How does Superman deal with friction? When he flies shouldn't all the near by building be destroyed?
How does Superman deal with friction? When he flies shouldn't all the near by building be destroyed?
Nobody cares about physics and science in comic books
Fuck science.
now cope, f/a/gs
Goku is BEST and fucks Superman, you Yea Forumscksuckers
You're not being the kind of person Superman believes you are.
Green Lantern>Super Man>Ben 10>>>Goku
Sometimes it comes up. Even in a Silver Age comic I read yesterday posted here. Other times it's just ignored. There's no official explanation for when it's ignored though, unlike Flash's Speed Force.
Superman isn't real faggot.
eat shit supercuck
Superman doesnt give a shit what kind of person people are, Stop making him out to be some demented Jesus figure, you schizo.
Why is it just Superman? Wonder Woman flies fast, Thor flies fast, anime characters go fast. It's just plot, no one gives a shit about physics when they're making the story. If you want an explanation, Superman probably flies below the speed of sound in city limits
Superman one shots.
>When he flies shouldn't all the near by building be destroyed?
Brightburn (or any other evil Superman deconstruction) would have actually been good if they had the kid genuinely try to be a hero and then real world physics got in the way and he caused all sorts of destruction, leading him to snap.
Hey, at least it's an unexplored angle someone can tackle for the next ''Superman, but evil'' story that comes out.
>Goku one shots
FTFY, supercuck
Superman doesn't go max speed while on a planet. Hence why Flash always win their races. We all know Superman is faster than the Flash.
He never goes past Mach 1 when he's in a city.
Who gives a shit? It's a comic book.
Friction is just a jewish myth
And yet here you are...
Hrs going so fast the friction can’t keep up
He uses his Superfriction power of course
I want to get this out of the way right now; Kryptonian biology is fucking bullshit. You know that Anatomy of a Metahuman book that came out not long ago? Because there's an entire section on Superman written by Batman basically boiling down to "This is how I THINK his body works, fuck I don't know".
At least there's a somewhat okay explanation on how Clark flies and why things don't collapse under it's own weight when picking up large objects; that anti-gravity field his body emits
>Goku just became stronger than a guy who can destroy a few universes.
>Superman just one shot a being as strong as the multiverse level Anti-Monitor.
Goku. Will. NEVER. Win.
How does Iron Man not die to inertia?
All Goku did was clash with Beerus and almost break the universe and now he's jobbing to a goat. KEK. Superman one shots again.
He doesn't fly at his maximum speed inside an atmosphere for that reason. Just going fast enough to shatter windows around him is supposedly a rarity.