ITT: Hopes for season 3

ITT: Hopes for season 3

Biggest one is that they have some Castlevania music in it for once.

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>for once.

Bloody Tears though.

How the hell did I miss that?

Leon Belmont flashbacks
Hector and Trevor against Isaac and Dracula
Isaac becoming Death

Good question, you mong.

I’m guessing you didn’t actually watch it, since that’s the big time favorite scene of the entire show so far.

Jesus can they set the music ANY LOWER? I can barely hear shit. And they're not even talking.
It's always the same bullshit with music in cartoons. Dialogue and sound effects set up high and the actual LONG and memorable music gets drown out.

I've listened to a lot of separated soundtrack from the cartoons of my childhood and I was amazed by how I never remembered any of them. "Was this in the show? THIS WAS IN THE SHOW?"

You don't have this problem in video games, why is that?

In the games, you want the player to feel like the action is much more intense than it actually is, so you help it with high volume music. In the series, the particular scene is needs to be low paced so that it gives room to escalate towards the upcoming Dracula fight.

Memorable music is just not a priority in movies and TV anyway; most of the times the musician is just carefully bootlegging existing music because that's what the director wants (star wars score from Gustav Holst's Planets Suite) or trying to figure out what the music-illiterate director really means with "bombastic with a tinge of melancholy" in music notes and instruments. In videogames, musicians are given more liberty because scenes aren't as specifically and carefully crafted because the player is expected to modify them through his input anyway.

Because you care more about complaining than ever giving anything a chance or enjoying it, since that'd mean actually having to find joy in something for once.

I love this shit. All the vampires are fighting amongst themselves but the second a Belmont enters the area they collectively shit themselves and are forced to work together.

Why can't they skip straight to Simon? I don't give a fuck about Hector.

I hate the fact that we didn't get Grant.
I want my wall climbing pirate.
He's FROM Wallachia. He has damn good reason to give a shit about what's happening there.

Do you think they'll continue onwards to Christopher Belmont vs his brainwashed son or nah?

More diversity in terms of locations for the heroes to traverse. I liked the library but man they were stuck in there for multiple episodes when it really only needed one. Otherwise pace the talky stuff a bit better and you'll be golden.

Adi was too stupid to look up Grant's actual last name to realize that he fits into the historical context of Vlads real life. Fuck even in the game he tells you Dracula fucked over his family

Well they need at least one brooding fuckboi. Alucard is in a depression fueled hibernation and Trevor and Sypha are fucking like rabbits.

Simon is the one Belmont that has absolutely zero plot. Unless you count Dracula kidnapping his wife in the arcade game.

Most forget Christopher even exists.

How about having to seek out and destroy Drac's remains to save thr land and his own life? Can easily squeeze a few episodes out of Simon's Quest with what goes on in his search.

Castlevania 3 had zero plot too yet they made two seasons out of it. With Simon they could probably play up the whole curse shit. Also Simon is the most well known and popular Belmont, I doubt they'd just skip him.

>Hector is not a bitch
>Grim Reaper
>flashback to Leon and Mathias
>30 minute long scene of Sypha stripping naked and sucking Trevor's cock
>Medusa heads

Damn shame because his second game has GOAT music, definitely the best ost on gameboy

Castlevania 3 is the one that introduces Alucard. Dracula having a son that wants to kill him is fertile ground for developing a narrative.
Actually just the fact that there were multiple characters in general meant there was more potential for story.

I actually wonder how they'd incorporate Leon's story here since he exists in this continuity. I forget but does Dracula have any reaction to the Belmont name at all?

Actually, that's a really fucking good question, it's literally unmissable, it's like the third fight sequence main characters get and it was built up entire season. You should check a doctor.

If you said that they should use Castlevania soundtrack more frequently I would totally concur though.

An entire episode of Carmilla domming Hector.

I think? I recall him having a negative reaction to it. Maybe they could have it so that Dracula doesn't actually remember his past life as Mathias.
If they're not bringing him back for season 3, which i think would be wise, you could have it so it's something Alucard discovers while searching the castle. Then we would have something like a "present plot" and a "past plot", kind of like with Arrow.

Beginning to think being stoned off my goard 24/7 isn't such a good idea.

Didn't that episode have this intro as well?

>I terrify them
My only complaint is that there wasn't enough Trevor going full Kratos.

When is the next season supposed to come out again?

Attached: alucard vs dracula.webm (800x450, 2.73M)

I really do not get why they're involving two of the worst games in the series at all.

What going on with you user? You were not always like this. Who hurt you?

I would do a full season concentrating just on Simon. First half is him taking on Dracula's castle alone, and the second would be CVII, with multiple and varied locations, the whole shebang. But, I'm not Warren Ellis, much to my eternal shame.

I think they said they want to do Lament of Innocence next, so it's Leon and then probably Simon.
Christopher would make for a good story though. Maybe his story will be combined with Simon's and have a longer timeskip between CV1 and CV2, with Simon's son being brainwashed by Carmilla to help her revive Dracula at the same time Simon's wounds from the CV1 fight start opening up and getting infected

Just got out of an intensely abusive relationship and weed keeps the panic attacks at bay.

Hope we get some of their married life.

Attached: trevor and sypha.png (1280x720, 696K)

Wasn't Christopher the son of the only female Belmont?

No. He's actually been in canon as Simon's grandfather since the very first CV game.

No, 2018 episode didn't use fan-made intro from 2017

I'd say late 2019 at best and I do mean very late, if not early 2020. With increased episode count it might take them up to year and a half to produce whole season.

Only female Belmont is pic related and she's not canon. And in her game she gave birth to Trevor courtesy of Alucard. That continuity got thrown in the trash and was never revisted again.

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Camilla getting her shit absolutely wrecked by Hector's creations, because they're loyal to their CREATOR, not the dumb bitch that abuses the person she relies on for making an army.

Seriously, I fucking hate her guts, and I want to see them pulled out by gore-dripping mouths, Day of the Dead style.

To be fair, her game was very bad, almost as bad as the first GB game. How they could regress like that after Belmont's Revenge was done so well is staggering.

>Seriously, I fucking hate her guts
I think that was the point of that ending, despite a certain group of retards on a certain site praising her. Also I thought it was funny that she actually thought she'd be able to take on Dracula. Even in his weakened state he'd stomp her like a bug. The writers better not pussy out and give her a brutal death.

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>The writers better not pussy out and give her a brutal death.
We can trust Warren Ellis, user. Main reason to make a villain so intensely loathsome is to completely crush them to the satisfaction of the audience.

She also disrespected based Godbrand.

Hopefully they incorporate the mask and have her come back in Simon or Richter's arcs.

I know Cotm isn’t canon but I hope they’ll adapt it at some point.

Werewolves. I don't know if Castlevania has werewolves in any of the games or whatever but I really want to see werewolves

Because using music effectively requires actual direction skill, which modern day cartoons generally don't do anymore. Instead, cartoons mostly just use music so that there isn't dead silence in the background. Its easier, you can just slap some track in the background and who cares if it synchs up with the scene in any way?

Cartoons just are not going to give any of its music the sort of front-stage focus of something like, for example, Komm Susser Tod.

Still give Trevor some screen time, at least more than he got in LoI.
More music.
A few more monsters, like when Slogra and Gaibon showed up.

>full Kratos
I think Simon's a stronger candidate to go full Kratos, since he's basically a mountain man whose entire existence revolved around killing Dracula.

More Sub-Weapons shown off and Dracula using his 2nd form.
there was a Werewolf in Castlevania 64, Ronado of blood, Symphony of the Night, Lords of Shadow and Portrait of Ruin. So yeah I think they could add a Werewolf.

Attached: juste-belmont-and-white-ghost-spirit.jpg (1567x1080, 510K)

You forgot the werewolves all over the place in Simon's Quest.

Simon coming right after Leon and Trevor would make for good contrast, especially if they play up his Conan roots and have him as a barbarian. Dunno how they'd explain it though.

Time skip over Chris.

Or just not include Chris. They already said they aren't sticking as close to game canon going forward.

I hope they don't waste our time with so many fucking characters across two different regions. Bad writing.

Those were the most annoying enemy. If you didn't kill the werewolves before they start hoping around you might as well leave the screen and try again

shit you right. thank you for reminding me.

Carmilla's mistake is that she has never actually seen Dracula fight. She has dealt with other 'powerful' vampires already and knows that while they are not pushovers they are usually easy to blindside because of their hubris. But Dracula is absolutely nothing like another vampire, even a vampire lord like Godbrand, and that's a context that Carmilla simply doesn't have. She knows he is stronger, but has failed to grasp just how much stronger he is.

I think Sonia could fit in at some later point in the timeline. Maybe have her go on some adventures in Texas where she marries into the Morris family, after which Quincy and sons take up the Vampire Killer. Or make her Julius' mom or older sister fighting monsters in the 90's like Buffy.

I honestly have no hopes. Half the staff wants to make Castlevania, the other half wants to make Game of Thrones: Transylvannia, and none of them succeed on delivering a good product

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>Memorable music is just not a priority in movies and TV anyway
anime begs to differ

That is one song in two seasons, I hope we get more in season 3.

>yet they made two seasons out of it.
most of second season was based on a different game though, and it wasn't even a good season.
I can't even imagine what they're going to do with Simon, since he doesn't have a cast.

Who cares about her shitty story and game when we have this Canon Goddess

Attached: shanoa.jpg (530x480, 59K)

Shanoa would be awesome.