GAWD Steven will you hurry up and put a baby in me?
GAWD Steven will you hurry up and put a baby in me?
Other urls found in this thread:
>12 years old
Nope nope nope nope nope
Reminder despite what this cartoon and her mom looks like Indian women are the ugliest women on the planet
She's still ugly as shit in this cartoon. Your point still stands, Indians by far have the highest ratio of ugly chicks - decent looking ones out there, only aborigines and bushmen have it worse.
Connie I'd love to, but Pearl's butt keeps getting in the way
This thread's gonna' get pruned like the other pedo thread if this goes that route.
should I sing a song about putting a baby inside you?
why is he such a beta male and what does she see in him?
big gem cock
Reminder that Indians are absolutely terrible for the tech industry and their incompetence is literally killing people.
reminder that it's not the indian government that's forcing american companies to outsource their work, it's the greed of the company executives
But you’d die just like his mom.
who averted another intergalactic war and the attempted planetary genocide of earth, and probably tipped a fascist dictatorship off course into a better direction.
i very much doubt a beta male can do all that
They wrote the Kama Sutra, which is basically a book on 'how to fuck better than everyone ever' which can easily be verified by their outrageous population numbers
Steven should have a gem romantic love interest, change my mind oh wait you cant
Completely disagree, indian women are among the hottest ive ever seen. Ive always wanted to bang then since i was a child.
That's only because Indian men live next to the only people who would ever fuck them... OTHER Indians.
interracial is a word that exists
Powers. She wouldn't have sword skills an Ayy sword, transforming into a super powered futa or 20/20 vision without Steven.
Or he was the first proper friend she ever had because her parents constantly moved around. The gem stuff is cool af, but she loves Steven for Steven at the end of the day.
The gem are not warmongers. If they were, they would kill Steven on sight and and mow down the humans. Humans have more killing intent then they do.
but steven is a mentally retarded gay child
But he doesn't have a peepee
>Indians = Indian Americans
Why the fuck are Europeans SO STUPID?
To be fair he has a nice voice. He'd probably sing a great creampie song.
Based and redpilled.
You do realize that no where else in the world recognizes Native Americans as "Native Americans" right? They call them Indians because it's simply that much easier.
Reminder that not every time someone fucks up it isn't an indictment of that entire race and it's more of a folly of that particular group and not every Indian ever born.
indeans didn't make america so calling them native americans is a lie
you do realize that we are actualyl talking about immigrants from the Asian nation of India here, and that also various variation on "native american" are present in most if not all european languages and are the commonly taught terms nowadays, the only way kids learn the term "indian" anymore is from old american cartoons.
>not calling them Amerindians
Connie I'd love to, but whenever I ask my dad about "the birds and the bees" his story always ends with "and then she dies" and as half an alien rock monster I'm still not sure if I'm on the "dies" or "kills you" end of the spectrum.
In America
>(dot on forehead) = Indian and Indian Americans (but most people never use the term "Indian American" since nearly all you meet are immigrants so there's not really much of a cultural divide like African-Americans and Africans)
>(Pocahontas) = Native American (used to be called "Indians" but people rarely do that anymore)
>no one says "native americans"
>thinks everyone is talking about native americans
>can't even capitalize or punctuate
Brainlets... not even once.
What the fuck are you even talking about
this thread is about Actual Indians from India. A place in Asia.
By confusing them with Native Americans you are just proving you're a retard
Have you seen what Indian men say when they message white women? They have zero game.
Show me where in any part of the European world uses the term "Native American" and not "American Indian" in any form or way. Everywhere I've seen, they have used Indian.
>not calling them Indaricans
India the sub-continent?
The place with Indians?
Wow, you are really going all in with this retardation thing.
I don't care about calling them "Native Americans" just to be politically correct or anything. It's just simpler for everyone to know what you mean and not confuse them with Indians from India if you call them that. More an issue of practicality really.
Gotta be retarded to make sense of retards.
also, if you're arguing with the naming - sure, those people didn't know the word "america", and so they wouldn't call themselves that, but as far as I know, many of the indigenous tribes (if not all of them) had no concept of a continental landmass and had no collective word for their people.
If you want to be accurate, you have to list all of the individual tribes, which is not convenient.
And the word "Indian", as this thread proves, is too ambiguous.
All I want to do
Is put inside of you
A tiny woman
Indian is not ambiguous at all. It refers to people on the Indian subcontinent.
A tiny woman?
What if Steven's penis gets in the way?
>all this talk about Amerindians
Indian-American refers to Americans who have primarily Indian ancestry, you fucking Europoors.
Notably, the polish wikipedia seems to only have a short "native american" article, that disambiguates to separate ones for "northern indians" and "southern indians", so polacks are still retarded as always
Connie is my daughteru.
Will steven die like his mom if he has a baby?
Connie wearing Steven's shirt is so sexually charged
Indian Women have no almost no settings between "the most breathtakingly gorgeous woman you've ever seen in your life" and "toilet witch."
Well, a big penis first, obviously. Universe genetics, baybee
Anyone that says [insert race here] is the ugliest race on the planet when Aboriginals exist is either lying through their teeth or has never seen one before.
I stand corrected, good to know that most of the planet and especially the west are more tolerable with recognizing Native Americans as said, and not being confused with Sub-Continental Indians.
Not really. They are like 13 years old. It's not like she is waking up in Steven's apartment with nothing clean to wear but his shirts.
She looks Persian tbph.
It won't.
You say that, but then post D-Rock, patron saint of Hot Connies.
Connie is 13.
Dr. Maheswaran is of breeding stock.
Oh shit. Steven's sexual confusion suddenly makes sense now. He's got his Eros and Thanatos totally mixed up with each other.
I'd kill a man to steal D-Rock's Connie prowess
His Connies are supreme
You can do better than Steven and havd even stronger babies
Indeed. I'm a patron, but because of my work schedule, I can never watch his streams so I can unravel his structures.
Stephen should have no romantic interest because he is fat, stupid, gross and ugly.
the worst thing is that his body is literally in synch with his mind. He COULD be buff if he for a second FELT like a buff dude. The whole issue is that he was raised into a mental sissy. (by the writers)
peridot a cute. mentally sane steven should get her for imperial consort.
So... people want impregnating connie pics? Pregnant connie pics? Birthing connie pics?
Again, why I kind of prefer the AU where Steven's father was Coop from Megas XLR. just have opened a whole new world for me user.
Oh, it was laid out a couple of weeks ago. Coop unwittingly courts Rose and produces Steven without the Gems even knowing about Megas. The incident with the Red Eye is instead solved by Coop giving Steven a "driving lesson" and outing the existence of a glorious anachronistic war-machine, and prompting the appearance of Kiva as well.
My favorite bit is that Jamie is eternally salty that it was Coop that bagged a space babe, and only the purple midget seems even vaguely interested in him.
There's also the fact that Steven grows up in an environment more steeped in traditional masculinity.
Fuck You, Indian Women are HOT ASF
>Coop from Megas XLR
>not Hank Hill
you gotta step up your AU game user
Connie deserves better.
>"The boy ain't right."
>"Hank, I can't help but say that you having sex with an alien is the source of your problem."
Oh, it's fun, just in a different way.
Do you know how stupid it is to try and categorize every racial phenotype of ONE FIFTH of the planetary population as ugly?
racists have low IQs, user. It's a scientific fact.
maybe steven universe would have been decent if it was made/directed by literally anyone other than sucrose
sadly Connie lives on Earth, while Marco has been trapped on Mewni forever by some crazy blonde chick
nice try Zuke, go back to trying to kill yourself, everyone knows you're a crazy person that Rebecca did nothing wrong
>honestly thinks that stevonnie is just a shemale/futa because at this point, steven has literally inverted his penis inside of him due to his "bwaaa let's just talk about our feelings and maybe have some tea and biscuits" attitude
There's barely anyone else her age in that town and he has superpowers. She gets all pissy about not going on cool adventures with him because she's more interested in the gem shit than she is with Steven.
you know she doesn't live in Beach City right?
>S1 Steven
Lapis: "Steven, whatever you're doing, just stop. If we do everything they say, they might go easy on us!"
Steven: "But they're... mean! They hurt my friends - they hurt my face! They've got you here in prison!"
Lapis: "That's why we can't fight them."
Steven: "That's why we HAVE to fight them!"
>later Steven
oh yeah because fighting went so well when they tried it, how many times did the Crystal Gems have to lose for you to realize that 6-7 renegade gems can't beat an empire?
It's amazing how much eyelashes do for SU characters
seems like the perfect time to post this.
yet another reason why Star is an awful character
yeah idk if preventing Marconnie even makes the list of all the awful things she did
hahah oh yeah man there's no way any rebellion could ever happen. It's not like he had a super weapon or anything. Or an army of corrupted gems he could have been allowed to heal. Or a fragile pyramid empire built off of oppressed, subservient masses.
I mean shit, a rebellion DID happen, only it was an extremely fucking gay one that required several characters to 180, and everyone to forget about the horrible shit the Diamonds did. Even if you want to argue diplomatic victory, convincing everyone that you're your dead mom so that you can convince them you're not your dead mom is a fucking retarded one.
>stop being a child, let me mind control everyone and hollow out the earth
>no u
>oh ok my bad let me make all your wishes come true
>a rebellion did happen
yeah and White Diamond fucking crushed it, she literally ripped Steven's gem out if she wanted to kill him she could have
>there's no way any rebellion could happen
yeah pretty much, or were you just not paying attention to gem society at all?
>super weapon
you mean the Cluster which can't fully form without destroying Earth and likely can never leave the crust?
>army of corrupt gems
which he couldn't heal even though he tried to
>oppressed empire
of fanatics which worship their leaders as literal gods, it took months of work, bonding and then finally a confrontation with YD to change Peridot's mind, being imprisoned by HW for 5,000 years didn't change Lapis's mind and Pearl never changed her mind about serving the Diamonds at all, no I don't think Steven could give a friendship speech and then create a rebellion
it does for me
I mean fighting doesn't just mean beating them up or killing them. He's still warring with their ideals even when he's put in a situation where they have all the power.
I wonder ((who)) could be behind this thread
nah jannies are too busy making sure nobody talks about wanting to fuck a black cat with a katana
Did someone say they needed help with having a baby put in them?
>,amerimutt thinks he can call anyone stupid without basic reading comprehension
Range ban mutts pls
I can't believe that Americans of all people are whining about getting exactly what they paid for.
Amerimutts are disgusting people. Rejects of the world. We would be better off if they were genocided
What am i looking at here?
Dubs of truth
You know the only reason they're called Indians is because Columbus thought Virginia was India when he landed there right.
>he has no idea
Jokes on you the people who died have all been non-Americans.
Greedy companies want to export jobs. Typical Americans don't. This is a LARGE reason Trump got elected President.
I'd like him more if he actually did the job he's being paid for and not getting into shouting matches with random newsgroups and yahoos on twitter or getting stuck in yet another political scandal.
Half the time he comes off as someone on the take and I'm tired of having to keep looking at the man to see if I can see puppet strings coming out of his ass.
really love that swimsuit on Connie
there's way too little Oppai Connie out there
Also part of the problem is that a lot of the people doing the hiring don't understand the poor job Indians are doing. They like these Indians because H1-B means they can easily be fired and they NEED the job to stay in the country... so they have them by the balls compared to Americans. So these Indians work long hours at their job and this impresses clueless boomer managers even though they produce little work and what they produce is terrible. The managers don't understand the software but see it works so they accept it... they don't realize the shitpile they got until the program shits itself and kills a plane full of people.
Silicon Valley is producing a lot of un-optimized crap prone to bugs and errors but the progress in hardware helps hide this somewhat. A lot of companies are realizing this is an increasing problem but then end up infested with nepotistic Indians who only hire other Indians so the problem keeps getting worse.
>This is a LARGE reason Trump got elected President.
But he hasn't done a single thing to punish companies who engage in these practices at all.
Yes it's called lying to get elected, obviously the man who hires illegals isn't REALLY going to stop companies from hiring illegals.
What you guys don't understand is that he's actively trying, but Congress will not let him, because they want the big companys and they want him to look like a fool. We have people wanting to go to war against Iran, but his strategy is to let Iran tear itself apart because of the infighting going on right now in their country
Yes, our god-emperor is such a galaxy brain genius that mere humans cannot comprehend his hyper-evolved thought processes.
I'm deeply impressed at you reaching so far to complain about expatriate engineers via an article that explicitly states that outsourced engineers are cheaper than expatriate engineers, and the systems that failed weren't even directly outsourced.
Still mad that Pajeet stole your job, huh?
What's that saying? "Smart people look like crazy people to dumb people"? If you don't buy the explanation of his methods, look at the results over the past few years.
>calarts bullshit
trump is my favourite SU character
Sorry, Cleetus, but Illegal border crossings have actually increased since the ascension of your god-emperor. But hey, so have taxes on the middle class!
I think Steven will be a cuck
this show is all about being progressive and being a willful cuck is very woke
Steven will watch some tv while Connie fucks some chad. After he'll make Connie and Chad some food and make some small talk.
ya man ignore the mexican government actually starting to try and stop the issue
ignore the democrates trying to make america open boarders
orange man bad
Woke and red-pilled are the same thing. Is being a cuck red-pilled?
Have we watched the same show? Why does ship even exist? There’s nothing at all that hints there’s anything romantic between the two. Really at this point I’m sure steven is asexual.
woke is the left version
red pilled is the right version
it's not that hard to remember
>he thinks it's about promises
Why do you think he won in the first place? Why is he not just still president after all the investigations, but in a stronger position than he was in the last election? Is it just inconceivable to you that Trump might often be the smartest person in the room?
Steven lacks the mental capacity for such things
he seriously acts like a special needs kid
Something something fusion being a metaphor for sex.
kinda fucked up that they get away with this shit
Nah you're right, there is absolutely no romantic or sexual tension between the two. Steven absolutely does not have it in his mind already that he's gonna marry Connie.
he probably doesn't even know what sex is
I doubt anyone would have told him
Steven couldn't heal the corrupted gems by himself, he needed all four diamonds to do that, or did you not watch the last few episodes? Plus, learning that he was a Diamond and that even Diamonds were capable of changing their ways kind of changed everything. This show was never going to end in some huge battle and you're a dumbass for ever thinking that.
>steven cums in her indo-pussy
>turns into a living stream of jizz with a pink diamond in it
>entire diamond forces its way through ConnieInLoo's bajingo and cervix, implanting in the womb
>Steven is dead
>Connie is unconscious from the strain
which makes it all the better, because Connie absolutely already has both encyclopedic knowledge of human reproduction and has likely read or seen some smut on the internet, considering she's a weeb.
Their first time is gonna be adorable.
the moral of the story is that you can forgive anyone no matter what
unless they're a man
>Steven knocks up Connie all normal-like
>Months pass as Connie's belly starts growing. They begin planning for the baby
>One day, a gem monster appears, or aliens attack, or some other threat arises
>Stevonnie is formed to drive it away, fighting reluctantly not to hurt the baby
>They unfuse
>Connie is terrified, the baby is gone
>Steven is mpreg
I never get the Steven NTR stuff because connie is so wet for him she probably has to change her underwear 10 times a day. Meanwhile steven is harem protag dense about the whole thing.
It's not realistic for a person to hold a bigger grudge against someone who personally slighted them than their geopolitical rivals? What are you, some kind of communist?
>What's gonna happen when she grows up and becomes President? What'll that make me, first BOY?!
Plus there's this:
There are people in the American government who still honestly believe that not bombing certain countries a few decades ago was a moral failure...
so you would become friends with hitler before some asshole who cuts you off in traffic?
You think on these matters like a slave, Steven is a master dealing with other masters like the equals they are, what they did to slaves doesn't matter.
>"Will Steven and Connie get married?"
>doesn't answer because it's a spoiler
>video made just before the season 5 finale
season 6 further hinted at being a time-skip to steven and connies' kids
the mentally ill child is a master?
Connie is ok with having mentally handicap children?
I dunno about S6 itself, but I can totally see the finale being a timeskip where they show the wedding and then Steven goes for a walk after the ceremony saying goodbye to everyone before they move out of Beach City.
And I will cry like a fucking faggot
Huh, so this confirms both that Steven can fuse with all humans and animals AND that pinkzombies are still organic matter, not just gem magic creatures
>And I will cry like a fucking faggot
Lol, imagine how much of a faggot would one have to be to cry watching Steven Universe
At least as big a faggot as me, because I still tear up every single time I listen to the Change Your Mind rendition of We are the Crystal Gems. Every goddamn time. Just a huge happy grin on my retarded face and tears rolling down my cheeks right into my mouth
>And I will cry like a fucking faggot
well the fanbase is made up of them
that and very unattractive women
Credit where credit is due - it's not like he hasn't been trying, but the President is not a dictator and there's actually very little that the executive office can accomplish without overwhelming support for their actions in both the judiciary and the legislative branches. At last count, the Democrats have filibustered 299 pieces of legislation supported by Trump's administration since he came into office, and almost 80% of his executive orders have been blocked by federal district court justices.
Now we need a threesome with Kit from Craig of the Creek
No, but it can be indicative of a neglectful, haphazard third world society.
t. third worlder
It can also be an abbreviated form of 'indigenous'.
>What you guys don't understand is that he's actively trying
no he isn't.
trump is actively fighting against every damn thing he campaigned for.
we have MORE military intervention. we are at the brink of ANOTHER war. the rich are screwing us HARDER than ever before. and the border has devolved into even more of a CLUSTERFUCK.
the man promised you the world and hasn't given you shit, but you lap it up like the fucking suckers that you are.
anyone and everyone who knew the guy before he got political knew him as a fucking con man, how fucking stupid can half the electorate be?
It's not exactly like that:
German: Inder = Indians, Indianer = American Indians
Sugar actually likes men so stevens is going to get that connie snatch in no time.
>reddit spacing