Which one underwhelmed you the most?
Which one underwhelmed you the most?
All of them
cars 3 because I didn't even care enough to watch it
Good Dinosaur was pretty fuckin dreadful. Does that count if it was actively bad and not just underwhelming? They pretty well did nothing with their central premise
in what sense?
Good dinosaur and finding dory deserve to be in the garbage
Coco was amazingly boring and shit (I’m Mexican)
Incredibles 2 wasn’t worth the wait
Cars 3 was lovely
STFU , Coco was best Pixar movie of the decade!
>Unironically liking Cars 3
>a series clearly marketed to sell toys
Fucking kys.
Good Dinosaur: 2/5
Finding Dory: 2.5/5
Coco: 3.5/5
Incredibles II: 3/5
Haven't seen Cars 3 or Toy Story 4 yet.
>predictable plot
>mentally retarded villain
>Mexico doesn’t look like that
>día de muertos doesn’t look like that either
Imagine writing a movie about Mexico and not knowing how México fucking looks like
it still IS best Pixar movie of the decade!
gringo and chicano pilled
>because a thing is meant to sell merch it is automatically bad
shut the fuck up you autistic faggot, virtually every goddamn animated movie exists to sell toys and other crap
>Great tier
>Good Tier
Cars 3
>Mediocre tier
Incredibles 2
>Bad tier
Toy Story 4
>Shit tier
Finding Dory
Good Dinosaur
>(I’m Mexican)
Because that really changes whether or not the movie is fucking good.
>Mexico doesn’t look like that
They couldn't exactly put a bunch of drug dealers and women getting raped in the streets in a Disney/Pixar movie, could they?
Only one of those I've seen is Coco and I loved it.
When you make a movie about my country you better get it right instead of thinking we are a dessert were everyone is brown and eats tacos
amazing how pixar hasn't made a single good film in 7 years
8/10, blew air through my nose
>Mexico doesn’t look like that
>día de muertos doesn’t look like that either
¿Este pinche gringo en serio esta diciendo esto?
Hey wait a minute,the last two have been swapped!
Se te olvidaron los acentos analfabeta asqueroso
I only saw Toy Story and Incredibles in theaters, and some of Finding Dory while watching my nieces. Toy Story was pretty underwhelming. I didn't hate the movie entirely, but everyone (especially Buzz) just acted so out of characters it was hard for me to enjoy them.
That's not saying much.
This is what happens when Pixar and Disney revive a dead horse in the fifth stage of death in an attempt to pander to the nostalgia retards, which unsurprisingly worked on 2019 America.
Good dinosaur is the only one I consider to be just genuinely bad and avoid watching. The rest I can still watch.
Finding dory is definitely the most mediocre, unnecessary sequel that does not have enough of a plot for me to care about. Even Toy Story 4 is more engaging and keeps me somewhat interesting while watching it.
Cars 3 is too forgettable
Incredibles 2 is okay, not great, but not bad either. Not going to change the channel if it is on.
I thought Coco was actually really good
>I-I'm Mexican so the movie is more important to meeee ;__;
It's a movie about talking skeletons, not about fucking accuracy. Anyone who thinks being (race) means your opinion matters more can go fuck themselves.
Can you tell me which Toy story you are referring to? If it's either the one of the original three, then just go KYS
Finding Dory.
You could tell The Good Dinosaur was lame from the trailer.
Cars 3 was good and what Cars 2 should have been.
Coco is among Pixar's best.
Incredibles 2 was serviceable and a good movie.
Havent seen Toy Story 4 yet.
Finding Dory was kinda pointless. It was fun, but didnt have any reason to exist. Cars 2 is the same but at least Finding Dory was good.
Cars 3 because that bitch new car was annoying as fuck and didn't deserve anything but got everything.
>Cars 3 was lovely
Only in the sense of the animation. It was garbage otherwise.
incredibles 2 because i was actually hyped up to see it and Incredibles 1 is my favorite Pixar
While I2 wasn't the worst of those, it took 14 fucking years and wasn't worth the wait.
Finding Dory
se llaman tildes boludazo
Cars 3 was actually good
It was basically the same plot as the first
>The Good Dinsosaur
it's mindblowing how bad and generic this movie was, I didn't think Pixar would ever have a Home on the Range tier movie, even Cars 2 is better than Good Dinosaur
>Finding Dory
It had a great idea behind it and did a lot of things well but couldn't quite match up to Finding Nemo.
>Cars 3
It did everything a Cars sequel should do and yet is just as mediocre as Cars will always be at its best.
Pure kino.
>Toy Story 4
The original Toy Story is my favorite of the series, so I really appreciate that TS4 went more for dark comedy than tearjerking moments and lacked a real villain. And while I really respect TS4's ending, my ultimate ranking is probably TS > TS3 > TS4 > TS2.
>Incredibles 2
Like Finding Dory, it couldn't live up to the original, but unlike Finding Dory it was a lot more enjoyable to watch. Getting to see this superhero family go through normal mundane life events is part of what the whole idea of Incredibles so great.
Cars 3 and Coco were kino. I liked Coco but Cars 3 was legit Pixar's best film since Toy Story 3. It was a great passing of the torch story and I laughed and cried a bit.
Coco was also surprisingly well put together and heart felt. I really enjoyed the dead world and Miguel's family. The story was also unique and it was the first time I actually was able to enjoy a Spanish story without it being shit garbage.
Finding Dory was really great and did not disappoint me in the way it did others. It's a really sweet film. It's not as good as the first but it's a lot of fun.
Incredibles 2 and The Good Dinosaur were both fucking insufferable for two different reasons. Good Dinosaur was just fucking boring and Incredibles 2 was a character assassination movie like Ralph 2. You couldn't pay to get me to watch either again.
I'm seeing Toy Story 4 next week and I hope it's good because Pixar has been either kino or shit this whole decade like 50/50. Looking forward to their next original films because other than the Toy Story sequels and Cars 3 that's what they are good at.
No one cares Speedy.
None because I didn't watch any of them
Mexico is a big country, some places look like that.
And yeah the movie's Día de Muertos ia not realiatic because Mexicans in pueblitos are too poor for shit that elaborate.
Good Dinosaur was shit
Finding Dory was unnecesary, but it felt actually nice to watch
Cars 3 cannot be anything than cashgrabs: the final chapter.
Coco is among the best movies of Pixar.
Incredibles 2 is DISSAPOINTING
Haven't watched TS4, but looks like it will be at best good, at worst mediocre.
Hey, chicANO, if you actually went to live in Mexico, you'd notice that the country is vast as fuck and has a lot of settings you can go with.
Besides, the setting pretty much reminds you of the classic 1950s Mexico, while at the same time they actually managed to go with a better search over what made Mexico unique unlike another movie that is or some odd reason felt too spanish, especially with how the military and bullfighting was represented in it.
>Mexico doesn’t look like that
you're either a chicano or an extremely sheltered chilango, Michoacan looks EXACTLY like that
>instead of thinking we are a dessert were everyone is brown and eats tacos
Except in certain parts of Mexico, you are. Just like how in certain parts of America, there are trailer parks filled with fat uneducated poor folk who grill burgers every night.
Incredibles 2.
I didn't see the first 3 there.
Michoacan, Oaxaca (or at least Xoxochitlan), Yucatan, Veracruz, Chiapas and mostly the South of Mexico look like that
>a dessert were everyone is brown and eats tacos.
The Sand Kingdom from Mario Odyssey its exactly that, and it's one of my favorite levels on the whole game.
Yeah I'm from Yucatan and literally anything that's not Merida or Progreso looks pretty much like that
What a depressing decade it's been for Pixar.
Toy Story 4 is kino
Finding Dory was surprisingly weak considering how strong of a narrative the first one was. Finding Dory just felt like an episode of a tv spinoff about finding nemo
>being surprised Finding Dory was weak
unlike some of these what kind of idea would be justified to make a sequel to Finding Nemo?
Does the father get lost?
The whole plot works in a self contained one-off movie
The Incredibles was the only pixar movie that deserved a sequel and they fucked it up. All the rest I expected to be mediocre, except Coco, I didn't mind that movie
well, pixar stopped being that groundbreaking CGI studio, and will never be again.
no, they had 2 years, Brad Bird HAD to make a sequel, not wanted to.
I'd say incredibles was the most underwhelming because the original was so great and a sequel seemed easy, but they ended up fucking it
Good dinosaur is the worst movie as a whole
I don't remember anything about Finding Dory so there. Cars 3 was best, but my opinion might be biased.
I have a feeling that Pixar’s post-TS3 Dark Age was caused by Joe Ranft’s death in the mid-2000’s and the Disney buyout that came a year later.
The timeline adds up, as anything between the first two Cars films were obviously developed and greenlit during that period.
Your feelings are okay, but you're wrong.
Post Wall-e movies were still good, that was the last brainstormed project at the meeting back in the 90s.
Pixar went REALLY downhill, when Lassetter moved to WDAS to help them make good movies, even the staff wasnt happy about it, they said something like "he treated disney like a new girlfriend, meanwhile pixar was like an old wife to him"
Worked for Transformers and GI Joe
Good Dinosaur? More like the forgettable movie.
Finding Dory? One good moment (her all-is-lost moment). Otherwise pretty throw-away.
Cars 3? I mean I didn't see Cars 1.
Coco? Well, I want to hate it because the parts I liked and found emotional were so different than what everyone else claims to. But it still had some moments for me, so it get's a good rating.
Toy Story 4? Seemed like Toy Story 3 take 2 to me. Mediocre but not stunningly so.
Incredibles 2? I mean, it wasn't terrible or the SJW propaganda that /polco/ tried to sell, but it simply did not live up to ANY amount of the subtlety and clever insight that the first one.
Short story: Good Dinosaur was the most underwhelming movie, but because I actually had the idea in my head that maybe it might be good, Incredible 2 was most underwhelming.
Up was greenlit in 2004, and Toy Story 3’s final storyline was written shortly before the buyout.
second part of my post still stands true.
>Good Dinosaur
Haven’t seen it
>Finding Dory
>Cars 3
Haven’t seen it
Good but overrated
>Toy Story 4
Cute but unnecessary
>Incredibles II
The only sequel I was looking for; what a disappointment!
Finding Dory is the only one that actively made me like the original less, it was such a by-the-numbers repeat.
Obviously the 4th one. I was only referring to the movies in OP's post, not all Pixar films. I was also talking about Incredibles 2, just clarifying for you.