>all hope is lost
All hope is lost
>its hopeless can't you see?
>I've given everything I can
>there are no heroes left in man
>hope is for the weak and frail
Everything’s not awesome...
>God help us
>i hope you're not serious
murder !
>There's no hope
>Only thing to do is
>Eat Pant
>Trapped with a being vanished for being extremely agressive in a hellish world that don't have head or feet to make sense of.
>You could feel truly helpless and hopeless,,,
There is always hope.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Jonh 3:16
There is hope
>undo this lock
>that is not dead which can eternal lie, and in strange eons, even death may die
I wish I could be Superman. Not even the powers but what he represents, and the powers of course. I'm not depressed btw.
Superman does. He cares about everyone, even you, user. Especially you, for he wishes he could do more for you, and yet he knows he can't, but he trusts you to help him help you by actively reading his stories and understanding the message, what he stands for
It's not her, it's Superman. From one of the best comics ever written, All-Star Superman, little fag.
If you don't like that stupid fag, here goes another one: renegadecinema.com
Stop bitching around, fag. Go degenerate somewhere else.
Not that user, but people should be allowed to end their lives if they want to. It's very cruel to force someone to live life if they can't bear the difficulty.
>Just because someone stumbles and loses their way, it doesn't mean they're lost forever. Sometimes, we all need a little help. It's not their pain you're afraid of, it's yours. And as frightening as it may be, that pain will make you stronger. If you allow yourself to feel it, embrace it, it will make you more powerful than you ever imagined. It's the greatest gift we have: to bear their pain without breaking. And it comes from the most human part of us: Hope.
Oversentimental, manipulative, false garbage.
>manipulative, false
Just like anything else that places value on appealing to emotions.
Exactly. How can anyone on Yea Forums actually look forward to read such disgusting trash?
Fuck off shill. I like Supes but you sound like a DC editor trying to use what Supermans character to sell Superman comics. Distasteful.
This sounds like a cult
Don't worry. I'll save you!
All star Superman is way better than JMS's run but both suicide scenes could have been better. I like the idea of Superman talking to a suicidal person but it the idea needs better execution. JMS is a hack and the All star scene was a minor subplot so course both are going to be lackluster.
It sounds like advertising.
I'm sure your book is way better user let's see it.
If you think about Jesus Christ, the man who SUFFERED MORE THAN ANY PERSON IN HISTORY, and yet was the happiest. (It's trully amazing.)
He endured his quest to see that mankind has hope, show how much he loves us, to die for all of us. He was tempted by the the Devil in person. Yet he did not succumbed, he did not wish death. You might say, "but he was Jesus, he was God and thus he could do it just fine, but me, we're ppl we can't handle it". This is fallacy.
Jesus came here, he who "gave up" his omnipotence, became a normal human like you and me, and showed us the right path, and yet we killed him. He knew this would happen. But he died for us to live, but now with the knowledge he left behind: DO NOT SIN! Accept that you're a sinner and come to me, The Light of the World. And many other things. (I don't to enter a discussion here about the jews having killed him or shit like that. I'm not one and this is not the point here.)
My point is him suffering the most anyone has ever suffered; having been condemned for all the sins of all ppl, yet having the purest of all soul. And suffering that much, did he desire death? No. Then, why do you?
Superman's just being an allegory there.
I don't want to proselytize you. Just wanna tell that there's hope, if we believe in Jesus.
>TFW no Hope Rides Alone rock opera animated film
I miss him bros
Why are 4channelers so weak willed? Imagine actually thinking killing yourself is ever an answer. It’s like turning a video game off because it’s too hard instead of just getting gud. Holy shit
Can I believe in Green Lantern instead?
Naw just blatant Jesus imagery that is superman
Why not? You got free will. Though, I'd still chose Jesus.
Easy there, Zack.
>Pfft, people with incurable cancers are so weak-willed. Why can't they just suck up the pain like me, who is absolutely perfect?
Meant as a reply for
I love these ilustrations
He should have dealt with the source of depression instead of waiting for her.
It's very cruel to push your opinion when we can't bear the difficulty.
Cringe and gentrypilled
OPM > Superman
Superman > Saitama. He's also called Caped Baldy brainlet
OPM > Superman > Saitama
When did Namor turn gay?
Saitama > Superman Prime
It's the other way around
>If you think about Jesus Christ, the man who SUFFERED MORE THAN ANY PERSON IN HISTORY
I don't know about that. I think Hisashi Ouchi suffered more than any person in history. Shouldn't we be worshipping a screaming, radioactive blob of flesh instead?
Stop being childish. Everyone know Saitama >>> Superman. Superman may be the first hero and strongest hero, beacon of hope etc. But he is never a One Punch Man who always take 0 damage and kill enemies in one punch.
Learn about how every prophecies in the bible are being fulfilled then you will know bible is not manmade fanfic.
>the kids of today should defend themselves against the 2010s
Really? Lately, all Saitama's been doing is his fucking laundry! Why is anime pacing so fucking awful?
Spongebob could beat Saitama
Read the manga instead.
Your headcanon can. But is it officially canon and inline with the character? No. So your headcanon will remain unimportant like a smoke blown away by wind.
Hisashi Ouchi was real. He was hit by so much radiation his chromosomes broke up. They kept him alive for 83 days, despite his flesh falling off in chunks.
Yes, I agree. In terms of power Saitma wins, but up against Superma Prime, Saitama would take a hell a beat.
Yes and the bible is real too. That man gave you slightly wrong argument and reason to believe Jesus and the bible.
The Flash is realer
>Hope is just an average dude
What ... what man? I see no man. Is he invisible? Who is this spooky man?
Hebrews 11:3
By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.
He could though
better light up the night then
>wah, wah, wah, wah, wah
>Based and gentrypilled
>i hope you don't embarrass yourself too much
But they do faggot. Shit argument
>Hope wasnt enough
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary probelm
>2012 elections inexplicably brought Christians to Yea Forums
I’m not mad at all but I’ll never understand how that happened.
So we agree that it IS a solution
I don't think that's canon, even within the bible
Well, he did go to Hell.
>I want it to end
>Aren't you tired?