Post cartoons complaining about smartphones

Post cartoons complaining about smartphones

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Other urls found in this thread: OF OLD THUS NOW&rlz=1C1AOHY_frFR712FR712&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=zKqAZdgPldkAGM%3A%2Cyj_hgPzVR2eRDM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRyZEqramgVidk24Af_GLUiblsgqQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjfyN7F2o7jAhWE3OAKHYHdBjEQ9QEwAHoECAUQBA#imgrc=zKqAZdgPldkAGM:

Damn, it really is the same....

Crummy smartphones? You should post cartoons about water!

>heil twitter

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Why crummy smartphones? I'd rather post comics about water

Why are boomers so jealous of kids with technology?

does this mean we should go back to being nazis? I can't go with that message.

why are you so proud of burning $1800+ a year to access wikipedia and play candy crush?


where the fuck do cell plans cost that much

you should check your budget, how much your yearly phone """rent""" cost + how much your service itself cost.. you fell for the monthly jew.

>soul vs soulless

“If men learn this, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls; they will cease to exercise memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks. What you have discovered is a recipe not for memory, but for reminder. And it is no true wisdom that you offer your disciples, but only its semblance, for by telling them of many things without teaching them you will make them seem to know much, while for the most part they know nothing, and as men filled, not with wisdom, but with the conceit of wisdom, they will be a burden to their fellows.”

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I have nearly 200 PDF books in my laptop

If only i knew how to read.
About 90% of reference books and scientific research papers are on these two sites.
Good luck finding them at your local library.

The only thing books have over PDFs is that they're printed in high resolution and don't need a battery. In every other parameter, digital wins.

>the only thing books have over PDFs..

At least books don't need to boot up first nor do they spy on you. :-)

I bought my phone for cash money and I'm paying $8/month.

>I have an even better teleporter that can take me anywhere I want to go quickly
>it's called a bus

user, libraries HAVE a record of all the books you borrowed under your name.
Sure, they are less likely to sell this data than a website is, but that doesn't mean they don't spy on you. They absolutely do.

how many of those have you read and how many of those did you enjoy ?

Yeah the ones you check out, anything questionable, just read it in the building or photocopy a few pages a time to reconstruct the books.

Like normal people do you fucking schmuck.

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If you're worried about eBooks spying on you use Linux or BSD.

Is it very common for people to photocopy entire books over time at the library secretly out of fear of being watched?

About 40 Nearly all of them were/are Non-Fiction books on /k/ related stuff
I enjoyed learning the information I guess

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Among paranoid schizophrenics, yes

.....what is this trying to prove?

my 120 bucks phone lasted 5 years and i pay 5 a month for unlimited stuff and 40gb

Casually searching for Mein Kampf on the internet and downloading a PDF? Very risky, definitely gonna get you arrested!
Walking into the library in a trenchoat and a fedora, then photocopying Mein Kampf while frantically looking left and right to see if people aren't spying on you? Normal human behavior, move along, nothing to see here

>I bought my phone
an you do it every year, and somehow you convinced yourself the price "doesn't count"

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The ones that say this never had to do bibliography or a literature review. Digital books and articles are like the second coming of Jesus for researchers.

>.....what is this trying to prove?
that she went to the libary to ask a question she could've googled

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You're dumb as fuck bro

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This comic is not wrong, though.
People who think that libraries should go away simply because we have the internet are retarded. For one, there are still people - albeit few - who don't have a ready access to the internet, and need to use the library computer. It can also be useful in emergencies.
But internet aside, libraries don't just archive crummy old pails of books, they also keep a publicly accessibly archive of recently released magazines, newspapers, properly described and catalogued, they serve as community centers, host events for kids, overall they are great places and don't require much expense to upkeep

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I-is that a giant eyeball?

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I've been through 4 phones in the past 9 years, cost me 600 euros to buy them all, service for two of them was 70 euros, my subscription for unlimited data has been 5 euros a month for the whole duration. Your move, faggot.

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>People who think that libraries should go away simply because we have the internet are retarded.
Sure, sure. Now who's saying this? That's the comic's problem, you understand? It's grasping at straws to make a point because the dipstick writing and drawing the comic seems to think the world and his grandkids are all out to get him with their fancy new iPod Nanos and those Zune thingamajiggies.

Because wet colored paper is a brilliant shield.

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sheep. Think for yourself cuck

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Prove it.

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What systems? Objectively more people the world over are living better than kings would just 150 years ago. Oh wait but phone bad because

This video is so fucking stupid and I hate it. Ironically I see it all the time on Facebook.

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Well, I can personally attest that I know at least one person who unironically says that "libraries are an unnecessary strain on the local economy".
Moreso, I used to believe that to be the case as well. I never really argued in favor of that point, but until I went to university, and started visiting my local library to do schoolwork, I used to live under the impression that they have been entirely replaced by the internet by now.

Oh shit his mouth is really low.
I thought his mouth was the thing below the eyes


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I saw a couple of Paladin Press and similar pdfs on Mpreview the other day, if that tickles your fancy. One of them was about how to conceal shit, and it was pretty fascinating if a little outdated since it's early 80s books. I think they were in the second half, if you sort by albums.

Protip: If you don't like squinting, then zoom in as much as possible. If you do that, you can usually tell the foldername without having to actually open it.

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wow we truly live in a society

Ironic since boomers never read books but are very quick in calling you to tell them how to use that alien tech called a computer.

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Well, it's not too far off.

The world is objectively a better place today than in any point in the past. Disease is less deadly and less prevalent, life expectancy is higher, various quality-of-life measures are higher, proportionately less people are poor, literacy has skyrocketed to almost 100%. We still have problems like extreme inequality, pollution, and others, but in general things are looking up.

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>Argumentum ad verecundiam
People can't be this stupid. This has to be a fake

>since boomers never read books
the irony is that you act exactly like you say those people you hate do.

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This has nothing to do with smartphones, people were rejecting math and science because of their friends/preachers/magazines told them otherwise long before computers existed.

>extreme inequality
and thats a problem why?

Now this is well-presented and biting satire

This one is true, sadly. even the belief in magic is coming back thanks to social media bubbles

>it's impossible for a professional to make mistakes
>it's impossible for a layman to point out errors
>it's impossible to bump into a bigger professional on the internet

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Because inequality leads to instability and if you want prosperity long-term you need moderate equality/inequality, not extreme inequality.

it seems like a wild ride

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how could you miss the point so badly?

And the point is?
This comic is stupid.

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Welfare irons a lot of that out

It's like people think just having the static most basic most brass tax information is enough.

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Yes and no. Welfare perpetuates inequality. An actual working social security system like in some European countries that encourages people to study/work is much better.

Regardless, extreme inequality leads to instability and it hurts medium-term and long-term prosperity.

I like Books and iPhones. I just use them differently

Literally not. It makes things worse

Who defines extreme and moderate?

Ohhh Snap, he got you good

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Did you notice the $ sign, indicating that user is a burger?
Burgers continually get shat on by corporations, but for some bizarre reason they'll rather suck corporate cock than demand government regulations on day to day necessities, because >muh capitalism

Did you know the telecom/ISP lobby has effectively managed to, by law, kill competition in about half of the states?
If you want to start a competing ISP business in those states, it's either downright illegal, absurdly difficult legalwise or existing companies has the legal right to buy your company for a fraction of its worth.

>I don't get it, this is DUMB
dude, are you even 18?

The prosperity of the system. If a system is prosperous in a 1%-own-80%-of-the-wealth situation, it's fine. If that situation creates wars, famines, whatever, then it's extreme inequality.

>they'll rather suck corporate cock than demand government regulations on day to day necessities, because >muh capitalism
I don't know if you are stupid or just a left leaning fag. But you can boycott a corporation. Try that with taxes.

Extreme is pretty self explanatory. Why move the goalpost to semantic nitpicking?

I could ask you the same newfag. What i meant was that you didn't presented a point in this comic. And i think you don't even can do it. The comic is stupid because there is no point to it.

>you can boycott a corporation
Not if by anti-competitive practices you have no alternative, as is the case right now in the US telecom market.

>Extreme is pretty self explanatory.
No it's not. Please tell us, what is extreme

And how do you boycott a corporation when there's no suitable alternative to the necessity they deliver?

I did. Ignore the other user, he's trolling you.

no wonder that guy can't walk, he's got a big honkin' bookcase stuffed where his head should be!

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>an you do it every year
Nice projection, retard.
I bought my current phone back in 2016 and I'm not planning to replace it any time soon.

that IS more of less what happened

>There is only full government or no government
>Hurr durr
It really is summer in here

why weren't they all sent to hell?

Actually true, but also pointless. While with easier access to information people do tend to remember less and have more superficial knowledge, it's the only way to make scientific and social progress with ever increasing complexity of everything around.

>There is only full government or no government
I did not >imply this
Perhaps pic related?

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And a stick of dynamite and a giant freakish rabbit. Bizarro does stuff like that.

>replacing a blade with a dagger
I wonder if deep down inside himself, the artist agree that Diablo mobile is retarded

True. Need a version where people come out of a giant green clover logo looking like this tho

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Is this supposed to be metaphorical? Like the artist thinks their preference for physical media will serve them better if there's a long-term disaster or societal collapse or something? Because a literal interpretation of this cartoon seems too stupid to consider.

>muh summer
Fuck off and stop trying to fit in faggot summerfags haven't been a thing since every little shit got an iPhone and began shitting this place up all day every day.

>oh shit they refuted my bullshit nonargument! i'll call them summer and strawman about absolutes then i'll surely win
No. All or Nothing wasn't even remotely implied.

This has always been one of my favourites. Imagine how superficial your life must be that you're bitter about the death of an advertising medium.

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The problem is you all think your ignorance is as valuable as knowledge,you all think you're the hero who's going to challenge preconceived notions and change the status quo when 99.9% of the time,you're just parroting shit you saw on memes or Breitbart
Not everyone think you are a hero

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Nobody said that though...

Twitter might have been more appropriate, but this is probably the only half-decent comic ITT.

>Argumentum ad populum
People can't be this stupid. You have to be a fake

well, those people are obviously wrong

Beliefs in bullshit we thought was extinct is surfacing back thanks to the Internet.People are now genuinely believing in flat earth to "own the elites",that's how dumb Internet make you


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Indeed ,that's what i said.And people still listen to nobodies with a YouTube account religiously

A magical dagger of destruction would have a lot of applications that wouldn't be appropriate for a magical broadsword of destruction. It wouldn't make the original obsolete, but there's definitely a place for it in the world. The mutant hordes are just triggered because NOT MUH ABOMINATION.

totally the same thing

>does this mean we should go back to being nazis?
yes we should

it would totally fix ALL of the world's problems

Not totally true,Bonnie was not shwon as a tablet addict,Woody was just not her favorite toy by far

What an incel beta cuck


I never understood why people complain about using smartphones in crowded public transport
Do they honestly think people used to talk to strangers or something else while riding the bus?

You nailed it, user.

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wtf I hate Fashion Magazine now

Do you jack yourself raw to pictures of wheat fields ?

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This is so fake it hurts

>big fat bearded minority librarian
I have never seen this irl and don’t expect to.

this one was right though, the noble system crumbled after all.

Im glad that any time I bring up welfare people ln here know its a bad system OF OLD THUS NOW&rlz=1C1AOHY_frFR712FR712&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=zKqAZdgPldkAGM%3A%2Cyj_hgPzVR2eRDM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRyZEqramgVidk24Af_GLUiblsgqQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjfyN7F2o7jAhWE3OAKHYHdBjEQ9QEwAHoECAUQBA#imgrc=zKqAZdgPldkAGM:
Nothing of value was lost then

Depends on what you mean by "welfare". Paying the poor to stay poor? Bad. Paying people to go to school/university/employment-training? Good.

He was right

what's point there? smoking is bad, and women magazine are a modern source of anti-science bullshit like horoscope and keto diet.

the virgin housewife vs the chad suffragette

>implying there is a difference
People are lazy by nature.
Giving them money will only cause them to keep indulging in their old lifestyle.

>a modern source of anti-science bullshit
No comment.Do the math

I mean, they weren't wrong, it just took a while is all.

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>women in medieval times
>capable of reading

>implying there is a difference
Yes, there is a measurable difference between paying someone to sit at home and cash checks and paying someone to go to employment training after which they get a job. One is a system that benefits society and the other is a system that hurts society, can you tell which is which?

What's even happening here? The guy is smashing his phone because it has low battery?

Most people don't conceive school loans/public schooling/whatever under the umbrella of "social welfare" and the other forms of it incentivize being a fucking parasite.

>skirt waist cut higher than the bellybutton

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You wouldn't be such a retard if you read more yourself.

Nobility can go fuck itself you inbred bootlicker.

Well most people don't understand the meaning of "welfare", then.
That's why I explained beforehand that there's the "welfare" welfare of people cashing checks for doing nothing, and an actual system of social welfare that helps people become productive members of society.

There are also people living worse than peasants would 150 years ago.

>Medieval times

The meaning is different, yes.
But what happens is that the person will try to stretch them getting money for as long as possible.
People will usually put in just enough effort in job hunting so they keep getting government money.
Maybe things are different in America, but here in Europe (specifically The Netherlands) we have a huge problem where people do exactly this.

Yes, but how many, proportionately? Overall the vast majority of people are leading better lives, even if a small minority (I don't have numbers, do you?) are living worse lives. And we're still making things better.

incels have sex

>Do they honestly think people used to talk to strangers or something else while riding the bus?

They still do where I live.

>People will usually put in just enough effort in job hunting so they keep getting government money.
Again, depends on the system, and again, I made sure beforehand to say that there are good welfare systems and bad welfare systems.

We mean cashing checks to not work

>good welfare systems
Can you give any examples?
Because I can't come up with any that actually work as designed.

Could've been a good comic if the smartphone said things like "check out this new trend on twitter!", "comment your friend's photo on facebook!", "don't even think of going to bed before replying to this post on Yea Forums, or else your mother will die in her sleep tonight!"

There are also peasants 150 years ago who lived worse than those people did. Consider slavery

You are like small babby. I've been using pic related since 07. Still holds battery for about a week.
Back then shit was made to last, and not carefully constructed to break the second the warranty wears off.

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You realize noble women were actually educated right?

>Can you give any examples?
Sure, but first you have to select a criteria that you define as "good". A welfare system that reduces crime? A welfare system that reduces unemployment? A welfare system that promotes GDP growth? A welfare system that prevents health-related bankruptcies? etc etc etc. It would be easier if you pick a parameter and then you can compare objective values.

Shut the fuck up smartass and say what up mean instead of ultraqualifying everything. People are like 'paying people to be poor is harmful' and you're like 'UM ACTUALLY WEBSTERS DEFINES WELFARE AS ALL THE GOOD THINGS YOU'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT' and someone asks 'like what?' and suddenly its 'UH INSUFFICIENT DATA MORE PARAMATERS NEEDED'.
You are infected with the language virus of needing to be right all the time, over nothing and to no effect. Quit it

I was talking about a welfare system that (almost) isn't abused by people who'd rather live off the money the government gives them than using it to improve their lives.

>going with contracts
>not pay as you go

I asked for ONE qualification. One. You don't want to, that's fine. But then it's an endless game of catch of "that's not what I meant."

I don't think there's a single system that isn't abused. If that's your criteria, then yes, all systems are broken. I think only the laws of physics are not broken.

Middle Ages (or medieval period) lasted from the 5th to the 15th century
>average between 1550 and 1650 data 17.55%

irrelevant % of the general population

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>I don't think there's a single system that isn't abused.
Then why did you claim that there are both good and bad welfare systems?
>If that's your criteria, then yes, all systems are broken.
That was the whole goddamned point: welfare is an inherently broken system. It doesn't matter what kind of welfare it is, it gets exploited.
>I think only the laws of physics are not broken.
What the fuck does this mean in the current context of "our" argument?
Jesus Christ, you really are fucking smartass like said.

Not unless you're offering. Or paying.

This place has always been a gathering point for foreveralones, accusing someone of being a virgin is not considered an insult here. If anything, it's a compliment.
You'd have known that if you weren't a reddit buzzword spewing election tourist.

You know perfectly well we are talking about welfare cheques that go to people not applying for work. You used semantics to argue we didnt mean what we meant, and then when asked to complete your point, you say your definition of the word 'welfare' is too broad. It's just tiresome because we all knew what we were talking about and you're asking for assistance in making your own point, while acting like people don't understand.

>A welfare system that reduces crime? A welfare system that reduces unemployment? A welfare system that promotes GDP growth? A welfare system that prevents health-related bankruptcies?
It looked to me like the topic was welfare systems that reduce unemployment. But if you can provide an example of each of those, I'd be curious to hear.

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I'm sorry, you have trouble understanding. Just because a system is abused doesn't mean it's 100% bad. For example you can shoplift from a grocery store, does that mean capitalism is "inherently broken"?

If you insist on this silly idea that if something can be abused then it's "inherently broken" then you can stay mad.

>moving the goalposts
Just because it was uncommon doesn't mean it never happened

>You used semantics to argue
I didn't make a single argument yet except "some welfare systems are good, pending a criteria you select". You didn't want to select a criteria, so that's that.

People always argue that people would converse on the bus, but who the fuck would randomly talk with a bunch of strangers? Truthfully I was born in the late 90s so I was never an adult before smartphones, but even when I’m on a public bus and I’m not using my phone, I just stare out the window.

>welfare systems that reduce unemployment
See, now that's a solid criteria that can be objectively tested. Let's look into some welfare systems that promote employment!

Looks like you're the moron he was mocking

You can replace the phone with a TV and it would be the perfect 80s comic, change it with a Radio and it would be a perfect 50s comic

Thee thing where people can take mpney their entire life and never try to work or do anything, and spend it all on drugs and mountain few? Thats bad. All of that is bad. That is the broken part of it, and a good system would not allow for it. There are states between 'totally broken' and 'perfect', and the part of welfare where people spend $20,000 a year on drugs and snacks, and the part where people have kods just to increase their welfare check, is broken.
Now talk like a human instead of nervously trying to catch everyone on a technicality. I know welfare is a touchy racial subject and critiquing it can seem right-wing to the untrained eye, but getting prissy and eager to accuse people of not understansing is neither socially concious nor is it mastery

>North England
You're not a very smart man, are you?

>Just because a system is abused doesn't mean it's 100% bad.
No, you don't seem to understand.
Broken =/= unusable.
Capitalism, Just like welfare, is a broken system, precisely because the system can be abused.
Does this mean we all should stop using that system and start using communism instead? Of course not.
We haven't been able to invent any better systems, so we keep using them.
But this does not mean that they're good systems.

He was asking you a rhetorical question for you to support your own case, you that. Youre so arrogant you actually think he's looking to you as a mentor and asking you learning questions, he's testing your knowledge and asking you to build a case. And now that he clarified like you asked you turn around act smug and refuse to answer the question! What a joke.

>all systems are "broken" because they can be abused
I already said that. It seems you're the one playing with semantics.
>But this does not mean that they're good systems.
That's why I said "pick a criteria for good". If you whine less and get down to numbers more you'll find you'll be less argumentative. And all this back and forth is delaying me from giving an actual answer to

Yes Sears died because kids don't know how to use the catalog, that was definitely the problem

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The ones where the kids seem unable to understand what a book is are the dumbest. Like, we get it, kids are dumb, but most of them aren't literal dysfunctional morons

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And here are the numbers

I know this site sucks, it's just the first thing that popped on Google. I'll get a better source.

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Any smartphone's battery can last for a week if you don't have any internet access

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Even if a person never saw a book or heard about it and you gave it one, it would cost it 2 seconds to understand howcit works, human nature makes you learn how to use stuff

It would be the fault of the parent anyways if a kid didn’t know what a book was, they’re supposed to get read to everyday even before school.

>pick a criteria for good
There, that's the best I can do.
If you still can't figure out what makes a system broken, then I give up.
I dislike people like you. You think you know everything there is about a subject and instead of accepting new knowledge, you discard anything new just because it doesn't fit in your worldview.

Okay, let me make this even more clearer.
It may work very well, but if it can be abused, it's still a broken system.

Kinda hard to access something you can't find, grandma.

We have always known exactly what we're talking about, your interjections have always only been your own co fusion, and we do not need a coach throughout this. We all know people who habe used welfare properly and people who abused it. You getting all strict and final about drawing that line is unnecessary. Is the shared wealth wasted or not? Nobody asked for you to dit here and govern the conversation, especially since you're shit at it and constantly ask everyone to define everything we already know, in a conversarion you claim not to be making a point in.

I do think smartphones are a danger slowly unfolding over time though. They've only been a thing for what, ten years? The constant exposure to radiation from wifi and shit like 4/5g, the addictive nature if the internet, the way it warps the development of kid's brains if they're exposed to a smartphone at a young enough age, shit's worrying.

Underrated post

Even though boomer comics are pretty ridiculous it's a fact that smartphone, internet and social media addiction is a problem that will only become worse as time goes on.

They only break if you're using them stupidly. The forced upgrade comes when older models no longer support the newest OS version. And who cares unless you're a poorfag.

Also, if you disable 4G, smartphone batteries easily last a week and higher end models can go two or three. People are just retarded about battery and system resources getting used when they aren't looking at the phone.

Ah, smartphones...
>Expensive to buy and own
>They're turning people (especially younguns) into inattentive zombies
>Annoying as fuck to type on
>Nearly all apps are chock full of annoying ads that are purposely placed so you accidentally tap on them
>Screens are made of brittle glass that will crack if you do so little as bump the phone against a wall or drop it from a couple of feet off the ground
>All phones (and many apps) are part of a botnet that spy on every single tap, photo, call, and text you make

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Better source

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Like I said, all systems can be abused except maybe the laws of physics. Stay mad.
>accepting new knowledge
You provided no new knowledge. You're just mad that no system is perfect.

I agree, but in general things are better, smartphones or no smartphones. There are studies that suggest exposure to smartphones and computers at a young age is harmful for mental development, but there's nothing conclusive yet.

>'there is a huge broken part of welfare that allows people to take money not to work and just waste it and destroy it instead of growing and creating design's
>uh welfare is actually good
>'okay what parts are good?'
>i dont know, ask me more specifically.
>'okay well welfsre abuse is bad'
>define good
>'not abusing welfare'
>hm well some welfare isnt abused, and that is good
>'yeah its bad you can abuse decade's
>um yes but technically an object isnt all bad if only some of it is bad
>so you cant say welfare is bad
>'using welfwre badly is bad'
>yeah but...
Whats the fucking point?

But if you don't have any internet access, you lose the most important benefits of a smartphone. In that case you might just as well have an older, smaller and sturdier phone.

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The Decameron was written in the 14th century, and it literally targets young women as primary audience. There were quite a number of women writers in the era, like Margueritte de Navarre (15th century) who wrote her own collection of novellas, inspired by Boccaccio. You should really read more.

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That's not how the conversation went at all but thanks for playing. In particular, check out the guy yelling in all caps "SYSTEMS THAT CANNOT BE ABUSED"

And to expand on my rambling, things like habitually using google for answers causes a reduction in memory functions, internet porn addiction and all it's harmful effects, shit that right now isn't a big issue, but once all the zoomers that actually grew up with an Iphone since they were 5 hit their 60s, everyone will have brain tumors, Alzheimers, fucked postures, and a whole fucking ensemble of things. Smartphones will slowly ruin us, mark my words.

>Strawman is fucking stupid they went to a library to ask if libraries still exist

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>Like I said, all systems can be abused except maybe the laws of physics. Stay mad.
So you're agreeing with me then?
>You provided no new knowledge. You're just mad that no system is perfect.
Okay, I'll break this down for you:
>I claim that welfare is a broken system because it can be exploited.
>You claim that it isn't a broken system, because it works well (in most cases)
>I claim that even though welfare works for the most part, a lot of it is still exploited, thus it is a broken system
>You say that I'm just using semantics and that welfare isn't a broken system and ask for a criteria of makes welfare a good system
>I, once again, say that a system cannot be good if it can be exploited
>You say that all system can be exploited

based crummyposter

Ever tried to snap a smartphone in half?

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You talking aroubd people like a rhetorical jackass, for no reason. Say what you mean. Welfare is brokem because any individual can abuse it effortlessly, and any individual can decide to act like a retard and get drunk every day and make themselves a hopeless degenerate who literally needs welfare, knowing that doing so is an option instead of just growing and being functional. Its a flaw of letting people on welfare have free will. It is what it is? A flaw in the system. People struggle with jt

>You claim that it isn't a broken system
I never claimed that. You're arguing semantics with yourself and greentexting things I never >implied


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>talking aroubd people like a rhetorical jackass
Actually I'm the only one who provided data and made concrete statements other than "everything that isn't perfect is broken".
I feel like your mad is getting the better of you and preventing you from actually looking at the conversation objectively.

Flip and banana phones may look cool, but having moving parts is a huge nono when it comes to longevity.


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>Just because a system is abused doesn't mean it's 100% bad.
A system is broken if it can be abused.
A broken system is bad.
I literally can't make this more clearer.

Ah yes, your data that proved absolutely nothing.
Sure, welfare works for the most part.
But it is still being exploited which makes the system bad.

So welfare is a good system because all systems can be abused.
Okay, we are saying that abuse of a system is bad. Can we make a system immune to abuse? Maybe, maybe not. Do we have a horde of millions of social and economic dead ends who sap the wealth of the nation and turn it into nothing? Yes. Thats a million times more important than your metaphysical theory talk about entropy in systems. We have an abysmal welfare sink in the US. Who cares about your 'um technically it cant be bad because all things are bad' argument

it's like 8% mate
at what % would you have considered female literacy to be a rarity?

don't try to educate me on my own country's literary history
>targets young women as primary audience
care to provide sources about this?
i've read a few of the novellas in it and i don't remember any being particularly for one sex or the other
just because 7 or the 10 narrators is female it doesn't mean shit about the intended audience

This, people have gotten so used to the metal and silicon bricks that are smartphones that the first foldable smartphone launch got cancelled after tech journalist got ahold of samples because you can't go back to moving parts.

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I can't tell if the author is genuinely on amazon's side or making a funny. I choose to believe they are making a funny.


Semantics and no data sure do beat data and precise definitions!

>So welfare is a good system because all systems can be abused.
No. Stop trying to put words into my mouth.

Also the

>stuff I'd get someday

Just relishing the idea of filling the attic with garbage he'll never use

Hnnng, nostalgiagasm.
I had that one before my 3110. Even had a special beer cover that came as a bonus when I bought it.

Why are you so hung up on preventing discussion of welfare's flaws? If you have a simple point about welfsre's flaws being acceptable, then go ahead and say it. The way it is now, you're forbidding someone from saying it meeds to be fixed because of some verbal technicality. What is with you?

I dunno, i kinda remember looking at catalogs like that when i was a teenager because of the lingerie section and there was less airbrushing of nipples and such.

I had access to actual porn, but something about it being in a catalog made it lewder.

>Semantics and no data sure do beat data and precise definitions!
Please learn how to use data in an argument.
You cannot just throw data at someone and expect them to instantly understand what kind of point you're making with the data.
>No. Stop trying to put words into my mouth.
How about you explain yourself properly for once?

Depends what you mean by worse. Peasants had a lot of vacation time because of the planting season and whatever, but peasants probably didn't have the same psychology as modern people. People work more, but probably have a psychological need to work anyway as a result of schooling pushing people to be constantly on the move and thinking (as much as they can, anyway). The peasant probably didn't have the work jitters.

that phone was also fucking indestructible

Not a fan of those flip phones and never actually owned one of them; just posted a dumb cellphone comic in an attempt to keep the thread a bit more Yea Forums-related.
My favourite phones were those old Nokia phones without moving parts or a touchscreen. Small, long-lasting battery, tough to break, and typing text messages felt more comfortable than with smartphones.

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lets see you get to the moon on your own without writing anything down fuccboi

>some retard makes preposterous claim
>show sources which directly contradict his claim
>he doubles down while claiming you're wrong for disagreeing

Argument on Yea Forums in a nutshell

Funny thing
>Together with his colleague, he analysed over a thousand X-rays of skulls from people ranging from 18 to 86 years old. They measured any spikes and noted what each participant’s posture was like.*

>What the scientists found was striking. The spike was far more prevalent than they had expected, and also a lot more common in the youngest age group: one in four people aged 18-30 had the growth.

>preventing discussion of welfare's flaws
Wat. How am I "preventing" anything?
>How about you explain yourself properly for once?
I already did. This guy asked about a welfare system that reduces unemployment, and I gave him the data You have to be retarded or trolling not to get that.

Stay mad.

>care to provide sources about this?
Read the fucking thing. From the beginning.

>don't try to educate me on my own country's literary history
I will if you don't know shit yourself.

>it's like 8% mate
>at what % would you have considered female literacy to be a rarity?
That's still moving the goalposts. Your original post implied that women in the 17th century couldn't read at all. Also
>Middle Ages (or medieval period) lasted from the 5th to the 15th century
That picture said 1615. That's 17th century.

Someone get that prisoner back to jail

Just ogle the broads in the Victoria's Secret catalog.

Stop trying to put words in ours. All we're saying is the system has at least one flaw needing fixed, therefore its not perfect. You are spazzing out on pure semantics, and are belaboring a useless philosophical distinction in a purely political discussion

You also quoted the guy claiming this:
>A system is broken if it can be abused.
>A broken system is bad.
Can you explain how the data you've shown disproves this?

It is. I'm and I'm still using mine.
The plastic has started to crumble a little though, so I'll probably have to bite the smartphone bullet in a few years.

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that's the hilarity of the image. Imagine that that guy's been through a ton of shit today and he realizes to top it off his phone is almost out of battery. He loses his shit and smashes it in a wild rage, regardless of consequences. It won't make him feel better, it's not even a good idea, but the shit of the world has just got him going and he can't stop.

And there's also some 90 year old Korean War vet with his wife.

They actually don't. Most libraries very specifically don't keep past records of what you checked out, or only the last few in case it turns out there's some damage and they have to figure out where it came from. It's a profession that takes privacy very seriously.
Source: Librarian and ALA member.

You attempted to declare it wrong to call welfare flawed because anything that has good parts can't be called flawed. Flawed means having a flaw, by the way.

Only proving him right

>men used to be cool knights
>now they're fags that smoke pipes and possibly dick too

Wow. He gets wet a little bit later than everyone else because the paper absorbs some water before it collapses onto him.

>typing on smartphones
Is for children who don't care about spelling and grammar. Swipe that shit.

"A broken system is bad" is meaningless semantics. Like I already explained This is a lack of understanding on your part or trolling.

I am not going to argue semantics because you can define everything as "good", "bad", "broken", or whatever you want. That's why I said "specify a criteria", and the only other reasonable person in this thread specified "welfare that reduces unemployment" and I provided data.

Do you see now the difference between arguing semantics and actually providing objective data?

>You attempted to declare it wrong to call welfare flawed
I... never did? I said welfare is flawed? Where did I "attempt to declare it's wrong to call welfare flawed"? What are you talking about?

what a slut on the left

She might be playing games.

Hey, don't shit-talk borzois.

that's the new 3110 though

>Virtuous wives
Did men back then fear getting cucked, too?

Unironic kino even if it is boomer silliness

Okay, let me put this in better words, then:
If the current system of welfare can be exploited by people in the way that people can get money from it without having to put in actual work, then that welfare system should eventually be replaced by a system that does not allow this exploitation to happen even if the current welfare system works for 99% of all people receiving welfare.
Would you agree with this?
Also, please show me how your data proves or disproves this statement. If you can't do that, then that's okay. Admitting that you made a mistake is not something bad.

>tfw i have forward head
>tfw work out and getting some musculature but the hump is still there

We obviously always meant welfare abuse, and your interjection into someone else's conversation asking us to qualify 'good and bad' to you is stupid when youre not coming with a point. What is your point? That we MUST qualify good welfare in order to know welfare abuse happens? We know welfare abuse exists and because of it millions are lost in a hopeless cycle of enabling. That was the only real point, so if you have a point about what part of welfare is good, BRING UP THAT PART OF WELFARE and just say it. Why is it our job to ask you questions about your point to get you to delover a defense of welfare?

My point is old phones don't have wifi or mobile data, hence why the battery can last for a long time. But if you turn off wifi or mobile data on your smartphone, your battery can last for a while. So battery isn't really a selling point for old phones compared to smartphones

I agree, water is a better alternative


>Also, please show me how your data proves or disproves this statement
>Admitting that you made a mistake is not something bad.
My data is unrelated to this statement. I never replied to this statement and the data never addressed this statement. I said your statement is meaningless semantics since you yelled in all-caps and just generally got mad that I was dealing with data instead of your meaningless semantics If you want to keep arguing semantics with yourself and keep being mad at arguing semantics with yourself, go right ahead.

>if you have a point about what part of welfare is good, BRING UP THAT PART OF WELFARE and just say it
I'm sorry you are not able to follow the conversation.

How odd. You'd think the "classic" was the first iteration, but it turns out there's a 3110 [blank], that came out 10 years earlier and looks a lot more like the 5110.

>we were content to just be free

What was tbag whole episode about the graph and bragging you provided superior stats then? What was that big chunk where you said something that is flawed isnt broken, if not semantics? You have a skew train of thought and jump between barely related points. That's why your posts are annoying and irrelevant

>you said something that is flawed isnt broken
I said what? Stop putting words in my mouth.

Is... Is this for real?
Did dumb faggot who made this comic ever considered that, yeah, people would be pissed to know that they'll be getting an objectively inferior version of previous product that was made this way in favor of "reaching the wider consumer base"?
How do you fuck up a webcomic strawman so bad?

old people dont understand new technology so they like to make it seem young people dont understand old technology or simple things like books
no karen just because you are too retarded to use internet explorer and refuse to learn how to use a computer or a smart phone doesnt mean that kids everywhere all magically forgot how to use books or dont know what libraries are
stop shitting on kids to make yourself feel better about being a stubborn old mule you bitter old cunt

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Nah, man, adultery just didn't exist before 2010s.

>your posts are annoying and irrelevant
Maybe if you actually read my posts instead of putting imaginary words I never said into them you won't be so annoyed at them, and you'll find they're actually relevant to the conversation.

>exposure to radiation from wifi and shit like 4/5g
Go away Jill Stein. Did you forget your tin foil hat at home?

whoa.................. we really do live in a soceity..................

> I never replied to this statement and the data never addressed this statement.
replied to If you'd follow the chain of posts, you'd find that I was saying the same goddamned thing an hour ago, in your terms of "good" and "bad".

>I was dealing with data
You presented data that was not at all relevant to the thing we were discussing.
I told you what makes a system "good" or "bad" and you asked again what the criteria for a "good" system was.
I simply replied with what I said before, this time in all caps, hoping you wouldn't ignore it like you did the post before.

What was that big chunk where you said something that is flawed isnt broken, if not semantics?
You're getting mighty off-topic with your "y-you're using semantics!!!" bullshit.
I merely responded in with your own terms.
You still haven't answered my question.
Do you, or do you not, agree with what I asked you in the previous post?

the 5g thing is a real issue

>exposure to radiation from wifi and shit like 4/5g
How about the constant exposure to radiation in form of light? That's a more high-energy radiation than radiowaves.

> anything less than absolute perfection is literally shit

I can't help but find that in both the posts you linked ( and ) there is no mention of "proving or disproving the statement" that "welfare system should eventually be replaced by a system that does not allow this exploitation to happen".
You're delusional.

>you said something that is flawed isnt broken
Again, I never said that, and I'd appreciate if you'd stop putting words into my mouth.

No it's not.

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Medieval boomer
Ah ,the crusades (sip) Good times


>computer bad
>implying anyone outside grorious nippon would even recognize pomf if it wasn't for computers
t. almost 40 and bald.

>> anything less than absolute perfection is literally shit
Not true and not at all what I said.
Something that's bad isn't necessarily completely shit.

My bad, even though I meant to link and , I seemed to think that the numbers were supposed to be relevant to my claim.

Refer, again, to .
>Just because a system is abused doesn't mean it's 100% bad.
A system that can be exploited can be seen as a "bad" system.
I've made this point several times now and you keep avoiding it.
Answer the fucking question smartass, do you agree with or not?

computers are going out, though, because people couldn't be assed to learn, they went to smartphone where you can fingerpaint like a toddler to get anything instead.

>people who complain about boomers complaining about kids using phones instead of books complain about kids using phones instead of computers

my phone plan is $60/month and my phone cost $200 and I've had it over a year
how the FUCK are you spending that much money


>huuur it's the reader's fault that the writer's point is poorly communicated and full of holes
I guess the reason people don't like Linkara's comic Light bringer isn't because it's poorly written schlock, it's because they're just too gosh darn dumb to appreciate the deep and complicated message

Actually seems like fun

only people who talk to strangers on public transportation are oversharing, lonely old people. Without a phone or friend right next to them, normal people look out the window, stare into blank space or read a book. In ye olden days they may have also listened to something on their mp3 player.

>rent phones in this day and age

dont you have anything else to do instead of shitposting on Yea Forums grandpa?

>it's not rent, it's surprise leasing

Eh, I let oversharing lonely old white people or crazies talk to me on the train.
A lot of older people need help getting on the right train or getting off on the right stop. It's no skin off of my nose to help them and also listen to their problems.

user means "rent" as in "buy with a discount if you sign up for a 2 year subscription". It may seem like you only paid 100 $ for that nice new phone, but in reality you're paying 100 $ + 24*[monthly subscription fee].

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Retarded late-boomer.
Libraries of certain sizes uniformly had rows of telephones as researchers for legal firms, journalists, and old people would rely on them.
The library has always been multimedia and for public utility


I prefer the good old burner phone, lets you send dick picks anonymously.

this is fucking dumb

i love it

>A system that can be exploited can be seen as a "bad" system.
You are aware you are advocating against a free market right now, right?

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Of course I do.
The free market is, just like welfare, a broken system.
We should find a better system to replace it, but none have been found so far.

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Is that a sucking his own dick joke?

The system you are looking for is totalitarianism.
Because ultimate certainty means ultimate control.

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>Hey fokes I know you want X but we'd prefer to make Y with an X skin.
>What!?! You're mad? Pff fucking gate keeper, how dare you want the thing you like.

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You're right.
However, people will never allow themselves to be ruled over.
There will always be rebels to the current system.
So while totalitarianism could be a perfect system, people will never allow it.

Needs a Twitter update but this ones on point.

My calc professor in university had to be corrected by the class or his TA's every five to six problems because he'd usually forget to carry something or copy the problem down wrong. To be fair, it was only his second quarter teaching instead of doing research, and he was obviously pretty nervous.

But according to you I guess no one should have pointed out that he got it wrong, and we should have all just sat there twiddling our thumbs while he wasted ten minutes trying to figure out why he wasn't getting the right answer.

hence there is no perfect system, and the ones that may be considered one in one sense is maximally undeseriable in another. In other words flawedness by itself is a useless criterion.

Attached: It+sounds+like+the+researchers+felt+terrible+about+this+i+_3f43d25eb2940a106f6239911e40562b.jpg (249x326, 27K)

>hence there is no perfect system
We don't know that.
Until every type of system has been thought of, we cannot say such a system exists or not.

Every generation thinks the one after them is the worst one anyway

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imagine unironically thinking the modern world is better than pre modernity

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No, it's a training your abs joke.

Imagine thinking otherwise. I really wish everyone who thinks things used to be better were transported to their beloved pre-modernity.

swiping is basically how one turns pages anyway.

10/10, it's always dumb shit that gets me

What gets me me isn't how dumb the joke is, it's that some chick is approached by a stranger who wants to "give her a good time" and she immediately assumes he intends to give her money, food and gifts instead of just wanting to fuck.

I like having access to the entirety of human knowledge and experience at my fingertips and being able to try food from almost every culture by driving a few miles.

>I'm incapable of connecting to younger generations because my values are corrupt and I'm willfully ignorant of absolutely everything that doesn't easily benefit me
>it's the smartphone's fault!

>get sesame seed stuck in gum
>get abcess
>get infection
>get heart condition
>live in constant pain from rotten teeth
>have a tooth removed by local shaman, treated with herbs and voodoo
>twisted tooth root tears chunk out of your jaw, no x-rays remember
>new constant pain and grinding sound when you chew
>die of heart attack at 42
close to nature is absolute bullshit. How many parasitic and fungal infections have you ever had at the same time? You'd be amazed how sick a human can get and still persist.

painted covers should be a thing again

Libraries near me exist to give homeless people a place to masturbate.
Next question.


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>do you rather find love, or live with pain

That's me and my mother except reversed.
I ask questions and she never answers.

Humans invented roads and at large crossroads, towns, and landmarks business set up there to take advantage of it.

i get it, is about people living with anger over nothing, when life is actually very short to get bothered by stupid shit.
honestly clever.

I hate The Oatmeal so fucking much.

>t. Jealous peasant

I haven't laughed this hard in a while OP, thank you. That picture killed me.

>$1800+ a year to access wikipedia and play candy crush?


It's Wulff Morgenthaler if you can be assed to look for more. You may know him as "that guy that made Princess".

But Generation Z is based and redpilled, I love those little faggots.

>an you do it every year

my last phone lasted me 4 years, only superficial people replace their phone every year out of fashion

>Interstate exit has stores that sell food and gas to travelers that need them
oh shit guess we better go back to subsistence farming then

>even old people in places like India can't stand smartphone

Oh no, an area where people can get food, gas and possibly lodgings is terrible? Better tell the Romans roads are a bad idea.

Zits is primarily about Jeremy and his parents communicating poorly and has been since the 90s. That cell phone used to be a magazine, Walkman, or landline.

It's less of a "boomer vs. tech" than a "kids don't tell parents shit" joke.


Only boomers even know this term.

Did you ever watch?

Jokes on you, I bought a decent smartphone running most games and apps fluidly for 100€ and only have to pay 5€/month for infinite calls and texting plus 4g.

Fucking americans

Attached: hey kid.jpg (500x375, 18K)

>HAIL PEWDIEPIE **Nazi salute**

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I used to look at the Sears catalog, but only during the Christmas season to decide what I wanted that year. Years later, it was to jerk of to the lingerie section. Who the fuck looks back at shit like that and things 'oh what magical times'?

It would actually make a fun game. Imagine all those kids ran off to hide, and someone randomly got a tweet that told them "you're it", mixing together tag with hide and seek and making something new.

>Nobody's perving on this girl
I am disappointed in you Yea Forums

Someone make an edit where it's buckets of water in the first 3 panels and then her playing with Pokemon creatures.

I pay 160 a year

I would say make the guys also really fat and carrying a BB gun.

>We put time and energy into building lasting relationships...
If only you had put that same energy into making the designs for your characters.

Our ancestors obviously didn't kill themselves due to having to live in the cages, and I don't see people on the streets violently orgasming due to having indoor plumbing either. Which leads me to believe that material progress doesn't have particularly great effect on people's happiness. Sure, people might live longer, but are they living better?

As for going back, it's a poor argument. We lack skills and habits to thrive in more primitive society, but that doesn't make it worse. People who smoke crack can't easily stop either, but that doesn't mean crack addiction is good for them.

I really hate Moby.

damn right, I miss the third reich too.

Reminder that Plato/Socrates was the stupid old Boomer of ancient athens. Read Aristotle.

It's a stupid comic, it basically implies "who gives a shit, it's just a rando on the internet", like it's literally impossible that some professor works every be wrong about things, and that being told that you're wrong warrants no inspection whatsoever, just dismiss it because it's invalid by default. It's a thinly veiled ad hominem attack on the internet guy just to excuse your vanity and hubris.

>Objectively more people the world over are living better than kings would just 150 years ago
If I was a king 150 years ago, I would have an army to invade my enemies, a secret police to arrest my enemies, an army of maidservants to force myself on and to take care of my other needs, an army of manservants for the same (If I were into this sorts of things) and subjects who think I can cure them by touch.

Sure, I might die a few decades later now, but without any of my enemies tortured in my dungeon before being hanged on the main square, have I ever truly lived?


I think the context is that this is an actual thing that happened to the author who works in a library.

I remember when having a phone that could flip was a selling point.

>Boomer complains about modern technology
>livelihood largely comes from drawing and publishing media for digital distribution
Boomerism should be declared a mental disorder.

>Guerrilla warfare
>Military Manuals
>New Government
Um user

How the fuck is this even gatekeeping?

It still is.

>hurr durr your not real gaymurr if you play the mobile version
Anyway if there's one thing I learned from dealing with fan communities, is that you ignore everything they say because they're fucking retards.

Airbrush is a tool in digital graphics, everyone knows this term.

Yeah but that's not what's happening in that comic. What's happening in that comic is the consumer base expressing dissapointment with a corporate product to the product's creator.
What fucking gate are they even keeping? They just don't like the product.

What games do you even play on a smartphone? I remember there used to be some nice ones in 2010, but I tried to find something recently and it's all shit. Literally everything is trash.

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Rhythm games and region locked jap games.

Yes but boomers don't understand technology real problems. They could easily btfo young people if they knew about this era issues,

Attached: c655c6a8933e10f1c1d7511899f7370e.jpg (455x700, 40K)

My dad does. I don't. Fuck I'd still be using a flip phone right now if he didn't have this borderline autistic compulsion to keep upgrading his phones and giving me his old ones despite telling her I don't need them. It's bananas.

Not really, it's a novelty at best. Even the nips have started using touch bricks instead.

>Our ancestors obviously didn't kill themselves due to having to live in the cages
Neither do most people today.

> and I don't see people on the streets violently orgasming due to having indoor plumbing either.
But you also don't see them violently shitting out worms due to not having indoor plumbing. Actually, this reminds me, if you want your precious pre-modern lifestyle, move to rural India. Of course, it's not a 100% true pre-modern experience, you will still have access to the internet and modern medicine, but it's pretty close.

>Sure, people might live longer, but are they living better?
I'd say yes, but it depends on your values. Yes, a person can be equally happy as a medieval peasant and as a modern day millionaire, or equally unhappy. But modern life does not make you unhappy per se. If you know how to be happy with what you have, you can live a long and happy life, and also have access to everything the modern world has. You can learn things, move to a different country, take up a hobby, shitpost on Yea Forums.

>As for going back, it's a poor argument. We lack skills and habits to thrive in more primitive society, but that doesn't make it worse.
It's not hard to learn the skills, some people do it.

Not sure if it's jealousy so much as reaction to what seems like an enormous social change. Smartphones make communication very easy, but it's in a way very unlike what they understand in a practical sense. They only see the downsides without the benefits and so it seems crazy and wrong the younger folk are all headed down that path, even proudly so.

My last chemistry teacher actually didn't want to bother forcing us to memorize the periodic table because constant internet access made it largely a redundant exercise.

>Neither do most people today.
I don't think you understand my argument. My argument is that subjective sense of happiness and life satisfaction does not increase with material progress. Which I demonstrated by extrapolating people's mood - if we are in normal mood now, our cavemen ancestors would be suicidally depressed. If our cavemen ancestors were in normal mood, we would be euphoric 24/7. Neither of which is true.

That's accurate though. Or economists. Or scientists!

Were people ever required to memorize it? I'm a physicist and I don't remember anything except hydrogen and helium.

I remember first 3 periods because my childhood was pretty boring.

But the point is THAT system did collapse. From our perspective, this is a good thing, from their perspective it was catastrophic, you fucking NPC. So, when OUR system collapses, our successors (probably the mudslimes) are going to repost these comics and laugh at us.

So, no, you don't have a point.

In fairness, this is basically the modern-day equivalent of an Inn you would stop at while on your way to other places. Only instead of sleeping in rat-infested bales of hay and eating stale bread you get big macs and air-conditioning.

We're overdue for a big war. The basic social fabric of democracy is bring strained throughout the West. Global climate change will probably force millions at or below the equator northwards to countries that can't support them. Automation will soon bring us to the crisis point of transition to a post-labor economy. China is becoming a cyberpunk dystopia.

We're in the Roaring 20s right before the crash.

>not wanting to waste tax dollars so a bunch of homeless people can jack off in a corner during the winter makes you retarded
I want you to fucking die nigger. You hear me? Die.

Canada has worse ISP/Telecoms than the US by a fair margin.

Did you miss r34 of her posted like yesterday?

Braces are so fucking hot

I'm wasting tax dollars to give them shelter and food already, so what?

I'm not even going to bother looking up Leaf net, but I can almost guarantee you Greenland has it worse. A 10 mbps line will easily cost you the equivalent of ~360$/month. And I'm not sure you can even get higher than that.

pls post it

>implying Strayanet doesn't get shafted the hardest

Honestly this one just shows how shitty and far behind technology schools are.

I've noticed this within my lifetime, actually.

My plan costs $35 a month, $420 a year.
Where the hell are you that a phone plan costs $1800?

10/10 would aspirate on my coffee again

>mfw just ordered 500/500mbit internet for ~11€/month
Living in a shitty community housing apartment does have a perk after all.
For comparison my old net was 30/2mbit for ~50€/month.

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>not epub
Enjoy your bloated filesizes and lack of responsive text.

But she was asking him his opinion

Because it makes them feel better for not knowing how to use it.
Much easier than learning.

>Middle Ages (or medieval period) lasted from the 5th to the 15th century
And 1615 is in the 17th century, you fucking faggot.

Accurate. America is a silly place.

I actually enjoy zits

Prepaid phone, only need to buy a $20 card every three months.

>spread my seeds
>give me water
>fertilize me

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>Panel 1: Everyone is smiling at newspaper guy but he just grimaces at this
>Panel 2: it starts raining and suddenly newspaper guy's demeanor shifts to elation
>Panel 3: He's ecstatic that everyone elses electronics might get wet
Why is newspaper guy such an antisocial cunt?

God bless UgoJesse

Yes the constant disease, war, and shit living conditions really sell it

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>the special needs row

Only sad thing about that is that price of gasoline

Yeah, I don't mind it either. Even if Zits often has clashes between teenagers and parents, I feel like it's pretty balanced and relatable for both sides.

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Why did they take their phones away?

Well played memelord

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>kid just wants to talk to his gf
>mom keeps pestering him with irrelevant shit

libraries still exist because it's pretty hard to find full books, magazines and movies online for free

Does this count?

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>hurr mine is smaller so it's better
That phone can access more literature and information that that library could ever hold at one time. What's a thousand books to a billion?

If going to heaven meant that the only thing you had to do was make chit chat with other people for the rest of eternity I would prefer cessation of existence.

why do we live in a society

what the fuck

Statistically, more Boomers aren't reading than younger people

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this but with twitter

You know the funniest part? It's boomers on the internet who are resurfacing these beliefs.
They never really went away, but in the "good ol days" the bitter flat earther would only share his beliefs with his children and easily manipulable friends. Now they post it on the internet since their kids have access to public information and have decided to not listen anymore.
Like, I just discovered many members of my extended family don't believe in evolution or the advancement of technology, but I never knew because I don't usually pay attention to anything they talk about.

>Nuh-uh. I just made a comic which says you're wrong.

comic artists who trace this poorly are bad and should feel bad

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UgoJesse is the most based of all autistic niggers, I'm gonna let the tracing slide

people with proven knowledge=/= people with authority.
Stop playing with words you clearly don't understand

>don't belive in the advancement of technology

>in any format
Grossly misleading numbers. Substract the comicbooks and kiddie shit like Curious George if you want real numbers.

I am mildly disappointed. Unless that's a crop.

Boomer spotted

Government is the mark of civilization, you can have a corrupt corporate government, a socially responsible democratic government, a psychotic militaristic autocracy, etc. But ultimately, you can either live in civilized society with a governing body, or outside of it in complete primitive anarchy.

Even the people who contanstly yell "muh taxes" and "government get out" still advocate for more government rule to control or destroy they things they personally dislike.

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>>Screens are made of brittle glass that will crack if you do so little as bump the phone against a wall or drop it from a couple of feet off the ground
How the fuck do you even break smartphone glass?
I have never so much as cracked one and I have deliberately tossed one at a wall before, what the fuck are you people even doing?

As opposed to what?
The disease, war, and shit living conditions are still all around you, you're just in the social class that worries about it less.

Based and fetchpilled

Trips of truth

If it's an Iphone, simply letting it fall 30 inches off the edge of a desk onto a vinyl floor. If it lands at the right angle you are fucked. Why do you think people spend 40-60 dollars on screen protectors for their Ijew?

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I'm sure a man made this

Why do the children have the hairlines of middle aged men?

>Why do you think people spend 40-60 dollars on screen protectors for their Ijew?
I've never had an iphone mostly just samsungs but I always figured people with broken screens were some kind of colossal retards that were trying to bounce bowling balls off of their phones to end up in the dipshit hall of fame or something.
Because the smartphone screens I've dealt with are not at all easy to break.

If the artist is suggesting that people don’t think about political issues or get as involved as they used to then maybe i could buy what they’re saying but im pretty sure they’re just equating smart phone usage with being a nazi.

Does that turn you on?

>In every other parameter, digital wins.
I can go back and rewrite all those books with false narratives and lies and if you accuse me I will just call you a conspiracy theorist and a bigot.

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>that comic
Now that is a bad take if ever I've seen one.

Shit dude that's what Texas does with their printed textbooks already.

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I want to fuck the girl on the left she seems wholesome and damn that's such a rarity.

You bitches think I'm joking but when every girl is dressed up as a whore you get fucking tired of the bullshit and want something fucking different.

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Diseases aren’t as prevalent in plague form anymore at least in developed nations. War isn’t going world war every 3 years and has mostly stuck to a few areas. Shit living conditions have improved with heating and cooling units not to mention hot water. Some areas are better off than most I’ll agree to that


Knowing WulffMorgenthaler, this comic is actually making fun of comics complaining about smartphones, and other "Thus of ould, thus now"-style comics.

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>and lies and if you accuse me I will just call you a conspiracy theorist and a bigot.
Ohh, it's a Nazi. Ah.
Also unless you're living in the Matrix how the fuck do you doctor a scientific paper? They include the methods they used to reach their conclusions, specifically so that you can try to prove them wrong.

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That's actually kind of funny.

is this the ancient guy that complained about the youth?

i want to memorize that speech and use it as a punchline whenever i hear complains " kids, these days!"

I want you to live a happy and comfortable life so that you never have to jack off in a library, friend

No, you're just a degenerate.

The gini coefficient does usually a high coefficient over .7 is considered extreme

Did you forget you can use phones to talk to people? Oh right you have no friends to talk to.

How so?

I don't get it. Why is that f turning those judges into normal people?

This one is actually true

Same here. I though his face was angry and he for some reason had a second, smiling mouth instead of a dick.

Unironically based as fuck

Don't forget the bird beneath the wheelchair.

What year is the left? I'm gonna see if I can't go find a scan

don't worry, fashion trends are becoming more more conservative now.


Socrates is a nigger

Why? Do you want to read "Virtuous wives"?
Anyway, it's November 1917 and the cover art is by Harrison Fisher.

Looks like the signature says 1917, which wouldn't be entirely off with the price being 20 cents.

>old phones don't have wifi or mobile data
Flip phones do though.

Shouldnt you be in the middle of a shota orgy Socrates?

Edit where he is pointing to the teacher

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We all have cell phones so, c'mon, let's get real.

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>We all
this is how you get called a NPC so much.

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Porn pls

I'd 2017 mom

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this comic is bad but I do like that one of the angry guys is holding some keys, indicating that he is quite literally a toxic gatekeeper as a profession.

>have been a neet for 5 years
>no phone


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Wait, that still works since Jesus referred to salvation as the living water.

Trust me, they will do that anyway. Behind the grocery store, inside the mall, in public parks, wherever. I guess we better get rid of all those.

Waterposting is the true light

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Attached: 4.png (1080x1080, 598K)

this is far and away the best recent meme to come out of this shitty website

the scientists are all in on it, according to guys like these

>if only there was a racist woman hater on the train
>i would totally kick his ass
>then people would definitely like me

I tend to talk to people on the bus, but only because they engage.
I talk to a lot of weird people, old people, crazy people, autists, etc. they always try to talk to me and I have to sit there and engage back.
Like the one old guy who went on a crazy mumbling rant about three eyed fish and radiation and then sequed into raving about Freddy Mercury’s beautiful voice

They are getting pretty censorious.

I don't get water meme. Is it based, if very remotely, off the water pail or pokemon fetching comic?

>Like the one old guy who went on a crazy mumbling rant about three eyed fish and radiation and then sequed into raving about Freddy Mercury’s beautiful voice
That old guy sounds like he's seen some shit.

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I am drawn to it

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Actually isn't /pol/ big on the whole hydration thing? Or at least gay frog-free water?

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Training your abs so you can suck your own dick, right?

Though it's more about size and flexibility

>my child is an ugly retarded goblin who I hate
>I eat and eat and the pain doesn't go away

Maybe change "Little Monsters" to "Pokemon Creatures"?

I'm not totally sure but I think it's some kind of combination of "stay hydrated", /r/waterniggas, the water pail/Pokemon comic, and "*schlop schlop schlop*".

Kill yourself

Fuck you


Please, please kill yourself.

bruh moment

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i have an iphone and my screen protector cost a dollar. what are you on about?

any European one.
I.E. one from a non third world country.

I like old magazines. Don't judge me

It was made as a response to people wanting a straight pride parade because the gays get a parade


Someone made an edit of the infamous "crummy pail of water" comic that swapped the kid's priority. Things took off from there. I think it's pretty funny.