Has there been a moment in bruce's life that was entirely positive?

Has there been a moment in bruce's life that was entirely positive?

Attached: Sal-Buscema-hulk-art-marvel-heroes.jpg (736x690, 133K)

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That one comic where he shrank and married a queen

>Increases geometrically
That makes zero sense.

Too angry to make sense.

he won on Saakar and got to bang a silver waifu

Yes it does. As long as the increase is multiplied by the same number each time he gets stronger.

I'm sure there was a happy moment or two with Betty

but of course the status quo won't let him be happy

hell even some of his hulk persona's got fucked over by outside events.
joe fixit had a great thing going on in vegas before savage hulk took over again.

Attached: endofplanethulk.png (940x926, 2.02M)

Man Bruce's life seems like a endless tragedy. His early life sucks, His school life sucks, His Adult life really sucks, His romantic and financial life is horrendous and his future allways makes him the badguy

I wonder how this dude ever has enough money to eat, hygiene, etc.. But I vaguely remember that he sells his inventions and has a small fortune.

He was happy is Sakaar.

World war Hulk was so dumb


Was that a common adjective to use for everything in the 70's? I see people throw "awesome" whenever they can in them

It’s kinda weird how he instantly concluded it was the Illuminati and not sabotage by some other party

It was before the colloquial use of awesome turned it into a synonym for "cool" and it still meant "inspiring awe."

if i was bruce i would just give up and make a deal with hulk to let him have my inteligency and take my life for good.

The Devil Hulk tried that back when he was seemingly evil.


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That time he could control his transformations and was pardoned by the government, even getting a parade in his honor.

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His friendship with Jim Wilson ended because of positivity

For most of the Silver Age when his identity was still secret he was still employed by the US military until he was accused of being a spy. In the Bronze Age he ate by taking odd jobs and the kindness of strangers in his wanderings. For a brief period he got an apartment owned by a woman named April Sommers which he paid for with a blank check and then got a construction job.

hey, at least he isn't She-Hulk

Mr Fixit's Girlfriend while he lived for free in a Las Vegas Casino.

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is that Colossus or Captain Marvel/Shazam?

Shazam. No, it's Colossus.

but Bruce didn't experience it

To be fair the Illuminati were largely behind Civil War so it was a case of karma catching up with them that they would get the blame for the planet blowing up.

She leaves Bruce and fucks his best friend. They later find out she is a former porn star.

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Best bait I've seen today

top kek

Rick Jones' bachelor party was the stuff of legends. Nick Fury hires a stripper and tells Cap she's a magician.

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And Cap is too embarrassed to watch porn with his friends.

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Could a Hulk fan tell me if it gets better once he has his own series
I read the Tales to Astonish run and while it was good at first it quickly turned into Hulk Team-Up where every story was just him fighting a guest hero or guest villain.

this might be the funniest thing i've seen all week

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I imagine he was pretty thrilled when he found out he was getting his own pinball machine.

Attached: Hulk pinball flyer.jpg (618x1238, 263K)

cutting a wrestling promo with Venom was a pretty high point for me at least

Attached: venom-and-hulk.jpg (1024x1535, 630K)

kinda sad it didn't came out a bit later, right at the beginning of the 80's is when pinball machines really started to get crazy with it's gimmicks like Whirlwind, the original Black Knight and Black Hole.
This table look fairly generic for it's time.


There are quite a few guest stars when he gets his own title and the stories start getting super-rushed (lots of fight scenes and big panels), but yes, things generally improve. The Galaxy Master arc was considered a classic in it's day and is pretty fun, the Leader's return is one of his best stories (it actually makes the cliché ''madman tries to nuke the world'' plot suspenseful) and the stand-alone stories have a great horror vibe. Herb Trimpe's art is also awesome.

The characterization gets really inconsistent though. Ross goes from almost a full-on villain in his own right to other times being downright reasonable, The Hulk still occasionally strays into outright villainy like in the original 1962 run, and, while it doesn't happen for a while, when the first ''Banner is the true monster, not Hulk'' story happens, it honestly is kinda shocking (and very prescient of Millar's Hulk in The Ultimates).

>Man Bruce's life seems like a endless tragedy.

You can say the same for almost any Marvel character, except three out of the Fantastic Four I guess. Fuck Reed Richards, what an asshole that guy is.

Okay thanks. Onto the next Epic then.

>T. Victor Von Doom

>the Illuminati were largely behind Civil War
Half of them wasn’t even involved

If you want more, check out the rest in Incredible Hulk #417. One of the highlights of the PAD run.

I'm still mad. They killed her off the exact same way as Captain Stacy.

He used to have travelers cheques pinned to the inside of his pants pocket.

I wanna see more of Professor Hulk and Venom dicking around.

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That isn't geometric that is exponential

>and, while it doesn't happen for a while, when the first ''Banner is the true monster, not Hulk'' story happens, it honestly is kinda shocking (and very prescient of Millar's Hulk in The Ultimates).

Are referring to the Doc Samson fight?

Wouldn't exponential be that the multiplied number is increased each time? Like 2 x 2 = 4, then it'd be 4 x 2, etc.

Hulk fan here.
No, it doesn't get better, honestly.
The other user that responded is playing apolegetic.
And Herb Trimpe sucked.
It doesn't get better until about halfway through Bill Mantlo's run, about 289.
You might want to get some reference earlier in the run, but,
Mantlo was the guy to finally have the balls to give Banner control (for a while) over the Hulk.
This opened the door for all the possibilities PAD had to work with.
Anyway, Mantlo leaves after about 312, which is a great issue, and PAD takes over after Byrne fucks it up.
PAD was very good at first, McFarlane's art sucked, but the Pantheon saga and Prof Hulk sucked balls.
(Hector was literally a ball sucker and Jim has AIDs).
So, there ya go, that's the best of Vol 2 (1968).

no it isn't. Exponential is x^e, geometric is pic related, though usually it is mathematically represented as 1/x so that it is a convergent series.

>like pic related
>forget to post pic
the math tard in me

Attached: geometric series.gif (300x300, 3K)

he just knew the kid in the metal mask was 14. cap is that awesome

Proof of what a hack PAD is.

Isn't the person in the mask The Thing?

Since when hulk has down syndrome ?

Hmm well I'll keep going and see how it goes. It's disappointing because in the beginning it had the makings of becoming my favorite silver age comic, I loved the serialized storytelling and it felt like some really major and important things were happening. But it hit the holding pattern after it was revealed to everyone that Bruce was Hulk.

Well, a mechanical moving Hulk was in the Avengers pinball machine.

Attached: Avengers pinball flyer.jpg (1200x1553, 922K)

That's a pretty good assessment.
Aside from a few key issues:
First Samson, First Wolverine, maybe were Betty and Banner are finally walking down the aisle, and Rhino busts in...
Bruce's pardon,
I'd skip to about #288, nothing of importance will be missed.
Mantlo hit a good stride (sucked before that, he was previously only a fill-in writer before taking on Hulk.)
Also, some of the annuals are very, very good, offhand, 5,6,and 7.

That's officially too much jaw

He's just being a shitter. Things pick back up with Tales to Astonish #88.