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Other urls found in this thread:

but why

/sm/ > /ss/

Attached: 1538612320862.jpg (500x570, 45K)

Because this is Yea Forums.

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Who are these two?

What's /sm/?

Gogo and andy

Attached: e5f43e7b59223a94e88e9984fd955eef--bodybuilding-it-is.jpg (736x4698, 783K)

Gogo and Andy from Bomango.

Attached: 121 brand_recognition_by_vanheist-d6mo5fp.png (1800x894, 1.38M)

Gogo and Andy from gogo bomango, It is a web comic, it was rebooted a while ago, pre-reboot there was a lot of /ss/ hi jinks going on, complete with a long awaited kiss between the two.

Gogo and Andy, from Bomango.
It started as shorts with barely any continuity, elaborated from there, and reached it's climax before the creator decided to reboot it as a more standard webcomic.
It's decent, though he's got issues with pacing.

I don't mind these once a week, but not everyday.

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Canon had sex.

Attached: Timmy_and_Carly.png (400x225, 77K)

>left to right
It was almost perfect.

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Hey Arnold almost had a character themed around this:

>The initial idea was that she would "have a crush" on Arnold, and "ask him to do favors and would make Arnold feel a little uncomfortable", according to an archived description by the interviewer. Bartlett's exact words are no longer available, and it is unknown if Lana was intended to be outright predatory or uncomfortably friendly.

Attached: Lana Vail.jpg (160x301, 10K)

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shotaro complex AKA shotacon. /sm/ used to be the shota board until moot killed it along with /l/.

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Jeez no comment

And Timmy will never remember...

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>tfw you're so alpha a shota that women get thiccer after /ss/ with you

Oh christ user
You just opened up an ancient box inside my head. I forgot all about this show.
What the fuck was it called again?

Well this thread might not last too long, but I feel like this would be a good time to let anyone who remembers Laura and Leash know, a lot more of that art has been made and it's up on pixiv
not trying to shill or anything.


Attached: tumblr_p5etx9hOaA1urihq7o1_540.jpg (512x680, 109K)

Does ics still update?

>I don't mind these once a week, but not everyday.
First one I've seen in 2019

Because as a kid my only goal in life was to bury my head in some extra thick amazonian thighs or breasts

that is my fetish

Attached: 1561722696313.jpg (350x110, 12K)

I wish I could be as into SS as everyone else but...didn't they like...kill a bunch of people?

faggot and a pedophile.

Only dirty juden

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I would make fun of this tired joke but honestly that's what I think of every time it shows up
I feel like the best way to be heteronormative is to not need to specify STRAIGHT shota. obviously it's gonna be straight, you're not a fag

also shota is automatically less gay than grown men in the same scenario. that's just science.

/ll/ is best

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Fuck off libtard, your post hurts to read

Okay, you start op because I don't see any shota.

≥>Yea Forums

>hurts to read
that explains why you misunderstood it so hard.

>This whole comic
Pervy big sister is kind of a minor fetish for me

Attached: RCO293.jpg (1035x1600, 492K)

The SS were actually pretty bad as far as numbers go. At first they were near suicidal political zealots given top of the line equipment but as the war went on the political zealots died off in drives and were replaced by kids straight out of Hitler Youth camp, and a party dregs including convicts, psychopaths and retards more interested in eating, looting and raping than winning the war, and even when their role was just to be a mobile war crime machine they often lost fights to partisans as soon as they put up any sort of fight, see Oskar Dirlewangers' penal unit, truly the peak "special" forces of the Reich.

Attached: Hey kid wanna ss.webm (640x480, 2.95M)

>want to post literally anything
>Terrified of being banned again

Attached: backpacking.webm (1280x721, 1.76M)

We had one yesterday and the day before that.

you have my permission.

if only t'were how it worked
I was just gonna post ikki's mom getting in bed with him. I love that gif

Attached: 1561623303431.jpg (765x565, 124K)

It was from the gravity falls comic, they probably didn't want to confuse their consumers.

Attached: Screenshot_20190628-212513.png (1440x2960, 3.75M)

I'd feel better if this same thread had been up for 3 days rather than 3 threads in as many days, but I assume each one gets deleted?

it's fine, just do it. Use spoiler if ypu're that cautious.

spoilers draw the attention of mods, that's been unreliable for easily 5 years

Yea Forums ss requests? Will deliver elsewhere.

stop being a pussy.

gwen tennyson grabbing daphnes tits

pinecest or wilycest will never not make me happy.

Harley dear I have a wonderful idea! That comissioner fool thinks that crime will go away once Batman fucks me in the ass? Well, let's see how THEY will handle once YOU rape boy blunder!

Attached: ReturnoftheJokerSlideshow.jpg (720x368, 26K)

the mods can't make me agree with what they're doing, but they can certainly stop me from taking risks.

Posoin Ivy and Harley lusting Jon Kent and Damian

/ll/ > everything

Finn and Susan Strong sleeping together, with Finn using Susan as a bed, his head pillowed on her chest.

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She seemed like a genuinely bad person, i don't want to confuse that with /ss/

Oh, so these two finally did it?

Pedos need to be gassed

Who are these characters?

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isn't that Tannah and Vard? they did it like shortly after they met.

I actually don't know. Last night It was at 300 when i went to bed and then was gone in the morning. But whatever. If people want the thread and it doesn't become a circlejerk who a lm I to argue?

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>emaciated jew boy
>not strapping hitler youth recruit

Attached: 1477393426992.jpg (512x384, 22K)

shit, alright. maybe things are cool again. I'm always down for some /ss/ery

It's mentioned here:

I wish I had a Yea Forums version of this.

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Ah, remember when a guy could simply like a girl? Those were simpler times.

Yes, and Hitler was gay with one ball. Did you know he was a terrible painter and might have actually been jewish? It's amazing what you'll learn about defeated enemies after the dust settles.

Hoozier Houndz. I want more Squirt porn

>both in skirts so it looks like /ll/
this makes my heart become the warmed heart.

Attached: skirtRef.jpg (898x684, 126K)

*hoze houndz

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why do cartoons force this?

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It's relatable. Every straight guy, at one point, has crushed on an older girl. Wished for it no matter how it could never work out, except for those few who happened to crush on a girl that's into young boys.

adorable and in-character
that's what it was like to be a kid
some of us still like that type of girl. they didn't like us when we were too young, they don't like us now, and they didn't like us during that fleeting period we were the 'right age' either
so we use pictures and pretend.

What's the cowboy girl comic called?

Bikini Cowboy.

Attached: RkGI.gif (475x267, 445K)

This thing needs more fanart and fanfics, geez

Attached: BAC65C89-1EBD-4F36-8274-0EB0F50C1D73.jpg (772x573, 112K)

>tfw no doujin of a r63 version of Hitler and Anne where a mommy fuhrer molests a shota Anne

Attached: 1542260715480.png (719x642, 25K)

>mfw Carmen Sandiego is so fucking underrated

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Kill yourself

Attached: 1561604485917.png (258x330, 83K)

Based and autogynephilic

Imagine a threesome with female Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun and shota Anne Frank.

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>all those wonderful, fantastically-edited gifs of nude wendy from this episode
who are these peeps?
Not gonna lie, would be cute.

what is it?

I lost my virginity to an older girl. She was very... commanding. I don't recommend it. To this day I can't stand eating a girl out. So gross. I developed some issues to say the least.

cute little boy befriends (or is kidnapped and raped by) a big and muscular oni/ogre/orc/monster girl
I don't have a sfw example of this trope, so have this semirelated pic instead

Attached: 1544577374940.jpg (540x720, 73K)

That's Carmen Sandiego and Player. They're from the Netflix reboot.

You actually ate pussy you nasty beta male faggot?

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they let carmen replace her iconic giant hat with a hoodie? that's fucked up

She still has the iconic outfit

As I said, I didn't know what was going on. I was fucking 10 for fuck sake. She got me alone in the woods by the clay pit and she tasted like sweat and ass. I never tried it again for years until it was this chick that was really cool, but then she fucked off to Austin to be a singer or something, Bitch.

Attached: 1254584491043.png (640x480, 400K)

She still has her gigantic hat and her red overcoat. That's just her casual clothes.

oh that's okay then

Youre supposed to beat the pussy up with your chad thunder cock not eat it. Romans started civil wars when senators were caught doing that

did he ever continue this?

I doubt the veracity of your claim, but while I didn't fuck Heather I did indeed slam that red-haired skank bound for Texas. But let's be honest, I simply wasn't man enough for a Heather at that age. She didn't care though, she just 'took.'

is there more to this?

>Not eating pussy

Very brave of you to come out of the closet on 4channel

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Lapis has shit taste

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I want to hit that

You do not hit Gogo. Gogo hits you.

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>not an adult Anne molesting a young Hitler
Congrats, you ousted yourself as a homo

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that would be cute too. Could even be a timetraveling thing. Frank from a future where this plan worked and thus she's alive.. goes back to show him how nice die juden can be.

Drawfriend please deliver

She-Hulk giving Peter Parker a 69 and have Peter's face shoved into her crotch while her thighs squeeze his head hard.


has anyone ever found a way to satisfactorily draw 69?

It's no fun if the boy won't die immediately after.

Or alternatively, could be the reason why he hates Jews in the first place.

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well, that's how these stories usually work
but I want a happy ending
also she gives him art lessons

>Someone saves my art
aww yeah

Attached: friend_like_frankie_by_chillguydraws_dd8z4pr.png (2400x3300, 1.98M)

wojakposters are cancer

It's bad.

Ready and willing pal.
give me some ideas.

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I feel I should know who this is

oh I know. why do you think it feels so good?

HYPE for Didi coming back. I wonder how he's going to portray it this time around.


Camp Camp

/aco/-tan teasing a shota Yea Forums-tan

Attached: aco-tan.jpg (654x800, 78K)

Pic related except Carmen in the door saying its /ss/ time or something about stealing virginity and player on the ground.

Attached: its-goofy-time-no-dad-no-23547044.png (500x522, 121K)

that's a thing?

/ss/ is cancer
That's about all, see ya later.

Does anything actually happen in this?

Attached: sample_edd20f7665b8cdc3f56102158b595739.jpg (850x1024, 125K)

from what I gathered it can leave you fucked in the head.
but it's still pretty hot fantasizing it.

Attached: IMG_20190201_214622.jpg (604x506, 37K)

what people have trouble understanding is that A) that's true SOMETIMES and B) getting older doesn't magically stop that effect.

but I think that user meant 'does anything happen in Bikini Cowboy' and the answer is no, but the kid gets a good look. and fresherluke is always talking about doing more.

Player peeping on Carm undressing after she "forgot" to turn off her cam

>tfw I literally haven't fucked a girl who wasn't older than me

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I get Venom but, not Spider-Gwen.

If someone just gave his art a change we could have saved millions of lives.

He was kinda shit artists and couldn't grasp a lot of core parts of art. The more you look at his work the more shit you'd see that was done poorly/wrong.

>you will never be an innocent farm boy who gets boobie tackled by a genki ginger girl

Attached: RWBY - S06E07 - The Grimm Reaper.mp4_snapshot_10.50_[2018.12.09_05.36.45].png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

it always looked amazing to me. even his snow white fanart. hell, especially that.
People say his art has all these objective flaws, but... isn't that what art school is for? I don't see any of the flaws myself.

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I'm not sure where you are getting this information. He was a wonderful artist, his art style simply didn't match with what was popular at the time.

I've heard a lot of people say it
but it's safe to say that literally everything, both true and false, that has ever or COULD ever be said about hitler, has been said more times than the vast majority of other topics. dude was named man of the century for a reason. no wonder he's an idol for attentionhungry trolls

I was molested by my aunt and when I tried to bring it up, she convinced her daughter that I molested her. Thankfully nobody believed her.

That is both depressing and scary.

It's fine that I was always the family black sheep anyway.

I"m still sorry you had to go through that.

>Thankfully nobody believed her.
at least there's a silver lining
I don't mean to depreciate anyone's troubles, I just feel that age has little to do with these situations. They would have been just as fucked up regardless.

Just read this comic...

>Hawaiian witches


Sounds like you've never even gotten near a pussy, you poor permavirgin

Attached: ECE8B27E-62C4-4CC1-A103-E3CC06963DA0.jpg (449x546, 37K)

it's that kinda comic

If this is the guy's account, then he's been retweeting Bernie and Yang posts.


why would you go to anyone's twitter

It still destroyed my public and work life in my home town, though my closest friends still stood by me.

>letting the terrorists win
President Jack Bauer didn't die for this.

Did you consider moving?

nice to find out who your real friends are.

That's the thing about moving out of a small town.

You can get lost pretty easily in a big city.

Not with no money. Even if you want a garbage apartment, basements need 2 months rent right off the bat.

I guess, but living in a town where people think you might be a pedo seems overwhelmingly difficult. God bless you for being able to cope, I don't think I could.

Like I said, thankfully I have my closest friends and family. They know I was wrongfully accused.

>people think you might be a pedo
wait, wait, so your aunt molests you, then convinces her daughter that you molested her (the daughter)?
I mean... that's even more fucked, but it's pretty easy to do nowadays from what I hear. Just usually the people doing the convincing have some kind of degree in that kind of brainwashing.

so anyway, howbout dat /ss/
we used to have fun creative threads coming up with story concepts. one of them actually made it to being a comic on sadpanda

I used to write a lot of historical /ss/ fiction, mostly about rich boys blackmailing the help when I was a teenager, but I think it was all lost by now.

There was also that weird saga in many chapters about son of a southern Plantation owner who had a crush on a slave woman with huge ass, but always ended up banging his step mother, schoolmarm and preacher's wife instead of her.

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>googles "wanna ss"
>no good results
I know ss is a thing, but is there actual porn of women saying wanna ss to boys?

My lawyer advised me to not answer this.

I still don't even know what exactly ss even stands for

Harley smothering Billy Batson with her chest.

both naked and him having a small yet erect penis.

Straight shotacon. Shotacon as in Shotaro complex, Shotaro being what the Japanese call little boys. And Straight because as NAMBLA would love to tell you, there's a homo variant to shotacons as well.

Livewire going after Jon.

Attached: Livewire and Jon.png (1076x1140, 652K)

>luke weber
Stop giving this crybaby fucko refuge please

Attached: 1.png (1240x1795, 2.07M)

What's this comic called?

>one of them actually made it to being a comic on sadpanda
Which one was this?

I once took part in a brainstorming session for a superhero/sidekick hurt/comfort mutual muscle /ss/ story. One of the other brainstormers said they were going to write it, but nothing ever came of it.

Attached: foxtrot ss.gif (600x1142, 94K)

Isn't Shotaro just a standard Japanese boys name? Just like Lolita for lolis is just a name.

Does it have to be older girls?

Attached: Pacifica Aggressive.png (1000x707, 673K)

Precisely. Complexes are named after people, fictional or otherwise. See Cinderella Complex, etc.