Anyone remember this show?

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the cramp twins was shit bu watchable

Why did it seem like they had rickets?

Yeah, I remember it.


This show scared me

I fucking despised it.
Everyone was just so awful and unlikable except the little midget kid, who I couldn't stand looking at for some reason.

If you'd stop bringing it up every fucking month, maybe I wouldn't.

Airtime stealing shit that filled little me with rage. If you've got to fill time with a cheap show throw rerun some fucking hanna-barbera cartoons you worthless suits.

- The soap factory owner was perhaps the most interesting character in the show. The whole idea of him being a swamp person and now being against was pretty interesting. Was this stuff ever expanded?
- Was the whole "cleanliness" thing ever expanded? It seems that a lot of citizens is working inside the factory, swamp people are being despised, there is that agent X. Sounds like a great conspiracy material.

Kinda like the guy who was obsessed with Generation O!.

Of course. One of the better shows, it was very clever.

I remember I used the insult “GIRL PANTS” from that show a lot as a kid. I can’t remember a single episode though.

When I was a kid, I once went to my step grandma's daughter's house, and she locked me in her kids' bedroom with her two kids for a couple days
This show was playing on a tv wedged between the ceiling and a sterno on top of two step stools and a dresser, so no one could reach it to change the channel or turn it off or at least mute it
I would rather fucking kill myself than ever watch that show again, not because I have bad memories associated with it, but because it is the single shittiest fucking cartoon ever squatted onto tv

both of her kids turned out autistic

>and she locked me in her kids' bedroom with her two kids for a couple days
That sounds like abuse

I wish I didn't.

the real abuse came from the tv

fucking hate it

i remember the fight for the fox box.

>Everyone was just so awful and unlikable
that's the fun part

>The shit I was forced to watch because nothing else was on or if I was lucky a good program was about to come on after it but unluckily had to wait.
What's worse is I have nostalgia for it, might have to do with how I would rewrite the plot and change the style in my head. Turned it into a weird Malcolm in middle/KND hybrid with some Dennis the menace by the time I was done.


Fuck you guys i liked it, mean assholes make better tv sorry.

That sounds like a drama movie

That part was actually funny.

But it wasn't they weren't clever or interesting or witty.

I had insomnia as a kid, and there were weird shows I would only catch at the latest hours possible, I remember one was a cartoon POV of a fly but I was barely sure they weren't fever dreams. In trying to catch them however, Cramp twins would air for fucking hours during the night before anything interesting.
I hate the fact I still remember pretty much every shite episode instead of any of the cool weird shows.

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yes, I liked it.

it was moral orel before moral orel

Not a fever dream, you're thinking of Fly Tales.

Some episodes were good

I do. Tho, I can't remember its name.

Similar experience to me, but I always woke up super early

I remember liking Dirty Joe

>cartoons only you liked

All I remember about this show is that the gray monster looking kid was a giant asshole and never got comeuppance for any of the shitty things he did.

I mean you could consider that subversive, but in a kids show it is just annoying, plus the show wasn't helped by being just outright terrible so I avoided it like the plague

>everyone, literally EVERYONE was a raging, maniac asshole
>no one ever got any comeuppance for their actions
>no plotline ever made sense or went anywhere
>ugly as sin

One of those "why the hell this was made" cartoons. I remember it only because it was so bad I always rather started doing my homework rather than watching it.

>mfw i remember that episode where this ugly shit and his dad prank call an old lady and she dies of a heart attack

A challenger appears!

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I remember liking it as well

The cast outside of the MC's are nothing but neat freaks iirc.

Yeah I do, and i loved it. The purple kid was actually pretty funny and made the show good. The other characters were really annoying, especially the parents and Wendy, so it was good to see them suffer.

Plus this was the first ever show I watched when I got Cartoon Network, so I have some nostalgia for it.

Helped that Tom Kenny voiced him for me, plus I hated Lucian. Little whiny bitch.

I always got the vibe that the blue one legitimately wanted to fuck up the other one. I remember asking someone about it and he asked me why i watched the show

I like the teacher with the massive ass.

She was actually one of the better side characters along with Dirty Joe.

I remember a single episode where the good brother had to take a shit really bad while waiting for his dwarf friend to catch giant leeches or slugs in a swamp.

i wish i'd fucking forget

Same here, I wanted to kill myself whenever Fat dog Mendoza was on. Fuck that onion headed motherfucker you made me sick just looking at him.

I really don't think its that awful. Its mediocre while still being watchable and enjoyable. I still enjoy slapping on the odd episode on YouTube for background noise.

Was this Dr. Drakken's son?

Fucking this I would watch it just because there was nothing to watch.

All these people on Yea Forums talking about these weird childhood stories and the worst I remember happening to me as a kid was being locked in a hot back room all day for not eating my eggs during breakfast, after which point I got sick all over the floor.

That and the time one of my friends' dad got drunk and started chasing us around with a knife.

UK here. I had a phase when I was about 6 or 7 when Id wake up at like 2/3 am. The only thing on for hours was Ned's Newt, then Gadget Boy & Heather. Then at about 6am other shows started.

I have no memory of the shows besides the theme songs which give me a weird sleepy comfy nostalgia, except for I remember that glass is made by heating sand because of Ned's Newt.

>Anyone remember this show?
No, stop reminding me.

I think I wached like two episodes as a kid but cant remember anything but how they sound
I think I specifically watched an ep where they have to team up

Every part of this show is bad. Just as I remember. Went to YouTube to watch an episode, and didn’t even finish it. Just, eyuck. Every character that exists onscreen is annoying and terrible.

>the episode where the grandma was trying to literally leave them to the wolves

Yes what's the name again

the trump twins

Cramp Twins


Lol such a disgusting compelling show

>what the fuck was his issue

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I don't think I've ever seen or even heard of this, what channel was it on?

Cartoon Network

Really now, i don't even remember this at all, was it from the 90s or early to mid 2000's?

Mid 2000s-ish