How come there's barely any cartoons or comics about girl bullies?

How come there's barely any cartoons or comics about girl bullies?

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Specifically to make it harder for you to fap

They are a common trope, and having the bully be the MC would be a tough sell.

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OP doesnt imply girl bullies have to be the MC, just prominent instead of the stereotypical big jock bully who shoves your head in the toilet. Girl bullies would be relentlessly cruel though, they'd damage the nerd MC's self esteem more than any fists and loss of lunch money would do.

How is this a fetish? It's just a question

Tiff and Brittany from mlaatr
Miranda in as told by ginger
It happens
But mostly in cartoons about girls

There’s nagatoro. I kind of like the idea of the guy finding ways to overcome the bullying or “impressing her” by beating some kind of evil like dipper in gravity falls. Hes got mysteries to solve and pacifica is just there. If the whole show is about bullying like bagatoro it makes me wanna kill myself and self harm cause im an incel

Check out OP's image. Read the text.


How the fuck would that work? Are you saying girl bullies as the MC's or as prominent characters?
Literally anything can be fetishized user and it just so happens that there are many people who want to be stomped on and ridiculed by bullies who happen to be girls.

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Didnt she end up getting cucked?

Anybody else love it when the female bully falls for the nerd

Yes I'm sure all five people who have this fetish are willing to cough up the money to see said show, because no one else will.

>trope done so often that it can be seen coming miles away

How is that done "so often", those kind of pairings almost never happen, tell me what you're talking about because i'd love to know

>those kind of pairings almost never happen
Did you just skip the entirety of the 90s and early 2000s? The trope belongs in the dustbin of history.

Name 5.

Helga Pataki tho

I lived the entire 2000s and the only example i can think of that comes close is that one episode of MLaaTR where Sheldon pays an alpha bitch to fake date him

>had a female bully in school
>kept teasing me
>kept trying to kiss me
>avoided her at all costs

Later on I kind of realized what was going on

Most guys fuck up this way. Wonder if anyone ever married their bully.

Fetishist cope.

No one wants your tired tropes and they arent coming back. Have sex.

She wasn't into you retard, that only happens in cartoons. Chances are you are just a weird kid.

>couldn’t name 5

>had a female bully in school
>seriously hated me
>turned my friends against me
>kept assaulting me
>got so bad that even the class douchebag started defending me

Maybe i shouldn't have commented on her missing front teeth


have sex.

>Fetishist cope.
It's not a fetish, i actually like those stories

>No one wants your tired tropes and they arent coming back.
It was never a thing to begin with

>Have sex.

>t. Projecting fetish onto unpleasant childhood

Love to see the traumatized cucks who were bullied as a kid angry that others want to fap to their misfortune.

Stay mad cucky :^)

Jesus fuck. Your a child, you had every right to just body the cunt.

I can't wait for this thread to get pruned like the shota one from this morning.

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Cope, have sex, seethe.
Lolicond are disgusting degenerates who deserve being put in an institution for preying on kids.

If it involves girls, it's a fetish.

There's also Takagi while you're mentioning manga/anime.. although it's more teasing than bullying per se.

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Shota threads are fine, shotachads are bro tier.
Lolicons are just pedophiles.

Where is the logic here? Either way they are depictions of children.

I supposed i should have been more specific, this was in third grade

It's pretty obvious that shotas are top tier, but what I'm referring to is that some cunt who claimed to have been sexually abused by his sitter from such a young age got salty, called everyone in the thread a pedo, and reported it.

What pisses me off about shota threads is when lolifags shit them up.

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Wew I actually must have touched a nerve there!

And gay too! That must not have gone over well in school :^)

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>been sexually abused by his sitter from such a young age got salty, called everyone in the thread a pedo, and reported it.
I was just shitposting for easy (you)s, is this an actual thing?

Dumb frogposter here, I'm agreeing with you about the cucks.

>t. Mentally ill trannies

Had a chance with Ronnie Anne in the Casagrandes, but Kikeivan fucked it all up

I don't know. I personally believe that at some point, you just have to move on.

I was physically, mentally, and verbally abused by my sitter, but enough time has passed and now I can actually joke about that situation. It's still bad that it happened, but that situation doesn't define me.

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Its pedophilia. You are targeting children with it, simple as.
You are a hedonistic kike, and will get the bullet when you try to prey on white children.


Oh. You were referring to yourself.
>he actually takes shitpost threads like this seriously
Your mistake.

You're not even hiding it, (((Moshe)))

Fapping to drawings harms nobody, idiot.

No. I wasn't that shitposter. Why the fuck would I, a shotacon, want to derail a shota thread?

>t. Shlomo
Your hedonistic tricks are wearing off, kike. Israel is going to be awash in nuclear hellfire.


What are you talking about, i wasn't apart of the shota conversation

People here tend to overlook what a colossal bitch Helga could be.

Could (but isn’t)

Reminder to never trust lolis.

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Another reason for why shotas are the patrician taste.

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no you didnt, but if it helps cope then so be it

>loli street gangs
Damn this city.

The Olga student teacher episode was just on so, yeah, "is".

Shotas are better than lolis as long as the shota is paired with a MILF.

I never said it was okay, I'm just saying how is shota any better?

>No slutty shota getting fucked by an older man

>No shy shota having sex with an older, cooler boy (consensually of course)

>No shota to be bound and gagged by sexually frustrated MILF

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>why no girl bully shows
Obviously they're too busy to bother with us. Probably off fucking Chad and making him cry.

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What the fuck kinda thread did I wander into?

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IDF degeneracy thread.

>no shota who gets used a boy toy by his big sister and her friends during a slumber party
Fuck I'm hard, what were talking about

I was reminding plebs that if the idea of gay shota doesn't even cross their minds, they should get better taste.

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>Zuka thread
>tries to turn this thread into a Robin thread

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So, I shouldn't follow any lolis that want to give me beer and rock cd's?

So this is the jew's fault?

Ok, good enough for me.

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t-there's more of this, right?

If you think the girl playing the heel in cartoons is rare, you ain't looking. Unless you mean a bully main character, in which case that's uncommon either way.

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I can see Chucky raping her in 10th grade while Phi and Lil pin her down and Tommy watches with a wry grin, smoking a vape pen.

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I do like the sound of that, but as usual the time skip ruins it.

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>had a girl bully in middle school
>mostly did unpleasant things as I was a fucking crybaby at the time
>years pass
>now I'm in my late 20's, newly married
>everything's alright, feel the adulthood kicking in
>one day I had a massage from someone I vaguely remember
>It's my girl bully
>eventually decide to meet her because why not
>she was pretty chill, decide to invite her to my family dinner
>secretly explain to my wife that she used to bully me in middle school
>my wife kinda understands what will happen, says okay
>at the evening I invite her into my home
>we drank a lot and talked about "good ol days"
>she kept drinking as I and my wife let her drink more because we were expecting that something would definitely happen
>she had finally explained that she was actually in love with me in middle school in a drunken stupor
>she suddenly understood what was going on, as she had literally told that she loved me in front of my newly wed wife
>she quickly left the home that night crying as if she realized how humiliating and embarrassing that was even though there was nothing to worry about and that was just a childhood crush
>I've never seen or heard from her again
>that night I realised girl bullies stay mentally teenagers regardless of what age they are

I took a different approach. Her name was Heather Pach. I was fed up with being harassed so I gripped her up during recess and kissed her cheek. She went off screeching and never bothered me again. That was the day I accepted my new persona as a superhero. And thus, the adventures of Sexual Assaulter began. Tune in next time for 'She Wasn't That Drunk' part 1 of 3.

>cereal commercial

Okay, name 3.

How do you even get female bullies? Are you guys pansies or something?

These betas failed to see that all females have rape fantasies and were too cowardly to oblige.

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It was in elementary/middle school. What were you expecting?

Tou shouldn't. They would know they have power over you. You think anyone wouldn't abuse that? Think again. A relationship is an equal footing type deal, a good one at least. Unless you want to be someone's bitch, keep the bully romance in fantasy.

Name TWO.

Sorry. I just can't see it. All the girls I've been with are all nice. No one has actively bully me or want to ruin my day. Except for that stupid piece of autistic shit at school. I've tried being nice to her but no. She wants to be a fucking loner. Fuck her. Wasted my time trying to be nice to her.

There was that one user who married his childhood bully

Most girl bullies aren't directly harming or hurting type. It's more like that particular girl who treats you obviously hostile/bad for no reason like not giving you her scissors or doesn't want to be with you in club events, but that's mostly it. That teasing girl bully is just a fetish trope and doesn't happen in real life.

I actually married mine as well. I can only cum when she peg's me in the ass. I'm raising her boyfriend's son too. He's pretty cute for a mulatto.

I ran into girl bullies twice in elementary school. The first time was on a sidewalk. Two middle-school girls ran up to me and started teasing me. I gave them the finger, and then they grabbed me and threatened to beat me up unless I apologized.

The second time was a girl my age. I shoved her to make her stop, and then she cried and ran away. Later that day, her high-school brother took off my shoes and threw me into a puddle.

In hindsight, that first one sounds like the premise for a doujin.

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Would have been hotter if you got raped. By the guy that stole your shoes, I mean. I can just see it, you struggling to catch your breath as he mashes your face into dirty water, tugging off your shorts with his other hand. Then jamming his fingers into your ass until you bleed and pressing his stiff uncut prick inside you as you beg for mercy. But no. There is no mercy in puddle town.

Your little socked feet kick out but there is no one there to help.

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Hot right? Now go play Degrees of Lewdity.

Because they're unrealistic. I once punched a girl for sighing sarcastically at me. Never happened again. Just show the absolute slightest amount of assertiveness and they realize their place.

I'm far too drunk for whatever text based fetish game you have there. It's nearly 7 am and I simply wish to visualize a small boy being sodomized and beaten at the hands of his female bully's older brother. Is that so wrong?!?!

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Go play with the image mod. It made the boy way cuter in the left window. The best part is that he would always get raped and molested by females if you set it that way that is.

>all te girls I've been with are all nice
You are either very handsome, or very lucky. Either way, I am glad for you user

Maybe just lucky because I'm sure as hell I'm not handsome. The girls would always treat me like I'm some naive boy though. Like telling me to never date bad girls or girls that always ask for stuff. Now that I think about it. Maybe they are bullying me. That seems to be pretty condescending.

>You are in a green pasture. There is a house to the north
>There are exits to the S E and N
>There is also a road you should not go down


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I mean, do you not want to know what's down that road?

>You are at a Japanese FTP site. Your lantern is growing dim.

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>Japanese FTP site

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Good question. It feels like there's barely any good ones.

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>tfw no teenage girl bully using today's social atmosphere to manipulate you into doing anything she wants

No,but her friends are starting to get some sexual tension with senpai