ITT characters only you seem to like anymore
ITT characters only you seem to like anymore
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She got much betternafter the fomic where she realized her defining trait is her selfishness
Basic bitches really make the show. But everyone seems to just like the goth waifu
That's because you wanna resize her rectum
The alien one was pretty cool
Too lewd
Also Monster Debbie was a fun episode
I didn't finish season 4 cause i stopped caring as soon as i realized they we're gonna make Mina the big bad and have her be defeeated in less then ten episodes. But in a similair way for Nefcy, I can't help but like Star regardless of S3 and 4.
Not the OP but
>implying you don't
Mabel was always based.
Sometime during season 2, the incel army of MGTOWtrannies decided that Gravity Falls was going to be the hill they dilated on, and Mabel became their prime target with ridiculous exaggerations like that she was at fault for bill's end of series frat party """"""""apocalypse""""""".
Other useful idiots, ie Pazdipfags and Dipper self-insertionists joined in and became a loud minority that made it seem like the whole board hated Mabel when it was no more than maybe 30%
She literally was
>implying you don't
I'll admit, You've got me there
I want to breed Mabel
>The Furniture of the law
I wish that was the tag line of the movie
Now this just makes me angry
>the incel army of MGTOWtrannies
Fuck off tumblr
She a dumb hoe.
You okay there user?
I just hate shit like that.
> hur let me use the new buzzwords all together
Lurk more newfag from tumblr and stop shilling.your shitty characters from a bad show
>the hill they dilated on
Ah okay
some one made it, it's own theme song
Still better then Slipknot
>hating slipknot
Leave faggot
Wanna fucking go nibba?
vapid popular bimbo in a high school setting is really a character type that I'll never get bored with
It's better than alot of things...
Cause I unironically like it and 90% of what that guy makes
>people don't like cunts that ruin the entire fucking universe
Bringing up the debbies has made me brainstorm a story scenario where a character unwittingly blackpills a populr girl and after being rejected by her herd of click kids he has to now take responsibility picking up her shattered psyche and she becomes his cum dumpster in the process.
>That's because you wanna resize her rectum
Well of course but thats beside the point, she really is a fun character
>period between shilling and your
Fatfingers McPhoneposter detected.
Possibly the same person who replied the other three times due to similar writing styles and iPhone filenames.
OP here, i love mabel but please leave the buzzwords at the door and just talk about best twin please
Yeah I heard about that one from /aco/. That's one way to end the series i guess.
She was fun until Hirsch character assassinated her as hard as he possibly could.
Don't tell other people what to do, faggot.
I dont get this, didnt every other character act like an asshole just to shoehorn the moral at the end? And dipper was an annoying cunt anyways so maybe thats why i dont have seething mabel hate like everyone else because i never liked him.
Don't type while you're sleepy user. You make people worry for you.
Has anyone ever cared about the inhumans?
Medusa is fine with me though her trying to cuck Black Bolt with The Human Torch made me like her a bit less.
I liked them back when they where more of a secret Society that you could only found in the mountains or on the Moon and not 1 to 1 copies of the X-Men.
I can still find Mabel fans (yay!) but God help me if anyone else likes Blooregard Q. Kazoo.
>I didn't finish season 4 cause i stopped caring as soon as i realized they we're gonna make Mina the big bad and have her be defeeated in less then ten episodes.
Final bosses don't usually job before they even fight the heroes
It's impossible to talk about this interpretation here without Yea Forums having a complete meltdown.
Hey look, Peter Stark
Mabel is a terrible character and you are wrong for liking her.
I love carnage, user
I got a lego of him recently