How do you feel about it? Are you excited?

I want a buddy cop show with winter soldier style action, if I get that I'll die happy.

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be honest, even if that's what you get you'll never be happy. you will always find a way to sabotage happiness in your life. that's why you spend friday nights here.

but you are right, you will die one day. and that day will be sad and quiet because no one will be there to mourn your passing.

>We will see this shit more often in comics...

So I guess we will have another Loki series, another Wanda/Vision series and this one.

> A Wanda/Vision comic series.

Haha very funny, user.

IMHO WandaVision is definitely the most interesting due to the potential to be kino, followed by BuckyFalcon...then Loki which I am meh about.

I hope they showcase how good these characters are. They always get fucked over in the huge crossovers.

>I want a buddy cop show

I'm happy we're getting more Loki comics without Aaron's dumb influence

Bucky isn't interesting at all
remove the robot arm and he's basically just male Black Widow
Cable did the robot arm thing so much better

I know its just a way to get Sam to start being Captain America without having to tell the tale in an actual movie.

If they get anything at all in the comics, it will be individual solo minis. Marvel have had years to reunite them in the comics for MCU synergy, and because it's what their fans want, but none of their writers and editors seem to like the pairing at all.

If Marvel Comics still exists in 10 or 20 years, the people working there will have grown up on the MCU, and things may finally change.

wandvision and hawkeye kate bishop the only disney plus shows im looking forward to

I really need to see a trailer to how much money went into it.

>So I guess we will have another Loki series
There actually is one in the works, yes.

>Are you excited?

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>Are you excited?
I'm not excited about any single shit that has been announced for Disney+, not even the Mandolarian. Phase 4 looks weak af too other than GotG vol 3 and Black Panther 2 if they show Namor there but that's all.



It should be a movie.


I want to see Hawkeye's Yakuza adventures

Is there any rumor on who is going to write/direct the episodes at least? Maybe i'll give it a chance
That doesn't mean he's not interesting. Both characters could be fucking great if someone like John McTiernan were on charge

>another Wanda/Vision
why would Wanda appear in comics again? Marvel hates her

It makes up for them not being in Engame, so I’ll take it!

If something like this will make you die happy then your life must really be really bland just like the entertainment you enjoy.

thats exactly what its gonna be

This. They'll heavily lean into the Civil War portrayal, should be fun.

What are the chances of this show involving elements from this comic?

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I'm only really excited for WandaVision, the rest are meh

There's rumors to include U.S Agent, the ones who played Zemo and Sharon Carter had some interviews about being casted

Eh, i'll wait for a trailer

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Add some 80's vibes as well

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If Walker is in this I might actually bother with it.

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If the leaks are true and they use him as an "unstable right-wing super-soldier" that Sam and Bucky have to fight, it may not be what you're hoping for.