What’s his writing style?

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Unironic capeshit. It's just dumb and unimaginative.

A bunch of action figures fighting each other

Michael Bay in writing form. And no, not "The Rock" Michael Bay, more like "Armageddon" Bay.

Johns’ writing style is “Doesn’t Have To Be On Time Cus People Will Eat His Shit Up No Matter If it’s Good Or Bad.”

Shoehorn a "spectrum of seven" motif into everything he touches, no matter how awkward it is.

"bang! boom! pow! did you see how cool that was! i bet you're real excited for these dozens of plot threads that won't be continued now."

But reddit tells me that his GL run is the greatest comic run of all time.

It's kind of how people say Donny Cates' "Thanos Wins" is the best take on the character ever, when Starlin already wrote him to death before and after him.
Casuals, simply put.

he kinda writes for retards, like not even kids like his work

>Oh boy this will be cool AS FUCK
And then he needs guys like Morrison and Rucka to calm him down like in 52.

>”Find me a Thor run better than Jason Aaron’s”
>”Oh I never really read the Simonson run”

I still maintain that johns is fine in small doses, the problem is when he insists on stepping out of his niche and wants to be "smart" 52 is a good example other writers bringing out the best in him

How the fuck are you supposed to define a writing style
Imagine if someone said "what is Terry Pratchet's writing style?"

its fucking nothing

>t. failed English

parodies of cultural and historical figures, puns, footnotes, typographical changes for certain characters, comic narration



Character or army of characters sneak attack someone and say something epic in a huge colorful speech bubble. Rinse and repeat.

He hasn't read anything remotely classic, at all. Same when he went and claimed his favorite Inhumans run was Jenkins' then went and ignored everything from the latest runs and even Jenkins himself in his shitty Death of the Inhumans mini. Only semi-reference he did was Hickman's Future Foundation prophecy in a very dated way.
Or when he claimed he was a DnA fan yet proceeded to reference Bendis GOTG with the Star-Lord/Kitty pairing and add a bunch of MCU synergy.

Look up johnsian literalism.

ITT: people who haven't read his JSA
Or his Booster Gold
Or his Flash
Or his Superman
Most of you only know him from stupid shit like Flashpoint and Identity Crisis.


Thank you for listing out the reasons why he is bad.


His Superman was a big pile of nothing though. Not outright bad, but really mediocre. Even at the peak of his career he never could do anything that stood out with Superman.

He's the only reason Bizarro World is in continuity again, so I'm grateful to him for that at least.

I think that's really at the core of Johns' appeal. He brings back goofy old stuff that people love, instead of creating shitty edgelord OCs that are doomed to be forgotten instantly. That's really all you need to do to stand out among modern cape writers.

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>instead of creating shitty edgelord OCs

Are you retarded?

Violence, explosion, and feels.

those are all incredibly pathetically bad book


he really likes to add more depth to villains
whether is makes sense or not

Versatile outside of whenever he touches the Fourth World. He's a good writer.