Name a worse Futurama episode than "Attack of the Killer App"

Name a worse Futurama episode than "Attack of the Killer App"

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The one where Leela's ex shows up was lame

title alone sounds cringy

Why dump on Susan Boyle like that?

I'd argue Yo Leela Leela is worse.

Was this one of the ones after it left adult swim? 'Cus I never watchee any of them after that.


A pun.
Agreed, atleast there were some decent jokes in Killer App...I think it's been a while so I'm probably made a useful meme.

Wasn't she a terrible person irl? I remember she got a lot of flak with how she interacted with people.

Attack of the Killer App gave us at least one timeless meme.

they pretty much should have ended the episode right after the underarm fungus bit though.

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is that protomagicalgirl?

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was there literally anything memorable that happened in Yo Leela Leela?

if anybody liked that show, it would be one of the Yea Forums lurkers, who got references to children's shows or something.

Other then being an assburger, I don't recall anything negative about her.

I don’t really think any of the episodes were bad.
Even though I didn’t care for Fry and Leelas relationship at all.
I was more interested in which ceiling fans were gonna fall.

How often does that even happen?

I mean, Proposition Infinity comes to mind
but basically we need to write off the entire post-movie era and pretend it never happened

speaking of futurama though, whycome every rip online is pitched up? I really wanna give it another watch, but that's just intolerable.

Bender/Amy was OTP

>was there literally anything memorable that happened in Yo Leela Leela?
It was cute at least. and they had funny names.

no, Fry/Amy was OTP
ruining shit with Kif was an atrocimacy

Probably more often than one would think.
Not everyone is up to date on ceiling fan code and safety.

Was this the episode that originated from? I thought it was a pre-Comedy Central episode.

yeah I could have sworn that too.

I think you were thinking of the "Not sure if" Fry. This face appeared in S2E2.

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the special with the cosmic manta ray wasn't that good
really just bender's game was any good

the first two movies were fine if flawed, the second two were pretty garbage

yeah I meant bender's big score
bender's game was pretty shit too, but mom had some good lines at least. I can't remember any good jokes from the manta ray one

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yeah basically bender's game did nothing terribly wrong, but just about nothing right.
You can tell the writers changed completely, and even worse writers took over when the show came back to TV, probably because the actors needed the whole budget for their pay
Like that's fine, but in exchange for that salary you need to have them do some of the writing work. they're better comedians anyway

Because she's an ugly woman with mild autism. She's an easy target for talentless hacks

at the time there was this really unfortunate confluence of trends
it was both hip to make fun of stupid retarded modern shit, and hip to constantly reference it. people didn't realize how dangerous it was to feed idiotic popculture any attention at all, and eventually clickbait took over as the primary form of media

heh heh

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>t. fat, ugly women

No but seriously, is there any place to watch it online that isnt at the wrong pitch?

Even the worst Futurama ep was better than all the last 20 years of Simpsons combined. And at least it had the dignity of ending before becoming Zombierama.

I can't agree. postcancellation futurama is as bad as postcancellation family guy, which is as bad as bush-era simpsons. but obama-era simpsons was a lot better. Still not good, but better