Lex FUCKING Luthor ladies and gentlemen

Lex FUCKING Luthor ladies and gentlemen.

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Why did you post a pic of Jeff Bezos?

Stop introducing yourself, Lex.

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I actually wish Lex introduced himself in comics at events like that
>Introducing the man of the hour.. Lex FUCKING Luthor!

More like Lex ‘Superman is FUCKING my wife’ Luther.

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That Lex Luthor fellow is a real jerk.

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OHNONONONONON How can we even compete Lexbros?

More like Clark CAN'T

Am I right, fellas?

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It keeps happening!

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>cucked Lex out of TWO waifus

We'll see about that StuporMan!

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>Lex went to Michigan once
That's nothing to brag about, Lex

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ebel lex iz ebel

>climate change is not the only peril present in Lex's world today

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>"I was just plotting my next evil scheme and... Oh! Are you having CAKE?!"

>"Not just one, but FOURTY CAKES? You shouldn't have."

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Lets be real bros, Lana >>>>>>>>>> Lois

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And that's terrible.

>most boring superhero of all time
>gets most boring arch nemesis of all time
How fitting

And here we see an user with boring, shit taste

That's not Lex. Lex is a twink with Aspergers syndrome.

Why did Harley become a cancer sore that infected everything but Mercy never caught on?

Attached: Give me the D, Lex.jpg (720x540, 39K)

It's for the best user. She is untainted as it should be.

BTAS was far more popular and Mercy is a lot more muted in personality.
Not to mention there's no "I totally want to be devoted to a piece of shit and call it romantic" angle. Mercy is a devoted employee with obvious limits, ultimately being when she's given Lex's company.
She was really done dirty in the DCEU, not even one of those haters but what a waste of a character and top tier STICC.

>Not to mention there's no "I totally want to be devoted to a piece of shit and call it romantic" angle
I thought it was semi-confirmed that they were romantically involved in Tabula Rasa


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He's become one of my favorite characters in recent years. Specifically his modern portrayal as a "Humanity First" quasi-villain whose only real flaw is his raging hate-boner for Clark.

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>BTAS was far more popular
Which is odd, considering how STAS was better.

When i see these design of Lex, i can only thing on SU.

He can't relate to Superman because Superman is too powerful.

Because Harley had a more flashy design, distinctive voice, and sillier antics. Her peculiar relationship with the Joker gave some depth to both characters and we're shown during the show of what she was like before she met the Joker. Suffice to say that she was more easily able to transition from BTAS/DCAU related media to become popular in her own right.

Mercy on the other hand had a professional appearance and normal voice. She had barely any lines and pretty much no life/screen time that didn't have Lex in the scene already. In comparison to Harley, Mercy was pretty boring.

I read it more as she was blatantly his accomplice in crime time and time again.
Besides, even if they did she's not the battered housewife Harley constantly is.
>Humanity First
It's all bullshit. Lex only cares for himself and is just feeding a line so that he doesn't come across as petty as he is.
Too bad that game is damned to be kind of trash forever, good art and all but he built it on a system that will never feel like a grindy mess standing in the way of porn.
He can't relate to Superman because he's the stereotypical "Nice people are just weak/idiots who just suck up to others because they can't afford to be independent LIKE ME."

>It's all bullshit. Lex only cares for himself

Having an ego does not disqualify Lex from guiding humanity to what he believes is the best path.

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You say that until he starts an eugenics campaign and start with people who shitpost on Indonesian knuckle cracking forum

You know, Action Comics would be a lot better if it's just Lex and Supes selling each other's waifu for 20 issues

Fuck Superman. I wanna see what's going on with airwave

why is he look like a negro, though?

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What did he mean by this?

look at hes lips
is he mulato or something?
why doesnt a cop just shot him? its america

pages like this is why I love comics

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Cucked yet again Luthor.

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>guiding humanity to what he believes is the best path.
Yeah, his path, and only his path

>white people can't have big lips
>white people can only be pale as paper

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Actually, as it stands it's the path to saving the entire multiverse.

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Lex Luthor? Well, the plot thins.

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The most Based 'villain' of DC

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>Lex has jungle fever
how can one man be so based?

>Lex being good means Clark marries Lana
I’m not seeing a problem here

Who was the Ron Perlman of Luthor's presidency?

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>He didn't read the actual issue
That wasn't Superman cucking Luthor, that was Luthor being a 52D chess player (and failing/cucking himself because he forgot Superman is also a 52D Chess player).

My money's on Booster Gold or one of the Hawks

I like to believe The Joker is cooler, but after extensive character investigation I've come to realize that Lex is -

>Has sex
>Is of benefit to lolSOCIETY

Joker's got hair and a better sense of fashion, but that's about it -

The Joker

>Possibly diseased
>Hopeless/suicidal/catatonic without Batman

>"Superman is a great hero and friend, so much so that I let him finish in my mouth and I drink it up! How do ya like that Lil Lexie?"

I will never be unable to read any Luthor dialogue without Clancy's voice.

Mercy is great but she doesn't have much going on

“No, you’re not him. You’re worse.”
> bizzaro smiles as he passes

Ladies and Gentlemen, Jeff Bezos

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For him it's humanity first when it comes to all the other beings in the universe/multiverse. It's like Norman Osborn's "Only I can brutally abuse my beloved son" but instead of a single person it's all of humanity. He values the fact that they aren't indestructible aliens that get everything handed to them on a silver plate but would put them all through hell if it benefited him

Luthor honestly has better fashion too

Why the bald man has a bald wife?

Cory Booker!

Damn, look at the size of that codpiece

Have we ever settled on whether hes black or white?

when i was a small child i immediately assumed he was black but i can see it the other way now

he's a Hw*teboi, dummy.