Based Disney
Based Disney
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Pick one and only one
Remember the incels whining about these because Leia shot a gun and made a mean face?
But this did happen in original film too
I think OP is referring to the fact that the slave Leia outfit is still around. A while back Disney claimed it wouldn't show up any more
Yes you fucking casual
I thought the first rule Disney made five minutes after acquiring Star Wars was no more slave Leia ever again.
Disney had a fucking stage show with slave Leia.
They were literal incels though
Yea, in the early 00's. In 2014 they claimed thre would be no more slave leia when they got the license.
These cartoons shorts are loud, clumsy, and stupid.
This is cropped gay porn right?
He looks like hes about to die.
Pretty sure only virgins think incel is an insult.
Loud, hyper-kinetic anime shit.
Nobody fucking said anything, you retards just jump to conclusions
As opposed to slow, constipated stick tapping?
Pretty sure only incels think it isn't.
Reminder the only people who use this word look like this
Same with the people who post “have sex” all the time
He's just a nostalgia fag.
Th old way is the old way so for him it's the best way.
what the fuck is suicide boy doing fighting darth vader
I'd say so, but I'm still curious
You're an actual incel aren't you?
>You're an actual incel aren't you?
Keep proving my point, tumblrite
Well, and actual incels. Some self-identify.
Why so defensive, anyway? Anyone who did as implies is super fucking lame and weird, whatever their preferred label.
Duh. Only they get so defensive over a generic insult
Because youre just using your own sexist insult to attack anyone who complains about nu wars, youre a certified tumblr faggot and your kind isnt welcomed here
Only incels are personally offended by the word. Nobody else would care to comment.
Got something on your mind user?
But this isn't nuStar Wars. This is a cartoon of old good Star Wars. Are you ok user? Is the summer heat getting to you?
I'm not the user you were originally arguing with.
If your problem with Nu Wars isn't Leia being proactive and/or violent, what is your specific problem with it? The animation style? The anime-ish-ness others vaguely gesture towards?
And only fat repulsive feminists with a chip on their sholuder and daddy issues use that word, so either shut up or fuck off to your blog fattie.
Disney wars is still nu wars, retard
>The animation style? The anime-ish-ness others vaguely gesture towards?
This, as well as in the other shorts how they made luke a dork in order to dickstroke leia some more.
It has none of the atmosphere that made the original scene so good. It's flashy but bland, like a lot of Disney's Star Wars.
Luke was a huge dork in his early days, user. And you're still being weirdly defensive about the term "incel", which (again) is a term actual people personally use to describe themselves.
Because the word is a tell tale sign that some tourist faggot from tumblr or twitter is here because only they use it like that here. No fuck off dyke.
If I were Jabba I would have roasted Leia.
And you're assuming that a fat feminist Tumblr lesbian would come to the superheroes and cartoon part of Yea Forums, infamous altright cesspit... to discuss Star Wars?
Are you underage user?
>his early days
i.e. the first half or two-thirds of the first movie after which he steadily learns not to be a dork. He's only kind of a dork in the Death Star sequences and he's shaken it off totally after that.
>infamous altright cesspit
Thanks for proving my point
You're an idiot. It's a well-known and popular meme thanks to a couple mentally deranged incel terrorists making the news. People use it all the time on this board, pretty much whenever a disagreement about a female character of female-led series comes up. It's just one of a thousand ad hominems casually thrown around on here.
Luke was sometimes a dork. Leia always played it cooler than him when they were young, even in the originals, because she was a rebel spy and skilled diplomat, whereas he was a farmboy.
And kinetic animation is more fun to watch, so there's that to.
Calm your tits.
You don't know what a strawman is, do you?
>superheroes and cartoon part of Yea Forums, infamous altright cesspit
This boad is infested with tumblr rejects and some of the most thin skinned people in this site. You just said some really stupid shit there.
fat feminist Tumblr lesbians are very interested in controlling culture; this includes promoting the Walt Disney Corporation's sub-mediocre new Star Wars properties because they flatter their sensibilities.
I certainly recall him being a bit dweeby in part 2, albeit growing. He was over-earnest in part 3, but charmingly so; some might still see that as dorky. He's dorky in a Clark Kent way. Why do you want him to be suave or cool? That's Han, no Luke.
Well yeah. It's a 50 second commercial for hype, not a new show.
This is an explanation of why it's a bad idea, not an excuse.
It sure looks like they said something, weird huh?
>which (again) is a term actual people personally use to describe themselves.
So's Nigger but people get all uppity when the wrong people use that one too.
>People use it all the time on this board
Only tumblr dykes use it, and again you arent welcomed here
>Calm your tits.
Again, thanks for proving my point
>tfw your dad walks in on you getting fucked by your homie
Those Tumblr rejects are porn artists user, not attack helicopters
As always, First post Best post.
Negro plz. Luke has a different demeanor in all three films but only in the first is he a bumbling ninny for part of the film. The dorkiest he got in Empire was when he hit his head on Yoda's ceiling.
They are a bit anime, but I like that they use the original sound clips
I'd like based, please.
The audio is the original track for the film so it sounds a little weird at some points, but this is how the fights -should- be
I'm so down for a complete re-do of all the films feature length in this animation style
>Loud, hyper-kinetic anime shit.
Just as the best Star Wars cartoon ever made.
Are you saying that you want "i" word privileges? Are you... ACTUALLY involuntarily celibate?
Slow your roll, language police. This isn't France.
The pendulum is just gradually starting to swing back from "sexuality is objectification" to "Sexuality is empowerment". At some point, we will be at the middle point, where progressives and traditionalists alike are torn over which idea to support, and people will embrace the confusion to take their identities and their art into their own hands again, and to apply context. Characters will be as sexy or desexualized as makes sense for their specific character, and for the audience, rather than feeling pressured to fully embrace one paradigm or the otehr to prove their hipness and social credentials.
Then the pendulum will swing all the way in one direction again, and shit will get super sexual or super tame.
It's a cycle.
No, hopefully this era of feminists prudishness will turn people off from it ever again
>something is decently lively animated
This is nowhere near the obnoxious Empire video in terms of flashiness and importantly, isn't a bad version of something good; rather it's own thing.
God you are embarrassing.
and kept true to the George Original
No underpants in space
By God that man had a family
Of sperm only, but still.
>not an argument
Yes, it was just because Leia was competent rather than because it made Luke look like a fucking idiot when the whole point of the prison escape is to insure all three of our protagonists are relevant and valued as a team.
Not a very ardent student of history, eh?
Why do you hate flashiness and dynamism in animation? Or are you just trying, and thus far failing, to make some other more salient point about the specific NATURE of this animation's movement?
How am I suppose to take
This; his decision to rescue Leia is his first successful, albeit rocky, outing as a hero.
>weeb-shit inspired
Link the video. I can't find that specific short, and all the otehr ones make Luke look like a super acrobatic ninja badass, so I'm finding myself doubting you.
>original Star Wars draws heavily from samurai movies
>animated version draws heavily from anime
What a faggot, stay mad over the fact WB will never animate something as good as that.
>but didney baaaad
In a nutshell, this is what those retards are all about.
>tfw Yea Forumsfags are so used to shit animation that real dynamic action scares them
>giving leia the slave outfit
>not putting her in more modest clothes are erasing the past
UHHHH HELLO????? 2019!!
As always, samefagging doesn't male you cool.
Most of Yea Forums are under 24 years old and grew up watching hot garbage like adventure time and regular show and that's their baseline for what animation is.
let me show you a true intense fight that represents our generation much better
I though disney said they buried the slave outfit
No, this shit will finally turn off people from ever giving these liberal prudes any attention ever again, soccer moms were terrible in the 90s and theyre just as awful now, why cant they fucking die off already.
kinda like when they got mad at Brie Larson for not smiling and killing Thanos, and neither of them ended up being accurate and was fake outrage culture bullshit?
Yeah, you know what those are, right? There's other mean people in the world other than people who disagree with you an SJWs, laddy boy.
The problem is tone. The original scene is full of tension with a lot of stylistic use of lighting. The pacing is often slow. Making it as fast and bombastic as they can is a stupid re-interpretation of the scene. Saying they is what they could do in one minute or that it's just supposed to be a promo piece doesn't change that it's a bad idea at the root.
Kinda hard to build tension in 45 seconds and still tell a story
Trying to do a 45-second version of this scene was a bad idea to begin with.
It's a commericial
To get 6 year olds interested in Star Wars
>Saying they is what they could do in one minute or that it's just supposed to be a promo piece doesn't change that it's a bad idea at the root.
It makes fine use of lighting. And it perfectly conveys the exact same story beats as the original: Luke is desperate and scared, Vader is mainly just using the opportunity to flex on Luke to show him the power of the dark side and overawe him by demonstrating the gap in their strength and skill.
Only difference is the animation isn't limited by 1980s technology and can make the action much faster and more dynamic without the hokiness of the prequels CG effects.
Captain feminist is still complete cancer and endgame benefitted from barely using her
It's not a bad idea at all, it's a really cool way to redo the scene. Why are you so against anything new or fun?
Kind of seems like this one trailer is just meant to highlight a specific character's competencies and importance, and might not be representative of the series as a whole. Luke seems pretty cool and central in most of the other ones I saw.
Luke doesn't seem like he's fighting someone out of his league; it seems like he's going blow-for-blow with Vader. When it's so fast there's no time to show how unhurried Vader is when the fight begins or the flourishes of his sword to show that his parries are trivially easy for him.
They're both darting around and smashing their swords into each other in exactly the same way.
Even the last shot is an anime "clashing of spirits" thing that implies a meeting of EQUAL power. In the original at this point Luke is desperate and constantly getting pushed back, seconds way from getting maimed.
It's not a bad thing to dream, even if your dreams are completely unrealistic. Keep your inner child alive, user.
If anything its more impressive. They cpuld just done some cheap cg garbage, but there's clearly a lot of love and passion in these shorts.
Fuck off, we dont have hippies anymore you nutjob, not everything is a cycle you pessimist faggot.
>why do you hate fun
user plz
Vader does quick-draw his saber so fast and so calmly, even as an already-armed Luke is hurtling towards him, that we don't even see the movement. Also, he throws things around pretty casually.
It's not quite as atmospheric, but it's also a quick promo cut. The actual scenes might have slower pacing in the show proper. I think you're drawing some dubious conclusions.
Trailers serve a specific purpose: to build excitement and hype. Action shows and movies usually use trailers that highlight dynamism and excitement, not slow mood building. Are you unfamiliar with the idea of a trailer?
>they tried hard to do a bad idea so it must be good!
>we don't have hippies anymore
Not the same thing faggot, not everything is a cycle, once this era of social justice shit died it will be buried for good, fuck off
I'm triggered by the fact that it's physically impossible for her to be strangling him like that. The chain needs to be wrapped around his throat like in the movie.
>Trailers serve a specific purpose: to build excitement and hype. Action shows and movies usually use trailers that highlight dynamism and excitement, not slow mood building. Are you unfamiliar with the idea of a trailer?
Why is it trying to build hype for a slow, tense scene that has no fast-moving excitement?
>it's not bad it's good!
>why do you hate fun!
>they really tried hard!
>it's not for you!
Like clockwork.
if star wars is an anime now where are leia's huge anime tiddies
>dynamic fluid action=anime
oh and k.
I haven't heard a single criticism besides "it looks like anime"
>makes a non argument
>expects an argument in return
You slowed down this shit, don't you?
>the sky is green
>no, it's blue
>the sky is yellow
>the sky is brown
>it's blue
>liek clockwork xD
Imagine being a shill.
Idiots getting mad about women even being a little competent is starting to get really annoying
Historical revisionism done by a megacorporation. How poetic.
Way to pull bullshit articles from Non-News sources.
It's still source:your ass
>ctrl+f “incel”
>15 results
Leia was competent in the original.
This. I sympathize with a lot of Anti SJW stuff like challenging race swapping, forced LGBT garbage, forced girl power scenes (looking at you, Avengers: Endgame.), but it gets to a point where these people act just like the SJWs that they criticize.
Heck, before 2016 when this all became mainstream, I only ever heard about SJWs from Yea Forums users trying to shove it in my face.
post more based disney
You couldn't be a bigger faggot if you tried dude. I am begging you, leave moms basement, take a shower, shave, and go to a social event. Make friends. See how real people behave. For fucks sake your poor momma is gonna kill herself
from the thumbnail i thought it was Big Lez LOL
Kill yourself.
Dude, come on. I subscribe to PJW and Steven Crowder, am Pro Gun, Pro Border and am voting for Trump in 2020. Doesn't mean that I can't call out people on my "side."
Sorry babu, but is more news that whatever blog you have in your newsfeed
CNN is fake news
Just like it was dead for good after the 60s and 70s, right?
Are you trolling? It's a big action setpiece to liberate a captured princess and ally, in which a space samurai fights goons and a bounty hunter over and around a giant monster pit.
pls give the sauce I can't find it from image search
Anti-SJWS are like Antifa: a large, disorganized gaggle of people who only share one broad thing in common--a specific enemy--while otherwise having any number of disparate and incompatible positions.
Antifa's enemy is fascism, so they all hate right-wing nation-and-ethnicity-centered authoritarianism. However, some of them are okay with leftist, class-based authoritarianism, while some are democratic, and others are anarchists and hate all state apparati.
Anti-SJWs are similarly diverse, as points out; all they have in common is that they are opposed to social justice. Unfortunately, "social justice" is a way broader and more nebulous umbrella than fascism, because it's very contextual. The unfortunate effect is that people who are broadly "anti-SJW" tend to see literally anything thrown in the direction of any group but the most historically socially dominant as "pandering" to SJWs. See:
Any show of over female competence or attempt to make a somewhat passive female character more dynamic? That's "social justice". A black stormtrooper joins the heroes? Social justice. A male lead has flaws or isn't "alpha"? All a conspiracy to force social justice into our cherished childhood memories.
It wasn't like this in the past--any of these things would have been entirely acceptable and apolitical things to include in a film in the 80s, 90s, or early 2000s by most people's standards. But now, any show of "weakness" by the dominant heroic archetype, or any show of strength by people who were traditionally NOT the main characters of western media? SOCIAL JUSTICE BOOGEYMEN STEALIN MY CHILDHOOD.
>single fat slag living a shed
Seething SJW loser projecting REAL hard
stop projecting at me
Play "Count the appropriate reaction faces" in this video.
and then for this one there's Han's face from 1:16-1:19
wtf sudden Zuko
>Remember the incels whining about these because Leia shot a gun and made a mean face?
no one cares about the mean face what ppl have problem with is showing Luke as an inept idiot for Leia to push around
feminists will never admit that they need saving and will insult you if you even sugest that but time and time again they will call for men to "step up"
Taking into account it almost feels a bit less like gurl power to Leia persay, but just that they’re exaggerating the troughs of Luke’s skills as a hero at the beginning to make his peaks seem more impressive as you watch shorts that set Luke around Empire and later.
Solid counterpoint.
Then I guess they're all real happy about how badass and capable a warrior-hero he is in every other short clip.
Also, creating some comic relief around his earlier inexperience and giving a bit more active of a role to Leia.
Pretty much, notice Han is depicted with plenty of competency aside from his theee second berserker charge.
Thinking about it, seems hard to make light of like even towards the end of New Hope nevermind RotJ.
>uncle and aunt were charred
>both mentors dead
>charged with striking down your own father and defeat a foe even one of your mentors could not at his peak
>friends massive risk of falling to the dark side
Fuck, luke’s Life sucked.
How does anyone strangle a hutt? Those guys don’t have necks and their body is over three feet in diameter.
This is so much better
I was hoping for a slave leia thread, this was disappointing
>Objectifies women
>Remember kids, if people are different than you, kill them
Disney really needs to get out of the 50's
Carrie Fisher hated that scene, I think she blame that for her shitty career, which is retarded.
They never said that. The only source for this was J. Scott Campbell, who said he knew someone inside Disney who said Slave Leia was going to be forbidden. Disney themselves never actually said that.
With a lot of leverage
I can understand why she hated it. Badass princess spends half the movie chained to Harvey Weinstein and dressed like a whore, then does very little the rest of the film
>>Star Wars fans get their news from shady sources and reee when the bad info is proven wrong
I'm shocked
the character isn't Ellen Ripley, the fuck she want the focus is on Solo and Luke, Padmé's character is just like her and Hershlag "succeed".
>creating some comic relief around his earlier inexperience
why tho as someone who is around kids alot due to my job I can say that we already have a social problem of boys being made fun of and normalized physical abuse towards them
yesterday I had to explain to a little girl that getting kicked between their legs hurts boys just as it hurts girls and her friend crying becouse of it is nothing to laugh at - turns out her mom likes american comedies and her daughter catches them with her
little girls are already being raised thinking that boys can be hit without consequences and movies such as those further normalise making men in general the butt if a joke which is harmful
People are so dead-set on believing the worst, that not only did they take his word at face value despite being a "so I heard from a guy" anecdote, but when these new shorts showed Slave Leia there were people seriously arguing that there was some disgruntled animator who snuck it in as a fuck you to Disney. Apparently it was easier to believe that an animator somehow snuck in a fully animated scene that the Disney overlords never noticed than to just believe Disney wasn't actually banning the slave outfit.
are you really trying to paint Leia killing Jabba as a bad thing
>kids imitate things they see on tv because they have no context for it
Since you work with kids I think you of all people would realize this is nothing new
>Based Disney
Leotards in the MCU when?!!!!
It's unrealistic that a slim woman with no muscle mass could do that. Leia has no place being an action hero, so reimagining the original trilogy so that she's now the one saving the day and killing Jabba is beyond ludicrous.
and that is why I am against this trend of degrading men we see taking over
Leia strangled him in the movies as well, she's force sensitive and this is a fantasy series. Also the response was to
who seems to think killing Jabba was morally wrong and it was only done because he's "different."
>Antifa's enemy is fascism
That or trash cans.
At least Disney did something right.
I'm talking about the duel at the end of Empire.
>It's unrealistic that a slim woman with no muscle mass could do that
Who gives a shit, my man?
Luke is a hero but he's also a fucking whiner. That's always been one of his identifying character traits since I can remember. When did people stop making fun of it and start becoming angry about it?
Stepping up is just doing your part. Do you call yourself a brave warrior for getting out of bed everyday?
>an actual discussion
There's no room for that here.
Have Sex
That's not a trend, it's been an entertainment tradition from before any of us were born.
Serious question, how old are you?
wasn't a thing a when I was younger
well I am in my late 30s
didney wars not good
The people throwing a fit about this shit aren't actual Star Wars fans, so they're not familiar with Luke having a reputation as a whiner. It's all about the culture war, so they see something they immediately interpret as "man bad, woman good" and throw a tantrum.
Luke whines in the first movie and very occasionally in the second (to underline that his maturation is incomplete) and never in the third.
>he doesn't do it in the third, therefore it never happened
I means it's not one of his "identifying character traits" if it's prominent only in most (not all of) one movie.
He wasn't whiny at all, they just made him stupid in that specific short so Leia looks extra stronk.
And? The point is that his characterization included him being a whiner.
Kicking a man in the balls as a joke aka. the classic nutshot has been an entertainment staple for many generations. If you hadn't seen it in your childhood then you must've been very sheltered.
>what is character development
>pushes him aside to take the gun and do action
That's exactly what happened in the original movie. The getting caught up in cords part is just there to highlight how much of a farmboy dork out of his element he still is early on.
based on the hand position... hes getting DPed right?
This. Those three scenes are exaggerations, but the core of what they depict basically happened. It's no different from the rest of these shorts, which all depict actual events but with heavy embellishment. I think the people getting buttmad about this have either forgotten that or don't actually realize this is what these shorts have always done.
No, they played it up so Luke looks like more of a dumbass and his big "hero swing" moment is now him fucking up with the cord. Even going so far as Return of the Jedi he's still acting like a jokester. But it's only for this one short, I've always hated the "x character acts like a complete retard so y character looks smarter" trope but it's fine.
I'm saying his character developed and lost this trait early on, dipshit.
>defending Disney shit
what has become of us?
Remember this is the way Jabba wanted to go
>marxists allying with a massive corporation because they want to control public discourse
Who would have thought
I thought you guys were exaggerating but christ that was cringe.
No, you're saying it's not one of his character traits at all.
Yea the others are pretty fine beat for beat. But this one is a touch odd clowning up Luke a bit too much.
>calling Yea Forums(nel) "us"
What indeed.
How rock hard do you think jabba was at that moment?
>Badass princess
That was never Leia's character. She was marginally competent but still a damsel, strangling Jabba was a good representation of that.
Besides, I imagine Fisher was on so much coke by that I doubt she cared.
It's like I'm watching Genndy's Clone Wars, but with a shittier art style.
>That was never Leia's character. She was marginally competent
She literally has to take over her own rescue because a farmboy and a pirate don't know what they're doing.
>leia not badass
I don't know how strangling the big mob boss is a representation of the opposite
Star Wars was never good.
It plays up her rescue a bit too much, but the rest is solid.
I unironically love the latest one, the transitions are fucking seamless.
Anyone else think Jabba could eat a mean pussy?
i unironically think big slobby guys like him are hot
It's almost like she was more familiar with it, whereas she still needed their help to get out.
Leia wasn't some utterly badass space marine. She was a diplomat turned commander with spunk.
>I don't know how strangling the big mob boss is a representation of the opposite
Given Jabba was entirely helpless while his forces were away? Not really.
God same, and I mean this genuinely
she still strangled this 1000lb crime lord slug
though the definition of badass is subjective, i'll give you that
>she still strangled this 1000lb crime lord slug
That had no way of defending himself, and couldn't move.
>it's only badass if there's a cool fight scene
star wars manga did this better
>It wasn't like this in the past--any of these things would have been entirely acceptable and apolitical things to include in a film in the 80s, 90s, or early 2000s by most people's standards. But now, any show of "weakness" by the dominant heroic archetype, or any show of strength by people who were traditionally NOT the main characters of western media? SOCIAL JUSTICE BOOGEYMEN STEALIN MY CHILDHOOD.
i think you been on 4cahn too long user.
Well there was no challenge of struggle just the task though hutt are tough so she had to have applied some force
If Leia isn't a little old lady with a lightsaber a hundred years from now then she isn't badass
If she's a bumbling ineffectual general a hundred years from now she isn't badass.
Jabba looks like he could eat a whole animal shelter and still have room for a fosters home.
user, you have 50 seconds to show 9 year olds that Leia is "not your average princess" and is a tough as nails marksman and saboteur while also showing scenes from the film and gwr interacting with other characters.
How would YOU do it?
>If Leia isn't a little old lady with a lightsaber
well, she was...
do pretty much the same but cut the Luke stuff, I already said I'm fine with it overall
The only good thing about the sequels is that they made a lot more people realize this
She probably used her anger and hate to force choke jabba
Following the original scenes like they happened?
She had her ship boarded, crew murdered, watched her ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET be wiped out of existence, and was brutally tortured. All in the span of a few hours.
How does she respond? By diving headfirst into her own rescue. Badass.
Helpless? Nigga Hutts are apex predators. Jabba was only slow because he's high as shit
It's really weird to think about how tones have changed since the movie and how just epic girl powering the guys around like that is the norm.
As said, she has spunk. But she's not some grizzled space warrior.
Not when the film was released.
>i personally have not seen WB do any better because i explicitly ignore their offerings
Ah, I see.
>being whiny=incompetent
I would think an actual star wars fan would remember that Luke used to "bullseye womp rats with his T-16 back home".
>complaining about insult words
>on Yea Forums
That line wasn't whining. He was expressing confidence that the difficult shot the pilots would have to make was possible, contradicting the one other pilot.
Is Yea Forums really so stupid that they think a hick that grew up on a desert planet being befuddled while navigating a never before seen spaceship means incompetence?
>grizzled space warrior
Nobody in the thread is saying this, got anymore strawmans?
>That line wasn't whining.
I didn't say it was. I was making a point that Luke wasn't the kind of dumbass to fiddle with a scope in a firefight or get tangled in his own grappling line.
I always wondered if this might have been the case. I mean leia is revealed as a force user, she chokes someone to death who couldn’t plausibly be joked, Vader is her rather and one of his signature moves since the first movie was choking people with the force.
> "x character acts like a complete retard so y character looks smarter" trope
Ahh, yes. The trope animators use to brainwash us into thinking women aren't completely retarded in 90% of situations.
The problem here is the image of a man is not dependent on shitting on the image of a woman to be appealing.
The image of a woman, as of late, DEPENDS on shitting on the image on men to be appealing.
Let's take the following situations and see what they say between the lines:
Scenario A: "Female character is incompetent, male acts annoyed and takes charge."
Scenario B: "Male character is incompetent, female acts annoyed and takes charge."
>The female is an adorable clutz (and that's okay, because she's adorable).
>It does not paint the female in a negative light.
>The male in this situation tends to be a gruff asshole (he will get shat on future episodes for acting this way). (Inuyasha, anything like Inuyasha)
>The male is competent, but requires an attitude check.
Scenario B: The male is an incompetent retard ala Ron Possible and the female has Kim Possible-esque competent.
>The male is just stupid as shit. Will be stupid in all except certain situations (ala Ron Possible).
>All men are shit. If they question the women in the series, they get told off because they are stupid. Then THEY have to apologize. (Eric to Donna, Ross to Rachel, the faggot men from Santa Clarita Diet).
>The female is a powerful woman and is never depicted to have an attitude problem.
>Her attitude is fine, justified and even praised. (Kim Possible, Captain Marvel, the women from Santa Clarita diet)
Fucked up positioning, but whatever.
Fuck you. You don't make the rules.
>that Leia is "not your average princess"
You mean every princess nowadays?
>mfw I unironically watched it before
The dude is getting dp'd, and his reaction is kinda exaggerated for when the second guy penetrated him, cuz he relaxes right after.
xhamster com/videos/twink-bbc-dp-9186618
I get the feeling a lot of the people in this thread weren't breastfed
The film came out in 1977 dipshit. The only princesses were Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty.
What can I say, your mom had stuff to do.
Old and busted: Carrie Fisher was upset about dressing like a Muslim for the first two movies and pushed Lucas into designing something sexier in the third
New fresh hotness: The old sexist incel George Lucas forced the noble femyle Carrie Fisher into wearing the disgustingly revealing misogynist costume that showed her ankles, fortunately we live in a more enlightened era where such things are forbidden.
>outrage culture fags don't check historical references
So what else is new?
I feel like this is pretty far divorced from Luke being a bit frazzled during his first ever infiltration-and-rescue mission.
And again, he is then depicted in every otehr trailer as a super badass ninja wizard.
Oh, fair. Well, my guess would be because the suspense and gravitas has faded away along with the surprise of the "I am your father" revelation.
>Santa Clarita Diet
Joel and Sheila have this dynamic a lot of the time (though Joel is occasionally just outright correct). Abby and Eric have a much more mutually-respectful one, where Abby acknowledges and apologizes for things she does that make Eric insecure or threaten to fuck up his life.
I disagree strongly. The cinematography and editing of that sequence alone makes it excellent.
Probably not something that would be easy to showcase in a minute-long animated short, or that would specifically hook children in that amount of time. Additionally, a smoother, cartoonier, and more dynamic approach to action is clearly supposed to be the main selling point for this program, or else they'd just rerelease the original films again.
And here's the people who post "dilate"
Isn't it nice how we can, instead of arguing, just set up a nice strawman to attack?
Why make a "Luke and Vader's AWESOME BATTLE!!" version of that sequence at all? If you're looking for flashy action to interest kids there are other scenes in that movie, let alone the other movies.
Hey, if I can say INCEL and get 30 replies, they can DILATE
It's still an iconic pop culture moment starring two recognizable magic samurai. Also, Disney is trying to revitalize a popular property that they own. Why would they select a different movie or franchise instead?
>kat's nigger
what did you mean by this? Clearly not snicker, right?
I don't even know what dilate is supposed to mean in this context
Pretty based
I believe it's a reference to dilation, an activity male-to-female transexuals must regularly perform to keep their "vaginal canal" open. Since their pseudo-vagina isn't a proper reproductive organ, the body considers it as an open flesh wound and constantly tries to repair it by closing it up. In this context, both anons are using it as an equivilant insult to Incel, used to for transexual post-op individuals. Although the irony is that everyone in this thread are trannies.
It's probably a reference to trannies dilating their fake vaginas to keep them from healing shut
He was probably hoping to trigger those imaginary sjw's he was ranting about
>Although the irony is that everyone in this thread are trannies.
Even me?
A post op MtF tranny doesn't actually have a vagina. What they have is a large gaping wound that kinda resembles a vagina. But their body knows it's male, so the body will attempt to heal itself and close the large gaping wound.
In order to prevent that trannies have to use various inflatable things to dilate the wound and stop it from closing.
As a bonus disgust the "self lubricating" parts of the tranny vagina comes from a piece of the fucking colon, and you best believe that shit gets infected.
>Pay a king's ransom for gender-reassignment surgery
>Still not a real woman and body is trying to fix their fuck up
And they still expect people to take them seriously
coincidentally the same mangaka made the best tf porn yet
Boy, prequel kids sure are stupid.
Hence Streets of Rage had the best representation.
Enjoy them dick and tits
The body isn't healing itself because it knows it's male and disapproves of the surgery's attempt to replicate, dumbfucks. It doesn't care WHY you have a wound, an implant, or foreign tissue, nor does it care. The body rejecting a surgical procedure isn't a moral edict, or else organ transplants and synthetic body parts would be similarly foolish.
>The body isn't healing itself because it knows it's male and disapproves of the surgery's attempt to replicate
That's not what I said. I said the body knows it's male and thus a big gaping orfice down there isn't intended.
If you carved an orifice in a female in the same spot, it would also try to heal. The body isn't healing the surgery because it's male, but because repairing tissue and rejecting changes, even benign ones, is what bodies do.
>Some self-identify.
Excuse me, did you assume his celibacy?
It's insane how much I've learn about the lgbts on Yea Forums of all places. Why do people who profess to hate trannies know so much about them in detail? I didn't know what a deadname was until I started posting here.
>my enemies are stupid, evil, and want to destroy everything I value
>they shouldn't be hypocrites! that's not fair!
does it really surprise you?
>Why do people who profess to hate trannies know so much about them in detail?
You don't hunt a coyote by not knowing about them.
>I didn't know what a deadname was until I started posting here.
Alright Bubba, spill it out, what the fuck is a deadname?
>Why do people who profess to hate trannies know so much about them in detail?
Because they're obsessed with them. They see them everywhere. Everything they don't like is trannies. Everything that inconveniences them is trannies. Anyone who disagrees is trannies.
what’s wrong with a little scrutiny? does the thought of analyzing something in a critical manner hurt your underused brain?
It sure got your vagina itchy
They did? How'd she look?
*open wound
>autistic levels of dedication and detail bordering on obsession
>"a little scrutiny"
>>Everyone who disagrees with me about Star Wars is a tranny
sounds like something a tranny would say
So it's wrong to mutilate your genitals, but circumcision is fine?
Oh please, even the old Simpsons make that joke, it's a classic.
I think user was upset about how much that joke bleeds over into real life not the joke itself
You don't do physical activity right?, it's not just her arms, her legs and back too.
>everybody in this thread
Initiate carnal knowledge
Right, but kids imitating it isn't a new trend. It's the same argument for violence in cartoons and vidya that handwringing church types have been crying about for decades. Arguing that it's a new thing to be blamed on sjws boogeyman is absurd.
What's funny is I was in Disney a year after this was announced. I did see a RotJ figure set, I believe pic related. I think the set is from 2014 though, but they were still selling it.
Both are for faggots.
Hell, my local Disney Store still had that set in 2016. Might still have it, I haven't been there in a while.
>Rex is officially the that one old Rebel on Endor
that's pretty cool actually
exactly glad you get it now
Do you think George Lucas and Steven Spielberg invited a then 27 year-old Carrie Fisher to snort some coke with them and then gangbang her while she wore the slave outfit?
>Six months after the episode's airing, Filoni revealed in an interview with IGN he ultimately choose to not canonize the theory because he felt that laying down an already established character prior to his coming to Star Wars wasn't correct, adding that Rex could have been present at Endor and not be Sant, even though some fans could choose to believe that Sant and Rex are the same individual while other choose to not do so.
Honestly this is for the best, since Nik Sant's fate in the battle is to dress up as a scout trooper, get captured, and then die without having contributed anything to the battle. Rex deserves better than that.
Maybe Steven. George was too square for coke parties.
It probably has to do with recent events in the comic. She makes one with mad science.
Compare it to the original. Lei was competent in both. In the original, so were Han, Luke, and Chewbacca, and while Leia snarked at them, it wasn't constant. And she didn't have constant Dreamworks Face.
It's a bunch of short snippets in a compilation trailer. Your conclusions are drawn from incomplete data.
You do understand that people are upset that this, just like TLJ, shits on the character of Luke. This is worse because it retroactively makes him useless. It is clear that Disney doesn’t care about arguably the most important Star Wars character
Could've gotten Carrie's stunt double, too.
>Why do people who profess to hate trannies know so much about them in detail?
It's as if familiarity with something does not necessarily result in positive feelings towards it. Kind of like how racism is only a thing in places where different races of people live together.
When someone transitions, they often change their name in order to pass as a different sex (many names are gendered). And in melodramatic fashion, they may regard their past identity as being "dead" and take offense if someone they knew in the past refers to them by their old name. Even if it's still the legally applicable name.
>Kind of like how racism is only a thing in places where different races of people live together.
Are you really this stupid or do you have to try?
You never hear about the glorious French race and the savage germans do you?
Tip: WW1
this never made any sense
there is no way in hell she is strong enough to strangle him
>multiple 1-2 minute shorts showing Luke being badass
>15 seconds of Luke being kind of dumb in a Leia short
>Kind of like how racism is only a thing in places where different races of people live together.
>incomplete data
The topic of the thread is that compilation trailer and its portrayal of Leia and the other characters. The data is complete.
Nah man, this fucking 45 second babys' first Star Wars commercial bump is definitiveand will always matter, and must live up to my standards
This place is overrun with insecure, white male virgins who have to twist every piece of media they see to make themselves into victims.
Otherwise they wouldn't have anything to complain about.
>expecting these faggots to actually watch the thing they're throwing a tantrum about
Just wait until they discover the first ep of Ying Yang Yo
Isn't he mostly right though? People usually start to hate a specific group of people if they have some kind of negative personal experiences with them. But if some ethnicity lives in the opposite side of the world and you have no interactions with that ethnicity or any kind of knowledge about their culture at all, you don't have any reason to either like or hate them.
Like for example, a lot of Europeans may dislike gypsies and a lot of Americans may dislike Mexicans, but the opposite is rare. There are barely any Mexicans in Europe or gypsies in America; because of that, there's no familiarity with their culture, no negative experiences, and no reason for people to feel racist about them.
Anyway, those Star Wars shorts are a bit pointless but I've still liked them. The one where Luke was a goofball was okay too. At that point in the saga, he was a rookie with no fighting experience while Leia was an established rebel leader who shot a guy in cold blood during the first few minutes of the movie. The short just comically exaggerated their character traits. All those shorts have done exaggerations for the sake of artistic license, and most of them seem to paint Luke as cooler than he appeared in the movies.
Manga Luke was kind of cute.
Wish they hadn't mirrored the pages, though. Japanese art makes me expect from-right-to-left reading order, so I always keep reading this comic the wrong way.
Incels are an organized group who self-identified as that after stealing the term from an online forum of asexuals who were sick of being incorrectly labeled as celibate. They are known to traffic in mysoginistic conspiracies. The murderer Elliot Rodger was one of them and is celebrated among their communities.
We mock them, and those who traffic in the same bullshit, like we mock that nutcase who shot up a grocery store because he thought a ghost girl from a fucking kids cartoon would be his waifu. They’re crazy losers.
>Isn't he mostly right though?
Short answer, no. Long answer, this isn't the place for /pol/-tier racebait shitposting.
I don't remember Leia being this toned but I love it. These shorts are usually nice but I don't like they show things completely differently. These are for kids, imagine them actually watching SW because they see these only to get disappointed.
As for this particular femdom episode, I got something to fap to so it is alright.
What manga is that?
How convenient to just dismiss the reasoning there . But think for a moment. Where is most, say, anti-black racism in the US? In the South, where most black people live. Do you think that's a coincidence? You can look up maps of where people are more or less racist, and compare them to maps of racial distributions. I would expect that you don't regularly encounter anti-Uyghur racism. Where do you think it can be found?
To put this another way, people are lazy. They don't usually preoccupy themselves with thoughts of total strangers they'll never meet, or base their daily actions on those thoughts. Racism only makes sense as a behavior if people actually encounter people of other races. How do you think racism works?
>image name.png
>still trying to turn this into a /pol/ thread
Yes, yes, 13%, 50% we know, go away already
Don't even respond to it. Just report and ignore. Telling it to fuck off only feeds its victim complex.
Damn i thought it was just random gibberish. Sorry and thanks
Go fuck yourself.
Social justice is delusions dressed up in social niceties and feminism is an extension of the dishonesty. Men and women are inherently different and attempting to obfuscate that fact with modernist tripe is quite literally the antithesis of art.
Art is the exposure of universal truth via creative expression. You can never create true art based on lies.
Aren't you just proving his point?
You don't need to carve an orifice down there because one occurs naturally you fucking retard.
this. only faggots use meme of the week language.
Well alright but you're still the one getting offended by being called an incel
Literally the same scenes except you don't make the male characters incompetent in order to showcase the female's ability.
Leia underwent torture and all sorts of hardships in the original movie and came out spunky and capable without making the male cast look completely retarded.
I'm so fucking disgusted with you people.
have sex
Which of those make Leia look like an incompetent bimbo?
Why do companies think that they can't make women strong or interesting without bringing down male characters?
Was Leia shown being kind of dumb in the Luke shorts?
I love this shit. They should do a animated movie post empire pre TFA and us Mark Hamill for voice. Ford if he wants (he doesn't)
it's nu Yea Forumsermin buzzword garbage, basically discord tranny 2 electric jew igloo.
I like old man Luke in Star Wars episode 8, who made a fool out of his murderous raging purely evil nephew.
Oh no, but this doesn't fit the casualgaters narrative!
hahaha fucking idiot
Is the gif supposed to help your argument? It doesn't show much.
No it's so you can look for yourself. All the fights are excellent.
>You can never create true art based on lies.
The obvious thing being that both "true" and "art" are subjective, because fags like you lie even about what is true.
>Racism only makes sense as a behavior if people actually encounter people of other races.
>lies about statistics of racism even though the most racist states are the ones with very few blacks because all they know about blacks they learn from the media
Or they see blacks being shown on tv as thug characters or being the arrested party in the majority of televised stories. They don't ever have to meet a black person to be racist towards them. See: all of asia.
>It's as if familiarity with something does not necessarily result in positive feelings towards it.
You're implying that anons who hate trannies know about them in staggering detail first, then decide to hate them, but that's absurdly wrong. It's simple.
1. user hates tranny
2. user seethes so hard he becomes obsessed
3. user spends free time researching his newly minted enemy/target
Just like the movies
>ignores all the shorts of luke being a badass to whine about the one short where he isn't
>because he self inserts as luke and this hurts his feelings and already fragile ego
There is no pleasing you "people". Even if Luke is forever from now shown as an inept dumbass, he would still be a far better hero with more accomplishments than you at your best.
batman vs tmnt is pretty great all things considered.
Has there been any recent slave Leia merch released after 2016 that you know of?
I'm starting to worry.
>I'm starting to worry.
SWfags rise up?
Serious question. Why would God make such an ugly creature?
Honestly, I can't wait to see Grievous appear in one of these shorts, but I also can't let myself get too hopeful since the odds are he will be as shitty as always.
What did he do to get his entire character retconned, again?
Slugs! Nipples for men!
wow, this new version of their first encounter actually feels less interesting, more boring and less intense even tho they added all the bells and whistles and pretty sparks to make it "better"
It is true. New SW fans really are stupid. You LITERALLY need flashes of color and fast movements to caught their attention
>>lies about statistics of racism even though the most racist states are the ones with very few blacks because all they know about blacks they learn from the media
they did like the PT.
The term “incel” is unironically used by the news now ever since that guy shot a bunch of people.
>Which one?
Take a pick.
To have every possibility available.
>less interesting, more boring and less intense
>atmosphere that made the original scene so good
I don't understand what you're trying to say, user.
>Kick Vader
>he staggers
The "official" answer is that his character hadn't been written by The Pottery Lord yet, and Gendy made him cool because he looked cool, but it was the Potter's grand design from the start that Grevious be a conniving snake of a character
I bet it's that Lucas got salty that Gendy made a better greviuos than he ever could, and just retconned it away
>Grievous was cool once and then became king of jobbing faglords forever
I could cry
So many daddy issue.
Were you an amish mormon raised as a slave on scientology crewship? How sheltered are you?
>I bet it's that Lucas got salty that Gendy made a better greviuos than he ever could, and just retconned it away
That doesn't make much sense seeing that Lucas hiself asked for the second season and for Genndy to set up the invasion of Coruscant and the kidnapping of Palpatine, setting up the cought and everything.
I think it had to do with grievous not having a defined character and him being completely different in final scripts that the "jedi killer" that was described to Genndy.
Yeah, IIRC Genndy was just given the art for Grievous and told he was a Jedi killer and not much else. So he just improvised.
Why is there no fucking porn of this show
If I recall correctly Lucas openly stated he felt General Grievous was "too cool and too powerful" compared to Anakin, and so people would take Grievous as a better villain than Anakin's turn to Vader.
One would say you can apply this to practically every other main villain from SW that isn't Vader himself or Sheev, but Grievous' case in particular is just too painful to look at.
>too cool and too powerful compared to Anakin
You could argue the cool factor but if he was worried about him apearing more powerful than Vader then he could have shown just how OP the force really is and just how horrifiying Vader could really be.
That scene has better tension and atmosphere, but I can't get over that clumsy and useless twirl Luke does. Jesus christ just look at that faggot.
>If I recall correctly Lucas openly stated he felt General Grievous was "too cool and too powerful" compared to Anakin, and so people would take Grievous as a better villain than Anakin's turn to Vader.
Source? This is the first I've ever heard that he said anything like this.
That wasn’t disney, idiot. That was Dave and George.
>Walk into thread, hoping for some new Slave Leia Galaxy of Adventure content/lewds
>More botching about Disney/Lucas with more RLM dick sucking
For the love of god, how hard is it for an user to get some sexy space princesses??? Post some fucking content.
Are you fucking daft
Some day I would like to rip off General Grievous without all the George Lucas flaws that come with him and then put him in a game as the main antagonist
or something of the sort.
>New SW fans really are stupid. You LITERALLY need flashes of color and fast movements to caught their attention
you say about the faggots that won't stop fapping over the Ben vs Maul fight
no one said this was BETTER than the original fight but don't get pissy when, unbelievably, people actually like looking at good dynamic animation/action
Shut up, tranny
What's stopping you from making your very own Commander Calamitous or the like? Add some extra arms, change the color scheme, it's no big deal. People steal characters all the time.
Her nipples are huge
When you try to change the Star Wars canon to make everyone but Leia stupid