Pic related is a good start
Piss off Yea Forums with one image
old but gold
daddys sweeetness runs down mai thai masa
Fuck you
Hey, Yea Forumsmmigrants!
That'll do it. Horses. And the worst one to boot.
>covering that with calarts
How do you know it's the worst one, user?
Instead of posting it, I’ll post a link to an archived post with it.
does the background joke still apply?
been ages since i gave a shit about it
Jokes on you. I have a baby to convert!
This one got me
Holy fuck, I repressed this run because of how much it made me rage
Anime is superior
Fuck you.
>implying modern Yea Forums cares about Mettle
Of all the things...
Literally any stonetoss comic.
now whine about 'fujoshit'
I hurt myself just looking for this image
Yep I remember avenger arena. Good thing I only read it for nico and chase.
I get that this was set-up for Legion, but this is the one of the only things you can't retcon away. The best we can hope for is people just draw him like he used to be & nobody really brings up his age.
Excited for Bendis, the King of ignoring canon, to take on LoS, the only comic I can think of with a more expansive canon than the X-Men.
I think this did less for me because I didn't enjoy the Runaways or Avengers Academy(?).
Had I not known that hand was editted in, I woulda thought it was one of you fucks
Is this even still a thing?
What do I win?
This doesn't make me mad
Just sad.
fuck you
who cares
All this thread has accomplished is making me horny.
Do people even care anymore?
I know it got lambasted HARD for a while, but nowadays?
I almost never hear about it.
Also when the fuck is it coming out?
>Man, girls who cucked me are fucking hot
It boggles my mind that this hasn't been retconned away yet. That and OMD. It makes no fucking sense to me. It's not like it'd set a precedence or something.
With modern tech I'm surprised nobody's made a Foodfight!-tier meme movie. I suppose Brazzer's Meme Porn 1 & 2 are thematically the closest we'll get.
No one wants to bring it up again to retcon it.
Okay, I can kinda understand that. We'll have to wait and see what writers after Slott wanna do with it though. Even getting rid of that shit in an annual or something.
I like arcade more than i like Mettle, it was nice to see him as a threat
Larry David voices The Merchant, right?
I'm not too pissed off about that face or the hand edit. But I am pissed off that the Spike image on the background is just an edit too, and that people keep reposting that fake version instead of the actual picture.
truly a classic
See you in 10 days.
OP say'd post to piss Yea Forums off.
And i am just done my part
go forth you absolute mad lad
>I got handguns, shotguns, rifles, oh yeah!
Didn't the series finish, or is finishing soon? Seems like that rule should sunset.
Go ask
>Excited for Bendis, the King of ignoring canon, to take on LoS, the only comic I can think of with a more expansive canon than the X-Men.
You are so getting bitch-slapped by a monkey paw I can't even laugh, if you're serious.
I will.
I gonna see how deep can this rabbit hole can go
I'm gonna come in to your room at night and slit your throat. Then I am going to beat your dog to death with that chair, you filthy sub human
he is
Bendis is gonna be writing the Legion of superheroes
and im scared pic related
What is this? Seen it forever
Head back to Yea Forums you ledditfaggot.
>inb4 "Yea Forums trash" with anime reaction image
The sad thing is there is so many ways to retcon it better
>If Gwen has to cuck Peter then make then have her do it with Harry
>It was a clone
>Mephesto threw in a freebe
Though I'm partial to the idea that theres a gentlemen's agreement at Marvel to pretend it never happened
Wow, a fucking chair. Yea Forums is really autistic to be triggered by a folding chair
I'm so fucking mad
It's a meme you dipshit
Of what?
A anime?
>i hacked that duracell double A battery in new york from my home in brazil
how does that work?
Its worse then that. She did it to a fucking jar of emotion lighting galaxies away, THAT DOESNT EVEN HAVE A FUCKING INTERNET IT MAEKS NO SENSE IM SO AMD
Every time
Did the guy who made this ever get called out for saying stupid bullshit like this?
You can tell this was written by fifty year old man who still thinks the internet runs on magic.
Only Yea Forumsmblr gets mad at this
Obviously the Guardians were looking up porn on an unsecured wifi network
Fun fact: The guy who made this later made a blog post citing Old Trek as an example of how science fiction Has Always Been Progressive, completely unironically.
You're like a little baby, check this out
Best case scenario, it was a clone & Gwen has been locked in another dimension for a decade.
I'm not gonna buy it, but once I'm actually gonna read a Bendis story. I'm going in with the impression that it's gonna piss me off like nothing else, so I'm half-excited at the idea of it. It's like maximum damage to me.
you are a faggot with no human rights sjw loser
Nice and meta, though the OP specified image.
That's nothing compared to that image where he drew Nessa from Pokémon Sword/Shield as a fucking monkey
i hated Cheese more
Poor SU. What an island in a storm.
There's this stairwell at the CN Atlanta studios. creators of content for CN/AS are invited to draw on the walls of the stairwell, as decoration, so that they leave a piece of themselves with the studio.
Back in the early 00's, AS was just starting up. Cowboy bebop was the first anime to be introduced to the channel. As such, Toshihiro Kawamoto, the animation director and character designer of Cowboy bebop, was invited to the studios. While there, he drew the pencil drawing of Spike Spiegel underneath the sharpie one in the pic. Kawamoto is a highly respected artist and his sketch on the wall was considered one of the best there.
Fast forward to 2015, some dumbass intern decided that that old pencil sketch was clearly the work of some amateur, so he (she? dunno) decided to draw their own little masterpiece right on top of Kawamoto's.
Naturally, Yea Forums and Yea Forums both freaked out. There was even some limited coverage in other outlets.
don't know what happened to the intern
honestly at this point the rule's been around too long to get rid of.
I'm not sure what I'm more annoyed by. The stupidity of "I hacked my way into the space magic and downloaded myself a power ring" origin story or the dreadful way all this information is just shovelled across so casually on a single page.
I knew it
The only part of this that actually troubles me is that they put the brother and sister as the couple
honestly i'm not even mad, just supremely disappointed
>I hurt myself today...
Oh ok, carry on, then.
Brazil does not own Bolivia.
This should work.
You motherfucker
Only Taiora fans are mad about that.
We all know the best result for Tai was Koushiro/Izzy
You're right, that is making me mad.
>that poster
Is this a jew joke or a joke about red tumblr noses?
>hacking an unlimited source of the willpower and imagination of all sentient races
This shit is only good as something a villain does, or as the plot of a more suprisingly dark Davies era Doctor Who episode, ala the Skasis Paradigm.
Correction: They're taking the shitty jobs that nobody else wants to do.
probably jew joke but at least its exploitable
why must stonetoss try and make every joke about liberals when there are other jokes to be made
> unironically posting rock hoist
>this is the one of the only things you can't retcon away.
Tell that to Franklin Richards. Practically the same damn thing happened to him, and then it was un-happened.
Did they go in an orgy?
Cant top THIS.
Sorry this is:
I’m ending this thread right now
This makes me happy.
First part made me happy.
Second part made me angry.
I lost my Tom and Jerry vs Lupin the Third Webm
This doesn't actually piss anyone off. You really didn't realize that people were falseflagging to have GL threads?
Those are jobs that the more poverty-stricken population of US citizens could have.
because the political commentary comes first. This edit does away with the point stonetoss was trying to make
The issue is that there isn't enough non-shit jobs to go around and people have to pay rent. So when you get rid of the shit jobs you have a big group of people that basically struggle to survive on a day to day bases and if history has taught us anything it's that something like that is never a good thing for everyone
Kek, I live in a very poor third world country and nobody wants the shitty jobs and low (and illegal) wages that the venezuelan have.
>I live in a very poor third world country
Gee, user. It's almost like most of the criticism is targeted towards a completely different group of people with vastly different needs and resources
Not really, the things are very cheap here and most people can have a very good life with the minimum wage (add the universal healthcare that the goverment is pushing) but mostly are entitled lawyers and accountants that don't want to make manual labor.
Clearly you aren't one of the educated folks, huh?
get back to your containment board, you anti-skub piece of shit
I have a degree in business administration and revived the old peaches farm of my grandparents, and I'm not the only one that migrated to the rural area some buyed the land other inherited the land but mostly of us are financially better than the crybabies in the cities.
Can you all shut the fuck up and post things thst make Yea Forums angry holy fucking shit
Hello everybody! I am new here, my name is Purl!
I can't the ISP regional restrictions fucked me, but if you want. The comic that sell more in May was DCeased with 242,365 units; the manga that sell more in the last WEEK of March was One Piece with 210,000 aprox.
The older I get the more I hate reading about child prodigies.
All of it. Though a character can be saved from a shit introduction with good writing. I won't hold my breath for the 11 year old literal who when there's already WAY too many fucking human Green Lanterns.
They do get spammed a whole lot more these days, specially when you-know-who is involved.
>tfw kinda liked the japanese version of FiM
A-at least it was a good excuse for a rewatch...
i see you missed the point of the thread. at this point this DB is pissing off people because the two camps can't stop talking about it.
and do you really believe all threads that came out of it is just falseflagging?
I love how this slowly takes you from, "Why does this exist?" to "Sweet God above, remove the memory of this comic from my brain, so I can look at Aunt May the same way again."
>it didn't catch up
Literally, what did she mean by this? Do they not like Popeye or Gennnnnnnndy's movie?
I don't get why Deano Martino is supposed to upset me
But you know... what he is doing still fits the thread
I can't quite figure out what exactly is wrong here. Something is clearly wrong, but I'm not entirely sure where.
it was only a matter of time before that shitheap was posted
It only makes bencucks mad though.
The day they lost their virginity
Also shut up Boco
user, you've done it know.
I'm gonna rip your brown-star in half when I'll come to beat you with that chair.
>A anime?
>he doesn't know about the kiss.
Why did you have to remind me this existed, I actually managed to forget about it for a while and now I'm just mad
Are faggots actually getting super triggered over this?!
lol What a bunch of crybabies.
I love how the artist rejected accusations of racism saying he draws this stuff just to trigger sjws and then someone leaked screencaps of his discord where he shares /pol/ infographs, posts alt-right memes, says all minorities and gays should die and that nazis should have won.
this is Yea Forums, not Yea Forums, and not /ic/ stop self promoting.
>i'm not a racist i just wanna trigger sjws!!!
>Why do you want to trigger sjws.
>because i'm a huuuuge racist
I mean that's how the story seems to go with all these cunts isn't it.
I'd say whatever bullshit allowed my art to not be censored by faggots too.
It was part of a conversation, idiot. Fuck off.
I always stand by saying that the "anti-sjws" are just as fucking annoying as the sjws themselves. Two sides of the same coin throwing shit at each other. Then they both put themselves into echo chambers until they brainwash themselves into being bigger retards
Not a racist, but seeing SJWs lose their tiny minds is pretty funny. Don't really need to be a racist to enjoy that.
desu i think it's funny how when Asian artists do it people try their hardest to justify it, when a westfag does it all hell breaks loose.
you're not fooling anyone evul.
>Song of the Sea
Voting for a category, it should be mandatory to at least do a wikipedia search for the movie, let alone actually watch the damn things.
Imagine getting paid to sculpt a chicken spongebob from a meme screenshot. They either thought it was the best job ever or a clear indisputable sign of the coming collapse of civilization
The Nessa shitshow is pure stupidity all around. People not understanding how lighting works, crazy people harassing artists over nothing, bell-ends getting involved just to piss people off and then cowardly back away behind a pitiful "I'm not really racist I'm just pretending to be" excuse.
The cherry on top is that Nessa looks more like she's designed to be South/SE Asian rather than black...
This would imply incest
They didn't like Popeye as a character or franchise. He's one of those things that apart from us not a lot of people remember or care about that much. So you can make an absolutely fantastic movie about him but run the risk of a bunch of people just not seeing it over another entry in a familiar more, recent franchise. Throw in the fact that Sony was circling the wagon and you got a company terrified of taking any risk.
I used to enjoy this guys stuff, but the election fucking broke him.
Just foaming at the mouth and tripping over himself to rush and tell everyone how stupid they were for voting wrong.
Now it's just all "I read this on twitter and made funny or not funny comic about it." bullshit.
Got source for these claims?
>The Nessa shitshow is pure stupidity all around
The sad part is Pokemon has had cute brown girls for what the last 3 or so generations all ranging form ambiguously brown to black to Polynesian, so what is it about this one that causes people to to go into fits
This writer needs to be dead.
>i'm not racist i just like being racist to annoy people who don't like racists :) :) :) and then i attract real racists because they think the places i shit up are full of people who share their opinion :) :) :) but that's ok i'm cool with the racists even though objectively they're just as obnoxious as sjws but somehow we just connect better i dunno :) :) :) tee hee
Triggering antifa trannies.
But do not take.
There have been four posts from the same comic artist in this thread alone, this just seems like a self promotion at this point.
It's funny seeing them loose their shit at petty bullshit like Barret in FF7remake but your motivations become suspect when you being poking them with unironically racist shit
Stonetoss regularly shills his own comic in this board.
cringe yikes you get gist.
>this just seems like a self promotion at this point.
You never been in a thread like this Stonetoss fags shit up any thread that can vaguely justify their participation from webcomic threads to lol threads to threads that have a side conversation about a topic featured or just to piss people off and derail everything
Figures, thanks for spoon feeding.
Well it was a good thread guys but it seems like it's time to bail
So what you're saying is that pissing off Yea Forumsmblr trannies worked.
Worked to do what, make the thread shit? If so mission accomplished.
>shitposting thread about comics & cartoons going along well
>based RedPanels author comes in to flaunt his status as reddit's second-favorite political cartoonist
>impossible to tell whether he's actually upset that people on Yea Forums don't think he's funny or if he is just desperate to get any sort of attention
every time
I mean, it worked.
I pissed myself off just posting it
Too newfag to understand. Can someone explain?
Joke from The Boondocks that made fun of a string of unrelated, real life videos at the time featuring nignogs chimping out in public places and each of the videos happen to feature a chair being thrown during scuffles, which trigger them into turning into all out brawls.
The parody episode implies that the very act of throwing a chair inspires any situation at a 2 or 3 anger level to immediately crank up to a rioting 11.
Skip to 0:29 and that's all the explanation you'll need.
So going by Bruce's logic here Batman should have a great ass and be a wise-cracking shit to criminals? I mean he could really fucking just burn Joker so terribly that way.
my country didn't air properly band geeks and cut out just as the song was about to start. i didn't know the episode had an actual conclusion until i came to Yea Forums
>So going by Bruce's logic here Batman should have a great ass and be a wise-cracking shit to criminals?
Even Batgod is envious of Dick "Everybody Wants to Fuck Me" Grayson.
What's wrong with it? Batman accepting RedHood and saying Dick and Drake are better Batmen than him?
People like that don't actually think about their opinions forming a coherent worldview mate. They just make statements and get outraged at the latest clickbait.
>But do not take.
Because the wages are being forced down by cheap migrant labour that quickly transforms their towns into copies of whatever third world hellhole said migrants left.
this is literally the conservative version of "dindu nuffin"
>spoon feeding newfags this hard
What the fuck
So post the real version.
>11 year old
>face like a 20-30 year old woman
I still can't believe this isn't an edit. I'll probably have to see a printed issue to believe.
Maybe he's just learning Japanese and wants to practice while watching his favourite show?
hat is happening here?
Who is this?
Not him, but I found the source, easily obtainable by some user commenting to the said picture in E621.
Fuck off with your shit edits.
it worked.
I have... fleeting memories of this picture
THIS and
Most of it... all of it... everything. It makes me upset. What have you done to me, user?
It's just some grouchy conservative boomer who can't say no to his grandkids.
Here's how you retcon it away
Teen Jon is Superboy Prime while the real Jon was being trained by OG Earth-2 JSA.
...is it cursed?
It's not that bad desu onii-senpai
A friend of mine asked this same exact thing to me years back, but he didn't even realize that it was an American show in the first place somehow
Stonetoss self shills the hell out of his boring comics
Your worldview is based on lots of misinformation, and your confidence in it is misplaced
How much of everything that you believe have you really looked into
How much study, have you read those articles and studies thoroughly, or just skimmed them
Why do you have confidence in things which you never looked much into yourself
It's so shit i can't even be mad
This. Used to check every other day, now sometimes I accidentally go to it and always regret it.
Ok, someone explain this one...
Are ya'll made because they're dykes, which is perfectly understandable, or mad because neither ended up with fin?
Because he's like several hundred years younger than both of these dykes.
So this is the power of boomers....
>A lot of white characters are made black, so what's the problem now? You guys are being hypocrites.
It's true.
cheng xaio
>what is it about this one that causes people to to go into fits
Unironically because of Let's Go attracting boomers to the main series
I think Nessa looks more latina than SE asian but she looks even less black
Back to twitter you piece of shit
Always been curious about that, but I'm never going to allow an exe of dubious origin to run on my machine. And I can't be assed to learn how to sandbox just for one thing.
Come on, he would have said ruble.
Based ben garrison
So good!
>Garrison is anti-vacc
everything else is consistent with shilling to the alt-right but i thought anti-vacc was a more diverse position that anyone can fall for
So, you're missing out on ALL porn games? Pussy.
Because he stops Jason at every opportunity from killing major Gotham criminals like Penguin or Joker.
Mad because the showrunners prioritized this over giving the show's PROTAGONIST a satisfying conclusion. So this image becomes symbolic of a woke trophy, a victory lap signifying that being progressive, or appearing progressive, is more important than telling a good story.
Haven't had any malware in the 20+ years I've been online. I don't see any reason to start compromising myself now.
This guy was unironically doing it to piss everyone off, though.
See? Here's some now. If you don't feed the troll, then the troll doesn't bother you. The problem with you retards is that you feed the troll and then act shocked when the troll keeps trolling you.
>but he's racist :(
Then why are you giving him the attention he wants?
This is why people laugh at the whole display, you're basically proving that this guy has more power over your mind than you do.
Nah, that guy just triggers the shit out of Yea Forums
Dude, sandboxing is easy. You have no reason not to play all the lewd games you want and safely remove them at the end of the day.
Step 1: Sandboxie, you use it for free
Step 2: Isolate it from the internet, there's a checkbox in settings to do that.
There isn't a step 3, that's how you do it. It's done.
> i thought anti-vacc was a more diverse position that anyone can fall for
Didn't you just answer your own question?
And how would this work with stuff like save or .ini files? I'm just assuming uab etc. uses savefiles.
UK has more indians than latinos
That's a nice smile, she should do that more
I'm not sure how I never noticed this before
Very true
But something about her just screams latina to me
Probably the makeup, hoop earrings and skin tone combo, actually
I love pissing off the chapotrannyhousefags on Yea Forums
Reminds me of this
All you need to do to trigger /pol/fags tho is point out the fact white genocide is a myth tho
it's easy and fun
This worked earlier today. For some reason Yea Forums really hates when men don't want to be Stacey's salary slave.
Hey look, a seething resetranny. It worked!
Sounds like someones projecting a bit
i can symphathize even if i liked the final film
You don't know what that word means, tranny.
wow, he really is mad
I dont get it
do either in public and see how long you live
What's with you and trans people, you don't have to imagine the adonis you're angry at is trans you know
Even the SJWs on Yea Forums have to admit they've done this.
Reminder that Hopeless got death threats for this.
>I'm meek so i assume everyone else is
Why is stonetoss like this?
Basic survival instincts (avoiding niggers) doesn't make you meek.
Aren't leeches actually helpful for the time period?
No, other shitty pseudoscientific methods of helping people that did nothing grew in popularity because not harming people was more effective then stealing their blood
Why are they putting the books on the shelf backwards?
"magic dirt" refers to the idea that immigrants will become civilized and leave their shitty culture behind when they cross the border, but in reality they just track it in like dirt
e.g. London
honk honk
e.g. western civilization.
What do you mean, all I see is an innocent game about girls
Jus Soli vs Jus Sanguinis
Hey dingus, blood letting was helpful because it kick starts the immune system and forces the body to produce new hemoglobin, in turn helping the body fight off sickness and become stronger against certain viruses. You know nothing.
So bad.
Shit really?
I've only heard bad things, is there a source i can read for this
>>i'm not racist i just like being racist to annoy people who don't like racists :) :) :) and then i attract real racists because they think the places i shit up are full of people who share their opinion :) :) :) but that's ok i'm cool with the racists even though objectively they're just as obnoxious as sjws but somehow we just connect better i dunno :) :) :) tee hee
Basically the story of Yea Forums
Why would the (I assume) atheist be upset with a generic Islam book being put into the fiction section?
Where did you get this image of me, and how can i get rif of it
What the fuck, who took this
>Ruined, stupid, kitschy final version
>One of the best-written cartoon movies I've seen in years
What a dick, don't shit on the end product just because it wasn't your version any more
Where's the lie though?
But they set up PB/Marcy's relationship drama years before Finn started dating anyone, so resolving Finn's thing and not theirs would have been stupid.
>0 sources
Fuck you kill yourself you fucking incel faggot
The fuck is white genocide?
I like to believe this is the origin story of dad from kids next door
/pol/ thinks that showing interracial relationships in fictional media is, in itself, white genocide, because it will encourage white women to fuck non-white men. So somehow being white will be wiped out and overridden by the non-whites, which is not how genetics work, but if they understood genetics they wouldn't be white supremacists in the first place so whatever.
Dammit the only archive that still has that thread is .moe and the webmaster is too jewish to host images himself so he just redirects to other archives, wether they have the thread or not.
>so resolving Finn's thing and not theirs would have been stupid
i didn't think this thread would make me actually angry fuck
Are they forbidden from abstaining? Are votes weighted towards the Academy member's area of expertise?
This edit is gold
that agagagaga fadeout
Unironically speaking Judy was in the right.
Are you pissed off by the low effort,stupidity or the message it conveys?
You're talking to people who have the wherewithal to understand this, they're talking about this guy independent of him, it's the people who actively engage him that need to understand this but good luck with that they believe in engaging these guys online at least because none of them have the balls to deal with them IRL
This'll make someone mad. Maybe.
all the movies I like are low rated, so I'll hug those horseshit movies.
>The fuck is white genocide
What every you want it to be no seriously it's a nebulous term they use to rail on just about anything
It'll make you made only if you're from Yea Forums.
Mostly cringe, but that Corrigan one is good.
Stinky Hat
Someone tell me what the fuck I'm looking for.
Don't ask me. I'm at a loss here too.
based if true
It's on the second panel
I see it now. Despite the belt, you'd still expect shirts to read vertically.
Oh you.
I've got this!
>Wow I can't believe this person who does porn commissions for a living has some shit to sort out
I guess people really liked that show considering what it was stacked up against. I'd probably consider even Problem Solverz as something to watch in the sea of that. This is coming from one who likes Steven Universe.