Serious character that has never made a single quip

>Serious character that has never made a single quip
>Has the most memes out of everyone and anything

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Most serious character
>Has the most memes
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be

He is inevitable.

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straight characters always have the best and most quotable lines, especially the villains, probably because they are so simple yet multiusable

Darth Vader was completely serious in the original series, yet was immediately turned into an aloof dad or angry 80’s cartoon villian, as was appropriate for that era.

For this era, Thanos memes represent the era he’s in. Also, they put him Fortnite like immediately after Infinity War and made him do stupid Zoomer dances.

Fuck you I laughed

Thats why Raimi has better memes than sóycu. Nothing feels forced.

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you should have gone for the head yo

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>>Serious character that has never made a single quip

One doesn't find much joy when breaking an user's heart, but I do admit, this one puts a smile on my face.

Darth Vader was introduced in 1977, decades before memes were invented.

Yeah, because parodying pop culture over and over again didn’t start intill the 90’s when the internet was invented, retard manlet.

You couldn't do that until the repeal of the fairness doctrine in 1987, so yea.

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I think the main thing is he is the centerpiece for the those Avenger movies (I mean he is more or less the protagonist of the Avengers:Thanosquest that was the first) and as a result you just have a lot of people in the mainstream using him as a meme machine that you'd find in any really big media franchise. He actually sticks in people's heads since he's the first villain in forever that actually works.

I'm genuinely really surprised that Marvel, after 20 movies with shit or at best meh villians, finally has a bad guy that managed to ingrain themselves into the public like that. You've got all the joke shit, people writing dumb shit about how he's the greatest villian of all time dindu nothing Thanos was right 2018, and I've seen him brought up in casual conversation BY NAME by people.

>I don't even know who you are
>It would've been a waste of parts
>Now, is no time at all
>If you consider failure, experience
>Undying, indeed
>I never taught you to lie, that's why you're so bad at it
>You should have gone for the head
>Ah, the boyfriend

A quip is a witty remark, not necessarily a joke. Thanos was a fucking quip machine. OP is a

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>Dr. Doom, Magneto, Galactus, Dr. Oct and Green Goblin

Those were the closest things Marvel had to a ‘mainstream’ villian for many decades. Now Thanos has taken their place.

>we live in a timeline where Thanos is more iconic than Dr.Doom, Darth Vader and Darkseid

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4 billion dollars split by two back to back cinema behemoths will do that

Memes aside, this is the perfect reason. The contrast is what makes it so funny. It's why steamed hams is so funny, and why it evolved into such a great meme. It's basically a sitcom parody that got turned on its head, and people took it from there.

If this is what a quip is then...every movie ever is full of fucking quips

So why was 2014 Endgame Thanos a cartoon villain when the Thanos that destroyed Gamora's homeworld was the Infinity War Thanos?

DCucks still trying to pretend their shit villain was ever popular

Now you're starting to get it. It's almost like these characters are reading off a script or something.

Quip in one of those words this place overused to the point that it was drained of meaning. Most people don't know what it means any more. See also: Mary Sue, among others.

>If this is what a quip is then...every movie ever is full of fucking quips

They are.

No shit

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>So why was 2014 Endgame Thanos a cartoon villain when the Thanos that destroyed Gamora's homeworld was the Infinity War Thanos?

He was mostly the same, but

1. His goal had changed from the unusual goal of killing 50% of the universe's population to just killing fucking everybody


2. He didn't have any moody moments with Gamora or melancholy moments after killing her, which was what really changed him.