Guest-starring Super-Skrull
Ms. Marvel Annual #1 preview
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Gotta admit, I think short-hair Kamala is cute.
Anyway, that's it until Wednesday.
Kek of maximum proportions.
>Scott Kree
Hah, sneaky. Though does Visaggio know Marvel owns the rights to Miracleman too? Also he speaks like anything but a Kree.
Well, that's the kind of haircut that gives me a boner.
I'm betting Kamala can control her hair like Medusa and spends time messing around with shapeshifting hairstyles.
How is the Super Skrull not killing people with the ability to make invisible force fields in people’s throats and suffocating them?
Invisible Woman is the strongest member of the FF and he has her powers + the others...
So basically, zap Kamala to crank up her shapeshifting, make her flesh embiggen and consume the entire planet, and then forge new skrulls out of it.
I doubt either of them are taking Kamala's dimension-warping powers into account, so I'm expecting this to be a big surprise for Kl'rt.
Finally a villain worthy of Kamala's power-level
That hair made Kamala more cuter! CUTER! AND DEM FRECKLES!
I ship them
>Scott Kree
They first met when Sue was the weak link in the team, so it probably never even occurred to him her powers could be used like that.
This new Kamala pleases my penis.
Wait, that's supposed to be Kamala? That looks pretty awful.
Looking forward to Captain Super, I guess
Frank's son.
Nice, now we can say that all the instances Constrictor appeared as a super villain after Avengers the Initiatve, even though it didn't make any sense, it was actually Constrictor Jr.
Could be worse.
Kekimus maximus
"Sweating through their underwear"
Kamala doesn't even have bare legs.
Also, have you heard about open toed shoes, ballerinas, flats, sandals?
Americans hate shoes that aren't sneakers.
>Kamala doesn't even have bare legs.
Do you EVEN know what the character is about?
Make Carol proud, Kamala.
Kamala's new was reminding me of something, and I finally figured out what.
she's fought kl'rt
kl'rt's also impersonated her to seduce mar-vell
Yeah, muh inclusion and muh representation.
Marvel wanting to Muslim demographic.
Go back to Twitter, imbecile.
The biggest-name villain she's fought as of yet.
> Scott Kree
> he's a Funky Flashman expy of sort
OK, this is starting on a interesting note
she be cute, but she be not MUH KAMALA
I know, and based on this page , Carol's history with the Supre-Skrull will probably be a big plot point.
No, it likely won't. At best, Kamala will mention Carol's past with him for one page and then it'll never be spoken of again. The focus is on Kamala dealing with Kl'rt, not Carol.
>Captain Miracle aka Scott Kree
cheeki breeki
You have now disproven the arguments.
Well done.
So what exactly will the choice of title "The Sting" mean in regards to this story? I'm not quite sure how any kind of sting has to do with two shapeshifters duking it out in Jersey.
"Sweating through their underwear"
>How is the Super Skrull not killing people with the ability to make invisible force fields in people’s throats and suffocating them?
Because he's usually written as a warrior with some sense of honor. He might be able to end fights immediately by using Sue's powers to murder people, but it's not in-character for him any more than it is for her.
Skrulls being scammed by Kree?
I dunno... Seems more like the pitch is legit, but it's going to be what happens that will make them both regret using Kamala for the plan.
He's a reference to Mister Miracle aka Scott Free, not Marvelman. You don't need to jam pack shit together for no reason.
Yeah, Sue has had years of backseat power driving by the Earth's smartest man. And sometimes Reed also probably adds his input
I realized it afterwards when I saw the actual name of the guy.
I remember Kl'rt making force bubbles inside people
Isn't Constrictor dead? Or is this his unnamed illgitimate child trying to ape him.
Hiw many Kree Captains are there now, there's also Captain Glory and I want to see more of him.
Hell you can do something with this for a Carol story, come on Marvel do a mini Kree Captain event.
"Captain Marvel: Into The Captainverse"
My guess that it didn't work because Mar-Vell was super into Una until he met Elysius (him and Anella is a retcon).
yeah. frank is dead.
Arcade killed him, right?
Just remembered that Kamala's Inhuman ancestor was attacked by Skrulls way, way back. That might come into play here.
No, cancer dis.
>Super-Skrull tells kamala and bruno about his predecessor
>Bruno realizes that his predecessor was cucked by the predecessor of kamala
>Bruno realizes that his ancestor was cuckholded so hard that their genes cloned itself 861 years later
>He proceeds to fall into a depression that leads to suicide
>Kamala before the death of his friend falls into depression and ends up fucking with everyone he knows trying to forget Bruno
>She ends up abandoning her faith and starts to get frustrated about her life while his fame grows
>She it ends up becoming Carol2.0