What does this guy do?

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Green Lantern shit, only it is Yellow (but not fear related).
Instead of Guardians he's got this body-horror looking tree thing that advises him.

You're looking at it. He stands around looking slick all day.

solid energy constructs and protector of the universe that gets to hang around with Infinity and Eon.

What about personality-wise? Is he just like Green Lantern?


Green Lantern that does not run out of energy.

He is explained as having total control over the light and energy and can apparently manipulate all forms of energy. But it just comes off as generic green lantern giant boxing glove stuff as usual.

pencil pushing science nerd that lucked up with amazing cosmic powers. Like a space Peter Parker only his life didn't suck.

>Space Peter Parker

His name is Wendell Vaughn which is still the worst name in comics.

what is relatable about the guy? He always struck me as too powerful by the way everybody speaks of him. Are his standalones fun?

He always seemed like one of the weakest cosmic guys. He could do a lot of shit but Silver Surfer and Beta Ray Bill have much nicer showings.

Are you sure? I’ve heard stuff about how he’s super powerful because he can absorb anything

That was the status quo for most of his comic run, but he ended up being the avatar of the sister of Eternity, Infinity). Writers using him today probably forget this and go back to using Eon/Epoch, admittedly.

Wendell actually has a fairly well-defined personality unlike most heroes. He was a SHIELD recruit who was failing out from not having the "killer instinct", he was a bit too introspective/contemplative, less aggressive. The only reason the quantum bands didnt destroy him was over this, the aggressive users burned out (and exploded) rapidly. Very polite, can't think of another character who used "sir" and "ma'am" routinely. Darn near paladin levels of Lawful Good.

I loved his solo run, 60 some issues. Could probably pick them up cheap.

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He is powerful Now,he wasn't that strong when he started,The Gruenwald run is all about how he goes from being the typical regular space dude who shoot lights to guardian of the universe.

Quasar. He quases. Duh.

Spoken like someone who has never read Quasar. Also we kinda we talking about him already in here

He dies. A lot.

Mostly know about him from his appearances in Silver Surfer, and surfer usually fucked with him. Like the time Wendell wanted to fight him but Surfer just casually turned him into a reflection on his board. Or the time quasar thought he caught Surfer and then Surfer just flew out of it annoyed.

Or the time Gladiator just effortlessly broke every single quantum shield Wendell put up. He is almost always shows to be weaker than any other major cosmic character over and over again.

Fucking Annihilus killed him pretty quickly. Thing has fought him to a standstill too many times, and Human torch has defeated him in the past.

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He cannot affect darkforce
he cannot affect magic
he cannot affect power cosmic

And usually anyone with decent energy control powers than him can take over control of his own quantum energies. Like herald and elders who are much much better at it than a human with a cool weapon.

Always amazing when a wiki warrior shows up and pretends to be a fan and calls everyone else a casual.

>wiki warrior
Mate I've read his entire run a couple times, what is describing didn't even happen in his own series.

Furthermore, powerlevel fags deserve a bullet. It's usually telling when people skim through the issues to find "weaknesses" without realizing he doesn't have to best their opponents in the same way as every other cosmic bruiser does. He often uses his wits to fool them or to deter them from action since his abilities are for prevention, not brute power (despite being able to tap into unlimited energy to do so).

Also Ronan beat him in a fight and turned him into a battery for a giant space gun. That was pretty sad.

Why was that Avril girl so strong? She teleported/killed thousands of chitauri and broke the shield that too strong for Galactus.

>broke the shield that too strong for Galactus
It's not that it was stronger than Galactus, it's that he didn't even care to intervene. Also it's implied he gave Avril a boost so she could do it.
Wendell is also as strong as she was/is, but it's not like modern writers have used him to that extent, specially when shit like Annihilators happened. It almost feels like DnA didn't know what to do with him so they had him killed, replaced with Phyla, then when he came back he also gave Rich his Quantum Bands, so he was barely even used then.

That would be "quaser"

"affect" might not be quite on-target. The quantum bands have control over the EM spectrum but not all energetic sources in the Marvel U are electromagnetic. As you said, darkforce, magic, power cosmic, and also psionic power are things he could not control. Now, he could still blast the hell out of a darkforce barrier or put up a forcefield to block magical blasts. The bands were also "programmed" to completely *block* psionic controls despite having no control over psionics.

Not the OP but I dont give a crap about power levels, I do like powers being defined such that we know what they can do and cant do. Tell me that the Hulk is strong and durable and I'm fine with that, don't give a crap if he can lift 100 tons or 105 tons or whatever.

>It's not that it was stronger than Galactus
>not even my power can breech it

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Right, my bad, I was going by what Iremembered from the Ultimates2 tie-in, in which he basically laid back and decided there was bigger fish to fry than to care over what was happening on Earth.

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also, as Lifebringer, he might have much lower destructive power.

These quantum bands sounds awesome

He Quasas stuff?

Capullo made a killer look here, really wish they hadn't messed with it