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I was waiting for this one.
GRAND... ah, forget it.
I bet if Barney asked politely instead of acting like a cunt, Fred would have just shared his pebbles with his best pal and neighbor
That's bullshit.
Or fred could have gotten his own because they both make the same amount of money despite barney always having more interesting stuff
Fuck those rich assholes and their magic sky castles.
do the kids eating this cereal even know who these characters are?
i dont think CN shows these on the main channel anymore
There probably a chance that is yes, I was introduced to this show at a early age anyway.
You'd be surprised
Kids know who the Flintstones are. They have a life outside of TV you know.
appearing on boxes doesnt tell you much about the characters
They're a family of Cavemen
That's it
You do the math
just give him a bowel of cereal
I still eat that cereal. It's my guilty pleasure along with paying Tom Holland look-alikes for webcam shows.
>paying Tom Holland look-alikes for webcam shows.
Please tell me you're a femanon
I like both the fruity and coco pebbles. They're made out of rice.
fucker can get a job and buy his own damn box
>a bowel of cereal
This isn't Rick & Morty, user.
>A bunny working on a Call Center
He has, the kids keeps stealing his fucking cereals.
he should call a lawyer and get a protection order
I'm a single man in my 40s who enjoys some naked twinks.
Those never work.
Barney, my Pueblos!
He does share on special occassions
I don't know why, but I've always wanted a real show starring Lucky.
I know this is gonna sound bad but am I the only one who had a thing for Pebbles as a toddler?
Whats up with cereal mascots being unable to eat their cereals?
Beat me to it
Beside the Trix rabbit, who else has this problem?
It's bad for their sanity
Rabbit... Rabbit had a hard life.
But if he killed Pebbles, how did she become a teenager?!
Pebbles is the plural form of pebble. God knows how many times Fred Yabba Dabba'd Wilma.
>God knows how many times Fred Yabba Dabba'd Wilma.
Is there an online place to read "Breakfast of the Gods"? It was great.
it's telling that every time they did a poll about whether to let the Trix Rabbit have the cereal or not that kids overwhelmingly voted for him to get it
also someone post the comic where Barney nutted in Fred's cereal
Kids don't do groceries.
Yet grown ups keep on bringing them with them to the store.
Seconding the comic.