Why most western cartoon for girls look like crap...

Why most western cartoon for girls look like crap? And why American localizations for magical girl anime are so bastardized (like the ones for Cardcaptor Sakura, Tokyo Mew Mew and Smile Precure) ?

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Honestly kill yourself weeb

Because girls looking pretty and cute is shameful and degrading and sexist, all cartoon characters need to be butch and need to not have feminine stylized bodies to avoid the male gaze.

But girls in cartoon for girls are still slim and feminine. It's the art style and animation that make the shows so awful.

>But girls in cartoon for girls are still slim and feminine. It's the art style and animation that make the shows so awful.
Not anymore they arent. Need proof just look at netflix newest incarnation of she ra.

I said "cartoon for girls", not "cartoon for millennials".

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American localizations have always been bastardized regardless of genre.

>I said "cartoon for girls", not "cartoon for millennials".
Whats the difference

Girls are kids. Millennials are adults. Are you retarded or something?

>Ignoring Barbie
>Ignoring Lady Miraculous
>Ignoring Lolirock
>Ignoring Winx Club
No. It's not some conspiracy to eliminate "sexiness" or whatever, it's just that most of the time, the show has a terrible artstyle.

and some failures of existence still make apologetics for the practice

But millennial-appealing cartoon like She-Ra reboot are indeed trying to eliminate sexiness.

Most apologetics are either translators for said localizations or shitty american voice actors that waste most of their time whining about SJW crap like #PerformanceMatters and #KickVic.

>that waste most of their time whining about SJW crap like #PerformanceMatters and #KickVic.
Whats the former about?


Listen dude, I don't want to talk about She-Ra. I'm pretty fucking fatigued about it. But if you honestly think that just because one show based off a property from the 80's that Mattel wanted fuck all to do with is indicative of "how the West is killing beauty" or whatever, expand your fucking horizons.

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>Winx Club
That is still going on?

Yeah, i know nothing about that
>But if you honestly think that just because one show based off a property from the 80's that Mattel wanted fuck all to do with is indicative of "how the West is killing beauty" or whatever, expand your fucking horizons.
Its a good example of that agenda but not the only one. Look at margot robbie bitching about her slutty sucide squad outfit.

>"It only happened to one show, dude!"
Denial much?

#PerformanceMatters was just a shitty hashtag nobody cared about besides SJWs and voice actors themselves and it was pushed really hard by entitled American voice actors that demanded the loyalties and treatment of Hollywood stars.

Then give me some other examples.

The queen in the new battletoads loosing her sexualized outfit

Honestly surprised just how 4Kids like Glitter Force turned out to be. Thought all their kinds of whacked out "censorship" died with them but I guess Saban keeps it going.

Hows the original glitterforce

Just the usual. It actually takes place in Japan, there's a lot more violence, they get emotional/dramatic way more often. You know how it goes with magical girl show adaptions.

They localized Precure to not take place in Japan, and they removed violence from a show intended for girls in elementary school?

Among others they also removed all references to Japanese culture and some of the episodes were never aired in Glitter Force.

Just seems like VAs want to get paid more. What are people mad about?

They are already well paid and they demanded additional profits from the games' sales as well.

Because they have the delusion that their work is as important as the other key positions like direction, soundtrack etc while nobody cares about shitty voice acting in video games and they would be ok without them. This is why video games companies didn't gave a shit about voice actors' strike and it was soon forgotten.

According to what most "localization" companies change and such, Japanese children are fucking hardcore.

I remember watching the episodes where they go to Kyoto for some school trip. In the dub they say it's a Japanese culture expo.

Yup. Just compare certain Power Ranger seasons with their Sentai counterparts. Even just the first one.

MMPR Season 1
>5 teenagers with attitude are given powers by a space wizard to fight an alien witch who wants to take over the world

>5 knights from an ancient race of dinosaur men are resurrected by a wizard to use the powers of the Dinosaur God to stop a witch from destroying the world by sacrificing kids to Satan

>mfw they called Okonomiyaki "Japanese pizza"

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They changed the music of Yasuharu Takanashi, one of the best composers in an industry where even the most mediocre soundtrack is a work of genius compared to American TV.


200 IQ move.

Just the utter difference with how Power Rangers and it's original Japanese show work astounds me. It's honestly quite interesting.

At least Power Rangers is a separate product for American audience based on a Japanese franchise while Glitter Force is just a shitty, stupefied localization. Also Power Rangers actually takes places in USA while in Glitter Force it's quite obvious that it takes place in Japan (unless okonomiyaki restaurants is the norm in USA).

It's funny that Japan is so often accused of being xenophobic and closed off, but then localized anime keeps trying to erase anything that's Japanese while many anime take place in foreign settings.

Also it's funny that USA keeps bragging about how great is multiculturalism while they butcher Japanese media to "appeal to a wider audience".

I believe Netflix recently made some sort of spinoff are are working on a live action movie.
Yet they didn't actually care enough to maintain the rights for more than the final season of the original.

Yeah. It's still going.

The bastardization is because of (Do it Cheap) DiC Entertainment a lot of the time.
There are cultural differences and themes that the soccermoms and bible thumpers see as too strange or degenerate.
Zero understanding on their part in this day and age to realize that anyone worth their salt is no longer beholden to their censorship.

The crap look in western girl cartoons (really cartoons in general) is because of Cal-arts a lot of the time, but also just the hipster queer mindset of
>everything is beautiful
>standards don't exist and to have them is "problematic"
etc. platitudes to excuse their lack of effort
The sad truth is how much still gets sent to South Korean animation studios who could make something halfway decent, but the character designs are by talent-less human waste who couldn't even manage a character design.
Even when the show is a reboot of something that nailed it perfectly way back then.

I feel like the west can't even make a bad Sailor Moon clone.
What you get is just a fettid anus of a show like Lolirock or WITCH where it is like
>Make this one black
>Make this one brown
>Make a message for every episode about morals
It is defunct endeavor from square one.

Attached: Sailor Moon - 01 - The Crybaby Usagi`s Beautiful Transformation.mkv_snapshot_10.39_[2019.01.04_00.21 (540x480, 64K)

Just like my 4kids dubbed childhood

What is up with burgers always ruining anime? youtu.be/uuZCgvrXn1g

There's a difference, stop being so obtuse to feed into your persecution fetish.

this user has a decent point, if you gonna make a ref, GET IT RIGHT AND GO THE EXTRA MILE!

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>all cartoon characters need to be butch
There’s a cartoon where all the women look like this?

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if we are talking about japanese precure, WHAT VIOLENCE? precure is just by the numbers super sentai for little girls and to sell girl toys.

fucking Rayearth had more gritty violence than those!

why is that these threads just come and go, you are no fun anymore!

nice picture.

Take your vote for what the response will be.

>implying super sentai isn't violent

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>it's another "mad at a girls show because they aren't fappable" episode.
This is legit the weakest argument on this site. Just check out As Told By Ginger to see how art style doesn't equal quality.

Blame the Simpsons for giving voice actors the idea that they need to be as important as the creator and the writers of the show.

>There’s a cartoon where all the women look like this?
Yes, pic related
Oh fuck off, their is nothing wrong with making characters attractive. But there is something wrong with going out of your way to make characters ugly to spite men.

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If you voted She-Ra, congratulations.

>Early 2000 relaunch Kamen Rider
>Actually NOT watching any since

Nigger, watch any sentai from the 80s and then watch any modern sentai post Timeranger and come back and talk to me.

budget/time crunch or the company doing the funding doesn't want too fork over a shit load of money in the off chance they'll make a return, they'd rather go cheap and easy to hire for.
i don't watch many magical girl anime so i wouldn't know how crap the localization is.