Is it funnier to watch if you're black or if you're white?

Is it funnier to watch if you're black or if you're white?

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Other urls found in this thread:–industrial_complex


If you're black you'll get the references and inside humor way better

If you're white you'll probably get the same amount of enjoyment but for other reasons

It's funniest if you're black, or white and actually understand black culture beyond just what you know from listening to rap and watching mtv.

There is this one teacher that was incredibly based. He even walked us to one of the soda machines at the lunch area to show us the Boondocks. He didn't care about administration but he knew what made a class great.

In that class, there was a teacher teaching us to play with girls. I asked this dude the truth, and he said if he saw any of the girl's toys on us boys would do whatever they wanted.

In that class, there was a teacher teaching us how to masturbate. He actually did that on the spot. I laughed and told him to suck my cock. I felt so bad that the fuck I hadn't masturbated the entire day. Now I'm so horny that I do exactly what this poor asshole was going to teach me.

So I would see these teachers, my mind would wonder what they would do with my cock to keep me in line. What would they do with it?? I knew that he would want to watch me with it right next to him so I gave it away to him, I even went that far in explaining "Just show my friends about this, they will appreciate it", I just laughed at his ignorance. I didn't care about my classmates as I was looking at my teacher and his cock and felt like an idiot trying to impress them.

It makes fun of both black and white culture so it doesn't really matter

I'm a white guy and I loved this show but some of the references went over my head which I imagine black people probably appreciated more

user, I...

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I'm black but live in a 95% white area, I like this show mostly for its liberal bashing mostly (I live in a conservative area, but they still do most of the same Get Out fetishizing.)

It's funnier when you're both.

Considering the amount of salt from whites and somehow thinking that this is an anti white show despite making fun of black people significantly more, it's funnier if you're Black.

I'm white so maybe I don't "get" the show on the same level as a black guy but it's not a completely foreign culture. I find it pretty funny

>hey Huey can I suck your dick?

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She cute. Is she voiced by an actual kid?

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Probably white. Personally i'm black and I fucking love this show to death and white people probably enjoy it too, but the hardcore conservative ones will probably be a bit ignorant on it.

*probably black* i meant

it don't matter if you're black or white

I think self hating blacks would like it the most.

I imagine the intended reaction from white people is how Ed Wuncler's garden party from the first episode reacted to everything.

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Damn, it really do be like that.

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I haven’t heard that to much, most of the time it’s idiots who believe the show is anti black because it spent the majority of its time criticizing black culture. McGruder took on most of America and I can guarantee you he wanted to do some pretty heavy anti white episodes he was just smart enough to realize that his message would’ve been lost in the shuffle if he did. As much as I love the show the mother fucker needed to hire a writing staff, his unwillingness to do so was the shows downfall. As much as I liked seasons 2 and 3 you saw the cracks forming then and if he was able to get a good writers room I’m sure they could’ve done something amazing that would still be on today

Though where’s my black Jesus season three?

you're going to make me a rich man.

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as an oldfag i give that 2/10. C’mon you can do better.

I don't understand...

I missed the Huey-centric episodes where he spewed rhetoric. I get a whole fucking first season of it so that's cool but I really would've appreciated his commentary on other issues. Instead it was just the Riley & Ruckus Power Hour. Which isn't a bad combination because I still got alot of laughs but Huey playing more of a supporting role kinda stunk.

I stare at legalese all day and I can't parse what the fuck this is.

DID black people watch the Boondocks? It seemed like most disliked it because the black characters acted like negative stereotypes to mock them.

user i-

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Pretty sure we were the main audience.

日本人 here.

Having black Safari guide. Sherpa? Tour guide was invaluable.

I would not have guessed that BET chief EEEVIL, or Uncle Ruckus or Country Music Star Mister Rebel, or the Boy who Smokes With Cigarettes, or Are Kelly, or the Booty raping jail prisoner, or pork chopping preacher were all real people.

I have heard of Exhibit, but have never seen him prostitute a car before.

It has greatly improved my efforts to keep it real.

>Wait a minute I'm white hehehe
>Hey! come back here!
>This a perfectly good moment to throw your life away!

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>user derails thread with one of his sad life stories


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if you're black you watch it to laugh at yourself, if you're white you watch it to laugh at black people.

another terrible boondocks thread

Yes? There were tons of cultural things only we'd get. Of course, there were black people who just looked at it as black Family Guy/Simpsons and took the jokes at face value. I had to explain shit to people and make them go "ohhh" more than a few times but that's to be expected with nerd culture.

>For y'all white folks it'll be like a trip to the zoo. But for y'all little niggas it'll be like a trip to the future.

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What about other races you racist zoomer?

I...can't even...

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>Do you think that the black man's plight can be levied by something as simple as an orgasm? Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? If I give into my more baser instincts while there's still oppression out there to be dealt with. Quick sexual gratification is simply a distraction from the bigger picture. If need be I will rub one out, for the revolution. Now put your shirt back on and help me write these protest signs.

t. user who has never met a black person in his life.


Is there something you want to tell us, user? On second thought, don't.

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Uncle Ruckus is a great background character, but other than the one where he meets the confederate singer the episodes centered on him are absolute dogshit



It is so odd how much McGruder pushes him though. Like he tried to get a movie going and everything, what was with that obsession?

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He wanted to do an animated movie but it didn't happen for whatever reason, and you can't really do a live action movie with Huey and Riley because their VA is an adult woman, so there's not much else to work with except Ruckus or maybe Grandad

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But even then if he wanted to do more with the boondocks why did he never bother hiring a proper writing staff? It was always just him with an editor which was great for most of the show but it did cause it to suffer in being bogged down with to many ripped from the head lines plots

The episode about his family was great and explains why he's so fucked up.

In the episode where Riley paints on houses was the last painting granddad when he was younger or was it one of his kids on their wedding day? I always assumed the former but I've seen people think it was the latter.

Because McGruder is either a closeted Uncle Tom or a former one and Ucle Ruckus is his outlet.

It doesn't matter because you can never switch races so you're just blueballing yourself on a fucking cartoon by asking

Grandad's children married each other?

>negative stereotypes

Literally the whole point of the show was to play on how ridiculous the stereotypes are/were. Huey was the voice of reason to let the ignorant white audience understand why so many stereotypes were stupid and unrealistic outside of a cartoon show. The social commentary spoke volumes above anything else that existed at the time in regards to addressing the elephant in the room about racial relations around America.

Yes but that's not the issue here.

I dunno there’s a subtly to ruckus but I can’t find out why’d he want to use him as more than a supporting character

because he's incredibly popular compared to other characters and people obviously would want to see more of him

I hate how easy it is to derail threads in Yea Forums with a single retarded ass ESL post.

Even then though the push for the live action movie exceeds any supplementary character growing into a main cast member. He wanted something from ruckus I just have no idea what


People just want to be added to screenshots.


You know the thing where white people love the boondocks because it allows them to echo their opinions of black culture through the approval of a black creator? Conversely I think McGruder likes Ruckus because it allows him to air out his frustrations with right-wing conservative white people through a ridiculous character he can plead deniability on.


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quintessentially jewish

Only way to compensate for this is to show us your dick, user

He works so well because he is a true antithesis to Huey. Where Huey has a lofty ambition and unreasonably high standards for what the future needs to be he can never accomplish it fully because despite his intelligence he’s incredibly naïve, where ruckus is satisfied with his place in the world he never stops working to make the (white) world a better place.

As much as I love ruckus I still am not sure about what his end goal was, as much as he was a comment on the ludicrous nature of racism there was a real indictment of American culture as a whole, white and black. He was getting to something about it in black Jesus as well but we haven’t seen the end of that either


didn't it get two seasons?

I would’ve preferred a second movie for BD, though the western they’re releasing this year looks pretty good

this, the show didn't really do too much for me but the movie is fucking brilliant

>Is this cartoon about black culture, written by a black person, for an audience of black people, funnier if you're black or white?
gee user i don't know

I'm white and was significantly racist at the time, and loved it. Don't know what you're talking about. It appeals to everyone. Uncle Ruckus was my favorite character.

Dude im white and racist as can be and i fucking adored the boondocks. I can even bring myself to say that I respect it. It points out all the flaws that the american black has tattooed to his character, and asks each and every black if theyre going to be the one to rise above it all and act like an actual human being.

Its the jester speaking truth through comedy. And theyll never change, someone will always through the folding chair.


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He probably realized that's the one he'd get funding for.
Maybe this site has warped my perspective but there's a hell of a lot of people that seem to only tolerate the show because Ruckus gives them ammo and an excuse to say nigger.

It depends on how racist you are, and how many racists you've ever dealt with.

Being white and from Flori-duh, I've learned most Black people act up like shit until they learn they have to pay taxes. Then they either keep at it(much to their detriment and self-destruction) or they grow the fuck up.
Newsflash! The difference between whites and blacks is that whites know they can control their own when they act retarded. We got our retards' shit on lock-down once they try steppin'.

For y'all who were being grown-ass and decent since middle-school, though? You're the only reason why guys like me haven't decided to say "Fuck It!" and raze the whole South to the ground and start moving our way up.

Don't ask me why cops are the way they are, though. I think you have to be a little fucked in the head to want to be a police officer in the first place.

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Its like the "user molests girlfriends dad in his sleep" thread derail all over again.

i know a lot of conservative types who like this show for the "lol, they're stupid and black" factor, so idk.

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>make self-reflective satire
>dipshits hop on and misconstrue the point
It's like watching Clayton Bigsby and thinking "hurr niggers so dumb they'd hate themselves if they were blind"
Chris Rock stopped doing his "Niggas vs. Black People" routine for the same reason.

Granddad and his now-dead wife.

I don’t think he hates Ruckus. Ruckus never seems to get punished for his bigotry very often. He seems like his weird pet character.

OP this question is impossible to answer.

To really know if it's funnier someone would have to live life as both a white and a black person.
Until the technology exists that we can remember all of our past lives this is impossible.

If you enjoy it, you enjoy it, probably best to not overthink it.

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>Ruckus never seems to get punished for his bigotry very often
Yet another user that doesn't get it.
Ruckus' existence *is* his punishment. Despite all his hard work he hates himself, lives in denial, and is forced into a tiny shack on the outskirts of town despite parroting everything that he's supposed to think about blacks.

>Black people act up like shit until they learn they have to pay taxes.
Wait but that's how everyone is like. You Americans are all notorious for your financial irresponsibility. You almost destroyed the fucking world with it.

The thing you have to understand is that American Individualism only applies to whites. That's why they get triggered so hard when you treat them as a monolith but don't think it's weird that they're constantly doing it to everyone else.

>Being white and from Flori-duh,
>Newsflash! The difference between whites and blacks is that whites know they can control their own when they act retarded.
Funny how all the white trash running meth labs escapes your notice

mulattos exist, and they have a love-hate relationship with both races

>they get triggered so hard when you treat them as a monolith
The FUCKING WHITE MALE meme makes sense now. As if it's so ridiculous to consider whites as a social group.

The biggest irony is that they're the ones that invented the group.

Yikes, uh, black fragility much lol

Also is not like todays threads are worth a shit anyways.

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Ain't no such thing as black snow, snowflake.

The dirty snow piled up after being snowplowed is blacker than your diluted 25% white skin, lmfao was white originally? I think you've lost the plot, friend.


>the soul food episode

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>black fragility confirmed


Exaggerated, not unrealistic

Have sex.


I like how these threads always get a handful of black and white anons to get pissy

Blacks treat themselves as a monolith. Most will get mad and question you if you dont subscribe to their culture as a black person. It was part of an episode on the boondocks when Huey didnt care about obama and all the blacks wanted to lynch him for it.

What did he mean by this?

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I love when mixed people feel the need to choose a race instead of realizing they’re neither and basically they’re own race. Why are they like this

lol no they don't.
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Black people are like Asian people in that there's a ton of little subsets based largely on region of origin that people on the outside tend not to notice. If you were to lump in a Nigerian with a black dude from Gerogia he'd be super pissed. Haitians count themselves separately all the time. Hell, why do you think east coast and west coast rappers beef so hard?

People want to belong.

The show is about black Americans, you mega retard.

Add me to the list of people who thought the 'Nigaaah' white teacher and booty warrior were made up until other viewers pointed otherwise.

I figure the Reverand is probably based on someeone too

Sorry. I forgot that immigrants don't exist in your worldview.

He didn’t get funding though, but I bet you an actual animated boondocks movie would’ve gotten the funding. As dickish as Sony was about firing him off the show I can guarantee you if he went in with a movie script they would’ve given it to him.

I love Aaron McGruder but I have no illusions he seems like an asshole, not in a mean spirited way but more in s tired of everyone’s bullshit way. There was a great interview with him on cspan that ended with questions from the public and god damn you could hear how annoyed he was with everybody.

Because you have white family and black family. It would be weird to consider yourself completely separate from your parents' races.

the difference between whites and blacks is that they can pay their way out of going to jail for dumbassery

Only Respectability Blacks hated the Boondocks because it wasn't a clean image of the average Black Family.

They never explicitly say, the guy looks like a young grandad so it could be him and his wife, but it could just as well be his son and Huey and Riley's mom. Her dress and hair look a little too contemporary for it to be his wife so my guess is it's his son and daughter in law, but again, we're never explicitly told.

>Ruckus is subtle
>the DVD commentary by him on the MLK episode has him cackling "Ha ha! Look at that nigga fall down!" during the assassination scene.
>"I'm not one for violence, but that was a great shot."
>"Of course this isn't what really happened. This is all some elaborate negro fantasy. No, but that nigger's dead, and so is his wife, I'm sorry to say, God rest her soul."

That's not what the crime stats say.

Do they stay out of trouble forever, nigga?

As long as they're WASPs or Jewish(Who are both the great minority of the actual whites you meet most every day at Walmart), yes.
Most whites in this country are either Irish, Scottish or non-pureblood, period.

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Everything's race-bait until the real sob-story shows up.

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actually the real difference between blacks and whites is apparently a five-fold incarceration rate, so whites don't even have to pay
>jews are white but irish aren't
you're from a weird part of /pol/

You are a fucking weird one, bro. You saying scottish blood is not white? I don't even care, it's just that that is so fucking mind-blowing I got a nose bleed.

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Well no shit. The 13th amendment allows for slavery under the guise of incarceration. It's totally a coincidence that the former slave race ends up the most incarcerated though!

Australia should be the punk girl. America is the crying baby.

Big if true

god damn I never thought of it that way
are there any candidates running with strong arrest and prison reformation?

>ooga booga deyz enslavdin uss n shiet, ain't got nuthin to do wit me shootin dem niggaz in dat driveby, stealin from da likka sto an rapin dat ol lady, nossuh
Niggers will never ever change and it's sad.

There are hundreds of thousands of nonviolent drug addicts of every color, serving years, working up to 12 hours a day and earning $2/hr at most.
It's economics. Private prisons arrest easy targets-- illegals for example-- lock em up, make em work.

spear chucker

Drug addicts deserve to be locked up, they're no good to anyone.
And dealers deserve to be beheaded.

It's antiblack because nigger culture is fucking trash. Skin color should not relegate you to living second rate.

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He can criticize nigger culture while being satirical and not coming heavy handed as if he did it with Huey. Literally having his chicken bucket and eating it.

Whatever your opinion is on the prisoners, prisons make a mighty profit. Meanwhile, the prison population is growing, sentences are increasing in length.–industrial_complex
Now the worst offenders are the private, for-profit prisons so if you don't get arrested yourself it doesn't really affect you. You can turn a blind eye. I'm just saying there are profitable motivations for arresting as many people as possible, especially poor ones who can't pay bail and druggies who are too addicted to quit. That involves a lot of blacks; in fact, black people are five times as likely to be incarcerated than whites who commit the same drug crime and also get twice the sentence.
So a black guy doesn't need to rape a white bitch to get into prison. It's much easier to get them for drugs, and more profitable than imprisoning white drug offenders with the longer sentences.

Do white people even get arrested for loitering and vagrancy?

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I can't find hard data about it but the answer is probably yes, just at a comparatively lower rate of arrests vs. racial population. There are more white people arrested each year, and they are 64 % of the prison population. but a greater proportion of the black population is arrested.

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Underrated post

underrated post

I'm Irish and there are white people that still think I'm sub-white(sub-human).
Explain that shit to me.

you'll have to remind me who Reverend is but just based on name I'm sure it's an Al Sharpton parody

Where? On /pol/? No one in real life thinks that.

the bottom line is I'm white and you aren't, welcome to /pol/ please leave

Eventually you're going to have to accept the fact that memes can become reality.

You've never met real white racists, have you?
They think anybody who isn't midland British, from the Dutch or Danelands, or Slavic isn't pure.
We honest Celts are considered the mongrels of all whites everywhere.

no shit, irish and italians were everyone's whipping boy until everyone started hating black people instead

Or that some memes are actually based on reality.

Memes can become anecdotes, sure. I've yet to meet anyone in the real world who spews this nonsense in public

That's because they were scummy gangsters and thieves, then they mostly went legit which left only niggers as scummy gangsters and thieves. And Italians and Irish were never considered nonwhite, ever.

>never considered nonwhite, ever
huh, I guess you really aren't from /pol/ then

his name was Rollo and I think he was voiced by Cee Lo green. Because he sounded awfully similar unless i'm remembering him wrong

yes he's voiced by cee lo green and is absolutely an al sharpton parody

>were everyone's whipping boy
[i]Were?[/i] ...shit must be nice, man! SAVE my ass from this crazy place!

>hating on the black people instead

I live in a place where, if you're white and poor, you get hated on worse than the black people and Hispanics. And poor and white(especially after 2008) is the majority of the population.

I wonder how long some of y'all would last down here.
I'm not daring you or anything, I'm just saying I would be morbidly curious to see if even the best of you wouldn't get fucked with within the first day by any of the ass-hats and psychos down here. What race you are doesn't usually matter, but I will say your chances are actually better if you are black, Jewish or a Crackah with some Deutchen-kind blood.

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Considering I don't trust the police and I'm afraid of white people more than black people...I think you're right.

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im neither white nor black and not from the west but couldnt enjoy it that much. maybe it was too american for me. the art is cool.

im not attracted to ghetto/thug life shit even if its comical in other genres either. would like to watch a cartoon depicting it in the early 80s tho. or some funny and crazy shit like afro futurism themed anime. i personally think black characters should be separated from politics or their social positions/situations. it tends to be too american. which is boring unlike japanese anime.

>I live in a place where, if you're white and poor, you get hated on worse than the black people and Hispanics.
How come whenever someone says this they never actually namedrop the place? What are you afraid of?

>And Italians and Irish were never considered nonwhite, ever.
I can't speak for Italians but Irish definitely were. There's even old phrenology charts showing how they're actually black.

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>Hell, why do you think east coast and west coast rappers beef so hard?
Because of petty tribalism based on ingroup/outgroup dynamics rather than any meaningful difference in ideology or behavior. African American popular culture is remarkably homogeneous

I wasn't very familiar with black culture as a kid. It's one of those shows I appreciated more as I got older, it's still a funny show that doesn't rely too heavily on cultural references. You know, like Family Guy does.

>Explain that shit to me.
It was never about skin color per se. Skin color was just a proxy for civilized behavior, which has not historically been exhibited by all societies. Civilizations maintained themselves in part by keeping the barbarians outside the gates so they wouldn't ruin the institutions that underlay complex society. So the perceptions and treatment of various demographic groups depended a lot on how willing and able they were to play along with things like the rule of law and being productive members of society. For another example, the ability of Japanese people to build a country that's generally nice by Western standards is why they're often considered "white" while Chinese people are not. Much of the sentiment against Irish people stems from their refusal to give up Catholicism while under the rule of Protestant polities, and that has become associated with political and casual violence, lack of productivity, and alcoholism. This all comes together to meet the "does not play nice with civilization" consideration outlined above.

....FLORIDA. It's the same all over except for Two Egg. Seriously, pick a city that ain't Two Egg where you think the shit I said ISN'T happening.
Now What?

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>African American popular culture is remarkably homogeneous
No it isn't. Not even close. Every single part of the country has different subsets of culture. West coast blacks are different from southern blacks who are different from east coast blacks who are different from midwest blacks etc. You get crossover when something gets popular but the vibe in all these places are completely different. Different slang, different dress styles, different ways of carrying themselves. You can take the average dude from LA, NY, CHI and Texas, put them in a line up and people would be able to point out where they are from.


>would like to watch a cartoon depicting it in the early 80s tho. or some funny and crazy shit like afro futurism themed anime
You might be interested in MFKZ.

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See? Like I said way back in .

>You can take the average dude from LA, NY, CHI and Texas, put them in a line up and people would be able to point out where they are from.
Only if the person doing the picking was themselves, were black.
There have been studies that show that white people can't even tell the difference between a 12 year old and a 30 year old if they're black.

>starts to get mad
>realizes he's white
>laughs and walks off

Makes me laugh every time.

Ruckus is great.


Well. yeah. That's the issue that pointed out. Individualism only applies to whites. Asians and Latin people get upset when they're mistaken for another race too. Call a Japanese person Chinese and see how angry they get. I had a friend whose family was from El Salvador in High School, he got pissed when people called him Mexican. Mexicans and El Salvadorians used to fight in school all the time.

Dead family member(s).

>You can take the average dude from LA, NY, CHI and Texas, put them in a line up and people would be able to point out where they are from.
So in other words, black communities enforce rigid adherence to stylistic things like slang, dress styles, and ways of carrying themselves, with local variations being very important as ingroup/outgroup identifiers. Meanwhile, the gamut of styles is small compared to the broader culture. There aren't subcultures distinct in the way that, say, fans of country music and rock are distinct, or hipsters are distinct from Mormons.

>So in other words, black communities enforce

>that episode about how Bane broke his father's back

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>So in other words, black communities enforce rigid adherence to stylistic things like slang, dress styles, and ways of carrying themselves, with local variations being very important as ingroup/outgroup identifiers.
Isn't that literally everybody?

that was a fucking horrible movie. Ankama should be bankrupt for that garbage

guineas where and are
but what's wrong with the potato niggers?

>Add me to the list of people who thought the 'Nigaaah' white teacher and booty warrior were made up until other viewers pointed otherwise.

more like underexaggerated

it did but there's no uncensored version of the swears in season 2

>Isn't that literally everybody?
When society is organized along tribal lines, yes. When there are competing groups close enough to be interacted with on a regular basis, the only groups that maintain functional cohesion are the ones that strictly enforce their own identity and practices on their members. This died down with the rise of large nation-states, where everyone nearby was similar enough to get along, and soft enforcement of cultural norms that afforded greater individual freedom was enough to maintain things. Cultures with significant Enlightenment influence tend to base their conceptions of group identity on less personal, more abstract things, which has allowed them to build large, powerful countries with nice internal affairs around ideals like those outlined in the Declaration of Independence. Problems arise when these different levels of group identity meet, since large nation-states build their politics and institutions around the idea that everyone has certain things in common, and is interested in the general welfare to at lease some degree. Tribalism messes that up as some minority groups pursue selfish rather than cooperative game theory strategies because they don't buy into the national identity. The problem lately is that nation-states have been so successful that we've had multiple generations raised without personally needing to guard their civilization and culture against competitors. The idea that civilization is something precious to be guarded has fallen out of the popular consciousness as people don't imagine there being any other way to structure a society.

That’s a anime?

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Fuck off

underrated holy fuck
>In before a wild /pol/tard appears

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Pretty sure that's an edit, right?

R u serious?

God that was such a good fucking episode

R kelly

True even fucking rap music has fucking regional cultures East Coast West Coats Dirty south etc

>You're the only reason why guys like me haven't decided to say "Fuck It!" and raze the whole South to the ground and start moving our way up.

bold of you to assume you would be welcome here


sorry but i dont get it at all. its obviously homogeneous af to foreigners anyway. you are talking like tokyo and osaka and okinawa were totally different thus japanese culture is ethnically or racially diverse. its however totally just nonsense.

wonder why you try hard to push being homogeneous as a bad thing. regardless of your stupid culture war, diversity weakens a culture when it doesnt have the standard of beauty or aesthetics or something like that. the black community or african americans definitely have the common standard. culture just requires it. its like law of nature. its a fact.

>sorry but i dont get it at all.
That's fine. Most people outside of black culture don't get it which is why threads like this pop up. I don't get anything about Japanese culture so I can't respond to that point.

you get it wrong. the "homogeneous" narratives always come from the outside of your community. i mean, its not what you define. its defined by the outsiders. not you. americans say "japanese are homogeneous af, not diverse." it becomes like a fait accompli in the rest of world, regardless of japanese perspective, and then the "homogeneity" is defined. japanese themselves dont define it or arent really aware of it.

this isnt about "i cant tell anything about foreigners and their community/culture" thing. im just pointing out your african american community is as homogeneous as japanese. its the truth.

why do you refuse to being recognized as a member in a homogeneous community? im politically liberal leaning, but id say like "yeah its homogeneous af, its boring, everythings the damn same. fuck that shit"

>why do you refuse to being recognized as a member in a homogeneous community?
Because our community isn't homogeneous and reasons why have been pointed out to you? Why are you trying to force a label on people that doesn't define them?

you are just dodging my point or seems like you just dont want to accept my view as the outsiders view.

its very strange you desperately refuse it despite the fact that you and your community speak in the same language and share the same cultural standards based on the race, and the outsiders cant easily join your community. at least it looks like that to me.

or you should be aware that you arent that open minded. the "diversity" of your community is merely an illusion. its like a fantasy in a cartoon. really wonder why no american liberals can say "fuck this cookie cutter shitty cultural things and soul-destroying lifestyle. fuck the community and all the members. im gonna leave this shithole and go change myself"

>accept my view as the outsiders view.
Dude, that's the entire issue the conversation is based on. People outside of the culture don't understand how diverse it is and lump everyone together. It's like you didn't read the thread. You're saying I'm not open minded which is again, completely missing the point of the discussion.
>speak in the same language
Everyone speaks English, but not everyone speaks the same dialect or slang.

>Commonwealth Country
lmao no.

Cut North and South Florida in half.

Mind you, Latin isn't a race.

Japanese people aren't as genetically homogenous as you'd might think. They're the result of these two groups fucking, a lot.

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I'm black and it just depresses me

Southern everything is different from the rest of america. It's basically a different country

I thought slavs were bottom tier whites

Replying to epic post

The Booty Warrior was based on a guy named Fleece Johnson and some of the quotes from the episode were pulled from an interview he did.

and then there's guy

wow, so that's where yaoi comes from

Hopes and dreams for the supposed new season in the works with aaron Mcgruder being involved?

I just more fung fu fights

Sad Charlie Murphy died so we won't get anymore Ed but hopefully Sam Jackson comes back to play rummy

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I like the show but I think it may be mostly the animation and voice acting selling it. Are the comics themselves worth reading?

Is it supposed to remind me of a black South Park with less kids? because it does


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Blacked and hueypilled.

The Itis is probably my favorite episode of Boondocks as a whole.

To fucking based

Do you acquiesce?

He can express all his contempt for black people while playing it off as a joke, since no one ever believes a black man can truly hate other black people. We do though.

user what even...

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What do people think about the kawaii redesigns in the comics he did a few months ago? I wonder if this is indicative of the new series' look

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It's always funny

>We got our retards' shit on lock-down once they try steppin'.

That’s not what I hear from whites that live in meth country. Just sayin.

I can’t speak for all black people but where I live we send troublemakers to jail because out police actually do their job and our police don’t fuck around because we send them to jail too. So, we don’t have a lot of the problems I see in the media with other black communities.

I had a problem with a trespasser that kept coming on my property a few months ago. I detained her until the police arrived and they gave her a warning that she was trespassed from my property. Problem solved.

>diversity weakens a culture when it doesnt have the standard of beauty or aesthetics or something like that.

Mmmmmm, that’s fucking wrong tho. If there’s no diversity in your culture then it will eventually stagnate and stop improving. If you want onsee truly homogenous groups, go look at primitive cultures that stopped developing thousands of years ago.

There is an astonishing amount of oddly directed self hatred in your community huh? I was talking with an old friend of mine years ago about getting with a black chick and he said he didn’t know if he could stand this affront to his people (I thought he was joking but he said the same thing about dear white people) though every single girl he’s tried to get with has been white. I’ve never even seen him express interest in a black woman. It’s a weird revelation to have as someone whose been brought up in a heavily liberal area

I don’t mind them but I hope they’re not what they’re using for the show. I don’t know how well the Chibi style will mesh in animated form.

Uncle Ruckus’ Purpose is to basically be ignorant or wrong 90% of the time. Yeah, Mcgruder tried to get a movie made but we don’t know what the plot of that movie would be or what type of development Ruckus would get as a character.

It's not that astonishing.
Osmosis happens.

It’s natural. When a girl from A group bangs a guy from B group we instinctively feel like she’s been claimed which is bad.

But when a guy from A group gets a chick from B group we feel like we’ve achieved plunder

The screencap, put me in it.

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what kind of fucking question is that

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I want some more of this but at the same time
I don't dare ask

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Hey man, black don't crack.

I'm just happy to hear Boondocks is coming back to Adult Swim.

The thing I like about the teacher episode was that he wasn't necessarily a villain but was just legitimately confused about why is one word not allowed to bed use but others can.



We have no confirmation if it's coming back to Adult Swim.

why wouldn't it be on Adult Swim?

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Are you implying that Tyra Banks is a Hue?

>American Individualism only applies to whites
It's not whitey's fault you're too weak to stand apart as an individual.

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It doesn't matter because the show is practically educational on and for both ends

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I just realized...

Isn't this show the polar opposite?

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Wait, so if you aren’t white yo are copy pasted like an npc?