The Mk 1 Armor is back.
The context here is that the dragon Tony is fighting has magic abilities that fuck with his suit's A.I. To get past this, Tony is using one of his only suits that doesn't have A.I.
The Mk 1 Armor is back
>tech vs supernatural shit
Hell yeah give me some more of that shit.
it is my favourite armor, I like every story where it gets pulled out.
So they're copying Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
There has to be a middleground between 'Armour so advanced the Forerunners get jealous' and 'only weapon is punch'
So Hulkbuster isn't a battle ship?
I wanted to see something like this in the MCU.
Guess he fixed it since Dark Reign when he was deleting his brain. That was a really good issue by the way.
>And best of all
What’s best of all?? Your gonna leave me at a fucking cliffhanger like this?
“No Internet connection”
Dragon is hacking his systems
"No A.I", iirc.
Ok nevermind, i did not remembered it correctly, is right
>it automatically displays crime statistics directly into your brain
I honestly was a bit shocked, can't believe they got away with it
>Reading Slott
Why would you do that, man?
Why not just read Jason Aaron, while you're at it?
It’s Gail Simone
Simone wrote that issue and the one before it for WOTR. Unfortunately we're back to Slott in the next one.
I was a little annoyed it wasn't playing with the Iron hurts magic stuff more but still good issues.
Didn't Tony's latest suits already lack an AI after Ultron's crazy ex-wife when AI-Lives-Matter on him?
The main fuckery from the magic was that it affected anything with an internet connection even stuff as simple as internal digital displays were getting hit.
God, what did he make that thing out of? A box of scraps?
Hulkbuster is a worthless jobber
Slott's run has been much better than this filler issue by Simone. Next issue has Tony saying he can't be her sponsor anymore and I'm looking forwards to that
I actually agree because the run has leaned heavily into the whole risks of AI and setting up Jocasta and Machine Man as possible threats or problems in the future, which now that Ultron is coming back, will prove an interesting plotline.
Besides Zub is helping with the writing so there's gonna be some synergy with Champions and Viv/Nadia.
>simone writing janet
>literally a decade ago
Man, some of you don't let things go huh
>Aug 31st, 2009
Simone didn't like Iron Man either until she started doing research on the character for her WOTR tie-ins. Honestly I don't care for Jan anyway.
None of the Buster armors have ever worked.
The original Hulkbuster held its own against a perfectly calm, intelligent Hulk was wasn't trying to hurt anybody.
The second Hulkbuster - an Argonaut, that is to say, one of five drones designed to operate semi-autonomically controlled by Tony's Extremis-enhanced subconscious - was used as a weapon of mass-destruction and almost killed the Avengers before being deactivated.
The third Hulkbuster was giving the World-Breaker a hard time, but the SPIN (Super-Power Inhibiting Nanobots) charge it tried to deliver was a dud and it was destroyed; the remains were later temporarily possessed by the hyperdemon Zom.
The fourth and fifth Hulkbusters were deployed and destroyed in rapid succession during the events of 'Original Sin' as Tony was being hunted by the intelligent Hulk.
The sixth and most recent Hulkbuster was destroyed by the Immortal Hulk.
The Thorbuster gave Odinforce-enhanced Thor a fight for a while until it, too, was destroyed, but obviously Odin wasn't going all-out.
The 'Fin Fang Foom-buster' was rapidly demolished by the dragon it was designed to fight.
All in all the more outrageous 'special' armors Tony builds tend to fall short. Even the 'Godkiller II', which was built to take on Celestial-Level threats, but didn't manage to injure even one before self-destructing.
The Busters suits are just used as a narrative device to signal to the reader that shit is escalating. MCU is the only time a buster suit actually worked across different Avengers and Iron Man media IIRC.
I'm fairly certain several of his first armors had anything resembling "AI" in them.
*didn't have
Well shit, someone knows their stuff
And it only worked there due to RDJ pandering.
Why wouldn’t he have made more suits that don’t require AI?
Maybe, just maybe, it's not the armors but who wears them. Just saying.
In Simone's defense, Janet was in that awful place between ineffectual and annoying until Lee left. And even then her big contribution to the Avengers was making a phone call to the right people to get Baron Helmut's Krazy Glue dissolved by Past Pot Pete. Won't lie, that moment was boss as fuck.
That used to be War Machine
>making a phone call to the right people to get Baron Helmut's Krazy Glue dissolved by Past Pot Pete
The Avengers back in the day dealing with true cosmic threats, huh?
Not if the former was only that way because it was built in a cave with a box of scraps.
Why doesn't he remake the armor with better materials but leave it low tech for situations like this?
Assuming you mean the cartoon, didnt Tony make a suit out of magic dwarven metal?
Not that user but yes he did, the Uru armor. In Fear Itself it's just called the Iron Destroyer.
>That dragon
Of course, and he did yeah.
There was also an episode where Ultron was hacking into everything and he hacked into all of Tony's armours, apart from his MK1 because no computers or A.I. to hack.
It's a good plot point to use though.
I'm surprised it wasn't the golden galahad version, given how much the dragon was going on about gold and knights.
>it-its old so it's stronger lmao
Who the fuck wrote this drivel?
>only weapon is punch'
You mean TRANSISTORS and MAGNETS because that was the Mark 1's gimmicks
>Iron Man’s quality goes up sharply as soon as Slott is off and Simone is in charge
>Slott back next week
Fuck’s sake. Can we trade?
He did this in Fear Itself for his armour and the rest of the team and traded in his sobriety to Odin to forge it. It was all de-Odinfirced afterwards, though.
That's... Not what it was implied? Are people this stupid?
But it has AI. It literally needed a program uploading for the servos
Having an operative system or a CMOS != AI.
Uploading an A.I. program, pfft, what kind of science fiction gobbledygook is that? The transistor powered circuits are tuned to his brainwaves and that lets him control it just like his own body.
When was the last event that DIDN'T have tony bust out one of the old suits? I swear it happens every fucking time.
Secret Em-- Oh.
Civil War I-- oh no.
>the Oriental wise man who has a doctorate in engineering and physics dresses like the final boss of a period kung-fu B movie
I just don't get these silver age comics man. Like, Kirby and Lee lived and worked in New York. There's a Chinatown in each of the boroughs. They know people don't dress like this.
>guys, why do things from the past use the stereotypes of there day when they should have looked into the future and knew shit like this was wrong.
whats funnier is that if they did go to china town in the fifties or sixties you would find people dressing like this because they were immigrants and still dressed like they lived in the more rural parts of there country.
its like if you go anywhere in the country with immigrants the older first gen ones still cling hard to there traditional foods and clothing and other things that remind them of there culture.
t. I have never seen another person who was not a white, nor a vagina in my life
Yisin's wearing a costume that would have been an anachronism in the 1860s let alone the 1960s.
>I have never seen another person who was not a white, nor a vagina in my life
no i suppose you haven't
>n-no u
Those words cut deep, user-sama
He can't just turn the AI off?
I liked what Slott has done with the virtual reality arc too.
I was asking myself that, too. Something that lacks electronics but made from sophisticated materials and has perhaps steam punk.
Because that's what he had on his reach at the time, he didn't had the time to build a new one from scratch, and he really didn't had a reason to make one before.
back in the day they claimed the gold suit that he built immediately after the original grey suit had "enhanced radio capabilities" I guess they're retconning that as being proto computer systems.
>he really didn't had a reason to make one before.
That's fucking dumb though. He builds suits for dozens of rare and/or obscure situations but basic shit like, "I should build a intentionally low tech suit that is more resistant to EMP disruption" never crosses his mind?
>He builds suits for dozens of rare and/or obscure situations
Never before the fact though. Unless it is shit like stealth or stuff like that.
And that was magic shit, something he usually doesn't deal with.
Is there a modern retelling of iron man's origin ?
The 2008 Iron Man movie.
Tech vs magic is boring because 99% of the time the magic side just neutralizes everything with an asspull.
The only cool thing Gillen ever did with Iron Man was turn that completely on it's head with the fight between Tony and the dark elves, with how the elves were totally unprepared to deal with the kind of monster that Stark would build to deal with them. It's always nice when a writer remembers that he used to make weapons for a living.
Slott is wrong about it "shrugging off anti-aircraft guns and ripping tanks open", of course. That annoys me,.
Tony should simply have a non-computer suit for occasions like this.
I like Slott. He's no Aaron, but then again, even Bendis isn't Aaron.
Also this is Simone.
Well, he had a hybrid thing going on where the AI 'Motherboard' would play back-up while he was in armor, but she wasn't confined to it.
Hey. Hey! I wrote that! Like, months ago!
Yeah! ME!!
That's what I want to know. It makes sense. Stuff like this - people such as Doctor Doom, AIM or HYDRA trying to hack his armor - would logically happen a lot.
Nahh. Tony may have his faults, but his armor-fu is unmatched by anyone but Doctor Doom.
Gail Simone. And it's really dumb.
He was in prisoner garb, user.
>it happens every fucking time
This is a trope among Iron Fans.
Some of us hate the Classic Suit (the one from the seventies and early eighties) so much they nicknamed it "The vomit".
It's especially egregious since all the old armors - no exception - have been destroyed, sometimes on several occasions.
It's not about the AI, it's about electronics.
Simone, sorry.
>Crowning achievement of my life
Goddamnit tony. You had to take all the credit for that, didn't you?
>Some of us hate the Classic Suit (the one from the seventies
And you all need to burn in Hell. Right damn now.
If it actually is made out of Iron, it could disrupt certain magics.
>made in a cave with scraps
>somehow the best no ai option he has
this seems foolish
That's just a side effect of universes where magic has no rules.
Ghostbusters is the perfect example of a universe where it works, because the established that psychic/spiritual powers are "negatively charged", therefore you can neutralize them with positively charged particles.
idw ghostbusters also did its own thing where each universes rules still worked for people from those spaces. in the huge crossover (with the girl movie) it worked even with their videogame selves and things like that
People did dress like that though.