Gravity Falls would've been better if Mabel was Goth

Gravity Falls would've been better if Mabel was Goth.

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It really wouldn’t.

you're kidding, right? It would've worked so well with the show.

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She has a hard crush on Robbie and constantly talks shit to him because she's trying to maintain her blackpilled image.

Gravity Falls would've also been better if Wendy was properly amazonian.

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It actually would. Her personality itself would actually help Dipper with solving shit.

Gravity falls would have been better if Wendy fucked Dipper.

>lets take the dynamic out of the cast, but it will work cause my fetish said so
either you tell me how this couldve played out in an enjoyable and memorable way or you're out

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Any show would be better if all of the females were goth.

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>Mabel is dour and disinterested with everything except for sneering at the happy sheeple with her friends
>Both Dipper and Mabel deal with having summer crushes on older interests
>MabelLand reflects her true self by being all sunshine and rainbows
The only parts that wouldn't work would be her trusting Stan with the portal and taking Bill's deal to extend summer.

goth mabel best mabel.

>”oh my gosh Mabel you won’t believe this.....”
>(grunts) uhhhh dipper you and your fantasies”
Would honestly fit pretty well desu

I like to imagine she later dates Robbie when she's older and everbody just hates dealing with their relationship bullshit.

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That's Gaz-Mabel, so she would have a Dib-Dipper. The Dibber!

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Mabel being goth has caused a niche following now, this isn't some fetish thing

>Mabel would be interested with the dark arts and wanting to unlock the secrets with Dipper
>Mabel shouldn't be some annoying brat, she would be apathetic and at times, more useful than Dipper
>Stubborn and will sometimes argue with Dipper about certain clues but have strong arguments for her case

So what’s your favorite Mabel?

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>goth luan
I didnt know how much my dick needed this

Her trusting Stan still works because Stan is the only person who doesn't judge or dismiss her angst.

I was going to say no but the more I think about it, the more I see that I'm wrong. I'd be interested with a short AU comic of Goth Mabel with Dipper

Just because you're obsessed with fetishes doesn't mean everyone else is.

A goth Mabel means a Mabel who is actually interested in Dipper's paranormal adventures, the hook of the series.

Current Mabel is often just shitty B-plots involving some romance-of-the-week bullshit that happens to get caught up with paranormal stuff.

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Nah, she works as a foil to Dipper because she was a quirky social butterfly while he's awkward and bookish.

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Magoyle or Vamp Mabel. Also, why would a Dipper-Mabel still be trapped there? Out of all of them, she would have figured out a way back to her dimension.

so literally just Gaz with slightly more interest in the brothers activity
they would have to rewrite the entire series. I just think it would pull down the feeling and mix of the cast.
The apathy to sometimes competence switch sounds really boring tbqh,drawn out, at least make her bratty at times

Now hold on their my goth-girl loving friend. One Goth is fine, backround goths are okay, but every girl being goth? That's like saying you want pizza for every meal. Sure pizza is good, but it would suck for every meal. And now I'm thinking of Goth Pizza.

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In no particular order:

>Goth Mabel
>Chubby Mabel
>the scrappy one next to Chubby
>Military Expert Mabel, even though she's not on that page

Maybe she's cataloguing the Mabel Dimension for her journal.

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Mabel was more of a mascot/plot device than a foil. They never bounced off each other except for when Dipper needed to give up X for character growth.

>The apathy to sometimes competence switch sounds really boring tbqh,drawn out, at least make her bratty at times

Understood. I meant being apathetic to certain things, which Dipper would be scared of.

The show would be rewritten but for the better

>Just because you're obsessed with fetishes doesn't mean everyone else is.
come the fuck on
it's even in this thread

There isn't anything like that. People are making logical and valid points of Mabel being Goth to improve the show

They could have kept her personally the same and have her still be interested in the paranormal, like have her be more interested in the magical/unicorn/fairy/adventure side of it while Dipper be more interested in the strange/mysterious/discovery side.

perverted goth girls are my fetish
you have my approval

the "badass" apathy still belongs to the drawn out category

yes the pics dont lie and claims like "everything better with le gothgrills" are perfectly logician arguments
youre right


That's just Invader Zim without Zim

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I don't mean for her to be apathy towards everything but when it comes to stuff like demons or ghosts, she would be more thrilled than scared and only scared if it's a threat to her.

>Straight guy/Cynic guy duo
Any cartoons that do this?

Unfortunately, Mabel's disregard for adventure is a key part of her. Get rid of that, and you risk making a completely new character.

so shes just slightly more brave Dipper, but as a gothgirl

>People think Goth Mabel wouldn't be god tier and made the show better


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Funny you used pizza as your analogy, because just like pizza there are many ways to enjoy goth.
You got the nihilistic goths, the emos, the vampirefags, the satanists, the necrophiles, the furries, the sadists,

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Katara and Sokka
Wander and Silvia
Slinkman and Lumpus

and the sluts who wear black.

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please finish this pic

Goth Mabel could be a risk factor towards Dipper, where she wants to do more dangerous stuff, while Dipper wants to be cautious.

For example, Goth Mabel doesn't mind actual pain or getting beaten up. Neither does Dipper but she's down with getting hurt if she has to.

It’s good no one on Yea Forums will ever actually make cartoons.

would goth mabel still have the same voice or different VA?

I'd like her voice to be deeper but her VA can do the same thing, so it can work

since all the others struggle
>make Dipper more extroverted but keep his weirdo attitude as a contrast to introverted goth mable
>constantly clashes with rest of family in a bratty manner and slightly egocentric, keeping a bit of the old dynamic
>discovers joy of summer slowly throughout the series, leaving her to do the bill deal at the end
most other stuff doesnt change. Love hijinks, rivalry with Pacifica, still gets with her outsider friends

Explain how Goth Mabel wouldn't work

it would of been Invader Zim


How do you bring Waddles into the picture?

nothing ever happens or goes wrong because the biggest catalyst is now an apathetic depressive sack

Replace him as another animal that matches her Goth personality

pigs are really non-conformist you know.
But she grows to genuinely care for him

Being Goth doesn't mean she has to be depressive or apathetic 247, you know there are tons of examples like that

Why not just change her style but keep her cheery attitude?

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Because she would still ruin the show

you asked how it could go wrong
I delivered

The writing ruined it, now her character. Just take out the "keep Mabel happy at all costs" episodes and it will improve.

>Show wouldn't work because the character is stubborn, that means she would be lazy and ruin the show
>B-But that's not what stubborn mea-
>NOPE, that's what would happen

>Wander and Silvia
They're more of the Straight/Funny kind.

>it was implied from the very first aspect that she would be stubborn (or had any form of core character to begin with)
you literally cant say what character she could be, I just presented you the worst case you asked for. Goth is not a character trait and neither defined by apathy nor stubborness
idk why you are getting defensive

Watchdog Mabel.
Yes, I know WOY isn't coming back. Don't remind me.

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>you literally cant say what character she could be
Then why are you so insistent it won't work?

Nope, the series would've been better is Mabel learned from her mistakes.
fairy Mabel and that one Mabel on the middle right hand in the orange sweater.

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Would she still create Dippy Fresh?

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>Explain how Goth Mabel wouldn't work
>give example of how it could not work

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I always felt like this would've been a better concept for the show. Mabel dies pre-show and their parents can't deal with it and ship Dipper off to Grunkle Stan's at Gravity Falls. There Dipper starts seeing/communicating with the ghost of Mabel. As he tries to unravel the mysteries of Gravity falls, Mabel helps him and keeps interfering (aka "helping") with his attempts to win Wendy.

The series culminates in Dipper having to choose to put an end to the weird stuff happening in Gravity Falls, which would cause ghost Mabel to disappear. He doesn't want to do it because he doesn't want to let go of her, but in the end he grows up a little and says goodbye to Mabel.

The show wouldn't let Stan go five minutes as an amnesiac; no way would it allow a dead child.

I know. Heaven forbid a child should learn how to deal with the death of a loved one.

Nah, she never needed to be expired.
She basically should've matured close to the end of the series.
That part were she force Dipper to turn down Ford's offer to study under him genuinely made me despise season two Mabel.

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Back to the future Mabel seems chill also baseball Mabel

I still don't get why Hirsch considered Stan losing his memories so horrible that it needed to be immediately reversed with no consequences. He can still build relationships and make new memories, shit he even seemed a lot less grumpy and cynical without all the shitty memories weighing on him.

Plus Stan regaining all his memories so fast makes it seem like Bill couldn't have possibly been entirely erased, even if that's not the intention.

Why just not make your own show? These are original characters, so just change the setting and get to writing.

Hirsch didn't get a say in it. His preferred ending would have been more bittersweet with Stan's memories still mostly gone, though with signs that they were returning.

Disney wouldn't have a bar of it though, deciding it was too bleak so he had to have his memories back before the credits rolled for a happy ending.

I think this was brought up in the DVD commentary, but it could have been during one of his charity streams or on twitter.

He also clarified that Bill didn't die with Stan's memories, but was severely weakened by the destruction of the mind he was in. Stan's mental punch was what actually finished him off, allowing for Stan's memory to be eventually restored without Bill coming back with them.

Almost certain this came from the Weirdmageddon part 3 commentary now I remember that.

>dat toph

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the one that doesn't ruin the show.

Considering how bad Mabel's writing is, a complete rewrite would be welcome.

There needs to be more goth robots

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Based and gothpilled. They're just perfect.
We're all gonna get a goth gf one day fellas, right?

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Would Pacifica become a goth after her family ends up slightly less rich, or after she learns about her family's horrible history?

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I want to say back to the future Mabel, goth Mabel, Dipper Mabel or a monster Mabel but there's something about the vibe of this Mabel.

I will call her chill Mabel, and when her Dipper has a panic attack and starts overthinking she's always ready to sit down, share a snack and offer a listening ear. She remains calm in the face of danger, when everyone is losing their minds and it looks likes it's too late, chill Mabel will notice something or think of a simple answer to save everyone. Chill Mabel was offered to be Ford's student but turned him down, said Dipper is the brains, and would rather watch the clouds. Eventually both Dipper and Mabel were recruited to go on adventures together. She's currently in dimension Mab-3L because of one of said adventures, she doesn't mind it, it's an interesting experience but she told goth Mabel to sent a message to her dimension so Dipper and the family don't worry too much.

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>Chill Mabel was offered to be Ford's student but turned him down, said Dipper is the brains, and would rather watch clouds
So one more way to smack Dipper across the face?

>Dipper gets a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend his better years with his aging uncle who went through time and space and shares his interest
>Gets forced by his awful sister to stay with her because she's can't live without him all of a sudden

There's a lot bad things about the finale but that still takes the cake.

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Nah, Dipper just connects better with Stanley in this world and Mabel doesn't get involved with scams. Stanford was under the impression that Dipper was following in Stans footsteps as outwardly he's the more confident one.

Gravity falls would have been better if it had more filler and was stretched out over 3 seasons, since the filler episodes about random mysteries were the best part of the show and the plot sucked

Also Robbie should have been a zombie

Too dark for a show that anyone would actually want to watch

That's not really what your idea is about and you can literally do that kind of thing without actually killing someone off.

Some of the worst episode from S2 were filler, though.

And most of the episodes in general were filler so that's not really saying much

>let's make the character twice as obnoxious
based fetishist

Street urchin Mabel and Flambel



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Goth Rapunzel is canon in Tangled tv show.

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Of course, Boobel is the best out of the bunch.

I guess Disney thought abandoning your current life and pursuing your dreams makes for a bad moral?
Fuckin' hypocrites.

She kinda reminds me of Vivian James.

I think its more that Alex Hack did that because he's practically in love with his own sister.

Its garbage either way.

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True. Complete with a dark chant that sucks the life out of everything.

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Mabel should be nude in every single episode. Full frontal, anatomically correct nude, with a clitoris. And she would love me and only me.

It's not like Dipper was going to run away and never see his family again. Ford would have talked to his parents first, and Dipper was willing to make things work with Mabel long-distance.

It would have been like he was studying abroad, and Mabel would have seen him every summer anyway.

>wouldn’t and couldn’t are the same


Grunkle Stan already had it, waddles starts showing affection for her wich at first she doesn't correspond but at the end she ends up loving him

How much do you think the show was based of Alex's life? Has he ever said anything about his relationships and their relation to his expy Dipper during interviews? I know Soos was based of a janitor he knows, and Stan was apparently based on his grandpa, but I am quite worried about his sister and mabel.

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Mabel was based on himself, Dipper was based on his twin sister. I believe they have a third sibling too.

Thought it was the other way around

Gravity Falls would've been better if Alex hadn't burnt out a month into production of Season 2 and said "fuck it, I'm done, let's just end it"

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He stretched himself thin trying to micromanage. It's partially justified because when he let the reins loose a little, his crew ended up making "Roadside Attraction."

Incest mabel

Disney gave the man near-total creative control and a big ol budget to go make his passion project and he gave up halfway through.

That doesn't reflect well on the man's character.

Does the horse Mabel have horse pussy? If yes then horse mabel

But that's all of them.

Do they kiss in the show?

He burned out during season 1 and wanted to end it there, he was only even convinced to do a season 2 because it picked up such a dedicated fanbase

They felt weird about hugging, I don't think they wanted to fug each other. Siblings don't really want to fuck each other. I think incest fags are mostly only children. And the rest are just sick fucks.

>have a child ghost to help cope with losing a loved sibling early
>literally do this without killing someone off
do you know what that word means? tell me how you do it. also how is his idea not about what he says it's about?
>in the end he grows up and says goodbye to mabel
his whole idea is based around making the show have a deeper meaning on dealing and coping with tragedy. it'd still have all your fun, and kids wouldn't even pay much attention, it would just dip in subconsciously that bad things happen sometimes and you have to get over them. seems like a good idea

The hypothetical of how the show would be ruined still counts as a valuable answer to your question. How would it not work? High chance of goth mabel being written like almost every grey goth character

The stealthiest Mabel

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>Bad things happen sometimes and you have to get over them.
Sorry but the producers would nix that idea immediately. Current social meta is that if life is unfair or you have something you dislike about others or about yourself you Make It Your Identity. Teaching people to be adults and deal with an innately unfair world is basically heresy. Maybe it's even the current meta's The Heresy. Like imagine if homosexuals just made their identity about being Josh or being Jane instead of about what they do with their soft bits. It'd be absolutely awful. If people were taught to get over being born a certain color or a certain gender because complaining isn't going to fix it, well you just can't have that. Complaining is the real human meta identity.

Is there any Mabel-bash fic anywhere?

>That doesn't reflect well on the man's character.
Aside from pic related, one of the gravity falls threads claimed he used his twin sister's share of their college fund on top of his own to fund going to calarts. She had to work retail.

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Are you implying pic related was a bad thing? Because it was fucking hilarious

You'll sooner find Dipper-bash fics than Mabel ones. Turns out most fanfic writers are females who relate more with Mabel.

Welll... no.

It wouldn't. It wouldn't actually resonated with the whole aesthetic with the atmosphere of the show. Yeah Goth girls work with dark shit but that's not relatable nor a teenage girl. Seriously Yea Forums learn that Disney is in the business of making shit for kids. Not 20-40 year olds.

get fucked gothfags
no one's gonna pat your asses for proposing "shoehorn in fetish bait" as a way to fix a show
>the problem with the series is that mabel doesn't act enough like dipper. she needs to be less distinct as a character. i consider this a "logical and valid point" by the way
this is your average underage "big tiddy goth gf" poster

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>Dipper is a goth

>can't read

>Show with issues would have been better with a change that affects none of those issues and just appeals to one of my fetishes instead.

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>Mabel works as a foil
But she didn’t. At all. More often than not, she was either the mascot, interjecting her quirky -isms for a quick laugh, or invested in her own tangentially related B-plot. She and Dipper didn’t really work as a dynamic Duo that much at all.

Except they absolutely did you retard, get over your hateboner

>Except the did
user, if you want to be taken seriously when saying something ridiculous, you have to at least try and prove it.

Mabel was a damsel in distress at most, and in story use, more like a macguffin.

Mabel doesn't participate in most plots, which makes her a very poor foil.

Dipper and Mabel acted as a duo for the majority of episodes in the series, is this even something I need to provide evidence to disprove? Just look at the fucking episode list

Mabel tagged along for the majority of the episodes, but Dipper was the one with agency most of the time.

Dipper instigated the mystery-plot episodes because he cares more about mysteries, that doesn't Mabel didn't also frequently have agency when joining in or that she didn't frequently act as his foil when his sperginess got the better of him

I dislike Mabel and Dipper relationship because they feel very assimetrical. Dipper has to help Mabel and if he won't, it's treated as failing he must remedy, but Mabel never really feels obligated to support him. It's not necessary a bad dynamic for writing, but it should be treated as bad thing by writing, but it's treated as perfect, healthy sibling relationship.

I also dislike Mabel because plot always contorts to make her right, which is contrived at best, or stupid at worst.

>that doesn't Mabel didn't also frequently have agency when joining in or that she didn't frequently act as his foil when his sperginess got the better of him
No, the, fact that Mabel didn’t do any of that is what makes that true.

>it’s self evident
Obviously it isn’t, as there are far more people who don’t see what you’re on about than those who do. You’re going to have to either actually use some specific examples, or acknowledge that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

please surrender your man card to the nearest man outpost.

This character was literally..... Alex raging at some stock type character that hadn't existed since his childhood?

have you heard of the 34th law of the internet?

Yeah, you can't read, if you think a character being goth somehow makes her not distinct from Dipper.

Gravity falls would have been Better if Wendy had more personality than a cardboard cutout.

You are not wrong, but Wendy's underdeveloped personality is far less detrimental to storytelling.

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He's a Kid Vid parody. I thought he just reflected Mabel's taste for retro stuff and her concentrated selfishness.

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This one really made me dislike Mabel. She pretty much replaced Dipper with herself as a boy.

If she wanted Dipper to act more like herself, she could have just used her control of the bubble to make him. He had the willpower to fight off the automatic temptations, but he wouldn't have lastest against Mabel's persistent brainwashing.

He's a mix of all the 90s advertisement aimed at kids

That would make a good Mabel flaw, if they actually built narrative around it.


The comic did a somewhat-related take on it that was pretty good.
>A version of Mabel with her worst traits unbounded threatens her family
>Mabel tries to get the other Mabels to help her
>They can't be arsed to care about anything but themselves
It got the point across. The same plot could have worked if Double Dipper had Mabel futzing around with the copier as her brother did.

I just wish something like this had happened in the show.

we need the adventures of dippy fresh and goth mabel. opposites make the best conflicts and comedy. and it would make sense that she would isolate herself by a so 'x-treme' brother.

I can't help but agree

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the residents mabel

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Would date.

>They felt weird about hugging, I don't think they wanted to fug each other.

Are you sure?

Shut up Pan you filthy wetback

Less detrimental than her not being an Amazon?

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fishmabel is cute, CUTE!

Nah. I think that would have gone too far, even for her

McFly beats Shady, assuming she's got a time machine, otherwise they tie.