When she sees the benis

>when she sees the benis

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I don't think this movie was bad, but after threads like these I wish it was never made.

>It's so big, it could could sink an empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea, because it's so big.

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>Post Miles’ dad’s face when he finds out his son got a white girl pregnant at the fancy school he insisted on

Gtfo bigger defender

>"I was weak dad! It was the buck teeth and undercut."

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I don’t know what it is about that tooth gap on her but it really does it for me

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>it's peni's

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They don't call her Peni S. Parker for nothing!


>When she sees the Bendis.

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fuck niggers I wish they were all dead


First Yea Forums crush, ever

And I couldn't have been older than 5 years old at the time, which is pretty insane.


>Nigga, what the fuck is this bullshit? There's only one Nigga who's allowed to race mix in this house and it's not you or me.

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Imagine if it was his dick that got stuck in her hair instead, haha

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>Peni S

How the fuck did I not realize this sooner?