>"still better than modern cartoons"
-moron, 2019
"still better than modern cartoons"
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice bait. Go watch more TTG and Gumball, zoomer and enjoy a dead thread.
Maybe not
For an 11 minute cartoon, its not bad, but if I saw this on TV, i'd probably change the channel.
Shit was boring as fuck
the finished cgi is somehow worse than the unfinished version. check Slab's chair.
Looks like John will be very active on his blog johnkstuff.blogspot.com
are people actually defending this crap? I though everyone, including the kickstarter backers, fucking hated it.
Only the shills on here
The people in these threads hate it and even then it's divided. the general consensus is indifferent on it. I however find it enjoyable. OP noticed other people enjoyed it as well so he made this thread to express his insecurities.
He better talk about the new Looney Tunes shorts.
Still unironically is. No cartoon this year has made me laugh as hard as when Donald Bastard bit Slab's face off. Show me a funnier cartoon.
Art style was a breath of fresh air from all the noodle armed, flash animated Calarts crap we normally see.
Writing was still shit though.
It was still a pretty good cartoon honestly. Animation, art, and writing were mostly good to great, it’s still a little rough though. Everyone on Twitter was shitting on it because of John K’s accusations. If CWL was released on Newgrounds by someone else people would be praising it.
You can't possibly think that scene, or any scene in that shot, was actully funny, I refuse to believe any human being can perceive that as comedy.
The animation was shit thou
>Animation, art, and writing were mostly good to great
Are you blind?
Blop's kind of cute.
>modern cartoons are garbag-
Bad pacing
Bad pacing
Bad pacing
Heres a cartoon that John K loves
and K's commentary track
Compare that to the lack of substance/competent voice direction of Cans without Labels
You are an absolute child. Imagine getting so frustrated at the fact people share different opinions on humor of all things.
Show me a funnier cartoon released this year.
The man has incredible taste in cartoons. Easily the best Daffy cartoon ever made.
He could have literally drawn porn, and no one would have bothered him otherwise. Hell, he could have been the original Shadman.
How can one have such shit taste with a character choice?
I would have a hard time showing a worse one desu, just pick a random episode of whatever is airing and it will most likely be bad, but not the unredeemable piece of unfinished crap that was.
>I have no example so here's me rambling like a retard
Okay, kiddo. Maybe now this will trigger you enough to type out a paragraph long response.
don't worry user, maybe in 7 more years John will make another short so you can lick his balls again
Never said it was a bad cartoon. I just think that John Kricfalusi didn't practice what he preached with Cans without labels
is there a market for cartoony drawn porn?
John K’s style has always creeped me out
I actually laughed at a couple of parts though, more than I can say for Steven Soiverse.
it's been overtaken by furries
Eh, with a person like John K. he could have figured something out that is essentially patreon but for much more well off artists.
This is now a Charlene thread.
Yea Forums is a horrible board to discuss animation in general. its literal wannabe capeshit central.
>didn't practice what he preached
You can be a good animator but a bad director nig nog. Like a customer can be a food critique and yet he cannot cook.
For a while now I've considered John to be much better at teaching than actually -making-anything good without a team behind him or someone to reign him in.
CWOL solidifies that belief.
>We need another thread stating the obvious
-OP, Eternity
I wonder how she'd look in John K's style.
Considering cute girls are the one thing John K can draw without being grotesque in some way I think she'd turn out just fine.
I'd like to give it a try tonight.
Aayy, that'd be pretty cool.
look for SLB on paheal
The CGI stands out badly and there are some digital camera movements that look like garbage.
It's shit
Nah, it was pretty shit all around.
While some parts were animated well (the boys were pretty good throughout the short) other parts felt like the timing was off or sometimes downright lazy (like George just sliding without moving his feet, they should've hidden him better).
The characters did not mesh with the CGI at all.
Lots of times the perspective would change drastically, or the characters would slide out of sync with the camera movement.
The number of cans would change despite them being 3D objects that you wouldn't need to mess with that much.
Hell, George clips through the table at one point, and they didn't even bother to hide the part that was clipping.
Really, the CGI felt like a placeholder that John was to lazy to draw over and just had the placeholder be in the final product.
And that's just on the animation part.
The writing was just unfunny.
There weren't any real jokes, it was just things happening on the screen.
There was no clever word play or really good, well-timed slapstick or anything.
The ending had no punchline. The boys just run away when George opens another can.
I feel like they could've done a little more with that.
Like maybe have that actually be beef stew or something you'd actually want to eat.
I mean, it's still kinda dumb, but it's better than nothing.
All in all, the whole short feels like something done by an amateur, not a veteran who's been in the industry for 30 years.
Youtubers can make something of much better quality and in a much, much shorter amount of time.
I'm sorry user but I just can't bring myself to call this "good" in any capacity.
You can discuss pretty much anything but cartoons and non-cape comics
It's like how Yea Forums's great at talking about anything but video games.
This is everything cans without labels wishes it was. It's animated beautifully, it's funny, and everything a good cartoon should be.
She reminds me of Lum.
overanimated unfunny shit
Go dilate, Yea Forums poster
the fuck does that mean?
Kinda relies too much on big mouth wacky faces.
But that was still pretty enjoyable.
It's fuckin' creatively animated, I'll say that.
Maybe a bit -overanimated-, but it's refreshing compared to most of what comes out now.
Bluehilda's kinda like if the Warden from Superjail were a cute little girl.
>That time SLB starting drawing for /aco/ even though they were leaking his patreon work
>left the board upset as they were still constantly shitting on him
Now he goes in Yea Forums
I think he means how Bluehilda transforms at pretty much every word and how the faces move around a lot and are often exaggerated.
The animation overall is pretty bouncy.
I'm fine with it, especially when so many cartoons these days seem incredibly stiff.
Yea Forumsntrarians will defend anything
Believe it or not, yes.
Can't wait to see Binto and Blop at the end of next decade!
I want Santa Muerte to appear in V&V
How badly do you think they'd fuck it up?
There's some cool visual ideas in it, but the execution destroyed any chance of this being rewatchable in my book.
>turns ancient mexican god into big tiddy space monster
who said they're fucking up anything?
I myself like the reimagining of mesoamerican folklore creatures as sci fi monsters, it certainly is original.
Eh, you're right.
I'm still kinda hung up on Lechuza and Chupacabra.
Those were fucking horribly executed.
They were fucking cuddlebugs and I hated it.
The cadejos and Tzitzimime were admittedly pretty cool.
It has likable aspects, it’s not a complete disaster aside from the production time. Still not his best work in the slightest, and no it’s not better (or much worse) than AT clones.
So this is what the conisuers of cartoons call soul. Guess animation really is dead.
He specifically called it ‘anime rubber hose girl’ it’s probably a Lum clone.
yes. trust me.
Uh... what does Charleen or V&V have to do with this thread?
YES. John K.’s best chance (he will never go back to the mainstream) is investing in the rule 34 community. People make thousands with art way less interesting than his. He draws girls well still.
The word "soul" has been ground into a meaningless buzzword anyway so who cares.
a child would find donald bastard hilarious though
Nothing at all, honestly.
Anyone else think of John K as proto-shadman?
That’s ignoring a lot of the history of the rule 34 community, Fluffy being the biggest bridge.
Fuck I meant Wagner, forgive me paheal gods.
You're a goddamn liar, or a child
I thought Donald Bastard and Cigarettes was funny.
It makes me so sad and confused that everything that John K. had said in this commentary, flew out the window when he did it himself.
The man is a legend with giving pointers and explaining everything is great detail, his voice is also a golden note. Shame that he went downhill so fast so suddenly. I would honestly love to learn more about what he knows, easily an inspiration for me.
>watch it become a cult classic
The biggest enigma. The guy talks all the talk in the world but never manages to pull it off himself.
Nigga don't even joke about that.
“Misunderstood genius”
anybody here know if you can choose what he draws when you ‘commission’ him? I wanna see him draw Lum
Real cute.
I certainly hope you're joking, or at least a shill who doesn't actually believe what you're saying.
This funniest shit is seeing people say this is better than Summer Camp Island because it's edgy garbage. Yea Forums really is a place of stupid people.
As boring as SCI is to me I can at least see how some people can enjoy it as a "comfy" show.
I don't see how anyone can enjoy CWOL in any capacity.
It's not funny, it's definitely not comfy, it's not that edgy, it's not really anything, besides poorly executed.
It's just total nothingness.
SCI is a different kind of garbage
Reminder that Redline took the same amount of time to make
Well, no. There's only one kind of garbage and if it ain't garbage, it's not garbage. I don't give a fuck how triggered you are over the show, it's not bad.
With a higher budget though
That looks pretty cute, bruddah.
Nice job.
Thanks, user. This thread got me in a Charlene mood.
SCI and Cans Without Labels are both garbage, bud
yes, but the point is to put in perspective just how much time 7 years is and how little John "God of Western Animation" Kricfalusi accomplished in that amount of time
amateur animators can make solo animations within 3 years better than what John K managed in 7
he literally reused a segment in his final product. that's just indefensible
That’s cute, John.
Who would just go on the internet to tell lies?
/aco/ doesn't deserve him anyway
Kind of like early-grade Toon Zone, in a way.
You, apparently
no u
>t. Kickstarter backer desperately trying to cope
All the childish crap should be grilled.
Called it
Hearing George swear was quite unsettling.
Not anywhere near as unsettling as that part where he's moaning in expectation of an excuse to spank those boys while the camera for some reason zooms in on his red buttcheeks poking out of his pants. I'm not sure if the guy seems to be more angry or gleeful about punishing those kids.
The more I hear about this shit the more it sounds like this is John using this as some kind of therapy for his fucked up childhood
This entry sounds so much like a cry for help I can´t help but feel bad for the guy.
>Don’t forget about Cans
>If you haven’t seen it yet, you can grab a DVD and see if your upbringing compares to my own.
Christ, this is pathetic...
That's been pretty obvious for a long time. He's mentioned himself that George Liquor is very much influenced by his father, and the Cans Without Labels kickstarter page says that the animation was based on some of his childhood experiences.
The anecdotes he writes about his father are IMO kinda funny to read, but he can't pull them off too well in animated format. Are there people other than John himself who like George Liquor's character or find him funny?
Feel free to recommend another female character.
Ever heard of these back then? Precious Moments. For some reason, they're quite popular in Latin America. The moment I looked at this image of Charlene, this suddenly sprung into my mind. I wouldn't be Surprised if She got bootlegged into merchandise throughout Latin America. she seems like she would make a good mascot for a brand of some sort, instead of being a side character of a moderately mediocre show. This girl has potential for being an unlicensed mascot for something. CN will probably sue but screw' em they're just a bunch of idiotic, corporate, cheating bastards. This turned from John K. Thread to a Charlene Thread. Go Figure
I enjoyed that. Thank you user.
So is this the actual end of John K's career?
Dumb people often confuse showy displays of technical proficiency with the ability to actually provide good content
Might as well try Xochi
She somewhat remains of a Genderbent Aladdin Genie.
Did a character actually try to kill her by eating her and shitting her out in pieces ? That's pretty fucking hardcore
Do this one
Kickstarter when?
Without that there'd be no modern cartoons.
Oh, post has the phrase 'better than' in it, total bait, have a nice life.
The same thing could be said about a lot of the thing he makes.
Dude's so obsessed with his childhood and trying to appease his father in some way.
Flaky from Happy Tree Friends
>"still better than modern cartoons"
where's the lie tho?
Summer Camp Island is not very good
Yeah, our family had a few books and figurines.
I remember the children always looking so sad, even though they were smiling.
It's the teardrop eyes, man. They fucking get to me.
Kinda wanna draw Charlene in that style now.
Typical JohnK, spend years grooming something that's far too underdeveloped.
Hope you're ready to throw out over $100k and get it released by 2029.
Why am I not surprised?
He's a mixed bag for me.
Sometime he knocks it out of the park, and other times his style's too wild and whacky.
Underrated post.
it really depends on the character
His Madam Mim, for example, is diamonds
Here's an obscure favorite.
Get back in your cell, John. Internet time is over.
>is there a market for cartoony drawn porn?
Oh yeah. With his gigantic fanbase Jon K would make a shit ton of money doing that. He can also crowdfund comic books
Had its moments but was kinda drab to be honest.
Whenever I saw this logo at the end of some Spumco made shows. I was wondering who these characters were. up until recent years, I found out they were characters John K. made, named Jimmy the idiot boy, Sody pop and George Liquor, but then it comes to me that when I look closely, I notice something a little subtle. I wonder what Jimmy and Sody are doing behind George? I wonder if they're a little being a naughty together? It seems like Sody is not wearing pants or something. It's quite obvious that John K's Naughty intentions are found subtly within his productions. it just my assumption however but it's not fooling me. John might be shady but you that he's got nothing to hide
> blog resembles something straight from a 90s website archived on waybackmachine
> DNA Collectors
Did anyone else initially think this was a euphemism for "cum dumpster"?
Daddy would you like some canned face?
titmouse animation is underappreciated on Yea Forums
why doesn't he just animate lewds/porn? That can't possibly be "beneath" him, if he's been surviving off of commissions for the last couple decades.
Go back to shitting up Yea Forums, butterfly tripfag
He's just THAT sexually repressed
I would not be surprised if he had sex with his clothes on.
What does he need an assistant for if he’s just blogging and selling shit online? Just admit that she’s a prostitute, John.
He's only able to rein in whatever the fuck's wrong with him when he's drawing cute girls. Any attempt at drawing anything else goes horrifically awry. But he can easily draw a cute girl no problem.
Oh jesus it totally is, isn't it
This was pretty late in the crowdfunding game and WAAAAAY late in the John K game. If you didn't know what you were paying for, then, well, you should have.
Ironic cringe is still cringe
I like John K's girls, same with Katie Rice's.
Aside from having someone to help him ship all the DVDs and such, John just needs someone to help him clean up his image and actually get shit done. Also she isn't a prostitute, her name is Auralynn Nguyen. She's been friends with John and his blogspot buddies for years.
Doesn’t mean he’s not paying her for sex
I certainly did until I actually read it.
That's just so on-the-nose.
>bringing up Katie Rice in a John K thread
>. Also she isn't a prostitute,
Yeah, John gets to fuck her for free.
Google her, or search for the many posts about her on Eddie Fitzgerald's blog
Hm. Yes.
Prime Chinese Tickle Time material!
Does she have downs?
>that bottom image
No she's just Asian
Do her
He's a molester
It's not that strange. The RLM guys are pretty on-point when it comes to film critique, yet, the only things they've ever been able to make themselves are crappy B-movies that pay homage to crappy B-movies or little comedy skits that are basically SNL tier.
I did a whole different take as I was drawing it.
Fetal alcohol syndrome
>Me with John K and his daughter Auralynn
How much 10k?
Shad is self-aware.
Krustyloosey is not.
He’s the Todd McFarlane of cartoons.
Except John K. didn’t fuck over Neil Gaiman.
More like $130k.
Any single Mickey Mouse short.
Its already over. This was an attempted comeback.
amazing how everyone ripped off Mr. Horse.
I'm sure I've seen his design even in a comic made by a Disney artist.
It's usually the case, innit? Music critics are failed musicians and whatnot.
On a related note, Kali worked on some of those
I can't BELIEVE Katie Rice fucked this guy
And that she's nearly 40
And fat
To be fair, you can argue the case.
To be a successful critic you either need to be fully aware of the state of the zeitgeist or how to manipulate it.
That is a different skillset than artistic creation and repetition.
I wouldn’t call her fat, and I think anyone older than Homelanders got screwed up judging the age of things by the Millennium.
Well, John fucked her when she was young, skinny, and from a broken household.
She's fat, dude
maybe 10 pounds less and she'd be great
Apparently she's a character from a proposed TV show that never got off the ground.
I guess John is going to try to pitch this then.
I can only imagine what network would be willing to even have a meeting with him.
Bruh, Sody wears daisy dukes and Jimmy is almost too stupid to breathe. I am almost certain he was originally called Jimmy the Retarded Boy way the fuck back in the day but searches are turning up nothing
Damn you have a way with making John K's gross sketches look really appealing! Love it! He used to preach SO MUCH about appeal on his blog but nothing he's drawn in the last 15 years or so has ever practiced what he preached.
fatfags not welcome
>she loves to service male crew while they're asleep
Ok even knowing John K is a perv I did not expect this.
I really get inspired by his style, honestly. I am curious as to what he'll do on his blog since he's dedicating his time towards it at this point.
I guess in '83 he hadn't built up a "reputation" yet and didn't care as much.
A bit of praise come from the fact that he drew his storyboards with pencil and paper, and that some parts are decently animated, SOME parts, you have to keep a sharp eye out to find it because it's overshadowed by crummy shitty animation.
Are you that Katie Rice stalker? No wonder you're a John K apologist. You got a lot in common.
what happened to fluffy?
Do you have the fan art of the girl from the He-Hog pilot?
>he went downhill so fast so suddenly.
He was a hack who needed a leash back when he had fame too.
Guy is the ultimate proof for animation those that can, do. Those that can't, teach.
>"John K. did all my painting for me, so I just mostly stood around, rubbed his tired shoulders, and told him what a genius he was." - Bill Wray, 2003
I sure do!
I'm surprised he hadn't drawn her younger.
But he can do good animation, or at least used to. Compare the Bjork music video to the one he did for Miley Cyrus, both have a majority of the animation done by him
Yes that's me
One of the things I really wanted in life was a Monroe cartoon