What the hell happened to this cartoon?
Season One:
What the hell happened to this cartoon?
Season One:
Season Three:
Season One:
Season Three:
Why did they change it so much?
Season One Trika:
Season Three Trika:
Who asked for this?
>Gets clothes and learns to walk on legs
Lol what
Comparison chart.
They improved. Humanoid > animal
Since season 1 (and 2?) were NOT RELEASED outside a niche UK channel, I would get this is a very quick reboot. You know, an educated guess.
Good one.
>not even light, subtle changes
>harder shift than Jake Long
>traditional Chinese garb shoehorn
fucking commies ruining everything again
Bottom: we want brony audience
Top: we want furfag audience
Wrong, you fucking furry.
The real question being which one is worse?
it's chink shit, they have not a single idea about what writing means
Where's the porn
Whatever user says. Since user is always right and never wrong, speaking exclusively in facts.
OP did you seriously watch 3 seasons of that garbage to begin with?
Furries watch anything.
I would not mind watching at least 2 seasons, if I had a way. But I do not.