Here's your extra Hulk scene, bro

>Here's your extra Hulk scene, bro

Attached: 1561834727378.png (742x516, 596K)

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What the fuck is that?

The Amazing Bulk

I need a video link. I need to see that unfinished mess in motion

They seriously stooped this low?

Here you go
This isn't even the worst part. Hulk does a fucking Sonic the Hedgehog spin

>that audible wtf
>couldnt wait a month or two and finish up the cgi
Jesus how petty do you have to be.

When is this even supposed to be?

I'm assuming someone at Disney will be shot if it's not literally the highest grossing film ever. Besides Black Panther showed people will watch whatever ugly shit you shovel out.

Ive only watch BP out of the corner of my eye so i dint know how bad the cgi was. Butit couldnt have been worse than this.
Honestly I would have waited til after Spiderman and feed on that tony feels the movie does.
Or just not rerelease themovie just to make a butthurt statement about being no2

Where were those DAMN CHOPPAZ?

This is much worse than anything in Black Panther. It's barely better than that Wolverine workprint that got released. Anyway the movie made less than 2mil on Friday and when word of mouth gets out that THIS is what they are expecting people to pay for it will probably collapse hard. It's not even going to beat Avatar after all this

>That fucking chase scene

>The Mediocre Fulk

If they wanted to re release it, why not do it during the Holidays like Avatar? You could then fix up the CGI with that amount of time

>MCUtards will defend this

>Moshi moshi, Banner desu,

It's unfinished CGI. Basically a DVD extra that got popped early.
More importantly, why is no one talking about Carl Fucking Winslow!?

>couldnt wait a month or two and finish up the cgi
It's out on home media by then.

It's already sold more tickets than Avatar. James Cameron is a hack who needs a gimmick to get his Wikipedia list cred, that's why he backed out of Alita after saying he wanted to do it for decades when high quality mocap became commonplace.



>He sold?

Attached: 500full-igor-bogdanoff.jpg (500x500, 30K)

>adults paid 11 dollars and wasted 3 hours to rewatch a movie they already paid just to see this scene
hahahaha HOLY SHIT

Attached: The-amazing-bulk.png (600x337, 272K)

Yeah iot's the quality of a DVD extra. They sholdn't expect people to pay for it


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Woah, another ReBoot remake?

Come on, just a little bit more. COME ON, BITCH
I really don't care for MCU, but over the years, my indifference towards Avatar has turned into BURNING HATE, and I just want SOMETHING to beat it.
I was already cheering for Star Wars Episode 7, but it failed me.
I know that Endgame can do it. I'll buy a ticket myself if I need to.

Attached: just a little more.png (787x276, 21K)

I didn't care before but after looking at that shit Hulk scene I want this to fail

Attached: th.jpg (474x360, 22K)

>actually luring normies into the theater for deleted scenes
I swear, consumers nowadays are stupid as FUCK

And screw with their Star Wars money? Not a chance.

They're screwing with their Toy Story money

TS4 bombing is exactly why they're doing this.

>grown men payed to watch this and call it the best movie of all time