How do we fix The Flash?

His book has been running in circles for years now. Currently his book is so fucked thanks to Johns's abandoned Rebirth plans at the hands of Didio (not to mention HiC by King) that they've basically put the entire series on hold in favor of retelling Barry's origin with Year One which smells of an abandoned movie script. Furthermore, they decided to add more forces and speedsters, treat The Rogues like filler arcs, and both Wally and Jay have been shipped off to other books.

So my question is, what would YOU do with The Flash? What stories would you create? What characters would you create, focus on, or discard entirely?

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Stop making Speedsters his villains.

That's more of a show problem (which that and every CW program is fucking trash). Godspeed is a "villain" but no less shit. It's like they wanted a do-over of Zolomon so they could add a "Jason Todd" to the Flash Family. If they ditch him, that'd be great. They did however have a cool villain who had blood powers but I doubt he'll be given focus sadly.

Get rid of Barry.

Preferably by making him realize he's the worst villain of all time, go back, and explode himself coming out of the speed force, erasing everything since the new 52.


Take Barry off the board for a couple to few years- he sacrifices himself into the speed force or some shit, like a Crisis call back, so Wally can get his family back. Wally and family take over the book, inspired in part by the Fantastic Four. When Barry comes back is is grizzled Old Man Barry who seent a lot of shit and is more interesting. Then a second book can tell of his exploits.

1)Fire Didio So He Can Stop Screwing Wally
2)Put in Wally and Grant Morrison as writer
4) Profit

Even if Wally wasn't fucked and if Barry got benched, what would that change? Because regardless of protagonist, modern DC keeps doing the same shit with the book
>Evil Speedster
>Rogue Filler
>Speed Force
>Evil Speedster
Rinse repeat.

Agreed on theory but Morrison says GL is his final mainstream cape. We're moving into an era where, Let Morrison Fix It is no longer tenable.

Fuck Wally

Fuck you.
And fuck Barry, and fuck DC's clingy, cringey silver age fetishists.

>Defending Wally the serial killer
Cringe and bluepilled

This is because DC is filled with arrested development retards who don't have the guts to try even bad changes. Moore is an idiot, but everything he says is true of DC. Time to nuke editorial from orbit and bring in new or much older guys. Fuck, I'd take Shooter over Didio. Ideally they'd find some way to dig O'Neill out of retirement, maybe put in a ramp from hq to his retirement home

t. dan didildo

No one cares about the character sabotage you conducted with King.


Wally should have stayed Barry’s sidekick, dude had no business trying out his solo shit, literally nothing would have changed, because Barry’s the household name while Wally will always be the worst Flash

Kill Barry, bring back Wally and the entire family.

He also said he was done with DC after Multiversity.

He still wants to write Flash, he said it a few years ago.

Fact. Westfags seething.

The only good Wally is black.

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Wow, you could at least make the effort to hide a bait so blatant.

Last time I checked it was called Ballad of Barry Allen, not Ballad of Wally Worst

get rid of the speedforce completely

>Barry kills a multiverse because "muh mommy"
>Wally is the worst flash

Wally was the flash for 20 years real time. Everything meaningful about the entire franchise comes from Wally or Jay. Barry is literally worse than nothing. The only good thing Barry ever did was serve as a dramatic moment for a crossover, but bringing him back not only undid the weight of that sacrifice, he then made himself one of the worst criminals in all of comics.

Oh shit, it's going into overload!

Yeah, Barry used to be a legend when he was dead, now he has been devaluated and Wally has been shafted away. No character really gained anything.

Williamson's run has been good and it makes me actually care about Barry.

Would love Wally back in a book not by fucking Lobdell and Booth

Yea Forums Flash threads are generally bad and dunno why

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He's worse than devalued.
Like, if I were on the Justice League and not, you know, Superman... I'd at least try to kill Barry. He's a threat to the entire multiverse. Every second he's alive there's a chance that dipshit will erase every single being in the universe because he got misty at an old photograph.

No one with that combination of power and poor impulse control should be allowed.

Now theyre trying to retcon so Dr Manhattan caused N52

Sure. Implicitly, by nudging Barry into doing it.

Notice that it's not T.O. Morrow or Hal or Booster or Wally any of the other time travellers. They're all assholes, and Hal is an asshole and a dipshit, but not one of them assumes they have the right to fuck everything forever because "Muh Mommy".

I think stories like JMS take on Spider-Man, although controversial, are pretty fun takes on superheroes. Especially with how they can be retconned in seconds.

Don’t blame me for telling the truth. Barry’s the one who withstood the test of time.

>He thinks this Barry has anything in common with old Barry besides the name


Barry didn't withstand the test of time. He got manchilded back as an almost completely different character.

But he hasn't. The entire reason he even died in CoiE was just how terrible his book was. And that's remained true even AFTER he came back from the dead. He is just not a character you can build a solid comic book run around.

I shouldn't be surprised that this thread became ANOTHER Barry vs Wally pissing contest. With that said, I wish DC had the guts to make a Jay Garrick solo

>Can’t accept their self insert should have never been anything beyond second fiddle
God, Wally fans are sad

Bring back Jay, and make him the one true Flash. His successors are failures. One selfishly destroyed the timeline in order to save his mommy. The other is a killer and corpse defiler. Thawne and Zolomon won. Jay is only Flash who still has dignity.

Good post.

Remove Williamson and don't give it to Lobdell or Vendetti. That's almost certainly going to see some improvement.

It’s mainly the Wally/Barry competition.

Anything can withstood the test of time if their company constantly shills it and has a gigantic boner for it.

I can at least appreciate giving Turtle some love in Year One

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Bringing Barry back was the greatest mistake in the history of DC, IMO.

Well, New 52 was the greatest, bringing Barry back was a close second.

>. Barry’s the one who withstood the test of time

The character who was cancelled for terrible sales?

Some love by completely retconning who he is and what he does to make it so that the cool shit Johns created for Wally is now just part of Barry's history. Just like how Barry "discovered" the Speed Force despite Max Mercury and Wally treading that ground.

Nah, it was bringing back Hal, that’s what did it. It started the trend and brought Johns into the spotlight.

I love Wally, Waid's Flash is one of my favorite comics of all time, but man are Wallyfags fucking insufferable

These threads always devolve the same way

I've enjoyed it too. I'm fairly curious as to the big bad behind Godspeed.

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Kill Wally

They did. Didn't help.We had several wallyless years and the comic was never worse.

Didio always finds a way to be back in charge.

Kill Barry off and introduce a new Flash. It’s literally the only right decision. There is nothing left to write with Barry.

Make Barry quit the League. He's still the Flash but he just looks after Central City and spends more time with Iris and his growing family. Give him stories that okay to him being an investigator and scientist.

Bring Wally back any way we can side step HiC. Make him the Flash of the JL and give him a solo taking on Speedforce shenanigans and crazy shonen-esque bullshit.

Gladly. So do I just lay on the bed or..,

Too obvious. 2/10

Give him a hard speed limit and some sort of melee weapon.

Kill off Barry and Wally in some amazing last race and have new blood take the mantle. Have it be a fresh start that doesn’t call back to the past.

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Funny how everybody hated Wally's family drama as a book when it was coming out but now they pretend it was the best thing ever and want it back.

>Yea Forums Flash threads are generally bad and dunno why

Because it's nothing but bitching and whining about how everything sucks now and how everything was better when I, MYSELF, first read Flash X years ago. You know, typical narcissistic fanbiy faggotry with a sidedish of nostalgia goggles.

Did Turtle always sacrifice his loving family for power?

Normalize what he can do according to his speed.

Ask a scientist in theory what speed would be required to do X and Y.

Lightspeed: may damage his surroundings or kill his ennemies so only use as ultimate resort. Makes information harder to process as well, this would take a toll on his mind.

Have the rogue always adopt new acceptable strategies to catch by surprise the Flash.

Maybe get inspiration from Dragon Ball in terms of power.
SSJ1, etc.

>Adding science and DBZ shit to Flash
Cringe and weebpilled

Science for consistency. I don't know why he would slip on a chunk of ice while he probably have seen it...
Why would Deathstroke be able to touch Wally?

This! We need more fights with the rogues

Moneky’s Paw I guess

How is anything posted in the OP wrong?

It already happened

>t. Wallycuck


Fuck you, Zoom/Solomon were the best villains of Flash