ITT: god-tier costumes

ITT: god-tier costumes

This one even pulls off the difficult trick of having a mostly blue costume that actually looks good.

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Not a fan of the silver lining on the cape but I love the belt and wrist shields. The neck thing is iffy, but either way, but overall it is a good costume.

I like the tunic look

Also this

2099 always look so fucking intimidating
I want an edge of time 2

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I like how the lines actually stand out at a glance, so you can tell it's a tunic over pants with boots that are separate from the pants. Far preferable to Nu52 Supes that looked like footie pajamas.

I can't find a good image of it but I thought Earth 2 Superman had the best look for a "modern" version of the classic suit. The way the cape came over the shoulders and blended with the shield on his chest looked great.

Look it's one of Morrison's shittiest creations. It's SuperObama!

His arms seem a bit to long. Like his anatomy is off. I don’t like the collar he seems like evil black Superman.

>Evil black Superman
He is.

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>Character is bad because Obama bad

I miss Robinson's Earth-2
More morally ambiguous as a commentary on superheroes shouldn't be involved in politics.

No it's making a literal Obama self insert character. I don't mind a black Superman but why does it have to be copy and pasted from real life?

>Forever associated with evil superman
what a shame

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Yeah, but it's a pretty great evil Superman costume.

I like this one too.

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Love this guy, I can look at him, and just KNOW he’s Superman

well, the big S is a nice giveaway.

This one?

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Eh, it had the whole aspect of questioning whether it was right to hide his identity considering his role, which I don't think would have come up in a "self-insert".

Yeah that's it, thanks. Looked a bit better on the cover though where the cape and shield looked like they were made of the same material

His belt is off-model there, although I've just noticed how inconsistent it was. Sometimes it was all red,others have that blue bit, others have the yellow like here.

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Did you even read the comics? Part of his story is that he might end up being like Red Son Superman if he isn't careful.

And then there's this one which was just completely different.

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Hasn’t he only been in like Multiversity and Final Crisis? I remember hearing about a story where everyone thought the Lex on his Earth was racist because he hated Calvin Ellis.

That was in Action Comics #9 (New 52 one), it takes place after Final Crisis but before Multiversity.

Main story was written by Morrison, backup was done by Sholly Fisch (whom Morrison picked to do the backup stories).

eh. I still think it needs a little red on the costume proper

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I've always been enamored by Spidey's House of M suit. The red portions as an abstract spider pattern going along the upper torso blew my mind the first time I saw it,

You can't really tell in this image, but I was never a fan of the way the cape usually attached at the shoulders. Made it look like he had a rug stapled to his armor.

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Rob Liefeld's OCs

Everything about this interaction is hilarious to me

The cape is the only thing that I would change, but I'm not sure how I'd do it. Can't just get rid of it, cause that throws the color balance off, but there's nowhere TO attach it without altering the actual costume.

What if you inverted the colours? Otherwise yeah, best Superman look.

that one is baller. Much better scheme for a paragon type

>This one even pulls off the difficult trick of having a mostly blue costume that actually looks good.
We've been through this before user. It's the belt. You need *at least* the belt to break up the blue.

I think just having it connected to the back like in the OP's picture is the best bet. Really streamlines the whole look.

best superman design coming through.

>x is better than classic

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The red underwear is preferable for the job honestly, but people have hangups about goofy shit nowadays so I guess the belt works well enough for the job

This is probably the best modern take on Cap's costume

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you think it would look better if the silver was gold to match his shield?

But the red underwear is to hide the fact it's a skin tight suit and you'd see Superman's boner.

Why do people not get that?

Ehh that collar makes him look like a priest

disregard this post he hasn't seen the countless (better) variations of superman without super undies that don't show an outline of a penis in a comic book.

I have seen them, and they're inferior. His costume is tight enough to show his muscles, why would it suddenly not be skin tight around his asshole and cock?

Let Supes have some dignity.

I know it's just a variation of the classic suit, but the suit is magnificently portrayed in this game with it actually looking like something he puts on rather than have painted on him. Also the scratchy/inconsistent breaks in the red parts gives it a more "home-made" vibe than other iterations.

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>red underwear on the outside

even the people who own the ip know it was always a mistake. that's why he doesn't have it now. thanks!

jacket and suit.

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enphatasing gold over read for contrast with the blue is a great idea, kinda wish the new52 armor was like that.

>Nightwing - DCAU
A simple design and great use of contrasting colors. For Nightwing especially, I feel that his black/blue is better suited towards his character than black/red. Perhaps my favorite touch is the enlarged domino mask to cover his nose in addition to his eyes.

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better pic.

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Ay that version of the suit was top-tier. I really like how bulky Peter looks in it.

He looks like a damn orangotango (the monkey)

Another pic!!!

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One more.

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I prefer this one. The texture is warmer and thus more inviting, while still making Clark look like an alpha

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I grew to love this suit but I still feel it fits a mature Conner more than Clark

Forgot the pic

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I just love the X-mask a lot

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I may have my reservations about Bendis, but god damn was this suit gold.

While I still prefer the Opena suit with the interconnected plates giving it a more "real" feel, I fucking love the Shalvey suit (in addition to his Mr. Knight costume).

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If Moon Knight gets his live action adaptation, they'll probably go with Shalvey's suit, but have the material look segmented.

Not sure what it is about Ol' Bob but I've always loved his costume, even if it is really basic.

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these costumes only work in contrast to his dark skin.

Yes. Skin and hair color is a part of design.

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So damn stylish I wish it were more than a fantasy.

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I especially like it twined with Jim Hammond's shield garb.

Had a uniform quality that left enough room for personalization.

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