1, they can still fail to get their license

>Keep twinkling ya twinkle toed faggot
Jesus Christ Raimi, what the fuck?!

Me too, it's actually been kinda chilly where I am. Feels more like March than June right now.

Wait until the end of the arc

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Would you fail the exams to slam her?

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>His Quirk: Friendship. Every single challenge that comes his way will be solved through the support and strength of his friends, who feel compelled to help him.
>This leaves his life feeling easy and unfulfilled. He's actually a really depressing person.
Sounds like a One Punch Man spin-off.

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Is that Chewbacca?

What is it about MHA that makes people Seethe? It’s at most a pretty serviceable Shounen, I don’t get why people get so mad about it

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>he thinks doing anything other than laughing you for being a dumb faggot

Just wait, it's not done yet

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Sasquatch quirk?

>wanna make fun of the guy for literally being a lighthouse
>everything worked out in the end
>dont wanna ruin the mood

wat do

>keep twinkling
Was that a reference to Aoyama's hero name? Isn't it like "Never Stop Twinkling" or some shit?

>Whatever that means
Okay, that was actually kinda funny.

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But I was watching...

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You thought it was a test but it was actually an episode of destroy build destroy.

>All that tax money


Be like bakugou and still call them all useless




I for one look forward to some grade A breast meat.

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people are competitive about what's better or not, plus a recent twist in the manga kinda pissed people off en masse as a new HxH tier meme moment

Haven't they done rescue missions before? Also time to miss Ribrianne being cancerous, see you in 30 minutes before I leave again to miss Titan and then SAO after Neverland.

let me guess only bakugo and todoroki fail because todo has autism and bakugo hates actually saving people

It's the BCfags. They have it in for the show, for some reason. Insecure?

Nope, would rather fuck Momo and she passed.

that's so dumb. what's going to happen if someone doesn't want to be saved and/or isn't saved? is a pro hero just going to swoop in?

Jolly Cooperation!

>user doesn't have any friends, rendering the Quirk useless.


more like Cousin It

the worst part is that he was trying to suicide, but everyone misunderstood and all think he was being heroic to summon them together
He is like King from One Punch Man


>What is it about MHA that makes people Seethe?
It's popular


Nope. The first time they were going to do it is when the villains first attacked and interrupted the training.

I would fail the exam for even less, I would fail to exam just to get a sniff mate.

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David Hogg was in MHA?

Nikumi is best girl

Same reason people seethe at SAO, seeing literal shit float to the top and get praised by brainless normies would upset anyone with actual taste

Some of you niggers are gonna start cooking again because of this show. You'd better post pics.

Remember, it was interrupted.

no the time they tried to do rescue the villains attacked the first time. also they are first years

Keep seething, newfag. You're wrong, and it's hilarious.

Todo starts shit with the wind guy and both of them endanger just about everyone when a "Villain" attacks
Bakugou is just terrible with people

You're 100% right

Tonight is another Ribrianne episode? God damnit

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It's popular, this makes fans of widely-panned shows salty as fuck.

"Can't stop twinkling."

It's still a practical exam.
Nobody actually needs to be saved. They're actors.

What is Andrew's hero name?

>user needs to lose his virginity
>His girl friends offer to help him.
>It leaves his life unfulfilled.

It's Naruto for a new generation.


Bakugo and Momo would be the ultimate team for that

it was foreshadowed hard and not only by the fact of how it formed in the first place

It has zero romance in it.

Which twist because the manga keeps producing damn ass twists on established quirks.



I am still waiting for muh rot waves.

It's a test dumdum.

>people shit all over mineta because hes not scared to say he likes titties
>they keep forgetting how stupid useful his quirk is.

My boy deserves more.

I was exaggerating. It's probably less than half that. She's been shown fully wrapping it around people so it's still gotta be a decent size.

Good to see another cooking anime on Toonami Man I miss Pop Team Cooking.

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