Carol Danvers Shazam Thread
Carol Danvers Shazam Thread
C'mon OP we're only about a week before Billy's out digital and we can edit
Unless you plan on keeping the thread alive that long?
wait what?
Shazam! is out on July 2
oh ok
I hate the hair streak....well I hate this concept.
Like the design though.
It's a great design.
God I hate this fetish. Please go to /aco/ and leave the blue boards alone.
There's nothing /aco/ about amalgam newfag.
Be real user, it's a fetish thing. You're not slick.
>Silly! I said you were being silly!
I like the giant boobs and not for lewd reason, Is more about the humor of having a big breasted heroine that actually has problems with them.
Like a mix between Shezow and Golden girl
So you're a fan of Cho edits then
I like the streak as to differentiate between canon and edits.
>Billy/Carol doing the Peter Parker/Spider-Man routine
I like it, I think. Eventually podcast instead of radio things?
>Billy in Carol Mode records audiobooks to make extra money
>Keeps getting offers for lewder material and ASMR
That time Carol was writing sci-fi stories based on her space adventures would make sense for Billy.
Billy would never do something like that.
Kamala or Novastar?
Together they form shezow
Gotta go for Novastar.
Speaking of, would Jack Rider or Richard Knight be a better mentor for her?
Richard Knight sounds way cooler
Dick Knight seems like it might be confusing with the other Dick. I mean Ric.
Made me curious so I checked and the female Marvels don't actually get hoods.
I thought that was something we did. Huh.
At first tries to make money as a camgirl, but can't figure out how to take out her costume.
I don't understand. How can a DC boy turn into a Marvel girl? Both companies would never allow that.
>Peej is the first super Billy confides in
>Just so he can get giant-boobs advice
>This, but with more Cleavage
Nice edit. Just gotta alter the left of the top panel.
I thought that was the Flash.
yeah could actually be
Where is that hand headed young man?
You've made me miss Alphona again though.
>Peej and Harley as good mentor and bad mentor
Yeah, you're right. My mistake.
great edit.
Hey thanks.
>Kara takes Billy out specialty bra shopping
Billy respects women. He is one half the time after all.
That's a kick-ass Carol sprite.
Digital is already out.
>Both Peeg and Harley have done the “Billy, your Mother is here” ploy to get them out of school, so people think the two of them are married
Well get to it then
>We will never get a Sejic Peeg/Carol team-up
Talking flerken?
Is their any fanart with a young Carol turning into Shazam?
There's a design for it
>"Armageddon has arrived"
>Chewie still knows it's her
If Amalgam Marvel is powered by Science Wizards, would that make Tawny/Chewie her Familiar?
The Intelligence Wizards sent her to keep an eye on Billy before he found out.
Was this an amalgam thing?
Edit or OC?
Great job either way.
>Captain Marvel broke up my old organization and had me electrocuted! But I'm back, and I'm more evil than before! HAW HAW HEEEE!
Is he having an erection under the tabble?
The ancient last-millenium magic of amalgamation.
>Mys Mind's horrible laughter cannot be matched by anyone on Earth!
I was originally on team Mr Mind/Anhililus, but I've been swayed over time.
Night anons of /tg/ see you all next week!
Can you fucks stop turning best boy into a tranny? I know you think it's one of the few best ideas Yea Forumsmblr could have but this is already beyond just annoying.
He doesn't turn into a tranny dumb user. He literally assumes the form of a female.
What is this?
>Your cat suddenly turns into a superpowered beastman to save you
That's cool. I like this.
This is great, but if you editors come back later, can you guys shrink Carol. I'm pretty sure she's not supposed to be taller than Kara. In fact I think Kara is actually the taller one.
Annihilus is still part of the character as the Amalgam version of Hyperfly.
hahaha i get it, it's because they're both called captain marvel
You got it!
Classic Peeg is about that much shorter than Carol but New 52 is the same height as her.
Honestly, Edits are the bread and butter for these threads and concept, because as good as shit like it ends up looking like cosplay, fusion, or redesign art.
This is one of the few times where Edits really shine through.
>Do it Billy, kiss him...
Huh, really? I was under the impression Peeg was tall.
Well, I had already started. So Rhodeyborg.
I have a feeling Marvel staff read these threads.
>jeez I just meant go play some video games or something
Wow! It's like I'm masturbating to two dead children at once!
edit perfection
>Edits are the bread and butter for these threads and concept
It's true.
BillyxCarol is better than Billy=Carol.
>The internet is filling with fanart and fighting over Supes and Wonder Woman or Supes and Captain Marvel
>Mys Mind and the Brotherhood of Evil Monsters
An user posted it in a Mary Marvel thread. I'm not sure what's happening other than Nega-Bands being involved and maybe a Billy-Carol in the middle.
is she a Tau
So Mr. Mind who can shape shift, literally terrifying
if I’m correct, she controls a hive mind of worms that consume and replicate their subject.
How horrifying.
I kept the idea pitch from when I first spit-balled it.
>Basic biology is a tiny worm-like creature that can quickly expand into masses of tentacles and reform into any appearance (think Serleena from Men in Black II).
>Generally favors a "human" version of her natural worm biology as her base form, looking like a Orion Slave Girl.
>Bears immense knowledge and psychic powers. One of her trademark murder tactics is to "leech" the knowledge out of her victims and leave them as empty mindless husks, then use said knowledge to perfectly imitate them in both mind and body.
>Can't actually talk, at best only able to make excruciating screeching noises that can be an effective weapon in itself. The voice that comes out of her mouth is a psychic amplifier device that turns her thoughts into an audible form. In her base form, it's attached to her forehead and designed to look like a skull. In her actual worm form, it's worn around her "neck".
>When Billy needs a cover for Captain Marvel, she says she's Kara Danver's cousin, Carol
huh that works
>Our entire extended family has the same taste in glasses.
>Yes, though there is nothing weird about our family and we are a normal earth family
Hala & Krypton: Rivals? Nemeses? Friends, somehow?
Amalgam Captain Marvel definitely has the potential to just demolish Kryptonians due to being able to emit Red Sunlight as well as wield magic.
Truly, she is Earth's Mightiest Mortal.
I still prefer Mr. Foom, but I like this.
>Future's End Billy impersonates Peeg
>Has the full-helmet but keeps the boob window
why not both
>They were rivals, and the Intelligence designed the energy-absorption and projection powers to fight Kryptonians
I wonder if this can be edited into Mystic Mind and Capt. Marvel.
That is legitimately adorable if you overlook what he's doing.
Well, she doesn't wear dresses that often and she's bulletproof
But probably
>Alright, kid: Invest in some good cleavage tape. Trust me.
That would be such an easy edit
>She's in Fawcett City
>I'm NOT Captain Marvel
>My name is Billie, Billie Barton.
>You fools! You're supposed to gag him BEFORE he transforms!
Chewie's actually a girl.
Imagine if Billy became a girl in front of his friends haha
now make them really curious and Billy really embarrassed
>Sam Whitmore is envious of her bf/gf's bustiness
Ok. I have to know, did ya'll just make this up today, or has this been low key around for years?
unless it's a littleboy turning into a big girl nobody will give a shit
>Carol Danvers
Where would that name come from anyways?
The way I saw it is that Carol Danvers is a fake secret identity he uses when transformed, you know, to protect his actual secret identity and because Billy Batson just would not fit at all when transformed in Ms. Marvel.
Ganna borrow this concept and do right by you my brethren
Holy fuck I hadn't realized, haha.
Looking forward to it, user.
>visible arm skin
Actually, I think it's been almost a year since the concept was incepted.
eternal bump
Forgot to refresh?
Mr. Mystique final form
Even Wonder Woman is only officially 6'0"
>It's not like I want to model myself on you
I've written a story like this about 3 years ago.
Adapting it into a comic now.
>young girl becomes adult male
Disney's next movie
Do you ever think that Billy sit down in comfy clothes as captain marvel eating snacks when watching tv?
does anyone have a screen cap of a greentext an user did a couple of months ago where he descrived the entire life of billy growing up with these powers and ended up with him having a daughter that also has his powers and can turn into a fully grown man? my archive-fu is not strong enough
He does that in canon as SHAZAM, so I'd say, yes, it would be in character to do so.
>Billy gets home one night and doesn't want to wake up anybody with the thunder
>Discovers floating is comfy and handy + Carol's height makes for better viewing angle
>Becomes a routine thing every so often
Differs from the 'canon' BillyCarol a little bit though
>Schoolgirl Botan
My Nigga of Quality
>Billy discovers Captain Marvel's foot wiki page
is cho still doing the spider gwen thing?
i mean i agree with him on principle but this level of butthurt is becoming unseemly
thanks user!
I believe it was an user's story/OC concept rather than being Amalgam Marvel though.
I'd still read it, however.
I think he stopped a while ago. He did keep it up for a long time, though.
A few of his Peeg covers would work really well with this
is this a joke or is this real because i really want to see this
Nice. This whole concept really motivates me to make a comic.
Mr Mystique makes their entrance
another version
>those early-bird ominous appearances in Ms. Marvel v1
>except it's just a tiny caterpillar
You can do it, user!
>Lets Darla do her nails
Redpill me on these, Yea Forums.
Are these edits where Billy becomes R63 Shazam, or is this a canonical thing?
Either way I'm pretty erect.
Honestly, it annoys me, because the whole "boy turns into girl and decides to sleep with guys because lesbians don't exist" annoys me, especially since it's established at the start that Billy is into girls.
Billy's alter-ego used to be called Captain Marvel.
The current Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, used to have the same concept, a double personality superhero alterego.
These threads combine the two.
But nearly all of the shipping in the thread is with Novastar or Peeg.
Oh you're talking about the greentext. I think he's supposed to be bi.
It's really just setup for the daughter.
I for one don't exactly think that greentext fits the "canon" we have going on with Billy already but on itself it's fine.
>my boyfriend is making me question if I'm a lesbian
Poor Kamala, she used to be the #1 BillyCarol ship.
Please update us user. I still wanna do this as well but I dont just wanna rip it from you guys. Like I said I'll do right by you faggots.
Give it a few years.
I'd love to read this. Sounds brilliant. Wouldnt be how I'd do it tho.
>billy let me show you a trick.
>dame it billy their bigger them mine
>s-stop the others are watching
>but I can't drive yet
This isn't funny if you can relate.
I thought that was a two headed PG from the tumbnail.
Is someone actually selling this?
Selling the movie? Most places
these are very good
Man please tell me there's art where "she" becomes addicted to cock and gets impregnated
More Freddy-Monica!
>SHAZAM! #9-12: TBD
I don't know where the four eyes come from but it's cool.
Will do, penciling is almost done.
Also, there are a lot of differences, so as Time-Warner, or Disney wouldn't sue.
But I think people in this thread will like it.
>Billy absent-mindedly doing this at school
>Spills his drink all over himself
I thought she was more of the Captain Marvel Jr. expy.
That would be an interesting ship idea. Kamala would be constantly fan girling in his captain marvel state while Billy would have a crush on her while she's uninterested in their school state. It'd be kinda like Miraculous Ladybug in it's romance.
>Kamala is miffed because Billy gets flustered and weird whenever she asks him to join her Captain Marvel fanclub
Shazam user not Shadman.
>3 days
>0 replies
board full of faggots
Rocafort BillyCarol is one of the classics is all
>Billy as de facto #3 at SHIELD during/after Civil War
At least he's got Solomon I guess
he really drew it? as a commission or something?
It's his art
Compare/contrast Peeg mentoring and Diana mentoring
>Arc where Diana takes Billy for a week of Paradise Island Boot Camp in order to learn how to fight outside of just brute force
>Arc where Peeg helps Billy craft a civilian persona to help hide their identity
>Billy accepts Batwoman's offer of teaching before everybody else puts a stop to it
What's the chances of wonder woman adopting billy.
>a week on an island full of literal amazons
>all of them super interested and wanting to 'spar' with you
Way to go, Diana, you've created the worst learning environment possible for a teenage boy
Lower than the Danvers familly
I mean, if Shad saw that low hanging fruit back when both the movies were coming out, these threads would be dead.
Thank god
No, that's Freddy & Monica
>by the end of the week Billy has inadvertently proposed to half the island
>Billy realizes a couple days in that there's no attraction to watching the Amazons in the buff, since they're acclimated to womanhood
>Captain Marvel
>not attracted to women
If anything she'd be even MORE worked up
>no bulge on carol
Feels like a missed oportunity desu
The SNU-SNU TIME eyes make up for it
Does Sivana have a superform?
who would he fuse with
This is jut a fucking fetish thread for people who get it hard to a little boy in a grown woman's body.
Minerva, that's who's he's fused with in
Keep your fetishes to yourself.
There are alternatives...
Girl or just really twinky?
>Hey Mister, are you missing seven balls?
Supposed to be a girl but hidden by the helmet. When she takes it off to introduce herself after a fight against some aliens Billy-as-Carol spills her spaghetti.
I have to agree here. This doesn’t do it for me.
This wouldn't be an obvious fetish thread if Mar-Vell was mixed Billy instead. Besides, he's closer to Billy than Carol in terms of personality, all around boy scout.
He's been dead for 35 years and didn't just have a billion dollar movie come out
>Boy scout
>Ready to destroy the Earth when he gets the command
>Mistaken for a hero by idiots
>Plays along
>Plans to gas an entire village of civilians to prove his loyalty but plan gets messed up by Yon-Rogg
>Frames Namor and makes it look like he was planning to unleash a virus
>Sexually harasses Carol Danvers to maintain his secret identity
>Ends up falling for her and cheating on his loyal Kree girlfriend who ends up dying
>Enlists the aid of a literal god in a bid for petty revenge against his superior officers
>Fuses himself to a teenager and leaves him in limbo for months at a time where he literally shit himself and starved
Yea Forums really, really doesn't fucking read comics.
I miss this Carol so much
>if one more person hits on me I'm going to lose it
>other men
>fucking booster gold
>what's worst I googled my name......never again.
user that is from like last year
+ Carol is still CUTE
>fucking booster gold
>at least the others waited until I was Captain Marvel
Reverse Trap, which is an inverse to Billy’s situation
+ as said Carol-Ms. Marvel is closer than Rick-Mar-Vell
god this thread really will last till next week
Mentall illness.
Probably not
not with that attitude.
Post some more edits then
Yeah, had more time on the weekend
The eternal bump guy might make it limp on though
Kill yourself. Seriously, do it. Right now.