Since it's been established that time travel exists in the Star Wars universe...
Would he support the Separatists or the Republic? Or would he just ignore all of that and try to kill Sheev and build the Empire on his own?
What if Vader time-travelled to the Clone Wars era?
Depends what period of Vader. Pre-Momin Vader showed regret and tried to resurrect Padme, he might have killed Sidious to have a fresh start.
Post-Momin Vader had accepted his new role in the universe and believed he could do the most good from that point. He’d help Sidious but try to save Padme.
Cylo-era Vader thought the same but had become alienated from humanity and his past life after he discovered Palpatine’s lies. He’d kill Sidious, wait for the twins to be born, then kill Padme (which he showed he wanted to) and take over himself.
>support the separatists
what autism compelled you to write this as an option
>a chance to un-fuck everything
>save his wife
>before it was too late for him
He'd probably do anything to prevent the events leading up to his fall.
>what if time travel
This is your mind on superhero comics.
>think Vader learn from his mistakes
I have no doubt that he would try to kill his old self just to prove that he is better.
Oh fuck off, autistic fanfics about characters being sent back to a previous era are old as hell you sperg
>kill Padme (which he showed he wanted to)
what comic?
Between ANH and ESB Vader had become a complete monster. He would casually slaughtered entire villages just to pass the time, and would fantasise about different ways he’d kill Obi-Wan and past him.
He hated everything to do with his past and saw them as signs of pathetic weakness. Luke was the only exception to that rule.
Darth Vader 2015, the best thing Star Wars has ever shilled out (and one of the only good things post-disney)
I'd take her offer
Definitely go straight for the Sheev and probably expose him immediately to everyone just to fuck him, probably get a rage boner after meeting anakin
It probably helps you not to think with your dick when it was burned to ashes.
>time travel exists in the Star Wars universe
Speaking of Star Wars time displacement I wonder if they'll add the Oubliette to Disney Wars.
He’d almost certainly flat out murder Palpatine, but likely everyone else as well. Vader completely accepted his new role and saw his old self as a weaker version that he destroyed. But he would likely still want to destroy the Separatists due to his experiences in the Clone Wars. The only thing he really did like about his past self was Luke, but that was probably because he saw Luke as just a worthy successor.
He would probably go on a journey to find himself, and then kill himself
>kill Sheev
>kill obi-wan
>kill the jedi council
>try to convert his past self to the darkside and team up with him
>if that doesn't work than kill past self too
>save/imprison Padme
>completly ignore Sheev's more subtle tactics and try and make himself emperor of the galaxy through sheer force of will
>get blown the fuck out by the republic, separatists, and remaining jedi
In that order
Wow, you angry.
I have no idea how someone could interpret that scene so incorrectly. He's still Darth Vader, and killing her in a hallucination wasn't meant to show he wants her dead. There's another arc later in that series where he goes berserk trying to save her Sith fueled nightmare version.
He knew it was a trick and its just supposed to show he's constantly trying to kill his past self.
Also, that entire village is a literal Tusken Raider village. Those things are vermin and Vader was fueled by dark side shit and probably didn't care about sympathy, and he was stuck on Tatooine for several days.
Obi-Wan was darth side angst.
I imagine he'd capture Padme and stick her somewhere safe against her will immediately. Nobody in that era exists who could turn him, since he saw Obi-Wan as the ultimate betrayal in the deleted scenes. Palps would definitely be dead.
You don’t actually read the comics do you? That resurrection thing happened just after Revenge of the Sith in the 2017 run, when he still regretted the turn.
This is from the 2015 run set between ANH and ESB when he hated everything to do with his past life and had become fully evil. He was no longer the whiny shit who would care about saving the princess.
>the 2015 arc literally begins with Vader upset that Sheev lied to him about Padme and happy he has a son
>shown multiple times during that very arc to have a minor amount of compassion for the bounty hunter
Let me know when in the past 30 years of fiction that Vader was a monster who didn't mourn his wife
He didn’t care about Padme, he was given the chance to spend an afterlife with her spirit and refused it.
He didn’t even take the time to mention her, he cared about Luke being his son. His only words in the scene were “I have a son”. He was mad because he had been manipulated the entire time
>Let me know when in the past 30 years of fiction that Vader was a monster
You’re actually an idiot. He tortured Leia, tortured Han, amputated Luke, watched a planet being blown up without flinching, has used both Stormtroopers and civilians as human meat shields, orphaned Jedi babies, killed younglings, he’s a monster.
>a monster who didn't mourn his wife
>Leia, a rebel who was actively resisting giving him information
>Han, a notorious scumbag smuggler collaborating with rebels
Don’t Strawman this. If you want to say you’re right, disprove the orphaned babies, younglings, civilian meat shields and him torturing Cylo before he even knew who he was.
And the Twilek slave children he killed in Lords of the Sith
The fact he killed a stormtrooper just for looking at him, dismembered and tortured every one of the inquisitors
Sorry, I meant the entire village of innocent Twileks who also happened to be slaves
Drowned an entire under a massive river just to make a jedi watch as he did it
*entire city
Oh and who can forget him killing 5 innocent soldiers every time he suspected someone is trying to kill him. He killed multiple twilek villages too, not just one
What if Darth Vader was instead transported to Poland before the Nazi occupation during WWII? where would he side? What would he do?
He would kill Hitler and take his place.
Implying a mere Sith could beat hitler in a fight